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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE schemalist [
  <!ELEMENT schemalist (schema|enum|flags)* >
  <!ATTLIST schemalist gettext-domain CDATA #IMPLIED >

  <!ELEMENT schema (key|child|override)* >
  <!ATTLIST schema id             CDATA #REQUIRED
                   path           CDATA #IMPLIED
                   gettext-domain CDATA #IMPLIED
                   extends        CDATA #IMPLIED
                   list-of        CDATA #IMPLIED >

  <!-- enumerated and flags types -->
  <!-- each value element maps a nick to a numeric value -->
  <!ELEMENT enum (value*) >

  <!ELEMENT flags (value*) >

  <!ELEMENT value EMPTY >
  <!-- nick must be at least 2 characters long -->
  <!-- value must be parsable as a 32-bit integer -->
                  value CDATA #REQUIRED >

  <!ELEMENT key (default|summary?|description?|range?|choices?|aliases?)* >
  <!-- name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and '-' -->
  <!-- type must be a GVariant type string -->
  <!-- enum must be the id of an enum type that has been defined earlier -->
  <!-- flags must be the id of a flags type that has been defined earlier -->
  <!-- exactly one of type, enum or flags must be given -->
                type  CDATA #IMPLIED
                enum  CDATA #IMPLIED
                flags CDATA #IMPLIED >

  <!-- the default value is specified a a serialized GVariant,
       i.e. you have to include the quotes when specifying a string -->
  <!ELEMENT default (#PCDATA) >
  <!-- the presence of the l10n attribute marks a default value for
       translation, its value is the gettext category to use -->
  <!-- if context is present, it specifies msgctxt to use -->
  <!ATTLIST default l10n    (messages|time) #IMPLIED
                    context CDATA           #IMPLIED >

  <!ELEMENT summary (#PCDATA) >
  <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA) >

  <!-- range is only allowed for keys with numeric type -->
  <!ELEMENT range EMPTY >
  <!-- min and max must be parseable as values of the key type and
       min must be less than or equal to max -->
                  max CDATA #REQUIRED >

  <!-- choices is only allowed for keys with string or string array type -->
  <!ELEMENT choices (choice+) >
  <!-- each choice element specifies one possible value -->
  <!ELEMENT choice EMPTY >
  <!ATTLIST choice value CDATA #REQUIRED >

  <!-- aliases is only allowed for keys with enumerated type or with choices -->
  <!ELEMENT aliases (alias+) >
  <!-- each alias element specifies an alias for one of the possible values -->
  <!ELEMENT alias EMPTY >
  <!ATTLIST alias value CDATA #REQUIRED >

  <!ELEMENT child EMPTY >
  <!ATTLIST child name   CDATA #REQUIRED
                  schema CDATA #REQUIRED >

  <!ELEMENT override (#PCDATA) >
  <!ATTLIST override name    CDATA #REQUIRED
                     l10n    CDATA #IMPLIED
                     context CDATA #IMPLIED >

<schemalist gettext-domain='dconf-editor'>
  <enum id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Behaviour">
    <value value="0" nick="unsafe"/>
    <value value="1" nick="safe"/>
    <value value="2" nick="always-confirm-implicit"/>
    <value value="3" nick="always-confirm-explicit"/>
    <value value="4" nick="always-delay"/>
  <flags id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.RelocatableSchemasEnabledMappings">
    <value value="1" nick="User"/>
    <value value="2" nick="Built-in"/>
    <value value="4" nick="Internal"/>
    <value value="8" nick="Startup"/>
  <schema id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Settings" path="/ca/desrt/dconf-editor/">
    <child schema="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Demo" name="demo"/>
    <key name="window-width" type="i">
      <summary>The width of the window</summary>
      <description>The width of the main window in pixels.</description>
    <key name="window-height" type="i">
      <summary>The height of the window</summary>
      <description>The height of the main window in pixels.</description>
    <key name="window-is-maximized" type="b">
      <summary>A flag to enable maximized mode</summary>
      <description>A flag to enable maximized mode</description>
    <key name="restore-view" type="b">
      <summary>A flag to restore the last view</summary>
      <description>If “true”, Dconf Editor tries at launch to navigate to the path described in the “saved-view” key.</description>
    <key name="saved-view" type="s">
      <summary>A path to restore the last view</summary>
      <description>If the “restore-view” key is set to “true”, Dconf Editor tries at launch to navigate to this path.</description>
    <key name="show-warning" type="b">
      <summary>Show initial warning</summary>
      <description>If “true”, Dconf Editor opens a popup when launched reminding the user to be careful.</description>
    <key name="small-keys-list-rows" type="b">
      <summary>A flag to enable small rows for keys list</summary>
      <description>If “true”, the keys list use smaller rows.</description>
    <key name="small-bookmarks-rows" type="b">
      <summary>A flag to enable small rows for bookmarks list</summary>
      <description>If “true”, the bookmarks list use smaller rows.</description>
    <key name="behaviour" enum="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Behaviour">
      <summary>Change the behaviour of a key value change request</summary>
      <description>The “unsafe” value is discouraged: for keys that have a non-special-cased type, it updates the key value each time something changes in the entry, so including intermediate states. The “safe” value asks for confirmation in these cases, but allows instant changes for booleans and nullable booleans, enums and flags. The “always-confirm-implicit” and “always-confirm-explicit” values always asks for confirmation, but the first applies the change if you change path whereas the second dismiss it. The “always-delay” value adds each change in delay mode, allowing to apply multiple keys at once.</description>
    <key name="sort-case-sensitive" type="b">
      <summary>A flag to sort keys list case-sensitively</summary>
      <description>GSettings doesn’t allow keys to use upper-case in their names, but installation paths of schemas can. If “true”, the keys list is sorted case-sensitively, with in usual order upper-case folders first.</description>
    <key type="b" name="mouse-use-extra-buttons">
      <summary>Use “Back” and “Forward” mouse button events</summary>
      <description>For users with mice that have buttons for “Forward” and “Back”, this key will determine if any action is taken inside of a browser window when either is pressed.</description>
    <key type="i" name="mouse-back-button">
      <range min="6" max="14"/>
      <summary>Mouse button to activate the “Back” command in browser window</summary>
      <description>For users with mice that have buttons for “Forward” and “Back”, this key will set which button activates the “Back” command in a browser window. Possible values range between 6 and 14.</description>
    <key type="i" name="mouse-forward-button">
      <range min="6" max="14"/>
      <summary>Mouse button to activate the “Forward” command in browser window</summary>
      <description>For users with mice that have buttons for “Forward” and “Back”, this key will set which button activates the “Forward” command in a browser window. Possible values range between 6 and 14.</description>
    <key type="b" name="refresh-settings-schema-source">
      <summary>A flag to check for added or removed schemas</summary>
      <description>Dconf Editor can monitor if schemas are added or removed from the multiple possible locations. That’s done by checking every three seconds if the schemas list has changed. As this way to do is suboptimal, this function can be disabled by setting this flag to “false”. Note that this option will be removed when a better way to do things is found.</description>
    <key name="relocatable-schemas-enabled-mappings" flags="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.RelocatableSchemasEnabledMappings">
      <default>['User', 'Built-in', 'Internal', 'Startup']</default>
      <summary>Enabled relocatable schema mapping facilities</summary>
      <description>Flags for the relocatable schemas mapping facilities. “User” enables mappings defined by the “relocatable-schemas-user-paths” key; “Built-in” enables well-known mappings hardcoded into Dconf Editor; “Internal” is reserved for Dconf Editor own mappings; “Startup” is for mapping a relocatable schema from the command-line.</description>
    <key name="relocatable-schemas-user-paths" type="a{ss}">
      <summary>Mapping of paths to manually associated schemas</summary>
      <description>A dictionary that maps schema IDs with path specifications. It is used to allow the user to associate a relocatable schema to certain paths. Path specifications may contain wildcards in the form of empty segments (e.g. /ca/desrt/dconf-editor//), defining possibly multiple paths. The same schema ID may be associated with multiple path specifications.</description>
  <schema id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Bookmarks">
    <key name="bookmarks" type="as">
      <summary>A list of bookmarked paths</summary>
      <description>Contains all paths bookmarked by the user as an array of strings.</description>
  <enum id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.DemoEnum">
    <value value="0" nick="Red"/>
    <value value="4" nick="White"/>
    <value value="2" nick="Blue"/>
    <value value="3" nick="Yellow"/>
    <value value="1" nick="Green"/>
  <flags id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.DemoFlags">
    <value value="16" nick="Red"/>      <!-- 0 validates, multiple times; -->
    <value value="4" nick="White"/>
    <value value="2" nick="Blue"/>
    <value value="8" nick="Yellow"/>
    <value value="1" nick="Green"/>
  <enum id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.DemoWeirdEnum">
    <value value="0" nick="only-choice"/>
  <schema id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Demo" path="/ca/desrt/dconf-editor/Demo/">
    <child schema="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Demo.Conflict1" name="conflict1"/>
    <child schema="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Demo.Conflict2" name="conflict2"/>
    <key name="boolean" type="b">
      <summary>A boolean, type ‘b’</summary>
      <description>Booleans can only take two values, “true” or “false”.</description>
    <key name="boolean-nullable" type="mb">
      <summary>A nullable boolean, type ‘mb’</summary>
      <description>GSettings allows nullable types, that are similar to other types but could take a “nothing” value. A nullable boolean can only take three values, “true”, “false” and “nothing”.</description>
    <key name="byte" type="y">
      <summary>A byte (unsigned), type ‘y’</summary>
      <description>A byte value is an integer between 0 and 255. It may be used to pass around characters.</description>
    <key name="bytestring" type="ay">
      <default>[72, 101, 108, 108, 108]</default>
      <summary>A bytestring, type ‘ay’</summary>
      <description>The bytestring type is commonly used to pass around strings that may not be valid utf8. In that case, the convention is that the nul terminator character should be included as the last character in the array.</description>
    <key name="bytestring-array" type="aay">
      <default>[[72, 101, 108, 108, 108], [87, 111, 114, 108, 100], [33]]</default>
      <summary>A bytestring array, type ‘aay’</summary>
      <description>This is the type of an array of bytestrings. The bytestring type is commonly used to pass around strings that may not be valid utf8.</description>
    <key name="dbus-handle" type="h">
      <summary>A D-Bus handle type, type ‘h’</summary>
      <description>The handle type is a 32-bit signed integer value that is, by convention, used as an index into an array of file descriptors that are sent alongside a D-Bus message.&#xA;&#xA;If you are not interacting with D-Bus, then there is no reason to make use of this type.</description>
    <key name="dbus-object-path" type="o">
      <summary>A D-Bus object path, type ‘o’</summary>
      <description>An object path is used to identify D-Bus objects at a given destination on the bus.&#xA;&#xA;If you are not interacting with D-Bus, then there is no reason to make use of this type.</description>
    <key name="dbus-object-path-array" type="ao">
      <default>['/ca/desrt/dconf_editor/menus/appmenu', '/ca/desrt/dconf_editor/window/1']</default>
      <summary>A D-Bus object path array, type ‘ao’</summary>
      <description>An object path array could contain any number of object paths (including none: “[]”).&#xA;&#xA;If you are not interacting with D-Bus, then there is no reason to make use of this type.</description>
    <key name="dbus-signature" type="g">
      <summary>A D-Bus signature, type ‘g’</summary>
      <description>A D-Bus signature is a string used as type signature for a D-Bus method or message.&#xA;&#xA;If you are not interacting with D-Bus, then there is no reason to make use of this type.</description>
    <key name="double" type="d">
      <summary>A double, type ‘d’</summary>
      <description>A double value could represent any real number.</description>
    <key name="enumeration" enum="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.DemoEnum">
      <summary>A 5-choices enumeration</summary>
      <description>Enumerations could be done either with the “enum” attribute, or with a “choices” tag.</description>
    <key name="integer-16-signed" type="n">
      <summary>A short integer, type ‘n’</summary>
      <description>A 16-bit signed integer. See also the “integer-16-unsigned” key.</description>
    <key name="flags" flags="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.DemoFlags">
      <default>["Blue", "White", "Red"]</default>
      <summary>Flags: choose-colors-you-love</summary>
      <description>Flags could be set by the “enum” attribute.</description>
    <key name="integer-16-unsigned" type="q">
      <summary>An unsigned short integer, type ‘q’</summary>
      <description>A 16-bit unsigned integer. See also the “integer-16-signed” key.</description>
    <key name="integer-32-signed" type="i">
      <summary>An usual integer, type ‘i’</summary>
      <description>A 32-bit signed integer. See also the “integer-32-unsigned” key.</description>
    <key name="integer-32-unsigned" type="u">
      <summary>An unsigned usual integer, type ‘u’</summary>
      <description>A 32-bit unsigned integer. See also the “integer-32-signed” key.</description>
    <key name="integer-64-signed" type="x">
      <summary>A long integer, type ‘x’</summary>
      <description>A 64-bit signed integer. See also the “integer-64-unsigned” key.</description>
    <key name="integer-64-unsigned" type="t">
      <summary>An unsigned long integer, type ‘t’</summary>
      <description>A 64-bit unsigned integer. See also the “integer-64-signed” key.</description>
    <!-- TODO add a nullable-(unsigned-)integer -->
    <key name="number-with-range" type="i">
      <range min="-2" max="10"/>
      <summary>A number with range</summary>
      <description>Every numeral setting (integers and unsigned integers of every type, plus doubles) could be limited to a custom range of values. For example, this integer could only take a value between -2 and 10.</description> <!-- TODO and handle? -->
    <key name="pair-of-integers" type="(ii)">
      <default>(800, 600)</default>
      <summary>A custom type, here ‘(ii)’</summary>
      <description>Dconf Editor lets you edit any settings type supported by GSettings, falling back on a string entry when it doesn’t have a better way to do. Here is a tuple of two 32-bit signed integers.</description>
    <key name="string" type="s">
      <default>'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.'</default>
      <summary>A string, type ‘s’</summary>
      <description>The string type could accept any utf8 string. Note that an empty string “''” is not the same as NULL (nothing); see also the “string-nullable” key.</description>
    <key name="string-array" type="as">
      <default>['orange', 'banana', 'pear']</default>
      <summary>A string array, type ‘as’</summary>
      <description>A string array contains any number of strings of whatever length. It may be an empty array, “[]”.</description>
    <key name="string-nullable" type="ms">
      <summary>A nullable string, type ‘ms’</summary>
      <description>GSettings allows nullable types, that are similar to other types but could take a “nothing” value. A nullable string can take any string as value, including the empty string “''”, or can be NULL (nothing).</description>
    <key name="weird-enum" enum="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.DemoWeirdEnum">
      <summary>A 1-choice enumeration</summary>
      <description>An enumeration could contain only one item, but that’s probably an error. Dconf Editor warns you in that case.</description>
    <key name="weird-range" type="i">
      <range min="5" max="5"/>
      <summary>A 1-choice integer value</summary>
      <description>A range could limit an integer key to only allow one value, but that’s probably an error. Dconf Editor warns you in that case.</description>
  <schema id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Demo.Empty" path="/ca/desrt/dconf-editor/Demo/Empty/">
  <schema id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Demo.EmptyRelocatable">
  <schema id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Demo.Relocatable">
    <key name="boolean" type="b">
      <summary>A boolean, type ‘b’</summary>
      <description>An usual boolean value, defined by a relocatable schema.</description>
    <key name="integer" type="i">
      <summary>An usual integer, type ‘i’</summary>
      <description>A 32-bit signed integer, defined by a relocatable schema.</description>
    <key name="flags" flags="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.DemoFlags">
      <default>["Blue", "White", "Red"]</default>
      <summary>Flags: choose-colors-you-love</summary>
      <description>Flags could be set by the “enum” attribute.</description>
  <schema id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Demo.Conflict1" path="/ca/desrt/dconf-editor/Demo/Conflict/">
    <key name="a-non-conflicting-key" type="b">
      <summary>A normal non-conflicting key from Conflict1</summary>
      <description>This key is a test for multiple schemas in the same path with conflicting keys. Non-conflicting keys should have no issues.</description>
    <key name="default-value-conflict" type="i">
      <summary>Conflicting key defaulting to “1” that should give an error</summary>
      <description>This key is a test for multiple schemas in the same path with conflicting keys. It shouldn’t be editable as a key mapped to the same path has a different default value.</description>
    <key name="range-conflict" type="u">
      <summary>Conflicting key with no range that should give an error</summary>
      <description>This key is a test for multiple schemas in the same path with conflicting keys. It shouldn’t be editable as a key mapped to the same path has a different range.</description>
    <key name="type-conflict" type="s">
      <summary>A (simple) string conflicting key that should give a error</summary>
      <description>This key is a test for multiple schemas in the same path with conflicting keys. It shouldn’t be editable as a key mapped to the same path has a different type.</description>
    <key name="warning-similar" type="b">
      <summary>Conflicting key from Conflict1 that should give a warning</summary>
      <description>This key is a test for multiple schemas in the same path with conflicting keys. It can be edited, since the types are compatible, but it is still an issue.</description>
  <schema id="ca.desrt.dconf-editor.Demo.Conflict2" path="/ca/desrt/dconf-editor/Demo/Conflict/">
    <key name="another-non-conflicting-key" type="b">
      <summary>A normal non-conflicting key from Conflict2</summary>
      <description>This key is a test for multiple schemas in the same path with conflicting keys. Non-conflicting keys should have no issues.</description>
    <key name="default-value-conflict" type="i">
      <summary>Conflicting key defaulting to “2” that should give an error</summary>
      <description>This key is a test for multiple schemas in the same path with conflicting keys. It shouldn’t be editable as a key mapped to the same path has a different default value.</description>
    <key name="range-conflict" type="u">
      <range min="0" max="5"/>
      <summary>Conflicting key with range 0~5 that should give an error</summary>
      <description>This key is a test for multiple schemas in the same path with conflicting keys. It shouldn’t be editable as a key mapped to the same path has a different range.</description>
    <key name="type-conflict" type="ms">
      <summary>A nullable-string conflicting key that should give an error</summary>
      <description>This key is a test for multiple schemas in the same path with conflicting keys. It shouldn’t be editable as a key mapped to the same path has a different type.</description>
    <key name="warning-similar" type="b">
      <summary>Conflicting key from Conflict2 that should give a warning</summary>
      <description>This key is a test for multiple schemas in the same path with conflicting keys. It can be edited, since the types are compatible, but it is still an issue.</description>