Blob Blame History Raw
% Basic core definitions used for DocBook

% Workaround to avoid troubles with accents in \appendixname used as hyperref
% label: force the label prefix to 'appendix' whatever the lang is

% These <bookinfo|articleinfo> parameters must be defined
\newcommand{\DBKreference}{}                % mapped to <pubsnumber>
\newcommand{\DBKsite}{}                     % mapped to <bookinfo/address>
\newcommand{\DBKdate}{\today}               % mapped to <bookinfo/date>
\newcommand{\DBKreleaseinfo}{Working Paper} % mapped to <releaseinfo>
\newcommand{\DBKedition}{}                  % mapped to <edition>
\newcommand{\DBKsubtitle}{}                 % mapped to <subtitle>
\newcommand{\DBKpubdate}{}                  % mapped to <pubdate>
\newcommand{\DBKcopyright}{}                % mapped to <copyright>
\newcommand{\DBKlegalblock}{}               % mapped to <legalnotice> stuff
\newcommand{\DBKlegaltitle}{}               % idem

% Main latex <othercredit> command. It will be redefined by the XSL stylesheets.

% Watermark command

% Front/main/back matter macros
\@ifundefined{frontmatter}{ \let\frontmatter\relax }{}
\@ifundefined{mainmatter}{ \let\mainmatter\relax }{}
\@ifundefined{backmatter}{ \let\backmatter\relax }{}

% Main latex <revhistory> command. It will be redefined by the XSL stylesheets.

% Beware with changebar and AtEndDocument!