Blob Blame History Raw
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Imendio AB
 * Copyright (C) 2012 Aleksander Morgado <>
 * Copyright (C) 2012 Thomas Bechtold <>
 * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Sébastien Wilmet <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see <>.

#include "dh-window.h"
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <webkit2/webkit2.h>
#include "dh-book.h"
#include "dh-book-manager.h"
#include "dh-settings.h"
#include "dh-sidebar.h"
#include "dh-tab.h"
#include "dh-tab-label.h"
#include "dh-util.h"
#include "dh-web-view.h"

typedef struct {
        GtkHeaderBar *header_bar;
        GtkMenuButton *window_menu_button;
        GMenuModel *window_menu_plus_app_menu;

        GtkPaned *hpaned;

        /* Left side of the @hpaned. */
        GtkWidget *grid_sidebar;
        DhSidebar *sidebar;

        /* Right side of the @hpaned. */
        GtkSearchBar *search_bar;
        GtkSearchEntry *search_entry;
        GtkButton *search_prev_button;
        GtkButton *search_next_button;
        GtkNotebook *notebook;

        DhLink *selected_link;
} DhWindowPrivate;

static void open_new_tab (DhWindow    *window,
                          const gchar *location,
                          gboolean     switch_focus);


static void
dh_window_dispose (GObject *object)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (DH_WINDOW (object));

        g_clear_pointer (&priv->selected_link, (GDestroyNotify) dh_link_unref);

        G_OBJECT_CLASS (dh_window_parent_class)->dispose (object);

static gboolean
dh_window_delete_event (GtkWidget   *widget,
                        GdkEventAny *event)
        DhSettings *settings;

        settings = dh_settings_get_singleton ();
        dh_util_window_settings_save (GTK_WINDOW (widget),
                                      dh_settings_peek_window_settings (settings));

        if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (dh_window_parent_class)->delete_event == NULL)
                return GDK_EVENT_PROPAGATE;

        return GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (dh_window_parent_class)->delete_event (widget, event);

static void
dh_window_class_init (DhWindowClass *klass)
        GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
        GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);

        object_class->dispose = dh_window_dispose;

        widget_class->delete_event = dh_window_delete_event;

        /* Bind class to template */
        gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, "/org/gnome/devhelp/dh-window.ui");
        gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, DhWindow, header_bar);
        gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, DhWindow, window_menu_button);
        gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, DhWindow, window_menu_plus_app_menu);
        gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, DhWindow, hpaned);
        gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, DhWindow, grid_sidebar);
        gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, DhWindow, search_bar);
        gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, DhWindow, search_entry);
        gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, DhWindow, search_prev_button);
        gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, DhWindow, search_next_button);
        gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, DhWindow, notebook);

/* Can return NULL during initialization and finalization, so it's better to
 * handle the NULL case with the return value of this function.
static DhTab *
get_active_tab (DhWindow *window)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        gint page_num;

        page_num = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (priv->notebook);
        if (page_num == -1)
                return NULL;

        return DH_TAB (gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (priv->notebook, page_num));

static DhWebView *
get_active_web_view (DhWindow *window)
        DhTab *tab;

        tab = get_active_tab (window);
        return tab != NULL ? dh_tab_get_web_view (tab) : NULL;

static void
update_window_title (DhWindow *window)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        DhWebView *web_view;
        const gchar *title;

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view == NULL)

        title = dh_web_view_get_devhelp_title (web_view);
        gtk_header_bar_set_title (priv->header_bar, title);

static void
update_zoom_actions_sensitivity (DhWindow *window)
        DhWebView *web_view;
        GAction *action;
        gboolean enabled;

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view == NULL)

        enabled = dh_web_view_can_zoom_in (web_view);
        action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), "zoom-in");
        g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), enabled);

        enabled = dh_web_view_can_zoom_out (web_view);
        action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), "zoom-out");
        g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), enabled);

        enabled = dh_web_view_can_reset_zoom (web_view);
        action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), "zoom-default");
        g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), enabled);

static void
update_back_forward_actions_sensitivity (DhWindow *window)
        DhWebView *web_view;
        GAction *action;
        gboolean enabled;

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view == NULL)

        enabled = webkit_web_view_can_go_back (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
        action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), "go-back");
        g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), enabled);

        enabled = webkit_web_view_can_go_forward (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
        action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), "go-forward");
        g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), enabled);

static void
new_tab_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
            GVariant      *parameter,
            gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);

        open_new_tab (window, NULL, TRUE);

static void
next_tab_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
             GVariant      *parameter,
             gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        gint current_page;
        gint n_pages;

        current_page = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (priv->notebook);
        n_pages = gtk_notebook_get_n_pages (priv->notebook);

        if (current_page < n_pages - 1)
                gtk_notebook_next_page (priv->notebook);
                /* Wrap around to the first tab. */
                gtk_notebook_set_current_page (priv->notebook, 0);

static void
prev_tab_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
             GVariant      *parameter,
             gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        gint current_page;

        current_page = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (priv->notebook);

        if (current_page > 0)
                gtk_notebook_prev_page (priv->notebook);
                /* Wrap around to the last tab. */
                gtk_notebook_set_current_page (priv->notebook, -1);

static void
go_to_tab_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
              GVariant      *parameter,
              gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        guint16 tab_num;

        tab_num = g_variant_get_uint16 (parameter);
        gtk_notebook_set_current_page (priv->notebook, tab_num);

static void
print_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
          GVariant      *parameter,
          gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWebView *web_view;
        WebKitPrintOperation *print_operation;

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view == NULL)

        print_operation = webkit_print_operation_new (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
        webkit_print_operation_run_dialog (print_operation, GTK_WINDOW (window));
        g_object_unref (print_operation);

static void
close_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
          GVariant      *parameter,
          gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        gint page_num;

        /* FIXME: the code here closes the current *tab*, but in help-overlay.ui
         * it is documented as "Close the current window". Look for example at
         * what gedit does, or other GNOME apps with a GtkNotebook plus Ctrl+W
         * shortcut, and do the same.
        page_num = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (priv->notebook);
        gtk_notebook_remove_page (priv->notebook, page_num);

static void
copy_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
         GVariant      *parameter,
         gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        GtkWidget *widget;

        widget = gtk_window_get_focus (GTK_WINDOW (window));

        if (GTK_IS_EDITABLE (widget)) {
                gtk_editable_copy_clipboard (GTK_EDITABLE (widget));
        } else if (GTK_IS_TREE_VIEW (widget) &&
                   gtk_widget_is_ancestor (widget, GTK_WIDGET (priv->sidebar)) &&
                   priv->selected_link != NULL) {
                GtkClipboard *clipboard;
                clipboard = gtk_widget_get_clipboard (widget, GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD);
                gtk_clipboard_set_text (clipboard,
                                        dh_link_get_name (priv->selected_link),
        } else {
                DhWebView *web_view;

                web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
                if (web_view == NULL)

                webkit_web_view_execute_editing_command (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view),

static void
find_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
         GVariant      *parameter,
         gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);

        gtk_search_bar_set_search_mode (priv->search_bar, TRUE);
        gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (priv->search_entry));

static void
zoom_in_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
            GVariant      *parameter,
            gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWebView *web_view;

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view != NULL)
                dh_web_view_zoom_in (web_view);

static void
zoom_out_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
             GVariant      *parameter,
             gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWebView *web_view;

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view != NULL)
                dh_web_view_zoom_out (web_view);

static void
zoom_default_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
                 GVariant      *parameter,
                 gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWebView *web_view;

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view != NULL)
                dh_web_view_reset_zoom (web_view);

static void
focus_search_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
                 GVariant      *parameter,
                 gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);

        dh_sidebar_set_search_focus (priv->sidebar);

static void
go_back_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
            GVariant      *parameter,
            gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWebView *web_view;

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view != NULL)
                webkit_web_view_go_back (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view));

static void
go_forward_cb (GSimpleAction *action,
               GVariant      *parameter,
               gpointer       user_data)
        DhWindow *window = DH_WINDOW (user_data);
        DhWebView *web_view;

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view != NULL)
                webkit_web_view_go_forward (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view));

static void
add_actions (DhWindow *window)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        GPropertyAction *property_action;

        const GActionEntry win_entries[] = {
                /* Tabs */
                { "new-tab", new_tab_cb },
                { "next-tab", next_tab_cb },
                { "prev-tab", prev_tab_cb },
                { "go-to-tab", go_to_tab_cb, "q" },
                { "print", print_cb },
                { "close", close_cb },

                /* Edit */
                { "copy", copy_cb },
                { "find", find_cb },

                /* View */
                { "zoom-in", zoom_in_cb },
                { "zoom-out", zoom_out_cb },
                { "zoom-default", zoom_default_cb },
                { "focus-search", focus_search_cb },

                /* Go */
                { "go-back", go_back_cb },
                { "go-forward", go_forward_cb },

        g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (window),
                                         G_N_ELEMENTS (win_entries),

        property_action = g_property_action_new ("show-sidebar",
        g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), G_ACTION (property_action));
        g_object_unref (property_action);

        property_action = g_property_action_new ("show-window-menu",
        g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), G_ACTION (property_action));
        g_object_unref (property_action);

static void
settings_fonts_changed_cb (DhSettings  *settings,
                           const gchar *font_name_fixed,
                           const gchar *font_name_variable,
                           DhWindow    *window)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        gint n_pages;
        gint page_num;

        n_pages = gtk_notebook_get_n_pages (priv->notebook);

        for (page_num = 0; page_num < n_pages; page_num++) {
                DhTab *tab;
                WebKitWebView *web_view;

                tab = DH_TAB (gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (priv->notebook, page_num));
                web_view = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (dh_tab_get_web_view (tab));
                dh_util_view_set_font (web_view, font_name_fixed, font_name_variable);

static void
sidebar_link_selected_cb (DhSidebar *sidebar,
                          DhLink    *link,
                          DhWindow  *window)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        gchar *uri;
        DhWebView *web_view;

        g_clear_pointer (&priv->selected_link, (GDestroyNotify) dh_link_unref);
        priv->selected_link = dh_link_ref (link);

        uri = dh_link_get_uri (link);
        if (uri == NULL)

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view != NULL)
                webkit_web_view_load_uri (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view), uri);

        g_free (uri);

static void
update_search_in_web_view (DhWindow  *window,
                           DhWebView *view)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        const gchar *search_text = NULL;

        if (gtk_search_bar_get_search_mode (priv->search_bar))
                search_text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (priv->search_entry));

        dh_web_view_set_search_text (view, search_text);

static void
update_search_in_active_web_view (DhWindow *window)
        DhWebView *web_view;

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view != NULL)
                update_search_in_web_view (window, web_view);

static void
update_search_in_all_web_views (DhWindow *window)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        gint n_pages;
        gint page_num;

        n_pages = gtk_notebook_get_n_pages (priv->notebook);

        for (page_num = 0; page_num < n_pages; page_num++) {
                DhTab *tab;

                tab = DH_TAB (gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (priv->notebook, page_num));
                update_search_in_web_view (window, dh_tab_get_web_view (tab));

static void
search_previous_in_active_web_view (DhWindow *window)
        DhWebView *web_view;

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view == NULL)

        update_search_in_web_view (window, web_view);
        dh_web_view_search_previous (web_view);

static void
search_next_in_active_web_view (DhWindow *window)
        DhWebView *web_view;

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view == NULL)

        update_search_in_web_view (window, web_view);
        dh_web_view_search_next (web_view);

static void
search_mode_enabled_notify_cb (GtkSearchBar *search_bar,
                               GParamSpec   *pspec,
                               DhWindow     *window)
        if (gtk_search_bar_get_search_mode (search_bar))
                update_search_in_active_web_view (window);
                update_search_in_all_web_views (window);

static void
search_changed_cb (GtkEntry *entry,
                   DhWindow *window)
        /* Note that this callback is called after a small delay. */
        update_search_in_active_web_view (window);

static void
search_previous_match_cb (GtkSearchEntry *entry,
                          DhWindow       *window)
        search_previous_in_active_web_view (window);

static void
search_next_match_cb (GtkSearchEntry *entry,
                      DhWindow       *window)
        search_next_in_active_web_view (window);

static void
search_prev_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *search_prev_button,
                               DhWindow  *window)
        search_previous_in_active_web_view (window);

static void
search_next_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *search_next_button,
                               DhWindow  *window)
        search_next_in_active_web_view (window);

static void
show_or_hide_notebook_tabs (DhWindow *window)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        gint n_pages;

        n_pages = gtk_notebook_get_n_pages (priv->notebook);
        gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (priv->notebook, n_pages > 1);

static void
notebook_page_added_after_cb (GtkNotebook *notebook,
                              GtkWidget   *child,
                              guint        page_num,
                              DhWindow    *window)
        show_or_hide_notebook_tabs (window);

static void
notebook_page_removed_after_cb (GtkNotebook *notebook,
                                GtkWidget   *child,
                                guint        page_num,
                                DhWindow    *window)
        gint n_pages;

        n_pages = gtk_notebook_get_n_pages (notebook);

        if (n_pages == 0)
                gtk_window_close (GTK_WINDOW (window));
                show_or_hide_notebook_tabs (window);

static void
notebook_switch_page_after_cb (GtkNotebook *notebook,
                               GtkWidget   *new_page,
                               guint        new_page_num,
                               DhWindow    *window)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);

        update_window_title (window);
        update_zoom_actions_sensitivity (window);
        update_back_forward_actions_sensitivity (window);
        update_search_in_active_web_view (window);

        if (new_page != NULL) {
                DhWebView *web_view;
                const gchar *uri;

                web_view = dh_tab_get_web_view (DH_TAB (new_page));

                /* Sync the book tree */
                uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
                if (uri != NULL)
                        dh_sidebar_select_uri (priv->sidebar, uri);

static void
dh_window_init (DhWindow *window)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        GtkApplication *app;
        DhSettings *settings;
        GSettings *paned_settings;

        gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (window));

        add_actions (window);

        app = GTK_APPLICATION (g_application_get_default ());
        if (!gtk_application_prefers_app_menu (app)) {
                gtk_menu_button_set_menu_model (priv->window_menu_button,

        settings = dh_settings_get_singleton ();
        g_signal_connect_object (settings,
                                 G_CALLBACK (settings_fonts_changed_cb),

        paned_settings = dh_settings_peek_paned_settings (settings);
        g_settings_bind (paned_settings, "position",
                         priv->hpaned, "position",
                         G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT |

        /* Sidebar */
        priv->sidebar = DH_SIDEBAR (dh_sidebar_new (NULL));
        gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (priv->sidebar));
        gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->grid_sidebar),
                           GTK_WIDGET (priv->sidebar));

        g_signal_connect (priv->sidebar,
                          G_CALLBACK (sidebar_link_selected_cb),

        /* Search bar above GtkNotebook */
        gtk_search_bar_connect_entry (priv->search_bar, GTK_ENTRY (priv->search_entry));

        g_signal_connect (priv->search_bar,
                          G_CALLBACK (search_mode_enabled_notify_cb),

        g_signal_connect (priv->search_entry,
                          G_CALLBACK (search_changed_cb),

        g_signal_connect (priv->search_entry,
                          G_CALLBACK (search_previous_match_cb),

        g_signal_connect (priv->search_entry,
                          G_CALLBACK (search_next_match_cb),

        g_signal_connect (priv->search_prev_button,
                          G_CALLBACK (search_prev_button_clicked_cb),

        g_signal_connect (priv->search_next_button,
                          G_CALLBACK (search_next_button_clicked_cb),

        /* HTML tabs GtkNotebook */
        g_signal_connect_after (priv->notebook,
                                G_CALLBACK (notebook_page_added_after_cb),

        g_signal_connect_after (priv->notebook,
                                G_CALLBACK (notebook_page_removed_after_cb),

        g_signal_connect_after (priv->notebook,
                                G_CALLBACK (notebook_switch_page_after_cb),

        open_new_tab (window, NULL, TRUE);

        /* Focus search in sidebar by default. */
        dh_sidebar_set_search_focus (priv->sidebar);

static void
web_view_title_notify_cb (DhWebView  *web_view,
                          GParamSpec *param_spec,
                          DhWindow   *window)
        if (web_view == get_active_web_view (window))
                update_window_title (window);

static void
web_view_zoom_level_notify_cb (DhWebView  *web_view,
                               GParamSpec *pspec,
                               DhWindow   *window)
        if (web_view == get_active_web_view (window))
                update_zoom_actions_sensitivity (window);

/* FIXME: connect to this signal on the whole DhWindow widget instead? And call
 * webkit_web_view_go_back/forward() on the active web view. Because when the
 * WebKitWebView doesn't have the focus, currently this callback is not called.
static gboolean
web_view_button_press_event_cb (WebKitWebView  *web_view,
                                GdkEventButton *event,
                                DhWindow       *window)
        switch (event->button) {
                /* Some mice emit button presses when the scroll wheel is tilted
                 * to the side. Web browsers use them to navigate in history.
                case 8:
                        webkit_web_view_go_back (web_view);
                        return GDK_EVENT_STOP;
                case 9:
                        webkit_web_view_go_forward (web_view);
                        return GDK_EVENT_STOP;


        return GDK_EVENT_PROPAGATE;

static gchar *
find_equivalent_local_uri (const gchar *uri)
        gchar **components;
        guint n_components;
        const gchar *book_id;
        const gchar *relative_url;
        DhBookManager *book_manager;
        GList *books;
        GList *book_node;
        gchar *local_uri = NULL;

        g_return_val_if_fail (uri != NULL, NULL);

        components = g_strsplit (uri, "/", 0);
        n_components = g_strv_length (components);

        if ((g_str_has_prefix (uri, "") ||
             g_str_has_prefix (uri, "")) &&
            n_components >= 7) {
                book_id = components[4];
                relative_url = components[6];
        } else if ((g_str_has_prefix (uri, "") ||
                    g_str_has_prefix (uri, "")) &&
                   n_components >= 6) {
                /* E.g. */
                book_id = components[3];
                relative_url = components[5];
        } else {
                goto out;

        book_manager = dh_book_manager_get_singleton ();
        books = dh_book_manager_get_books (book_manager);

        for (book_node = books; book_node != NULL; book_node = book_node->next) {
                DhBook *cur_book = DH_BOOK (book_node->data);
                GList *links;
                GList *link_node;

                if (g_strcmp0 (dh_book_get_id (cur_book), book_id) != 0)

                links = dh_book_get_links (cur_book);

                for (link_node = links; link_node != NULL; link_node = link_node->next) {
                        DhLink *cur_link = link_node->data;

                        if (dh_link_match_relative_url (cur_link, relative_url)) {
                                local_uri = dh_link_get_uri (cur_link);
                                goto out;

        g_strfreev (components);
        return local_uri;

static gboolean
web_view_decide_policy_cb (WebKitWebView            *web_view,
                           WebKitPolicyDecision     *policy_decision,
                           WebKitPolicyDecisionType  type,
                           DhWindow                 *window)
        const char *uri;
        WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *navigation_decision;
        WebKitNavigationAction *navigation_action;
        gchar *local_uri;
        gint button;
        gint state;

                return GDK_EVENT_PROPAGATE;

        navigation_decision = WEBKIT_NAVIGATION_POLICY_DECISION (policy_decision);
        navigation_action = webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_navigation_action (navigation_decision);
        uri = webkit_uri_request_get_uri (webkit_navigation_action_get_request (navigation_action));

        /* middle click or ctrl-click -> new tab */
        button = webkit_navigation_action_get_mouse_button (navigation_action);
        state = webkit_navigation_action_get_modifiers (navigation_action);
        if (button == 2 || (button == 1 && state == GDK_CONTROL_MASK)) {
                webkit_policy_decision_ignore (policy_decision);
                open_new_tab (window, uri, FALSE);
                return GDK_EVENT_STOP;

        if (g_str_equal (uri, "about:blank")) {
                return GDK_EVENT_PROPAGATE;

        local_uri = find_equivalent_local_uri (uri);
        if (local_uri != NULL) {
                webkit_policy_decision_ignore (policy_decision);
                _dh_window_display_uri (window, local_uri);
                g_free (local_uri);
                return GDK_EVENT_STOP;

        if (!g_str_has_prefix (uri, "file://")) {
                webkit_policy_decision_ignore (policy_decision);
                gtk_show_uri_on_window (GTK_WINDOW (window), uri, GDK_CURRENT_TIME, NULL);
                return GDK_EVENT_STOP;

        return GDK_EVENT_PROPAGATE;

static void
web_view_load_changed_cb (WebKitWebView   *web_view,
                          WebKitLoadEvent  load_event,
                          DhWindow        *window)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);

        if (load_event == WEBKIT_LOAD_COMMITTED) {
                const gchar *uri;

                uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri (web_view);
                dh_sidebar_select_uri (priv->sidebar, uri);

static void
open_new_tab (DhWindow    *window,
              const gchar *location,
              gboolean     switch_focus)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);
        DhTab *tab;
        DhWebView *web_view;
        DhSettings *settings;
        gchar *font_fixed = NULL;
        gchar *font_variable = NULL;
        GtkWidget *label;
        gint page_num;
        WebKitBackForwardList *back_forward_list;

        tab = dh_tab_new ();
        gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (tab));

        web_view = dh_tab_get_web_view (tab);

        /* Set font */
        settings = dh_settings_get_singleton ();
        dh_settings_get_selected_fonts (settings, &font_fixed, &font_variable);
        dh_util_view_set_font (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view), font_fixed, font_variable);
        g_free (font_fixed);
        g_free (font_variable);

        g_signal_connect (web_view,
                          G_CALLBACK (web_view_title_notify_cb),

        g_signal_connect (web_view,
                          G_CALLBACK (web_view_zoom_level_notify_cb),

        g_signal_connect (web_view,
                          G_CALLBACK (web_view_button_press_event_cb),

        g_signal_connect (web_view,
                          G_CALLBACK (web_view_decide_policy_cb),

        g_signal_connect (web_view,
                          G_CALLBACK (web_view_load_changed_cb),

        back_forward_list = webkit_web_view_get_back_forward_list (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
        g_signal_connect_object (back_forward_list,
                                 G_CALLBACK (update_back_forward_actions_sensitivity),
                                 G_CONNECT_AFTER | G_CONNECT_SWAPPED);

        label = dh_tab_label_new (tab);
        gtk_widget_show (label);

        page_num = gtk_notebook_append_page (priv->notebook,
                                             GTK_WIDGET (tab),

        gtk_container_child_set (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->notebook),
                                 GTK_WIDGET (tab),
                                 "tab-expand", TRUE,
                                 "reorderable", TRUE,

        if (location != NULL)
                webkit_web_view_load_uri (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view), location);
                webkit_web_view_load_uri (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view), "about:blank");

        if (switch_focus)
                gtk_notebook_set_current_page (priv->notebook, page_num);

GtkWidget *
dh_window_new (GtkApplication *application)
        DhWindow *window;
        DhSettings *settings;

        g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_APPLICATION (application), NULL);

        window = g_object_new (DH_TYPE_WINDOW,
                               "application", application,

        settings = dh_settings_get_singleton ();
        gtk_widget_realize (GTK_WIDGET (window));
        dh_util_window_settings_restore (GTK_WINDOW (window),
                                         dh_settings_peek_window_settings (settings));

        return GTK_WIDGET (window);

dh_window_search (DhWindow    *window,
                  const gchar *str)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv;

        g_return_if_fail (DH_IS_WINDOW (window));

        priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);

        dh_sidebar_set_search_string (priv->sidebar, str);

/* Only call this with a URI that is known to be in the docs. */
_dh_window_display_uri (DhWindow    *window,
                        const gchar *uri)
        DhWindowPrivate *priv;
        DhWebView *web_view;

        g_return_if_fail (DH_IS_WINDOW (window));
        g_return_if_fail (uri != NULL);

        priv = dh_window_get_instance_private (window);

        web_view = get_active_web_view (window);
        if (web_view == NULL)

        webkit_web_view_load_uri (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view), uri);
        dh_sidebar_select_uri (priv->sidebar, uri);