Blob Blame History Raw
;; $Id: dbcompon.dsl,v 1.8 2003/04/29 05:49:21 adicarlo Exp $
;; This file is part of the Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution.
;; See ../README or

;; ============================= COMPONENTS =============================
;; in docbook, components are containers at the chapter/appendix level

(define ($component$)
   (with-mode head-title-mode 
     (literal (element-title-string (current-node))))

(define ($component-separator$) 
  (if (or (not nochunks) (node-list=? (current-node) (sgml-root-element)))
      (make empty-element gi: "HR")))

(define ($component-body$)
  (let* ((epigraph (let loop ((nl (children (current-node))))
		     (if (node-list-empty? nl)
                         (let ((first-gi (gi (node-list-first nl))))
                           (if (equal? first-gi (normalize "epigraph"))
                               (node-list-first nl)
                               (if (or (equal? first-gi (normalize "title"))
                                       (equal? first-gi (normalize "subtitle"))
                                       (equal? first-gi (normalize "titleabbrev"))
                                       (equal? first-gi (normalize "docinfo"))
                                       (equal? first-gi (normalize "chapterinfo"))
                                       (equal? first-gi (normalize "appendixinfo")))
                                   (loop (node-list-rest nl))
                                   (loop (empty-node-list))))))))
	 (notepigraph (let loop ((nl (children (current-node)))
				 (ch (empty-node-list)))
			(if (node-list-empty? nl)
			    (if (node-list=? (node-list-first nl) epigraph)
				(loop (node-list-rest nl) ch)
				(loop (node-list-rest nl)
				      (node-list ch (node-list-first nl))))))))
    (make element gi: "DIV"
	  attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	  (process-node-list epigraph)
	  (if ($generate-chapter-toc$)
	  (process-node-list notepigraph))))

(define ($component-title$ #!optional (titlegi "H1") (subtitlegi "H2"))
  (let* ((info (cond
		((equal? (gi) (normalize "article"))
		 (node-list-filter-by-gi (children (current-node))
					 (list (normalize "artheader")
					       (normalize "articleinfo"))))
                  (equal? (gi) (normalize "appendix"))
                  (equal? (gi) (normalize "bibliography"))
                  (equal? (gi) (normalize "chapter"))
                  (equal? (gi) (normalize "glossary"))
                  (equal? (gi) (normalize "index"))
                  (equal? (gi) (normalize "preface"))
                  (equal? (gi) (normalize "reference"))
                  (equal? (gi) (normalize "setindex")))
		 (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
	 (exp-children (if (node-list-empty? info)
			   (expand-children (children info) 
					    (list (normalize "bookbiblio") 
						  (normalize "bibliomisc")
						  (normalize "biblioset")))))
	 (parent-titles (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "title")))
	 (titles	(if (node-list-empty? parent-titles)
			    (select-elements exp-children (normalize "title"))
	 (parent-subttl (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "subtitle")))	    
	 (subtitles	(if (node-list-empty? parent-subttl)
			    (select-elements exp-children (normalize "subtitle"))
    (make sequence
      (make element gi: titlegi
	    (make sequence
	      (make element gi: "A"
		  attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id)))
	      (if (and %chapter-autolabel%
		       (or (equal? (gi) (normalize "chapter"))
			   (equal? (gi) (normalize "appendix"))))
		  (literal (gentext-element-name-space (gi))
			   (element-label (current-node))
			   (gentext-label-title-sep (gi)))
	      (if (node-list-empty? titles)
		  (element-title-sosofo) ;; get a default!
		  (with-mode title-mode
		    (process-node-list titles)))))
      (if (node-list-empty? subtitles) 
	  (with-mode subtitle-mode
	    (make element gi: subtitlegi
		  (process-node-list subtitles)))))))

(define ($chapter-toc$)
  ;; Called by the TITLE element so that it can come after the TITLE
  (build-toc (ancestor-member (current-node) (component-element-list))
	      (ancestor-member (current-node) (component-element-list)))

(element appendix ($component$))
(element (appendix title) (empty-sosofo))

(element chapter ($component$))
(element (chapter title) (empty-sosofo))

(element preface ($component$))
(element (preface title) (empty-sosofo))

;; Dedication is empty except in a special mode so that it can be
;; reordered (made to come before the TOCs)...see dbttlpg.dsl
;; Dedication is empty except in a special mode so that it can be
;; reordered (made to come before the TOCs)

(element dedication (empty-sosofo))

(mode dedication-page-mode
  (element dedication
     (with-mode head-title-mode 
       (literal (element-title-string (current-node))))
     (make sequence
  (element (dedication title) (empty-sosofo))

(element colophon ($component$))

;; Articles are like components, except that if they may have much
;; more formal title pages (created with article-titlepage).
(element article
  (let* ((info (node-list-filter-by-gi (children (current-node))
				       (list (normalize "artheader")
					     (normalize "articleinfo"))))
	 (ititle (select-elements (children info) (normalize "title")))
	 (title (if (node-list-empty? ititle)
		    (select-elements (children (current-node)) 
				     (normalize "title"))
		    (node-list-first ititle)))
	 (tsosofo (with-mode head-title-mode
		    (process-node-list title)))
	 (nl   (titlepage-info-elements (current-node) info)))
     (make element gi: "DIV"
	   attributes: '(("CLASS" "ARTICLE"))
	   (if %generate-article-titlepage%
	       (make sequence
		 (article-titlepage nl 'recto)
		 (article-titlepage nl 'verso))

	   (if (not (generate-toc-in-front))
	   (if %generate-article-toc%
	       (make sequence
		 (build-toc (current-node)
			    (toc-depth (current-node))))
	   (let loop ((gilist ($generate-article-lot-list$)))
	     (if (null? gilist)
		 (if (not (node-list-empty?
			   (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
					    (car gilist))))
                          (make sequence
			    (build-lot (current-node) (car gilist))
			    (loop (cdr gilist)))
                          (loop (cdr gilist)))))

	   (if (generate-toc-in-front)

(element (article title) (empty-sosofo))

(element (article appendix) ($section$)) ;; this is a special case