Blob Blame History Raw
# Copyright (C) 1992-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of DejaGnu.
# DejaGnu is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# DejaGnu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with DejaGnu; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

# This file was written by Rob Savoye <>.

# Load various protocol support modules.

load_lib "telnet.exp"
load_lib "rlogin.exp"
load_lib "kermit.exp"
load_lib "tip.exp"
load_lib "rsh.exp"
load_lib "ssh.exp"
load_lib "ftp.exp"

# Open a connection to a remote host or target. This requires the target_info
# array be filled in with the proper info to work.
# type is either "build", "host", "target", or the name of a board loaded
# into the board_info array. The default is target if no name is supplied.
# It returns the spawn id of the process that is the connection.
proc remote_open { args } {
    global reboot

    if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
	set type "target"
    } else {
	set type $args

    # Shudder...
    if { $reboot && $type == "target" } {

    return [call_remote "" open $type]

proc remote_raw_open { args } {
    return [eval call_remote raw open $args]

# Close a spawn ID, and wait for the process to die.  If PID is not
# -1, then the process is killed if it doesn't exit gracefully.
proc close_wait_program { program_id pid {wres_varname ""} } {
    if {$wres_varname != "" } {
	upvar 1 $wres_varname wres

    set exec_pid -1

    if { $pid > 0 } {
	# Tcl has no kill primitive, so we have to execute an external
	# command in order to kill the process.
	verbose "doing kill, pid is $pid"
	# Prepend "-" to generate the "process group ID" needed by
	# kill.
	set pgid "-$pid"
	# Send SIGINT to give the program a better chance to interrupt
	# whatever it might be doing and react to stdin closing.
	# eg, in case of GDB, this should get it back to the prompt.
	exec sh -c "exec > /dev/null 2>&1 && (kill -2 $pgid || kill -2 $pid)"

	# If the program doesn't exit gracefully when stdin closes,
	# we'll need to kill it.  But only do this after 'wait'ing a
	# bit, to avoid killing the wrong process in case of a
	# PID-reuse race.  The extra sleep at the end is there to give
	# time to kill $exec_pid without having _that_ be subject to a
	# PID reuse race.
	set secs 5
	set sh_cmd "exec > /dev/null 2>&1"
	append sh_cmd " && sleep $secs && (kill -15 $pgid || kill -15 $pid)"
	append sh_cmd " && sleep $secs && (kill -9 $pgid || kill -9 $pid)"
	append sh_cmd " && sleep $secs"
	set exec_pid [exec sh -c "$sh_cmd" &]
    verbose "pid is $pid"

    # This closes the program's stdin.  This should cause well behaved
    # interactive programs to exit.  This will hang if the kill
    # doesn't work.  Nothin' to do, and it's not OK.
    catch "close -i $program_id"

    # Reap it.
    set res [catch "wait -i $program_id" wres]
    if {$exec_pid != -1} {
	# We reaped the process, so cancel the pending force-kills, as
	# otherwise if the PID is reused for some other unrelated
	# process, we'd kill the wrong process.
	exec sh -c "exec > /dev/null 2>&1 && kill -9 $exec_pid"

    return $res

# Run the specified COMMANDLINE on the local machine, redirecting
# input from file INP (if non-empty), redirecting output to file OUTP
# (if non-empty), and waiting TIMEOUT seconds for the command to
# complete before killing it. A list of two elements is returned: the
# first member is the exit status of the command, the second is any
# output produced from the command (if output is redirected, this may
# or may not be empty). If output is redirected, both stdout and
# stderr will appear in the specified file.
# Caveats: A pipeline is used if input or output is redirected. There
# will be problems with killing the program if a pipeline is used. Either
# the "tee" command or the "cat" command is used in the pipeline if input
# or output is redirected. If the program needs to be killed, /bin/sh and
# the kill command will be invoked.
proc local_exec { commandline inp outp timeout } {
    # Tcl's exec is a pile of crap. It does two very inappropriate things.
    # Firstly, it has no business returning an error if the program being
    # executed happens to write to stderr. Secondly, it appends its own
    # error messages to the output of the command if the process exits with
    # non-zero status.
    # So, ok, we do this funny stuff with using spawn sometimes and
    # open others because of spawn's inability to invoke commands with
    # redirected I/O. We also hope that nobody passes in a command that's
    # a pipeline, because spawn can't handle it.
    # We want to use spawn in most cases, because Tcl's pipe mechanism
    # doesn't assign process groups correctly and we can't reliably kill
    # programs that bear children. We can't use Tcl's exec because it has
    # no way to timeout programs that hang.
    # The expect command will close the connection when it sees
    # EOF. Closing the connection may send SIGHUP to the child and
    # cause it to exit before it can exit normally.  The child should
    # ignore SIGHUP.
    global errorInfo
    if { "$inp" == "" && "$outp" == "" } {
	set id -1
	set result [catch "eval spawn -ignore SIGHUP \{${commandline}\}" pid]
	if { $result == 0 } {
	    set result2 0
	} else {
	    set pid 0
	    set result2 5
    } else {
	# Use a command pipeline with open.
	if { $inp != "" } {
	    set inp "< $inp"
	    set mode "r"
	} else {
	    set mode "w"

	set use_tee 0
	# We add |& cat so that Tcl exec doesn't freak out if the
	# program writes to stderr.
	if { $outp == "" } {
	    set outp "|& cat"
	} else {
	    set outpf "$outp"
	    set outp "> $outp"
	    if { $inp != "" } {
		set use_tee 1
	# Why do we use tee? Because open can't redirect both input and output.
	if { $use_tee } {
	    set result [catch {open "| ${commandline} $inp |& tee $outpf" RDONLY} id]
	} else {
	    set result [catch {open "| ${commandline} $inp $outp" $mode} id]

	if { $result != 0 } {
	    return [list -1 "open of $commandline $inp $outp failed: $errorInfo"]
	set pid [pid $id]
	set result [catch "spawn -ignore SIGHUP -leaveopen $id" result2]
    # Prepend "-" to each pid, to generate the "process group IDs" needed by
    # kill.
    set pgid "-[join $pid { -}]"
    verbose "pid is $pid $pgid"
    if { $result != 0 || $result2 != 0 } {
	# This shouldn't happen.
	if {[info exists errorInfo]} {
	    set foo $errorInfo
	} else {
	    set foo ""
	verbose "spawn -open $id failed, $result $result2, $foo"
	catch "close $id"
	return [list -1 "spawn failed"]

    set got_eof 0
    set output ""

    # Wait for either $timeout seconds to elapse, or for the program to
    # exit.
    expect {
	-i $spawn_id -timeout $timeout -re ".+" {
	    append output $expect_out(buffer)
	    exp_continue -continue_timer
	timeout {
	    warning "program timed out"
	eof {
	    set got_eof 1

    # If we didn't get EOF, we have to kill the poor defenseless program.
    if { $got_eof } {
	set pid -1
    set r2 [close_wait_program $spawn_id $pid wres]
    if { $id > 0 } {
	set r2 [catch "close $id" res]
    } else {
	verbose "waitres is $wres" 2
	if { $r2 == 0 } {
	    set r2 [lindex $wres 3]
	    if { [llength $wres] > 4 } {
		if { [lindex $wres 4] == "CHILDKILLED" } {
		    set r2 1
	    if { $r2 != 0 } {
		set res "$wres"
	    } else {
		set res ""
	} else {
	    set res "wait failed"
    if { $r2 != 0 || $res != "" || ! $got_eof } {
	verbose "close result is $res"
	set status 1
    } else {
	set status 0
    verbose "output is $output status $status"
    if { $outp == "" || $outp == "|& cat" } {
	return [list $status $output]
    } else {
	return [list $status ""]

# Execute the supplied program on HOSTNAME. There are four optional arguments
# the first is a set of arguments to pass to PROGRAM, the second is an
# input file to feed to stdin of PROGRAM, the third is the name of an
# output file where the output from PROGRAM should be written, and
# the fourth is a timeout value (we give up after the specified # of seconds
# has elapsed).
# A two-element list is returned. The first value is the exit status of the
# program (-1 if the exec failed). The second is any output produced by
# the program (which may or may not be empty if output from the program was
# redirected).
proc remote_exec { hostname program args } {
    if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
	set pargs [lindex $args 0]
    } else {
	set pargs ""

    if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
	set inp "[lindex $args 1]"
    } else {
	set inp ""

    if { [llength $args] > 2 } {
	set outp "[lindex $args 2]"
    } else {
	set outp ""

    # call_remote below gets its timeout from global variable, so set
    # it here.
    global timeout
    set old_timeout $timeout
    # 300 is probably a lame default.
    if { [llength $args] > 3 } {
	set timeout "[lindex $args 3]"
    } else {
	set timeout 300

    verbose -log "Executing on $hostname: $program $pargs $inp $outp (timeout = $timeout)" 2

    # Run it locally if appropriate.
    if { ![is_remote $hostname] } {
	set result [local_exec "$program $pargs" $inp $outp $timeout]
    } else {
        if { [board_info $hostname exists remotedir] } {
            set remotedir [board_info $hostname remotedir]
	    # This is a bit too clever. Join cd $remotedir and
	    # $program on the command line with ';' and not '&&'. When
	    # called, $program may be mkdir to initially create the
	    # remote directory, in which case cd would fail.
            set program "test -d $remotedir && cd $remotedir; $program"
	set result [call_remote "" exec $hostname $program $pargs $inp $outp]

    # Restore timeout.
    set timeout $old_timeout
    return $result

proc standard_exec { hostname args } {
    return [eval rsh_exec \"$hostname\" $args]

# Close the remote connection.
#	arg - This is the name of the machine whose connection we're closing,
#	      or target, host or build.
proc remote_close { host } {
    while { 1 } {
	set result [call_remote "" close "$host"]
	if { [remote_pop_conn $host] != "pass" } {
    return $result

proc remote_raw_close { host } {
    return [call_remote raw close "$host"]

proc standard_close { host } {
    global board_info

    if {[board_info ${host} exists fileid]} {
	set shell_id [board_info ${host} fileid]
	set pid -1

	verbose "Closing the remote shell $shell_id" 2
	if {[board_info ${host} exists fileid_origid]} {
	    set oid [board_info ${host} fileid_origid]
	    set pid [pid $oid]
	    unset board_info(${host},fileid_origid)
	} else {
	    set result [catch "exp_pid -i $shell_id" pid]
	    if { $result != 0 || $pid <= 0 } {
		set result [catch "pid $shell_id" pid]
		if { $result != 0 } {
		    set pid -1

	close_wait_program $shell_id $pid

	if {[info exists oid]} {
	    catch "close $oid"

	unset board_info(${host},fileid)
	verbose "Shell closed."
    return 0

# Set the connection into "binary" mode, a.k.a. no processing of input
# characters.
proc remote_binary { host } {
    return [call_remote "" binary "$host"]

proc remote_raw_binary { host } {
    return [call_remote raw binary "$host"]

# Return value of this function depends on actual implementation of reboot that
# will be used, in practice it is expected that remote_reboot returns 1 on
# success and 0 on failure.
proc remote_reboot { host } {
    clone_output "\nRebooting ${host}\n"
    # FIXME: don't close the host connection, or all the remote
    # procedures will fail.
    # remote_close $host
    set status [call_remote "" reboot "$host"]
    if {[board_info $host exists name]} {
	set host [board_info $host name]
    if { [info procs ${host}_init] != "" } {
	${host}_init $host
    return $status

# It looks like that this proc is never called, instead ${board}_reboot defined
# in base-config.exp will be used because it has higher priority and
# base-config.exp is always imported by runtest.
proc standard_reboot { host } {
    return 1
# Download file FILE to DEST. If the optional DESTFILE is specified,
# that file will be used on the destination board. It returns either
# "" (indicating that the download failed), or the name of the file on
# the destination machine.

proc remote_download { dest file args } {
    if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
	set destfile [lindex $args 0]
    } else {
	set destfile [file tail $file]

    if { ![is_remote $dest] } {
	if { $destfile == "" || $destfile == $file } {
	    return $file
	} else {
	    verbose -log "Downloading on $dest to $destfile: $file" 2
	    set result [catch "exec cp -p $file $destfile" output]
	    if {[regexp "same file|are identical" $output]} {
		set result 0
		set output ""
	    } else {
		# try to make sure we can read it
		# and write it (in case we copy onto it again)
		catch {exec chmod u+rw $destfile}
	    if { $result != 0 || $output != "" } {
		perror "remote_download to $dest of $file to $destfile: $output"
		return ""
	    } else {
		return $destfile
    if { [board_info $dest exists remotedir] } {
        set remotedir [board_info $dest remotedir]
        set status [remote_exec $dest mkdir "-p $remotedir"]
        if { [lindex $status 0] != 0 } {
            perror "Couldn't create remote directory $remotedir on $dest"
	    return ""
        set destfile "$remotedir/$destfile"

    return [call_remote "" download $dest $file $destfile]

# The default download procedure. Uses rcp to download to $dest.
proc standard_download {dest file destfile} {
    set orig_destfile $destfile

    if {[board_info $dest exists nfsdir]} {
	set destdir [board_info $dest nfsdir]
	if {[board_info $dest exists nfsroot_server]} {
	    set dest [board_info $dest nfsroot_server]
	} else {
	    set dest ""
	set destfile "$destdir/$destfile"

    if { "$dest" != "" } {
	set result [rsh_download $dest $file $destfile]
	if { $result == $destfile } {
	    return $orig_destfile
	} else {
	    return $result

    set result [catch "exec cp -p $file $destfile" output]
    if {[regexp "same file|are identical" $output]} {
	set result 0
	set output ""
    } else {
	# try to make sure we can read it
	# and write it (in case we copy onto it again)
	catch {exec chmod u+rw $destfile}
    if { $result != 0 || $output != "" } {
	perror "remote_download to $dest of $file to $destfile: $output"
	return ""
    } else {
	return $orig_destfile

proc remote_upload {dest srcfile args} {
    if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
	set destfile [lindex $args 0]
    } else {
	set destfile [file tail $srcfile]

    if { ![is_remote $dest] } {
	if { $destfile == "" || $srcfile == $destfile } {
	    return $srcfile
	set result [catch "exec cp -p $srcfile $destfile" output]
	return $destfile

    return [call_remote "" upload $dest $srcfile $destfile]

proc standard_upload { dest srcfile destfile } {
    set orig_srcfile $srcfile

    if {[board_info $dest exists nfsdir]} {
	set destdir [board_info $dest nfsdir]
	if {[board_info $dest exists nfsroot_server]} {
	    set dest [board_info $dest nfsroot_server]
	} else {
	    set dest ""
	set srcfile "$destdir/$srcfile"

    if { "$dest" != "" } {
	return [rsh_upload $dest $srcfile $destfile]

    set result [catch "exec cp -p $srcfile $destfile" output]
    if {[regexp "same file|are identical" $output]} {
	set result 0
	set output ""
    } else {
	# try to make sure we can read it
	# and write it (in case we copy onto it again)
	catch {exec chmod u+rw $destfile}
    if { $result != 0 || $output != "" } {
	perror "remote_upload to $dest of $srcfile to $destfile: $output"
	return ""
    } else {
	return $destfile

# A standard procedure to call the appropriate function. It first looks
# for a board-specific version, then a version specific to the protocol,
# and then finally it will call standard_$proc.
proc call_remote { type proc dest args } {
    if {[board_info $dest exists name]} {
	set dest [board_info $dest name]

    if { $proc == "reboot" } {
	regsub {/.*} "$dest" "" dest
	verbose "Changed dest to $dest"

    if { $dest != "host" && $dest != "build" && $dest != "target" } {
	if { ![board_info $dest exists name] } {
	    global board

	    if {[info exists board]} {
		error "board exists"
	    load_board_description $dest
	    if { $proc == "reboot" } {
		regsub {/.*} "$dest" "" dest
		verbose "Changed dest to $dest"

    set high_prot ""
    if { $type != "raw" } {
	if {[board_info $dest exists protocol]} {
	    set high_prot "${dest} [board_info $dest protocol]"
	} else {
	    set high_prot "${dest} [board_info $dest generic_name]"

    verbose "call_remote $type $proc $dest $args " 3
    # Close has to be handled specially.
    if { $proc == "close" || $proc == "open" } {
	foreach try "$high_prot [board_info $dest connect] telnet standard" {
	    if { $try != "" } {
		if { [info procs "${try}_${proc}"] != "" } {
		    verbose "call_remote calling ${try}_${proc}" 3
		    set result [eval ${try}_${proc} \"$dest\" $args]
	set ft "[board_info $dest file_transfer]"
	if { [info procs "${ft}_${proc}"] != "" } {
	    verbose "calling ${ft}_${proc} $dest $args" 3
	    set result2 [eval ${ft}_${proc} \"$dest\" $args]
	if {![info exists result]} {
	    if {[info exists result2]} {
		set result $result2
	    } else {
		set result ""
	return $result
    foreach try "${high_prot} [board_info $dest file_transfer] [board_info $dest connect] telnet standard" {
	verbose "looking for ${try}_${proc}" 4
	if { $try != "" } {
	    if { [info procs "${try}_${proc}"] != "" } {
		verbose "call_remote calling ${try}_${proc}" 3
		return [eval ${try}_${proc} \"$dest\" $args]
    if { $proc == "close" } {
	return ""
    error "No procedure for '$proc' in call_remote"

# Send FILE through the existing session established to DEST.
proc remote_transmit { dest file } {
    return [call_remote "" transmit "$dest" "$file"]

proc remote_raw_transmit { dest file } {
    return [call_remote raw transmit "$dest" "$file"]

# The default transmit procedure if no other exists. This feeds the
# supplied file directly into the connection.
proc standard_transmit {dest file} {
    if {[board_info ${dest} exists name]} {
	set dest [board_info ${dest} name]
    if {[board_info ${dest} exists baud]} {
	set baud [board_info ${dest} baud]
    } else {
	set baud 9600
    set shell_id [board_info ${dest} fileid]

    set lines 0
    set chars 0
    set fd [open $file r]
    while { [gets $fd cur_line] >= 0 } {
	set errmess ""
	catch "send -i $shell_id \"$cur_line\r\"" errmess
	if {[string match "write\(spawn_id=\[0-9\]+\):" $errmess]} {
	    perror "sent \"$cur_line\" got expect error \"$errmess\""
	    catch "close $fd"
	    return -1
	set chars [expr {$chars + ([string length $cur_line] * 10)}]
	if { $chars > $baud } {
	    sleep 1
	    set chars 0
	verbose "." 3
	verbose "Sent $cur_line" 4
	incr lines
    verbose "$lines lines transmitted" 2
    close $fd
    return 0

proc remote_send { dest string } {
    return [call_remote "" send "$dest" "$string"]

proc remote_raw_send { dest string } {
    return [call_remote raw send "$dest" "$string"]

proc standard_send { dest string } {
    if {![board_info $dest exists fileid]} {
	perror "no fileid for $dest"
	return "no fileid for $dest"
    } else {
	set shell_id [board_info $dest fileid]
	verbose "shell_id in standard_send is $shell_id" 3
	verbose "send -i [board_info $dest fileid] -- $string" 3
	if {[catch "send -i [board_info $dest fileid] -- \$string" errorInfo]} {
	    return "$errorInfo"
	} else {
	    return ""

proc file_on_host { op file args } {
    return [eval remote_file host \"$op\" \"$file\" $args]

proc file_on_build { op file args } {
    return [eval remote_file build \"$op\" \"$file\" $args]

proc remote_file { dest args } {
    return [eval call_remote \"\" file \"$dest\" $args]

proc remote_raw_file { dest args } {
    return [eval call_remote raw file \"$dest\" $args]

# Perform the specified file op on a remote Unix board.
proc standard_file { dest op args } {
    set file [lindex $args 0]
    verbose "dest in proc standard_file is $dest" 3
    if { ![is_remote $dest] } {
	switch -- $op {
	    cmp {
		set otherfile [lindex $args 1]
		if { [file exists $file] && [file exists $otherfile]
		     && [file size $file] == [file size $otherfile] } {
		    set r [remote_exec build cmp "$file $otherfile"]
		    if { [lindex $r 0] == 0 } {
			return 0
		return 1
	    tail {
		return [file tail $file]
	    dirname {
		if { [file pathtype $file] == "relative" } {
		    set file [remote_file $dest absolute $file]
		set result [file dirname $file]
		if { $result == "" } {
		    return "/"
		return $result
	    join {
		return [file join [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1]]
	    absolute {
		return [unix_clean_filename $dest $file]
	    exists {
		return [file exists $file]
	    delete {
		foreach x $args {
		    if { [file exists $x] && [file isfile $x] } {
			file delete -force -- $x
		return {}
    } else {
	switch -- $op {
	    exists {
		set status [remote_exec $dest "test -f $file"]
		return [expr {[lindex $status 0] == 0}]
	    delete {
		set file ""
		# Allow multiple files to be deleted at once.
		foreach x $args {
		    append file " $x"
		verbose "remote_file deleting $file"
		set status [remote_exec $dest "rm -f $file"]
		return [lindex $status 0]

# Return an absolute version of the filename in $file, with . and ..
# removed.
proc unix_clean_filename { dest file } {
    if { [file pathtype $file] == "relative" } {
	set file [remote_file $dest join [pwd] $file]
    set result ""
    foreach x [split $file "/"] {
	if { $x == "." || $x == "" } {
	if { $x == ".." } {
	    set rlen [expr {[llength $result] - 2}]
	    if { $rlen >= 0 } {
		set result [lrange $result 0 $rlen]
	    } else {
		set result ""
	lappend result $x
    return "/[join $result /]"

# Start COMMANDLINE running on DEST. By default it is not possible to
# redirect I/O. If the optional keyword "readonly" is specified, input
# to the command may be redirected. If the optional keyword
# "writeonly" is specified, output from the command may be redirected.
# If the command is successfully started, a positive "spawn id" is returned.
# If the spawn fails, a negative value will be returned.
# Once the command is spawned, you can interact with it via the remote_expect
# and remote_wait functions.
proc remote_spawn { dest commandline args } {
    global board_info

    if {![is_remote $dest]} {
	if {[info exists board_info($dest,fileid)]} {
	    unset board_info($dest,fileid)
	verbose "remote_spawn is local" 3
	if {[board_info $dest exists name]} {
	    set dest [board_info $dest name]

	verbose "spawning command $commandline"

	if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
	    if { [lindex $args 0] == "readonly" } {
		set result [catch { open "| ${commandline} |& cat" "r" } id]
		if { $result != 0 } {
		    return -1
	    } else {
		set result [catch {open "| ${commandline}" "w"} id]
		if { $result != 0 } {
		    return -1
	    set result [catch "spawn -leaveopen $id" result2]
	    if { $result == 0 && $result2 == 0} {
		verbose "setting board_info($dest,fileid) to $spawn_id" 3
		set board_info($dest,fileid) $spawn_id
		set board_info($dest,fileid_origid) $id
		return $spawn_id
	    } else {
		# This shouldn't happen.
		global errorInfo
		if {[info exists errorInfo]} {
		    set foo $errorInfo
		} else {
		    set foo ""
		verbose "spawn -open $id failed, $result $result2, $foo"
		catch "close $id"
		return -1
	} else {
	    set result [catch "spawn $commandline" pid]
	    if { $result == 0 } {
		verbose "setting board_info($dest,fileid) to $spawn_id" 3
		set board_info($dest,fileid) $spawn_id
		return $spawn_id
	    } else {
		verbose -log "spawn of $commandline failed"
		return -1

    # Seems to me there should be a cleaner way to do this.
    if { "$args" == "" } {
	return [call_remote "" spawn "$dest" "$commandline"]
    } else {
	return [call_remote "" spawn "$dest" "$commandline" $args]

proc remote_raw_spawn { dest commandline } {
    return [call_remote raw spawn "$dest" "$commandline"]

# The default spawn procedure. Uses rsh to connect to $dest.
proc standard_spawn { dest commandline } {
    global board_info

    if {![board_info $dest exists rsh_prog]} {
	if { [which remsh] != 0 } {
	    set RSH remsh
	} else {
	    set RSH rsh
    } else {
	set RSH [board_info $dest rsh_prog]

    if {[board_info $dest exists hostname]} {
	set remote [board_info $dest hostname]
    } else {
	set remote $dest

    if {![board_info $dest exists username]} {
	spawn $RSH $remote $commandline
    } else {
	spawn $RSH -l [board_info $dest username] $remote $commandline

    set board_info($dest,fileid) $spawn_id
    return $spawn_id

# Run PROG on DEST, with optional arguments, input and output files.
# It returns a list of two items. The first is ether "pass" if the
# program loaded, ran and exited with a zero exit status, or "fail"
# otherwise.  The second argument is any output produced by the
# program while it was running.
proc remote_load { dest prog args } {
    global tool

    set dname [board_info $dest name]
    set cache "[getenv REMOTELOAD_CACHE]/$tool/$dname/[file tail $prog]"
    set empty [is_remote $dest]
    if { [board_info $dest exists is_simulator] || [getenv REMOTELOAD_CACHE] == "" } {
	set empty 0
    } else {
	for { set x 0 } {$x < [llength $args] } {incr x} {
	    if { [lindex $args $x] != "" } {
		set empty 0
    if {$empty} {
	global sum_program

	if {[info exists sum_program]} {
	    if {![target_info exists objcopy]} {
		set_currtarget_info objcopy [find_binutils_prog objcopy]
	    if {[is_remote host]} {
		set dprog [remote_download host $prog "a.out"]
	    } else {
		set dprog $prog
	    set status [remote_exec host "[target_info objcopy]" "-O srec $dprog ${dprog}.sum"]
	    if {[is_remote host]} {
		remote_file upload ${dprog}.sum ${prog}.sum
	    if { [lindex $status 0] == 0 } {
		set sumout [remote_exec build "$sum_program" "${prog}.sum"]
		set sum [lindex $sumout 1]
		regsub "\[\r\n \t\]+$" "$sum" "" sum
	    } else {
		set sumout [remote_exec build "$sum_program" "${prog}"]
		set sum [lindex $sumout 1]
		regsub "\[\r\n \t\]+$" "$sum" "" sum
	    remote_file build delete ${prog}.sum
	if {[file exists $cache]} {
	    set same 0
	    if {[info exists sum_program]} {
		set id [open $cache "r"]
		set oldsum [read $id]
		close $id
		if { $oldsum == $sum } {
		    set same 1
	    } else {
		if { [remote_file build cmp $prog $cache] == 0 } {
		    set same 1
	    if { $same } {
		set fd [open "${cache}.res" "r"]
		gets $fd l1
		set result [list $l1 [read $fd]]
		close $fd
    if {![info exists result]} {
	set result [eval call_remote \"\" load \"$dname\" \"$prog\" $args]
	# Not quite happy about the "pass" condition, but it makes sense if
	# you think about it for a while-- *why* did the test not pass?
	if { $empty && [lindex $result 0] == "pass" } {
	    if { [getenv LOAD_REMOTECACHE] != "" } {
		set dir "[getenv REMOTELOAD_CACHE]/$tool/$dname"
		if {![file exists $dir]} {
		    file mkdir $dir
		if {[file exists $dir]} {
		    if {[info exists sum_program]} {
			set id [open $cache "w"]
			puts -nonewline $id "$sum"
			close $id
		    } else {
			remote_exec build cp "$prog $cache"
		    set id [open "${cache}.res" "w"]
		    puts $id [lindex $result 0]
		    puts -nonewline $id [lindex $result 1]
		    close $id
    return $result

proc remote_raw_load { dest prog args } {
    return [eval call_remote raw load \"$dest\" \"$prog\" $args ]

# The default load procedure if no other exists for $dest. It uses
# remote_download and remote_exec to load and execute the program.
proc standard_load { dest prog args } {
    global board_info

    if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
	set pargs [lindex $args 0]
    } else {
	set pargs ""

    if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
	set inp "[lindex $args 1]"
    } else {
	set inp ""

    if {![file exists $prog]} then {
	# We call both here because this should never happen.
	perror "$prog does not exist in standard_load."
	verbose -log "$prog does not exist." 3
	return "untested"

    if {[is_remote $dest]} {
        if {![board_info $dest exists remotedir]} {
            set board_info($dest,remotedir) "/tmp/runtest.[pid]"
	set remotefile [file tail $prog]
	set remotefile [remote_download $dest $prog $remotefile]
	if { $remotefile == "" } {
	    verbose -log "Download of $prog to [board_info $dest name] failed." 3
	    return "unresolved"
	if {[board_info $dest exists remote_link]} {
	    if {[[board_info $dest remote_link] $remotefile]} {
		verbose -log "Couldn't do remote link"
		remote_file target delete $remotefile
		return "unresolved"
	set status [remote_exec $dest $remotefile $pargs $inp]
	remote_file $dest delete $remotefile
    } else {
	set status [remote_exec $dest $prog $pargs $inp]
    if { [lindex $status 0] < 0 } {
	verbose -log "Couldn't execute $prog, [lindex $status 1]" 3
	return "unresolved"
    set output [lindex $status 1]
    set status [lindex $status 0]

    verbose -log "Executed $prog, status $status" 2
    if {![string match "" $output]} {
	verbose -log -- "$output" 2
    if { $status == 0 } {
	return [list "pass" $output]
    } else {
	return [list "fail" $output]

# Loads PROG into DEST.
proc remote_ld { dest prog } {
    return [eval call_remote \"\" ld \"$dest\" \"$prog\"]

proc remote_raw_ld { dest prog } {
    return [eval call_remote raw ld \"$dest\" \"$prog\"]

# Wait up to TIMEOUT seconds for the last spawned command on DEST to
# complete. A list of two values is returned; the first is the exit
# status (-1 if the program timed out), and the second is any output
# produced by the command.
proc remote_wait { dest timeout } {
    return [eval call_remote \"\" wait \"$dest\" $timeout]

proc remote_raw_wait { dest timeout } {
    return [eval call_remote raw wait \"$dest\" $timeout]

# The standard wait procedure, used for commands spawned on the local
# machine.
proc standard_wait { dest timeout } {
    set output ""
    set status -1

    if {[info exists exp_close_result]} {
	unset exp_close_result
    remote_expect $dest $timeout {
	-re ".+" {
	    append output $expect_out(buffer)
	    exp_continue -continue_timer
	timeout {
	    warning "program timed out."
	eof {
	    # There may be trailing characters in the buffer.
	    # Append them, too.
	    append output $expect_out(buffer)
	    if {[board_info $dest exists fileid_origid]} {
		global board_info

		set id [board_info $dest fileid]
		set oid [board_info $dest fileid_origid]
		verbose "$id $oid"
		unset board_info($dest,fileid)
		unset board_info($dest,fileid_origid)
		catch "close -i $id"
		# I don't believe this. You HAVE to do a wait, even tho
		# it won't work! stupid ()*$%*)(% expect...
		catch "wait -i $id"
		set r2 [catch "close $oid" res]
		if { $r2 != 0 } {
		    verbose "close result is $res"
		    set status 1
		} else {
		    set status 0
	    } else {
		set s [wait -i [board_info $dest fileid]]
		if { [lindex $s 0] != 0 && [lindex $s 2] == 0 } {
		    set status [lindex $s 3]
		    if { [llength $s] > 4 } {
			if { [lindex $s 4] == "CHILDKILLED" } {
			    set status 1

    remote_close $dest
    return [list $status $output]

# This checks the value contained in the variable named "variable" in
# the calling procedure for output from the status wrapper and returns
# a non-negative value if it exists; otherwise, it returns -1. The
# output from the wrapper is removed from the variable.
proc check_for_board_status  { variable } {
    upvar $variable output

    # If all programs of this board have a wrapper that always outputs a
    # status message, then the absence of it means that the program
    # crashed, regardless of status found elsewhere (e.g. simulator exit
    # code).
    if { [target_info needs_status_wrapper] != "" } then {
	set nomatch_return 2
    } else {
	set nomatch_return -1

    if {[regexp "(^|\[\r\n\])\\*\\*\\* EXIT code" $output]} {
	regsub "^.*\\*\\*\\* EXIT code " $output "" result
	regsub "\[\r\n\].*$" $result "" result
	regsub -all "(^|\[\r\n\]|\r\n)\\*\\*\\* EXIT code \[^\r\n\]*(\[\r\n\]\[\r\n\]?|$)" $output "" output
	regsub "^\[^0-9\]*" $result "" result
	regsub "\[^0-9\]*$" $result "" result
	verbose "got board status $result" 3
	verbose "output is $output" 3
	if { $result == "" } {
	    return $nomatch_return
	} else {
	    return [expr {$result}]
    } else {
	return $nomatch_return

# remote_expect works basically the same as standard expect, but it
# also takes care of getting the file descriptor from the specified
# host and also calling the timeout/eof/default section if there is an
# error on the expect call.
proc remote_expect { board timeout args } {
    global errorInfo errorCode
    global remote_suppress_flag

    set spawn_id [board_info $board fileid]

    if { [llength $args] == 1 } {
	set args "[lindex $args 0]"

    set res {}
    set got_re 0
    set need_append 1

    set orig "$args"

    set error_sect ""
    set save_next 0

    if { $spawn_id == "" } {
	# This should be an invalid spawn id.
	set spawn_id 1000

    for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $args] } { incr i }  {
	if { $need_append } {
	    append res "\n-i $spawn_id "
	    set need_append 0

	set x "[lrange $args $i $i]"
	regsub "^\n*\[ 	\]*" "$x" "" x

	if { $x == "-i" || $x == "-timeout" || $x == "-ex" } {
	    append res "$x "
	    set next [expr {$i + 1}]
	    append res "[lrange $args $next $next]"
	    incr i
	if { $x == "-n" || $x == "-notransfer" || $x == "-nocase" || $x == "-indices" } {
	    append res "${x} "
	if { $x == "-re" } {
	    append res "${x} "
	    set next [expr {$i + 1}]
	    set y [lrange $args $next $next]
	    append res "${y} "
	    set got_re 1
	    incr i
	if { $got_re } {
	    set need_append 0
	    append res "$x "
	    set got_re 0
	    if { $save_next } {
		set save_next 0
		set error_sect [lindex $args $i]
	} else {
	    if { ${x} == "eof" } {
		set save_next 1
	    } elseif { ${x} == "default" || ${x} == "timeout" } {
		if { $error_sect == "" } {
		    set save_next 1
	    append res "${x} "
	    set got_re 1

    if {[info exists remote_suppress_flag]} {
	if { $remote_suppress_flag } {
	    set code 1
    if {![info exists code]} {
	set res "\n-timeout $timeout $res"
	set body "expect \{\n-i $spawn_id -timeout $timeout $orig\}"
	set code [catch {uplevel $body} string]

    if {$code == 1} {
	if {[info exists string]} {
	    perror "$errorInfo $errorCode $string"

	if { $error_sect != "" } {
	    set code [catch {uplevel $error_sect} string]
	} else {
	    warning "remote_expect statement without a default case"

    if {$code == 1} {
	return -code error -errorinfo $errorInfo -errorcode $errorCode $string
    } else {
	return -code $code $string

# Push the current connection to HOST onto a stack.
proc remote_push_conn { host } {
    global board_info

    set name [board_info $host name]

    if { $name == "" } {
	return "fail"

    if {![board_info $host exists fileid]} {
	return "fail"

    set fileid [board_info $host fileid]
    set conninfo [board_info $host conninfo]
    if {![info exists board_info($name,fileid_stack)]} {
	set board_info($name,fileid_stack) {}
    set board_info($name,fileid_stack) [list $fileid $conninfo $board_info($name,fileid_stack)]
    unset board_info($name,fileid)
    if {[info exists board_info($name,conninfo)]} {
	unset board_info($name,conninfo)
    return "pass"

# Pop a previously-pushed connection from a stack. You should have closed the
# current connection before doing this.
proc remote_pop_conn { host } {
    global board_info

    set name [board_info $host name]

    if { $name == "" } {
	return "fail"
    if {![info exists board_info($name,fileid_stack)]} {
	return "fail"
    set stack $board_info($name,fileid_stack)
    if { [llength $stack] < 3 } {
	return "fail"
    set board_info($name,fileid) [lindex $stack 0]
    set board_info($name,conninfo) [lindex $stack 1]
    set board_info($name,fileid_stack) [lindex $stack 2]
    return "pass"

# Swap the current connection with the topmost one on the stack.
proc remote_swap_conn { host } {
    global board_info
    set name [board_info $host name]

    if {![info exists board_info($name,fileid)]} {
	return "fail"

    set fileid $board_info($name,fileid)
    if {[info exists board_info($name,conninfo)]} {
	set conninfo $board_info($name,conninfo)
    } else {
	set conninfo {}
    if { [remote_pop_conn $host] != "pass" } {
	set board_info($name,fileid) $fileid
	set board_info($name,conninfo) $conninfo
	return "fail"
    set newfileid $board_info($name,fileid)
    set newconninfo $board_info($name,conninfo)
    set board_info($name,fileid) $fileid
    set board_info($name,conninfo) $conninfo
    remote_push_conn $host
    set board_info($name,fileid) $newfileid
    set board_info($name,conninfo) $newconninfo
    return "pass"

set sum_program "testcsum"