Blob Blame History Raw
  This file is part of Dconf Editor

  Dconf Editor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  Dconf Editor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with Dconf Editor.  If not, see <>.

using Gtk;

[GtkTemplate (ui = "/ca/desrt/dconf-editor/ui/registry-view.ui")]
private abstract class RegistryList : Grid, BrowsableView
    [GtkChild] protected ListBox key_list_box;
    [GtkChild] protected RegistryPlaceholder placeholder;
    [GtkChild] private ScrolledWindow scrolled;

    protected GLib.ListStore list_model = new GLib.ListStore (typeof (SettingObject));

    protected GLib.ListStore rows_possibly_with_popover = new GLib.ListStore (typeof (ClickableListBoxRow));

    protected bool _small_keys_list_rows;
    public bool small_keys_list_rows
            _small_keys_list_rows = value;
            key_list_box.foreach ((row) => {
                    Widget? row_child = ((ListBoxRow) row).get_child ();
                    if (row_child != null && (!) row_child is KeyListBoxRow)
                        ((KeyListBoxRow) (!) row_child).small_keys_list_rows = value;

    protected void scroll_to_row (ListBoxRow row, bool grab_focus)
        key_list_box.select_row (row);
        if (grab_focus)
            row.grab_focus ();

        Allocation list_allocation, row_allocation;
        scrolled.get_allocation (out list_allocation);
        row.get_allocation (out row_allocation);
        key_list_box.get_adjustment ().set_value (row_allocation.y + (int) ((row_allocation.height - list_allocation.height) / 2.0));

    public void invalidate_popovers ()
        uint position = 0;
        ClickableListBoxRow? row = (ClickableListBoxRow?) rows_possibly_with_popover.get_item (0);
        while (row != null)
            ((!) row).destroy_popover ();
            row = (ClickableListBoxRow?) rows_possibly_with_popover.get_item (position);
        rows_possibly_with_popover.remove_all ();

    public string get_selected_row_name ()
        ListBoxRow? selected_row = key_list_box.get_selected_row ();
        if (selected_row != null)
            int position = ((!) selected_row).get_index ();
            return ((SettingObject) list_model.get_object (position)).full_name;
            return "";

    public abstract void select_first_row ();

    public void select_row_named (string selected, string context, bool grab_focus)
        check_resize ();
        ListBoxRow? row = key_list_box.get_row_at_index (get_row_position (selected, context));
        if (row != null)
            scroll_to_row ((!) row, grab_focus);
    private int get_row_position (string selected, string context)
        uint position = 0;
        uint fallback = 0;
        while (position < list_model.get_n_items ())
            SettingObject object = (SettingObject) list_model.get_object (position);
            if (object.full_name == selected)
                if (object is Directory
                 || context == ".dconf" && object is DConfKey // theorical?
                 || object is GSettingsKey && ((GSettingsKey) object).schema_id == context)
                    return (int) position;
                fallback = position;
        return (int) fallback; // selected row may have been removed or context could be ""

    public abstract bool up_or_down_pressed (bool is_down);

    * * Keyboard calls

    public bool show_row_popover ()
        ListBoxRow? selected_row = (ListBoxRow?) key_list_box.get_selected_row ();
        if (selected_row == null)
            return false;

        ClickableListBoxRow row = (ClickableListBoxRow) ((!) selected_row).get_child ();

        if (row.right_click_popover_visible ())
            row.hide_right_click_popover ();
            row.show_right_click_popover ();
            rows_possibly_with_popover.append (row);
        return true;

    public string? get_copy_text ()
        ListBoxRow? selected_row = key_list_box.get_selected_row ();
        if (selected_row == null)
            return null;

        return ((ClickableListBoxRow) ((!) selected_row).get_child ()).get_text ();

    public void toggle_boolean_key ()
        ListBoxRow? selected_row = (ListBoxRow?) key_list_box.get_selected_row ();
        if (selected_row == null)

        if (!(((!) selected_row).get_child () is KeyListBoxRow))

        ((KeyListBoxRow) ((!) selected_row).get_child ()).toggle_boolean_key ();

    public void set_selected_to_default ()
        ListBoxRow? selected_row = (ListBoxRow?) key_list_box.get_selected_row ();
        if (selected_row == null)

        if (!(((!) selected_row).get_child () is KeyListBoxRow))
            assert_not_reached ();

        ((KeyListBoxRow) ((!) selected_row).get_child ()).on_delete_call ();

    public void discard_row_popover ()
        ListBoxRow? selected_row = (ListBoxRow?) key_list_box.get_selected_row ();
        if (selected_row == null)

        ((ClickableListBoxRow) ((!) selected_row).get_child ()).destroy_popover ();

class RegistryView : RegistryList
    public ModificationsHandler modifications_handler { private get; set; }

        placeholder.label = _("No keys in this path");
        key_list_box.set_header_func (update_row_header);

    * * Updating

    public void set_key_model (GLib.ListStore key_model)
        list_model = key_model;
        key_list_box.bind_model (list_model, new_list_box_row);

    public bool check_reload (GLib.ListStore fresh_key_model)
        if (list_model.get_n_items () != fresh_key_model.get_n_items ())
            return true;
        for (uint i = 0; i < list_model.get_n_items (); i++)
            SettingObject setting_object = (SettingObject) list_model.get_item (i);
            bool found = false;
            for (uint j = 0; j < fresh_key_model.get_n_items (); j++)
                SettingObject fresh_setting_object = (SettingObject) fresh_key_model.get_item (j);
                if (setting_object.get_type () != fresh_setting_object.get_type ())
                if ( !=
                // TODO compare other visible info (i.e. key summary and value)
                found = true;
                fresh_key_model.remove (j);
            if (!found)
                return true;
        if (fresh_key_model.get_n_items () > 0)
            return true;
        return false;

    public override void select_first_row ()
        ListBoxRow? row = key_list_box.get_row_at_index (0);
        if (row != null)
            scroll_to_row ((!) row, true);

    * * Key ListBox

    private void update_row_header (ListBoxRow row, ListBoxRow? before)
        string? label_text = null;
        if (row.get_child () is KeyListBoxRowEditable)
            string schema_id = ((KeyListBoxRowEditable) row.get_child ()).key.schema_id;
            if (before == null
             || !(((!) before).get_child () is KeyListBoxRowEditable
               && ((KeyListBoxRowEditable) ((!) before).get_child ()).key.schema_id == schema_id))
                label_text = schema_id;
        else if (row.get_child () is KeyListBoxRowEditableNoSchema)
            if (before == null || !(((!) before).get_child () is KeyListBoxRowEditableNoSchema))
                label_text = _("Keys not defined by a schema");

        ListBoxRowHeader header = new ListBoxRowHeader (before == null, label_text);
        row.set_header (header);

    private Widget new_list_box_row (Object item)
        ClickableListBoxRow row;
        SettingObject setting_object = (SettingObject) item;

        if (setting_object is Directory)
            row = new FolderListBoxRow (, setting_object.full_name, setting_object.parent_path);
            if (setting_object is GSettingsKey)
                row = new KeyListBoxRowEditable ((GSettingsKey) setting_object, modifications_handler);
                row = new KeyListBoxRowEditableNoSchema ((DConfKey) setting_object, modifications_handler);

            KeyListBoxRow key_row = (KeyListBoxRow) row;
            key_row.small_keys_list_rows = _small_keys_list_rows;

            ulong delayed_modifications_changed_handler = modifications_handler.delayed_changes_changed.connect (() => key_row.set_delayed_icon ());
            key_row.set_delayed_icon ();
            row.destroy.connect (() => modifications_handler.disconnect (delayed_modifications_changed_handler));

        ulong button_press_event_handler = row.button_press_event.connect (on_button_pressed);
        row.destroy.connect (() => row.disconnect (button_press_event_handler));

        /* Wrapper ensures max width for rows */
        ListBoxRowWrapper wrapper = new ListBoxRowWrapper ();

        wrapper.set_halign (Align.CENTER);
        wrapper.add (row);
        if (row is FolderListBoxRow)
            wrapper.get_style_context ().add_class ("folder-row");
            wrapper.action_name = "";
            wrapper.set_action_target ("s", setting_object.full_name);
            wrapper.get_style_context ().add_class ("key-row");
            wrapper.action_name = "";
            string context = (setting_object is GSettingsKey) ? ((GSettingsKey) setting_object).schema_id : ".dconf";
            wrapper.set_action_target ("(ss)", setting_object.full_name, context);

        return wrapper;

    private bool on_button_pressed (Widget widget, Gdk.EventButton event)
        ListBoxRow list_box_row = (ListBoxRow) widget.get_parent ();
        key_list_box.select_row (list_box_row);
        list_box_row.grab_focus ();

        if (event.button == Gdk.BUTTON_SECONDARY)
            ClickableListBoxRow row = (ClickableListBoxRow) widget;

            int event_x = (int) event.x;
            if (event.window != widget.get_window ())   // boolean value switch
                int widget_x, unused;
                event.window.get_position (out widget_x, out unused);
                event_x += widget_x;

            row.show_right_click_popover (event_x);
            rows_possibly_with_popover.append (row);

        return false;

    public override bool up_or_down_pressed (bool is_down)
        ListBoxRow? selected_row = key_list_box.get_selected_row ();
        uint n_items = list_model.get_n_items ();

        if (selected_row != null)
            Widget? row_content = ((!) selected_row).get_child ();
            if (row_content != null && ((ClickableListBoxRow) (!) row_content).right_click_popover_visible ())
                return false;

            int position = ((!) selected_row).get_index ();
            ListBoxRow? row = null;
            if (!is_down && (position >= 1))
                row = key_list_box.get_row_at_index (position - 1);
            if (is_down && (position < n_items - 1))
                row = key_list_box.get_row_at_index (position + 1);

            if (row != null)
                scroll_to_row ((!) row, true);

            return true;
        else if (n_items >= 1)
            key_list_box.select_row (key_list_box.get_row_at_index (is_down ? 0 : (int) n_items - 1));
            return true;
        return false;