Blob Blame History Raw
import os
import sys
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError
from xmlparser import XmlConfig
from txtparser import TextConfig
from imagedata import ImageConverterPool, ImageConverter
from imagedata import ImageFormatPool, FormatRule
from imagedata import image_setup
from dbtexmf.xslt.xsltconf import XsltCommandPool, XsltEngine
from dbtexmf.xslt import xslt_setup

class ConfigFactory:
    Build the actual objects that configure the other modules from the XML
    parsed configuration, and publish them to the related modules
    def __init__(self, xmlconfig):
        self.xmlconfig = xmlconfig

    def publish(self):
        pool = self.imagedata_converter_config()
        if pool: image_setup().converter_pool.prepend_pool(pool)
        pool = self.imagedata_format_config()
        if pool: image_setup().format_pool.prepend_pool(pool)
        pool = self.xslt_config()
        if pool: xslt_setup().prepend_pool(pool)

    def imagedata_format_config(self):
        rules = self.xmlconfig.get("imagedata").get("formatrule", None)
        if not(rules):
            return None
        pool = ImageFormatPool()
        for rul in rules:
            fmt = FormatRule(rul.imgsrc, rul.imgdst, rul.docformat, rul.backend)
        return pool
    def imagedata_converter_config(self):
        converters = self.xmlconfig.get("imagedata").get("converter", None)
        if not(converters):
            return None
        pool = ImageConverterPool()
        for cv in converters:
            imc = ImageConverter(cv.imgsrc, cv.imgdst, cv.docformat, cv.backend)
            for cmd in cv.commands:
                imc.add_command(cmd.args, stdin=cmd.stdin, stdout=cmd.stdout,
        return pool

    def xslt_config(self):
        engines = self.xmlconfig.get("xslt").get("engine", None)
        if not(engines):
            return None
        pool = XsltCommandPool()
        for proc in engines:
            if not(proc.commands):
            eng = XsltEngine(param_format=proc.param_format)
            for cmd in proc.commands:
                eng.add_command(cmd.args, stdin=cmd.stdin, stdout=cmd.stdout,
        return pool

class DbtexConfig:
    Main configuration object, in charge to parse the configuration files
    and populate the setup.
    def __init__(self):
        self.options = []
        self.paths = []
        self.style_exts = ["", ".xml", ".specs", ".conf"]

    def warn(self, text):
        print >>sys.stderr, text

    def fromfile(self, filename):
        except ParseError, e:
            self.warn("Text configuration files are deprecated. "\
                      "Use the XML format instead")
        except Exception, e:
            raise e

    def fromxmlfile(self, filename):
        xmlconfig = XmlConfig()
        self.options += xmlconfig.options()
        factory = ConfigFactory(xmlconfig)

    def fromtxtfile(self, filename):
        txtconfig = TextConfig()
        self.options += txtconfig.options()

    def fromstyle(self, style, paths=None):
        # First, find the related config file
        if not paths:
            paths = self.paths

        for p in paths:
            for e in self.style_exts:
                file = os.path.join(p, style + e)
                if os.path.isfile(file):

        # If we are here nothing found
        raise ValueError("'%s': style not found" % style)