Frequently Asked Questions:
1) Questions relating to CppUnit
1.1) Isn't there an easier way to write unit tests than using TestCaller ?
Yes, there is. Macros have been created to take care of the repetitive
work. Look up include/extensions/HelperMacros.h in CppUnit documentation.
Most of CppUnit test suite is also written that way since they remain
compatible as CppUnit evolve.
2) Questions related to Microsoft Visual VC++
2.1) Why does the compiler report an error when linking with CppUnit library?
You most likely are not using the same C-RunTime library as CppUnit.
In Release configuration, CppUnit use "Mulithreaded DLL".
In Debug configurations, CppUnit use "Debug Multihreaded DLL".
Check that Projects/Settings.../C++/Code Generation is indeed using
the correct library.
2.2) Why does CppUnit generate warning 4786:... when compiling ?
I really don't have a clue. All CppUnit's headers starts by either
including Portability.h or another CppUnit's header. Portability.h includes
config-msvc6.h which disable that specific warning. The warning is generated
by TestFactoryRegistry::m_factories. A solution to this problem is welcome.