Blob Blame History Raw
;; $Id: dbbibl.dsl,v 1.5 2003/01/15 08:24:13 adicarlo Exp $
;; This file is part of the Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution.
;; See ../README or

;; ......................... BIBLIOGRAPHY PARAMS .........................

;; these should be in dbparam...
(define %biblsep% ", ")
(define %biblend% ".")
(define bibltable #f)

(define (bibliography-table) 
  (let* ((bibliography (ancestor-member (current-node) 
					(list (normalize "bibliography"))))
	 (biblpi       (dbhtml-value bibliography "bibliography-format")))
    (and (or bibltable (equal? biblpi "table"))
	 (not (equal? biblpi "list")))))

(define %biblioentry-in-entry-order% #t)

;; .................... BIBLIOGRAPHY and BIBLIODIV ......................

(define (bibliography-content)
  ;; Note that the code below works for both the case where the bibliography
  ;; has BIBLIODIVs and the case where it doesn't, by the slightly subtle
  ;; fact that if it does, then allentries will be (empty-node-list).
  (let* ((allbibcontent (children (current-node)))
	 (prebibcontent (node-list-filter-by-not-gi 
			 (list (normalize "biblioentry")
			       (normalize "bibliomixed"))))
	 (allentries    (node-list-filter-by-gi 
			 (list (normalize "biblioentry")
			       (normalize "bibliomixed"))))
	 (entries       (if biblio-filter-used
			    (biblio-filter allentries)
    (make sequence
      (process-node-list prebibcontent)
      (if (bibliography-table)
	  (make element gi: "TABLE"
		attributes: '(("BORDER" "0"))
		(process-node-list entries))
	  (process-node-list entries)))))

(element (book bibliography)
  (let ((title         (element-title-sosofo (current-node)))
	(body          (make sequence
			 (make element gi: "A"
			       attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id)))
    (html-document title body)))

(element (article bibliography)
  (let ((title         (element-title-sosofo (current-node)))
	(body          (make sequence
			 (make element gi: "A"
			       attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id)))
    (html-document title body)))

(element bibliography
  ;; A bibliography that's inside something else...or root
  (if (sgml-root-element? (current-node))
      (let ((title         (element-title-sosofo (current-node)))
	    (body          (make sequence
			     (make element gi: "A"
				   attributes: (list (list "NAME"
	(html-document title body))
      (let* ((sect   (ancestor-member (current-node) 
				      (append (section-element-list)
	     (hlevel (+ (SECTLEVEL sect) 1))
	     (helem  (string-append "H" (number->string (+ hlevel 1)))))
	(make sequence
	  (make element gi: helem
		(make element gi: "A"
		      attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id)))
		      (element-title-sosofo (current-node))))
(element (bibliography title) (empty-sosofo))

(element bibliodiv
  (let* ((allentries (node-list-filter-by-gi (children (current-node))
					     (list (normalize "biblioentry")
						   (normalize "bibliomixed"))))
	 (entries (if biblio-filter-used
		      (biblio-filter allentries)
    (if (and biblio-filter-used (node-list-empty? entries))
	(make sequence
	  (if (bibliography-table)
	      (make element gi: "TABLE"
		    attributes: '(("BORDER" "0"))
		    (process-node-list entries))
	      (process-node-list entries))))))

(element (bibliodiv title) (empty-sosofo))

;; ..................... BIBLIOGRAPHY ENTRIES .........................

(define (biblioentry-inline-sep node rest)
  ;; Output the character that should separate inline node from rest
   ((and (equal? (gi node) (normalize "title"))
	 (equal? (gi (node-list-first rest)) (normalize "subtitle")))
    (make element gi: "I"
	  (literal ": ")))
    (literal %biblsep%))))

(define (biblioentry-inline-end blocks)
  ;; Output the character that should occur at the end of inline
  (literal %biblend%))

(define (biblioentry-block-sep node rest)
  ;; Output the character that should separate block node from rest

(define (biblioentry-block-end)
  ;; Output the character that should occur at the end of block

(define (nontable-biblioentry 
	 xreflabel leading-abbrev inline-children block-children)
  (let ((has-leading-abbrev?
	 (not (or (node-list-empty? leading-abbrev) biblio-number))))
    (make element gi: "DIV"
	  attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	  (make element gi: "A"
		attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id)))
	  (make element gi: "P"
		(if (or biblio-number xreflabel has-leading-abbrev?)
		    (make sequence
		      (literal "[")
		      (if biblio-number 
			  (literal (number->string (bibentry-number 
		      (if xreflabel
			  (literal xreflabel)
		      (if has-leading-abbrev?
			  (with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode 
			    (process-node-list leading-abbrev))
		      (literal "]")
		      (make entity-ref name: "nbsp"))

		(let loop ((nl inline-children))
		  (if (node-list-empty? nl)
		      (make sequence
			(with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode
			  (process-node-list (node-list-first nl)))
			(if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
			    (biblioentry-inline-end block-children)
			    (biblioentry-inline-sep (node-list-first nl)
						    (node-list-rest nl)))
			(loop (node-list-rest nl))))))
	  (make element gi: "DIV"
		attributes: '(("CLASS" "BIBLIOENTRYBLOCK")
			      ("STYLE" "margin-left: 0.5in"))
		(let loop ((nl block-children))
		  (if (node-list-empty? nl)
		      (make sequence
			(with-mode biblioentry-block-mode
			  (process-node-list (node-list-first nl)))
			(if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
			    (biblioentry-block-sep (node-list-first nl)
						   (node-list-rest nl)))
			(loop (node-list-rest nl)))))))))

(define (table-biblioentry 
	 xreflabel leading-abbrev inline-children block-children)
  (let ((has-leading-abbrev? 
	 (not (or (node-list-empty? leading-abbrev) biblio-number))))
    (make element gi: "TR"
	  (make element gi: "TD"
		attributes: '(("ALIGN" "LEFT")
			      ("VALIGN" "TOP")
			      ("WIDTH" "10%"))
		(make element gi: "A"
		      attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id)))
		(if (or biblio-number xreflabel has-leading-abbrev?)
		    (make sequence
		      (literal "[")

		      (if biblio-number 
			  (literal (number->string (bibentry-number 
		      (if xreflabel
			  (literal xreflabel)
		      (if has-leading-abbrev?
			  (with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode 
			    (process-node-list leading-abbrev))
		      (literal "]"))
		    (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")))

	  (make element gi: "TD"
		attributes: '(("ALIGN" "LEFT")
			      ("VALIGN" "TOP")
			      ("WIDTH" "90%"))
		(make element gi: "P"
		      (let loop ((nl inline-children))
			(if (node-list-empty? nl)
			    (make sequence
			      (with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode
				(process-node-list (node-list-first nl)))
			      (if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
				  (biblioentry-inline-end block-children)
				  (biblioentry-inline-sep (node-list-first nl)
							  (node-list-rest nl)))
			      (loop (node-list-rest nl))))))
		(let loop ((nl block-children))
		  (if (node-list-empty? nl)
		      (make sequence
			(with-mode biblioentry-block-mode
			  (process-node-list (node-list-first nl)))
			(if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
			    (biblioentry-block-sep (node-list-first nl)
						   (node-list-rest nl)))
			(loop (node-list-rest nl)))))

		(if (node-list-empty? block-children)
		    (make element gi: "P"
			  ;; get the table row spacing right

(element biblioentry
  (let* ((expanded-children   (expand-children 
			       (children (current-node))
	 (all-inline-children (if %biblioentry-in-entry-order%
	 (block-children      (if %biblioentry-in-entry-order%
	 (leading-abbrev      (if (equal? (normalize "abbrev")
					  (gi (node-list-first 
				  (node-list-first all-inline-children)
	 (inline-children     (if (node-list-empty? leading-abbrev)
				  (node-list-rest all-inline-children)))
	 (has-leading-abbrev? (not (node-list-empty? leading-abbrev)))
	 (xreflabel           (if (or has-leading-abbrev? biblio-number)
				  (attribute-string (normalize "xreflabel")))))
    (if (bibliography-table)
	(table-biblioentry xreflabel leading-abbrev inline-children block-children)
	(nontable-biblioentry xreflabel leading-abbrev inline-children block-children))))

(mode biblioentry-inline-mode
  (element abbrev
    (make sequence

  (element affiliation
    (let ((inline-children (node-list-filter-by-not-gi 
			    (children (current-node))
			    (list (normalize "address")))))
      (let loop ((nl inline-children))
	(if (node-list-empty? nl)
	    (make sequence
	      (process-node-list (node-list-first nl))
	      (if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
		  (literal ", "))
	      (loop (node-list-rest nl)))))))

  (element artpagenums
    (make sequence

  (element author
    (make element gi: "SPAN"
	  attributes: '(("CLASS" "AUTHOR"))
	  (literal (author-list-string))))

  (element authorgroup

  (element authorinitials
    (make sequence

  (element collab
    (let* ((nl (children (current-node)))
	   (collabname (node-list-first nl))
	   (affil (node-list-rest nl)))
      (make sequence
	(process-node-list collabname)
	(if (node-list-empty? affil)
	    (let loop ((nl affil))
	      (if (node-list-empty? nl)
		  (make sequence
		    (literal ", ")
		    (process-node-list (node-list-first nl))
		    (loop (node-list-rest nl)))))))))

  (element (collab collabname)

  (element confgroup
    (let ((inline-children (node-list-filter-by-not-gi 
			    (children (current-node))
			    (list (normalize "address")))))
      (let loop ((nl inline-children))
	(if (node-list-empty? nl)
	    (make sequence
	      (process-node-list (node-list-first nl))
	      (if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
		  (literal ", "))
	      (loop (node-list-rest nl)))))))

  (element contractnum

  (element contractsponsor

  (element contrib

  (element copyright
    ;; Just print the year(s)
    (let ((years (select-elements (children (current-node))
				  (normalize "year"))))
      (process-node-list years)))

  (element (copyright year)
    (make sequence
      (if (not (last-sibling? (current-node)))
	  (literal ", ")

  (element corpauthor
    (make sequence

  (element corpname
    (make sequence

  (element date
    (make sequence

  (element edition
    (make sequence

  (element editor
    (make element gi: "SPAN"
	  attributes: '(("CLASS" "EDITOR"))
	  (if (first-sibling?) 
	      (make sequence
		(literal (gentext-edited-by))
		(literal " "))
	  (literal (author-list-string))))

  (element firstname
    (make sequence

  (element honorific
    (make sequence

  (element invpartnumber
    (make sequence

  (element isbn
    (make sequence

  (element issn
    (make sequence

  (element issuenum
    (make sequence

  (element lineage
    (make sequence

  (element orgname
    (make sequence

  (element othercredit
    (make element gi: "SPAN"
	  attributes: '(("CLASS" "OTHERCREDIT"))
	  (literal (author-list-string))))

  (element othername
    (make sequence

  (element pagenums
    (make sequence

  (element productname
    (make sequence
; this is actually a problem since "trade" is the default value for
; the class attribute. we can put this back in in DocBook 5.0, when
; class becomes #IMPLIED
;      (if (equal? (attribute-string "class") (normalize "trade"))
;	  (dingbat-sosofo "trademark")
;	  (empty-sosofo))

  (element productnumber
    (make sequence

  (element pubdate
    (make sequence

  (element publisher
    (let ((pubname (select-elements (children (current-node))
				    (normalize "publishername")))
	  (cities  (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
				    (normalize "city"))))
    (make sequence
      (process-node-list pubname)
      (if (node-list-empty? cities)
	  (literal ", "))
      (process-node-list cities))))

  (element publishername
    (make sequence

  (element (publisher address city)
    (make sequence
      (if (not (last-sibling? (current-node)))
	  (literal ", ")

  (element pubsnumber
    (make sequence

  (element releaseinfo
    (make sequence

  (element seriesvolnums
    (make sequence

  (element subtitle
    (make element gi: "I"

  (element surname
    (make sequence

  (element title
    (make element gi: "I"

  (element titleabbrev
    (make sequence

  (element volumenum
    (make sequence

  (element (bibliomixed title) 
      (make element gi: "I"
  (element (bibliomixed subtitle) 
    (make element gi: "I"

  (element (biblioset title)
    (let ((rel (case-fold-up 
		(inherited-attribute-string (normalize "relation")))))
       ((equal? rel "ARTICLE") (make sequence
				 (literal (gentext-start-quote))
				 (literal (gentext-end-quote))))
       (else (make element gi: "I"

  (element (bibliomset title)
    (let ((rel (case-fold-up 
		(inherited-attribute-string (normalize "relation")))))
       ((equal? rel "ARTICLE") (make sequence
				 (literal (gentext-start-quote))
				 (literal (gentext-end-quote))))
       (else        (make element gi: "I"

(mode biblioentry-block-mode
  (element abstract
    (make element gi: "DIV"
	  attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))

  (element (abstract title)
    (make element gi: "P"
	  (make element gi: "B"

  (element address
    ($linespecific-display$ %indent-address-lines% %number-address-lines%))

  (element authorblurb
    (make element gi: "DIV"
	  attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))

  (element printhistory
    (make element gi: "DIV"
	  attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))

  (element revhistory
    (make element gi: "DIV"
	  attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	  (make element gi: "TABLE"
		attributes: (list
			     (list "WIDTH" ($table-width$))
			     (list "BORDER" "0"))
		(make sequence
		  (make element gi: "TR"
			(make element gi: "TH"
			      attributes: '(("ALIGN" "LEFT") 
					    ("VALIGN" "TOP")
					    ("COLSPAN" "3"))
			      (make element gi: "B"
				    (literal (gentext-element-name 
					      (gi (current-node)))))))
  (element (revhistory revision)
    (let ((revnumber (select-elements (descendants (current-node)) 
				      (normalize "revnumber")))
	  (revdate   (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
				      (normalize "date")))
	  (revauthor (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
				      (normalize "authorinitials")))
	  (revremark (node-list-filter-by-gi
		      (descendants (current-node))
		      (list (normalize "revremark")
			    (normalize "revdescription")))))
      (make sequence
	(make element gi: "TR"
	      (make element gi: "TD"
		    attributes: (list
				 (list "ALIGN" "LEFT"))
		    (if (not (node-list-empty? revnumber))
			(make sequence
			  (literal (gentext-element-name-space 
				    (gi (current-node))))
			  (process-node-list revnumber))
	      (make element gi: "TD"
		    attributes: (list
				 (list "ALIGN" "LEFT"))
		    (if (not (node-list-empty? revdate))
			(process-node-list revdate)
	      (make element gi: "TD"
		    attributes: (list
				 (list "ALIGN" "LEFT"))
		    (if (not (node-list-empty? revauthor))
			(make sequence
			  (literal (gentext-revised-by))
			  (process-node-list revauthor))
	(make element gi: "TR"
	      (make element gi: "TD"
		    attributes: (list
				 (list "ALIGN" "LEFT")
				 (list "COLSPAN" "3"))
		    (if (not (node-list-empty? revremark))
			(process-node-list revremark)

  (element (revision revnumber) (process-children-trim))
  (element (revision date) (process-children-trim))
  (element (revision authorinitials) (process-children-trim))
  (element (revision revremark) (process-children-trim))
  (element (revision revdescription) (process-children))

  (element seriesinfo
    ;; This is a nearly biblioentry recursively...
    (let* ((expanded-children   (expand-children 
				 (children (current-node))
	   (all-inline-children (if %biblioentry-in-entry-order%
	   (block-children      (if %biblioentry-in-entry-order%
	   (inline-children     all-inline-children))
      (make element gi: "DIV"
	    attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	    (make element gi: "P"
		  (let loop ((nl inline-children))
		    (if (node-list-empty? nl)
			(make sequence
			  (with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode
			    (process-node-list (node-list-first nl)))
			  (if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
			      (biblioentry-inline-end block-children)
			      (biblioentry-inline-sep (node-list-first nl)
						      (node-list-rest nl)))
			  (loop (node-list-rest nl))))))
	    (make element gi: "DIV"
		  attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))
		  (let loop ((nl block-children))
		    (if (node-list-empty? nl)
			(make sequence
			  (with-mode biblioentry-block-mode
			    (process-node-list (node-list-first nl)))
			  (if (node-list-empty? (node-list-rest nl))
			      (biblioentry-block-sep (node-list-first nl)
						     (node-list-rest nl)))
			  (loop (node-list-rest nl)))))))))

(define (nontable-bibliomixed 
	 xreflabel leading-abbrev inline-children)
  (let* ((has-leading-abbrev? (not (node-list-empty? leading-abbrev))))
    (make element gi: "DIV"
	  attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	  (make element gi: "A"
		attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id)))
	  (make element gi: "P"
		attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))

		(if (or biblio-number xreflabel has-leading-abbrev?)
		    (make sequence
		      (literal "[")

		      (if biblio-number 
			  (literal (number->string (bibentry-number 
		      (if xreflabel
			  (literal xreflabel)
		      (if has-leading-abbrev?
			  (with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode 
			    (process-node-list leading-abbrev))

		      (literal "]")
		      (make entity-ref name: "nbsp"))
		(with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode
		  (process-node-list inline-children))))))

(define (table-bibliomixed 
	 xreflabel leading-abbrev inline-children)
  (let* ((has-leading-abbrev? (not (node-list-empty? leading-abbrev))))
    (make element gi: "TR"
	  (make element gi: "TD"
		attributes: '(("ALIGN" "LEFT")
			      ("VALIGN" "TOP")
			      ("WIDTH" "10%"))
		(make element gi: "A"
		      attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id)))

		(if (or biblio-number xreflabel has-leading-abbrev?)
		    (make sequence
		      (literal "[")

		      (if biblio-number 
			  (literal (number->string (bibentry-number 
		      (if xreflabel
			  (literal xreflabel)
		      (if has-leading-abbrev?
			  (with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode 
			    (process-node-list leading-abbrev))

		      (literal "]"))
		    (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")))

	  (make element gi: "TD"
		attributes: '(("ALIGN" "LEFT")
			      ("VALIGN" "TOP")
			      ("WIDTH" "90%"))
		(with-mode biblioentry-inline-mode
		  (process-node-list inline-children))))))

(element bibliomixed 
  (let* ((all-inline-children (children (current-node)))
	 (leading-abbrev      (if (equal? (normalize "abbrev")
					  (gi (node-list-first 
				  (node-list-first all-inline-children)
	 (inline-children     (if (node-list-empty? leading-abbrev)
				  (node-list-rest all-inline-children)))
	 (has-leading-abbrev? (not (node-list-empty? leading-abbrev)))
	 (xreflabel           (if (or has-leading-abbrev? biblio-number)
				  (attribute-string (normalize "xreflabel")))))
    (if (bibliography-table)
	(table-bibliomixed xreflabel leading-abbrev inline-children)
	(nontable-bibliomixed xreflabel leading-abbrev inline-children))))

;; ....................... BIBLIOGRAPHY ELEMENTS .......................

;; These are element construction rules for bibliography elements that 
;; may occur outside of a BIBLIOENTRY or BIBLIOMIXED.

(element bibliomisc (process-children))
(element bibliomset (process-children))
(element biblioset (process-children))
(element bookbiblio (process-children))

(element street ($charseq$))
(element pob ($charseq$))
(element postcode ($charseq$))
(element city ($charseq$))
(element state ($charseq$))
(element country ($charseq$))
(element phone ($charseq$))
(element fax ($charseq$))
(element otheraddr ($charseq$))
(element affiliation ($charseq$))
(element shortaffil ($charseq$))
(element jobtitle ($charseq$))
(element orgdiv ($charseq$))
(element artpagenums ($charseq$))

(element author
  (make sequence
    (literal (author-list-string))))

(element authorgroup (process-children))

(element collab (process-children))
(element collabname ($charseq$))
(element authorinitials ($charseq$))
(element confgroup (process-children))
(element confdates ($charseq$))
(element conftitle ($charseq$))
(element confnum ($charseq$))
(element confsponsor ($charseq$))
(element contractnum ($charseq$))
(element contractsponsor ($charseq$))

(element copyright
  (make sequence
    (literal (gentext-element-name (gi (current-node))))
    (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
    (dingbat-sosofo "copyright")
    (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")

(element year
  (make sequence
    (if (not (last-sibling? (current-node)))
	(literal ", ")
	(literal " "))))

(element holder ($charseq$))

(element corpauthor
  (make sequence
    (literal (author-list-string))))

(element corpname ($charseq$))
(element date ($charseq$))
(element edition ($charseq$))
(element editor ($charseq$))
(element isbn ($charseq$))
(element issn ($charseq$))
(element invpartnumber ($charseq$))
(element issuenum ($charseq$))

(element legalnotice ($semiformal-object$))
(element (legalnotice title) (empty-sosofo))

(element modespec (empty-sosofo))

(element orgname ($charseq$))

(element othercredit
  (make sequence
    (literal (author-list-string))))

(element pagenums ($charseq$))
(element contrib ($charseq$))

(element firstname ($charseq$))
(element honorific ($charseq$))
(element lineage ($charseq$))
(element othername ($charseq$))
(element surname ($charseq$))

(element printhistory (empty-sosofo))

  (element productname
    (make sequence
; this is actually a problem since "trade" is the default value for
; the class attribute. we can put this back in in DocBook 5.0, when
; class becomes #IMPLIED
;      (if (equal? (attribute-string "class") (normalize "trade"))
;	  (dingbat-sosofo "trademark")
;	  (empty-sosofo))

(element productnumber ($charseq$))
(element pubdate ($charseq$))
(element publisher (process-children))
(element publishername ($charseq$))
(element pubsnumber ($charseq$))
(element releaseinfo (empty-sosofo))
(element revision ($charseq$))
(element revnumber ($charseq$))
(element revremark ($charseq$))
(element revdescription ($block-container$))
(element seriesvolnums ($charseq$))
(element volumenum ($charseq$))

(element (bookbiblio revhistory) ($book-revhistory$))

;; The (element (bookinfo revhistory)) construction rule is in dbinfo.dsl
;; It calls $book-revhistory$...
(define ($book-revhistory$)
  (make element gi: "DIV"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	(make element gi: "TABLE"
	      attributes: (list
			   (list "WIDTH" ($table-width$))
			   (list "BORDER" "0"))
	      (make sequence
		(make element gi: "TR"
		      (make element gi: "TH"
			    attributes: '(("ALIGN" "LEFT") 
					  ("VALIGN" "TOP")
					  ("COLSPAN" "3"))
			    (make element gi: "B"
				  (literal (gentext-element-name 
					    (gi (current-node)))))))

(element (revhistory revision)
  (let ((revnumber (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
				    (normalize "revnumber")))
	(revdate   (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
				    (normalize "date")))
	(revauthor (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
				    (normalize "authorinitials")))
	(revremark (node-list-filter-by-gi
		    (descendants (current-node))
		    (list (normalize "revremark")
			  (normalize "revdescription")))))
    (make sequence
      (make element gi: "TR"
	(make element gi: "TD"
	      attributes: (list
			   (list "ALIGN" "LEFT"))
	      (if (not (node-list-empty? revnumber))
		  (make sequence
		    (literal (gentext-element-name-space 
			      (gi (current-node))))
		    (process-node-list revnumber))
	(make element gi: "TD"
	      attributes: (list
			   (list "ALIGN" "LEFT"))
	      (if (not (node-list-empty? revdate))
		  (process-node-list revdate)
	(make element gi: "TD"
	      attributes: (list
			   (list "ALIGN" "LEFT"))
	      (if (not (node-list-empty? revauthor))
		  (make sequence
		    (literal (gentext-revised-by))
		    (process-node-list revauthor))
	(make element gi: "TR"
	    (make element gi: "TD"
		  attributes: (list
			       (list "ALIGN" "LEFT")
			       (list "COLSPAN" "3"))
		  (if (not (node-list-empty? revremark))
		      (process-node-list revremark)

(element (revision revnumber) (process-children-trim))
(element (revision date) (process-children-trim))
(element (revision authorinitials) (process-children-trim))
(element (revision revremark) (process-children-trim))