Blob Blame History Raw
# Wrapper for xslt an engine command specified by an XML Configuration.
import os
import re
import logging
from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE
from dbtexmf.core.commander import CommandRunner
from dbtexmf.core.error import signal_error
import dbtexmf.xslt

class XsltEngine:
    _log = logging.getLogger("dblatex")

    def __init__(self, param_format=""):
        self.param_format = param_format
        self.subcommand_with_params = None
        self.command = CommandRunner(log=self._log)

    def add_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Remember the subcommand that shall contain XSL parameters
        sc = self.command.add_command(*args, **kwargs)
        if "%(param_list)s" in args[0]:
            self.subcommand_with_params = sc

    def _run(self, xslfile, xmlfile, outfile):
        rc ={"stylesheet": xslfile,
                                  "xmlfile": xmlfile,
                                  "output": outfile })
        if rc != 0: signal_error(self, "")

    def run(self, xslfile, xmlfile, outfile, opts=None, params=None):
        if not(self.subcommand_with_params):
            self._run(xslfile, xmlfile, outfile)
            # Temporary replace the parameter list in the command
            args_pattern = self.subcommand_with_params.arguments
            self.subcommand_with_params.arguments = \
                self.param_args_format(args_pattern, params)
            self._run(xslfile, xmlfile, outfile)
            self.subcommand_with_params.arguments = args_pattern

    def param_args_format(self, arguments, params):
        args = [] + arguments
        idx = args.index("%(param_list)s")

        if not(params):
            return args
        if not(self.param_format):
            self._log.error("Error: Unknown XSL Parameter format")
            return args

        param_args = []
        for param, value in params.items():
            param_args.append(self.param_format % {"param_name": param,
                                                   "param_value": value})

        for i in range(0, len(param_args)):
            args.insert(idx+i, param_args[i])

        return args

class XsltCommandPool:
    def __init__(self):
        self.command_runs = []

    def add_command_run(self, command_runner):

    def extend(self, other):

    def prepend(self, other):
        self.command_runs = other.command_runs + self.command_runs

    def get_command_runs(self, **criterions):
        # By default return all the items
        founds = [] + self.command_runs
        return founds

class XsltConfigRunner:
    Module loaded when a user defined XSLT engine is run. It just selects
    the first engine from the pool, and run it.
    def __init__(self):
        pool = dbtexmf.xslt.xslt_setup().command_pool
        if pool:
            commands = pool.get_command_runs()
            if commands: self.command = commands[0]
            self.command = None

    def get_deplist(self):
        return []

    def run(self, xslfile, xmlfile, outfile, opts=None, params=None):
        if not(self.command):
            raise ValueError("xsltconf: no command found"), xmlfile, outfile,
                         opts=opts, params=params)

class Xslt(XsltConfigRunner):
    "Plugin Class to load"