Blob Blame History Raw
;; $Id: dbhtml.dsl,v 1.5 2004/10/10 11:55:10 petere78 Exp $
;; This file is part of the Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution.
;; See ../README or

;; ======================================================================
;; HTML Linking...

(define (element-id #!optional (nd (current-node)))
  ;; IDs of TITLEs are the IDs of the PARENTs
  (let ((elem (if (equal? (gi nd)
			  (normalize "title"))
		  (parent nd)
    (if (attribute-string (normalize "id") elem)
	(attribute-string (normalize "id") elem)
	(generate-anchor elem))))

(define (link-target idstring)
  ;; Return the HTML HREF for the given idstring.  For RefEntrys, this is
  ;; just the name of the file, for anything else it's the name of the file
  ;; with the fragment identifier for the specified id.
  (href-to (element-with-id idstring)))

(define (generate-anchor #!optional (nd (current-node)))
  (string-append "AEN" (number->string (all-element-number nd))))

(define (generate-xptr #!optional (nd (current-node)))
  ;; returns the location of the current node in a modified xptr
  ;; syntax.  This used to be used to calculate unique anchor names
  ;; in the HTML document.  all-element-number seems like a better
  ;; way to this function is probably never called anymore.
  (let loop ((suffix "")
	     (nd nd))
    (let ((eid (id nd)))
      (if eid
	  (string-append "I("
			 (if (= (string-length suffix) 0)
			     (string-append "C"
	  (let ((par (parent nd)))
	    (if (not (node-list-empty? par))
		(loop (string-append "("
				     (number->string (child-number nd))
				     (gi nd)
		(string-append (if (= (string-length suffix) 0)

;; ======================================================================
;; HTML output

(define (html-document title-sosofo body-sosofo)
  (let* (;; Let's look these up once, so that we can avoid calculating
	 ;; them over and over again.
	 (prev         (prev-chunk-element))
	 (next         (next-chunk-element))
	 (prevm        (prev-major-component-chunk-element))
	 (nextm        (next-major-component-chunk-element))
	 (navlist      (list prev next prevm nextm))

	 ;; Let's make it possible to control the output even in the
	 ;; nochunks case. Note: in the nochunks case, (chunk?) will
	 ;; return #t for only the root element.
	 (make-entity? (and (or (not nochunks) rootchunk)

	 (make-head?   (or make-entity?
			   (and nochunks
				(node-list=? (current-node)
	  (if make-head?
	      (make element gi: "HTML"
		    (make element gi: "HEAD"
			  (make element gi: "TITLE" title-sosofo)
			  ($standard-html-header$ prev next prevm nextm))
		    (make element gi: "BODY"
			  attributes: (append
				       (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))
			  (header-navigation (current-node) navlist)
			  (footer-navigation (current-node) navlist)))
    (if make-entity?
	(make entity
	  system-id: (html-entity-file (html-file))
	(if (node-list=? (current-node) (sgml-root-element))
	    (make sequence

(define (html-doctype)
   ((and %html-pubid% %html-sysid%)
    (make document-type
      name: "HTML"
      public-id: %html-pubid%
      system-id: %html-sysid%))
    (make document-type
      name: "HTML"
      public-id: %html-pubid%))
    (make document-type
      name: "HTML"
      system-id: %html-sysid%))

(define ($standard-html-header$ #!optional
				(prev  (prev-chunk-element))
				(next  (next-chunk-element))
				(prevm (prev-major-component-chunk-element))
				(nextm (next-major-component-chunk-element)))
  ;; A hook function to add additional tags to the HEAD of your HTML files
  (let* ((info (info-element))
	 (kws  (select-elements (descendants info) (normalize "keyword")))
	 (home (nav-home (current-node)))
	 (up   (parent (current-node))))
    (make sequence
      ;; Add the META NAME=GENERATOR tag
      (make empty-element gi: "META"
	    attributes: (list (list "NAME" "GENERATOR")
			      (list "CONTENT" (stylesheet-version))))

      ;; Add the LINK REV=MADE tag
      (if %link-mailto-url%
	  (make empty-element gi: "LINK"
		attributes: (list (list "REV" "MADE")
				  (list "HREF" %link-mailto-url%)))

      ;; Add the LINK REL=HOME tag
      (if (nav-home? (current-node))
	  (make empty-element gi: "LINK"
		attributes: (append '(("REL" "HOME"))
				    (if (equal? (element-title-string home) 
					 (list "TITLE"
					       (element-title-string home))))
				    (list (list "HREF" (href-to home)))))

      ;; Add the LINK REL=UP tag
      (if (nav-up? (current-node))
	  (if (or (node-list-empty? up)
		  (node-list=? up (sgml-root-element)))
	      (make empty-element gi: "LINK"
		    attributes: (append  '(("REL" "UP"))
					 (if (equal? (element-title-string up)
					      (list "TITLE" 
						    (element-title-string up))))
					 (list (list "HREF" (href-to up))))))

      ;; Add the LINK REL=PREVIOUS tag
      (if (node-list-empty? prev)
	  (make empty-element gi: "LINK"
		attributes: (append '(("REL" "PREVIOUS"))
				    (if (equal? (element-title-string prev) "")
					 (list "TITLE"
					       (element-title-string prev))))
				    (list (list "HREF" (href-to prev))))))

      ;; Add the LINK REL=NEXT tag
      (if (node-list-empty? next)
	  (make empty-element gi: "LINK"
		attributes: (append '(("REL" "NEXT"))
				    (if (equal? (element-title-string next) "")
					 (list "TITLE"
					       (element-title-string next))))
				    (list (list "HREF" (href-to next))))))

      ;; Add META NAME=KEYWORD tags
      (let loop ((nl kws))
	(if (node-list-empty? nl)
	    (make sequence
	      (make empty-element gi: "META"
		    attributes: (list (list "NAME" "KEYWORD")
				      (list "CONTENT" (data (node-list-first nl)))))
	      (loop (node-list-rest nl)))))

      ;; Add LINK REL=STYLESHEET tag
      (if %stylesheet%
	  (make empty-element gi: "LINK"
		attributes: (list (list "REL" "STYLESHEET")
				  (list "TYPE" %stylesheet-type%)
				  (list "HREF" %stylesheet%)))

      ($user-html-header$ home up prev next))))

(define ($user-html-header$ #!optional 
			    (home (empty-node-list))
			    (up (empty-node-list))
			    (prev (empty-node-list))
			    (next (empty-node-list)))
  ;; Add additional header tags.
  (let loop ((tl %html-header-tags%))
    (if (null? tl)
	(make sequence
	  (make empty-element gi: (car (car tl))
		attributes: (cdr (car tl)))
	  (loop (cdr tl))))))

(define ($html-body-start$)

(define ($html-body-content-start$)

(define ($html-body-content-end$)

(define ($html-body-end$)

(define (dingbat usrname)
  ;; Print dingbats and other characters selected by name
  (let ((name (case-fold-down usrname)))
    (case name
      ;; For backward compatibility
      (("copyright")		"(C)")
      (("trademark")		"TM")

      ;; Straight out of Unicode
      (("ldquo")		"\"")
      (("rdquo")		"\"")
      (("lsquo")		"'")
      (("rsquo")		"'")
      (("ldquor")		"\"")
      (("rdquor")		"\"")
      (("raquo")                ">>")
      (("laquo")                "<<")
      (("rsaquo")               ">")
      (("lsaquo")               "<")
      (("nbsp")			" ")
      (("en-dash")		"-")
      (("em-dash")		"--")
      (("en-space")		" ")
      (("em-space")		"  ")
      (("bullet")		"*")
      (("copyright-sign")	"(C)")
      (("registered-sign")	"(R)")
       (let ((err (debug (string-append "No dingbat defined for: " name))))

(define (dingbat-sosofo usrname)
  ;; Print dingbats and other characters selected by name
  (let ((name (case-fold-down usrname)))
    (case name
      ;; For backward compatibility
      (("copyright")		(make entity-ref name: "copy"))
      (("trademark")		(make entity-ref name: "trade"))

      ;; Straight out of Unicode
      (("ldquo")		(literal "\""))
      (("rdquo")		(literal "\""))
      (("lsquo")		"'")
      (("rsquo")		"'")
      (("raquo")                (literal "\""))
      (("laquo")                (literal "\""))
      (("rsaquo")               (literal "\""))
      (("lsaquo")               (literal "\""))
      (("nbsp")			(make entity-ref name: "nbsp"))
      (("en-dash")		(literal "-"))
      (("em-dash")		(literal "--"))
      (("en-space")		(make entity-ref name: "nbsp"))
      (("em-space")		(make sequence
				  (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
				  (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")))
      (("bullet")		(literal "*"))
      (("copyright-sign")	(make entity-ref name: "copy"))
      (("registered-sign")	(literal "(R)"))
       (let ((err (debug (string-append "No dingbat defined for: " name))))
	 (literal "*"))))))

(define (para-check #!optional (place 'stop))
  (let ((inpara (equal? (gi (parent (current-node))) (normalize "para"))))
    (if (and %fix-para-wrappers% inpara)
	(if (equal? place 'stop)
	    (make formatting-instruction data: "&#60;/P>")
	    (make formatting-instruction data: "&#60;P>"))

;; ======================================================================
;; HTML element functions

(define ($block-container$)
  (make element gi: "DIV"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	(make element gi: "A"
	      attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id)))

(define ($paragraph$ #!optional (para-wrapper "P"))
  (let ((footnotes (select-elements (descendants (current-node)) 
				    (normalize "footnote")))
	(tgroup (have-ancestor? (normalize "tgroup"))))
    (make sequence
      (make element gi: para-wrapper
	    attributes: (append
			 (if %default-quadding%
			     (list (list "ALIGN" %default-quadding%))
      (if (or %footnotes-at-end% tgroup (node-list-empty? footnotes))
	  (make element gi: "BLOCKQUOTE"
		attributes: (list
			     (list "CLASS" "FOOTNOTES"))
		(with-mode footnote-mode
		  (process-node-list footnotes)))))))

(define ($indent-para-container$)
  (make element gi: "BLOCKQUOTE"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))

(define ($bold-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  (make element gi: "B"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))

(define ($italic-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  (make element gi: "I"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))

(define ($bold-italic-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  (make element gi: "B"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	(make element gi: "I"

(define ($mono-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  ;; please avoid using this, TT is presentational
  (make element gi: "TT"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))

(define ($code-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  ;; fragments of computer code
  (make element gi: "CODE"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))

(define ($samp-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  ;; sample output from programs, scripts, etc
  (make element gi: "SAMP"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))

(define ($kbd-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  ;; text to be entered by the user
  (make element gi: "KBD"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))

(define ($abbr-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  ;; abbreviated form
  ;; FIXME: html4 only
  (make element gi: "ABBR"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))

(define ($acronym-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  ;; FIXME: html4 only
  (make element gi: "ACRONYM"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))

(define ($var-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  ;; variable or program argument
  (make element gi: "VAR"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))

(define ($italic-mono-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  (make element gi: "TT"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	(make element gi: "I"

(define ($bold-mono-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  (make element gi: "TT"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	(make element gi: "B"

(define ($charseq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
  (make element gi: "SPAN"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))

;; EOF dbhtml.dsl