Blob Blame History Raw



% Symbol to put when line wraps

% Default verbatim layout used if \lstparamset not defined
    basicstyle=\ttfamily\small, %
    identifierstyle=\color{colIdentifier}, %
    keywordstyle=\color{colKeys}, %
    stringstyle=\color{colString}, %
    commentstyle=\color{colComments}, %
    tabsize=2, %
    frame=single, %
    framerule=0pt, %
    extendedchars=true, %
    showspaces=false, %
    showlines=true, %
    showstringspaces=false, %
    numberstyle=\tiny, %
    breaklines=true, %
    prebreak={\space\wrapsign}, %
    backgroundcolor=\color[gray]{0.95}, %
    breakautoindent=true, %
% Call the user macro that defines the layout

% GAP language, derivated from Pascal, has more keywords to highlight

% Lengths to compute the listing width from the number of characters

% Setup to compute a char width

% Environment to render fancyvrb like listings does