Blob Blame History Raw
%% This is the DocBook LaTeX style used by DB2LaTeX (
\ProvidesPackage{db2latex}[2003/04/11 DB2LaTeX DocBook Style]

% The defined options
\DeclareOption{hyperlink}{ \def\DBKhyperlink{yes} }
\DeclareOption{nohyperlink}{ \def\DBKhyperlink{no} }

% Default values

% If defined, process the options

% Needed packages

% Workaround to avoid troubles with accents in \appendixname used as hyperref
% label: force the label prefix to 'appendix' whatever the lang is

\newcommand{\DBKreleaseinfo}{Working Paper}


% For missing options in article

% LaTeX <othercredit> commands to define
% #1: mapped to <contrib>
% #2: mapped to <firstname> <surname>
  #2  & #1 \tabularnewline

  \begin{tabular}{ |l|l| }
  \emph{Collaborator} & \emph{Contribution}

% Latex <revhistory> table
  \begin{longtable}{ |l|l|l|l| }
  Revision number & Date & Release Info & Author \tabularnewline


% Display ``DRAFT'' as a water mark:



% --------------------------
% Title and Bookinfo display
% --------------------------
  \stdtitle{\bfseries #1%
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\DBKsubtitle}{}}{}{\\[12pt]\normalsize \DBKsubtitle}}

  \stdauthor{\begin{minipage}{10cm}\centering #1\end{minipage}}%

  \textbf{\DBKtitle \\}
  \ifx\DBKauthor\empty\else{by \DBKauthor \\}\fi
  \ifthenelse{\equal{\DBKedition}{}}{}{Edition \DBKedition \\}
  \ifthenelse{\equal{\DBKpubdate}{}}{}{Published \DBKpubdate \\}
  \ifthenelse{\equal{\DBKcopyright}{}}{}{\DBKcopyright \\}
  % Now the legalnotice block


% --------------------------------------------
% Check for PDFLaTeX/LaTeX 
% --------------------------------------------
% Default page setup if not already done by geometry


% Redefine paragraph to put the title on a separate line
                                     {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                     {1ex \@plus .2ex}%

% redefine the listoffigures and listoftables so that the name of the chapter
% is printed whenever there are figures or tables from that chapter. encourage
% pagebreak prior to the name of the chapter (discourage orphans).
% Safeguard against long headers.
% Use an ellipsis when text would be larger than x% of the text width.
% Preserve left/right text alignment using \hfill (works for English).
}{\typeout{WARNING: truncate.sty wasn't available and functionality was skipped.}}

% Define front/main/back matter if not available

% Redefine abstract in avoid page count reset




% ---------------------- 
% Most Common Packages   
% ---------------------- 
% FIXME: enumitem is expected by the stylesheets
\def\dblatex@nolistI{\leftmargin\leftmargini\topsep\z@ \parsep\parskip \itemsep\z@}

% --------------------------------------------
% Math support                                
% --------------------------------------------

% ---------------
% Document Font  
% ---------------

% ----------------------------------------------
% Define a new LaTeX environment (adminipage)
% ----------------------------------------------
{ % this code corresponds to the \begin{adminipage} command
} %done
{ % this code corresponds to the \end{adminipage} command
} %done

% ----------------------------------------------
% Define a new LaTeX length (admlength)
% ----------------------------------------------

% ----------------------------------------------
% Define a new LaTeX environment (admonition)
% With 2 parameters:
% #1 The image (e.g. note.pdf)
% #2 The caption
% ----------------------------------------------
\newenvironment{DBKadmonition}[2] {
  % this code corresponds to the \begin{admonition} command
  {\bfseries \sc\large{#2}} \newline
  \parskip=0.5\baselineskip \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 2pt
} %done
{ % this code corresponds to the \end{admonition} command


% --------------------------------------------
% Commands to manage/style/create floats      
% figures, tables, algorithms, examples, eqn  
% --------------------------------------------

% --------------------------------------------
% $latex.caption.swapskip enabled for $formal.title.placement support
%% Guard against a problem with old package versions.
%% --------------------------------------------
\newcommand{\dbz}{\penalty \z@}
\newcommand{\docbooktolatexnoparskip}{\docbooktolatexoldparskip=\parskip\parskip=0pt plus 1pt}
\def\cleardoublepage{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else\hbox{}\thispagestyle{empty}\newpage\if@twocolumn\hbox{}\newpage\fi\fi\fi}


% Facilitate use of \cite with \label

%\renewcommand\citeleft{(}  % parentheses around list
%\renewcommand\citeright{)} % parentheses around list
      % emit warning?
        \PackageInfo{backref}{back cite \string`#1\string' as \string`\@nameuse{docbooktolatexcite@#1}\string'}%

% --------------------------------------------
% A way to honour <footnoteref>s
% Blame j-devenish (at)
% In any other LaTeX context, this would probably go into a style file.
  {\hbox{\@textsuperscript{\normalfont ?}}%
    \@latex@warning{Footnote label `#1' was not defined}}%
  \@namedef{@fn@label@#1}{\hbox{\@textsuperscript{\normalfont ?}}}%

% index labeling helper
  % To have the index in the TOC
    \ifnum \value{part} >\z@

\newlength\saveparskip \newlength\saveparindent
\newlength\tempparskip \newlength\tempparindent

% Prevent multiple openings of the same aux file
% (happens when backref is used with multiple bibliography environments)