Blob Blame History Raw
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<!-- See -->
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<!ENTITY Abstract        "Abstrakt">
<!ENTITY abstract        "Abstrakt">
<!ENTITY Answer          "Odp:">
<!ENTITY answer          "Odp:">
<!ENTITY Appendix        "Dodatek">
<!ENTITY appendix        "dodatek">
<!ENTITY Article         "Artyku\U-0142;">
<!ENTITY article         "Artyku\U-0142;">
<!ENTITY Bibliography    "Bibliografia">
<!ENTITY bibliography    "Bibliografia">
<!ENTITY Book            "Ksi\U-0105;\U-017C;ka">
<!ENTITY book            "Ksi\U-0105;\U-017C;ka">
<!ENTITY Caution         "Uwaga!">
<!ENTITY caution         "Uwaga!">
<!ENTITY Chapter         "Rozdzia\U-0142;">
<!ENTITY chapter         "rozdzia\U-0142;;">
<!ENTITY Colophon        "Colophon">
<!ENTITY colophon        "Colophon">
<!ENTITY Copyright       "Copyright">
<!ENTITY copyright       "Copyright">
<!ENTITY Dedication      "Dedykacja">
<!ENTITY dedication      "Dedykacja">
<!ENTITY Edition         "Wydanie">
<!ENTITY edition         "Wydanie">
<!ENTITY Equation        "R\U-00F3;wnanie">
<!ENTITY equation        "R\U-00F3;wnanie">
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<!ENTITY example         "Przyk\U-0142;ad">
<!ENTITY Figure          "Rysunek">
<!ENTITY figure          "Rysunek">
<!ENTITY Glossary        "Glossary">
<!ENTITY glossary        "Glossary">
<!ENTITY GlossSee        "Patrz">
<!ENTITY glosssee        "Patrz">
<!ENTITY GlossSeeAlso    "Patrz te\U-017C;">
<!ENTITY glossseealso    "Patrz te\U-017C;">
<!ENTITY Important       "WA\U-017B;NE">
<!ENTITY important       "WA\U-017B;NE">
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<!ENTITY index           "Indeks">
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<!ENTITY isbn            "ISBN">
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<!ENTITY note            "Notatka">
<!ENTITY Part            "Cz\U-0119;\U-015B;\U-0107;">
<!ENTITY part            "Cz\U-0119;\U-015B;\U-0107;">
<!ENTITY Preface         "Przedmowa">
<!ENTITY preface         "Przedmowa">
<!ENTITY Procedure       "Procedura">
<!ENTITY procedure       "Procedura">
<!ENTITY ProductionSet   "Production">
<!ENTITY Published       "Data wydania">
<!ENTITY published       "Data wydania">
<!ENTITY question        "Pyt:">
<!ENTITY Question        "Pyt:">
<!ENTITY RefEntry        "">
<!ENTITY refentry        "">
<!ENTITY Reference       "Materia\U-0142;y \U-017A;r\U-00F3;d\U-0142;owe">
<!ENTITY reference       "Materia\U-0142;y \U-017A;r\U-00F3;d\U-0142;owe">
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<!ENTITY refname         "Nazwa">
<!ENTITY RefSection      "">
<!ENTITY refsection      "">
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<!ENTITY refsynopsisdiv  "Synopsis">
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<!ENTITY revhistory      "Historia zmian">
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<!ENTITY revision        "Zmiana">
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<!ENTITY sect4           "Section">
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<!ENTITY see             "Patrz">
<!ENTITY SeeAlso         "Patrz te\U-017C;">
<!ENTITY Seealso         "Patrz te\U-017C;">
<!ENTITY seealso         "Patrz te\U-017C;">
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<!ENTITY set             "Set">
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<!ENTITY setindex        "Indeks">
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<!ENTITY tip             "Podpowied\U-017A;">
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<!ENTITY Warning         "Ostrze\U-017C;enie">
<!ENTITY warning         "Ostrze\U-017C;enie">
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<!ENTITY editedby        "Redakcja: ">
<!ENTITY in              "w">
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<!ENTITY listcomma       ",">
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<!ENTITY Notes           "Przypisy">
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<!ENTITY pgs             "stron">
<!ENTITY Revisedby       "Revised by: ">
<!ENTITY revisedby       "Revised by: ">
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<!ENTITY tablenotes      "Przypisy">
<!ENTITY TableofContents "Spis tre\U-015B;ci">
<!ENTITY tableofcontents "Spis tre\U-015B;ci">
<!ENTITY unexpectedelementname "Unexpected element name">
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<!ENTITY xrefto          "xref to">
<!ENTITY listofequations "Spis r\U-00F3;wna\U-0144;">
<!ENTITY ListofEquations "Spis r\U-00F3;wna\U-0144;">
<!ENTITY ListofExamples  "Spis przyk\U-0142;ad\U-00F3;w">
<!ENTITY listofexamples  "Spis przyk\U-0142;ad\U-00F3;w">
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<!ENTITY ListofTables    "Spis tabel">
<!ENTITY ListofUnknown   "Spis ???">
<!ENTITY listofunknown   "Spis ???">
<!ENTITY nav-home        "Spis tre\U-015B;ci">
<!ENTITY nav-next        "Nast\U-0119;pny">
<!ENTITY nav-next-sibling "Nast\U-0119;pny rozdzia\U-0142;">
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<!ENTITY nav-prev-sibling "Poprzedni rozdzia\U-0142;">
<!ENTITY nav-up          "Pocz\U-0105;tek rozdzia\U-0142;u">
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