Blob Blame History Raw
%% This is a DocBook LaTeX style example
\ProvidesPackage{dbsimple}[2003/04/11 Simple DocBook Style]

% The defined options
\DeclareOption{hyperlink}{ \def\DBKhyperlink{yes} }
\DeclareOption{nohyperlink}{ \def\DBKhyperlink{no} }

% Default values

% If defined, process the options

% Needed packages

% LaTeX <othercredit> commands to define
% #1: mapped to <contrib>
% #2: mapped to <firstname> <surname>
  #2  & #1 \tabularnewline

  \begin{tabular}{ |l|l| }
  \emph{Collaborator} & \emph{Contribution}

% Latex <revhistory> table
  \begin{longtable}{ |l|l|l|l| }
  Revision number & Date & Release Info & Author \tabularnewline

% <legalnotice> environment skip the information

% These floats must be defined to map <example> and <equation>


\floatname{dbequation}{{\scshape Equation }}

% Nothing special for <note>, <caution>, <warning>
\newenvironment{DBKadmonition}[2] {

% <sidebar> environment