#include <cppunit/BriefTestProgressListener.h>
#include <cppunit/CompilerOutputter.h>
#include <cppunit/TestPath.h>
#include <cppunit/TestResult.h>
#include <cppunit/TestResultCollector.h>
#include <cppunit/TestRunner.h>
#include <cppunit/TextOutputter.h>
#include <cppunit/TextTestProgressListener.h>
#include <cppunit/XmlOutputter.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>
#include <cppunit/plugin/DynamicLibraryManagerException.h>
#include <cppunit/plugin/PlugInParameters.h>
#include <cppunit/plugin/PlugInManager.h>
#include <cppunit/plugin/TestPlugIn.h>
#include <cppunit/portability/Stream.h>
#include "CommandLineParser.h"
/* Notes:
Memory allocated by test plug-in must be freed before unloading the test plug-in.
That is the reason why the XmlOutputter is explicitely destroyed.
/*! Runs the specified tests located in the root suite.
* \param parser Command line parser.
* \return \c true if the run succeed, \c false if a test failed or if a test
* path was not resolved.
runTests( const CommandLineParser &parser )
bool wasSuccessful = false;
CPPUNIT_NS::PlugInManager plugInManager;
// The following scope is used to explicitely free all memory allocated before
// unload the test plug-ins (uppon plugInManager destruction).
CPPUNIT_NS::TestResult controller;
CPPUNIT_NS::TestResultCollector result;
controller.addListener( &result );
// Set up outputters
CPPUNIT_NS::OStream *stream = &CPPUNIT_NS::stdCErr();
if ( parser.useCoutStream() )
stream = &CPPUNIT_NS::stdCOut();
CPPUNIT_NS::OStream *xmlStream = stream;
if ( !parser.getXmlFileName().empty() )
xmlStream = new CPPUNIT_NS::OFileStream( parser.getXmlFileName().c_str() );
CPPUNIT_NS::XmlOutputter xmlOutputter( &result, *xmlStream, parser.getEncoding() );
xmlOutputter.setStyleSheet( parser.getXmlStyleSheet() );
CPPUNIT_NS::TextOutputter textOutputter( &result, *stream );
CPPUNIT_NS::CompilerOutputter compilerOutputter( &result, *stream );
// Set up test listeners
CPPUNIT_NS::BriefTestProgressListener briefListener;
CPPUNIT_NS::TextTestProgressListener dotListener;
if ( parser.useBriefTestProgress() )
controller.addListener( &briefListener );
else if ( !parser.noTestProgress() )
controller.addListener( &dotListener );
// Set up plug-ins
for ( int index =0; index < parser.getPlugInCount(); ++index )
CommandLinePlugInInfo plugIn = parser.getPlugInAt( index );
plugInManager.load( plugIn.m_fileName, plugIn.m_parameters );
// Registers plug-in specific TestListener (global setUp/tearDown, custom TestListener...)
plugInManager.addListener( &controller );
// Adds the default registry suite
CPPUNIT_NS::TestRunner runner;
runner.addTest( CPPUNIT_NS::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest() );
// Runs the specified test
runner.run( controller, parser.getTestPath() );
wasSuccessful = result.wasSuccessful();
catch ( std::invalid_argument & )
CPPUNIT_NS::stdCOut() << "Failed to resolve test path: "
<< parser.getTestPath()
<< "\n";
// Removes plug-in specific TestListener (not really needed but...)
plugInManager.removeListener( &controller );
// write using outputters
if ( parser.useCompilerOutputter() )
if ( parser.useTextOutputter() )
if ( parser.useXmlOutputter() )
plugInManager.addXmlOutputterHooks( &xmlOutputter );
if ( !parser.getXmlFileName().empty() )
delete xmlStream;
return wasSuccessful;
printShortUsage( const std::string &applicationName )
CPPUNIT_NS::stdCOut() << "Usage:\n"
<< applicationName << " [-c -b -n -t -o -w] [-x xml-filename]"
"[-s stylesheet] [-e encoding] plug-in[=parameters] [plug-in...] [:testPath]\n\n";
printUsage( const std::string &applicationName )
printShortUsage( applicationName );
CPPUNIT_NS::stdCOut() <<
"-c --compiler\n"
" Use CompilerOutputter\n"
"-x --xml [filename]\n"
" Use XmlOutputter (if filename is omitted, then output to cout or\n"
" cerr.\n"
"-s --xsl stylesheet\n"
" XML style sheet for XML Outputter\n"
"-e --encoding encoding\n"
" XML file encoding (UTF8, shift_jis, ISO-8859-1...)\n"
"-b --brief-progress\n"
" Use BriefTestProgressListener (default is TextTestProgressListener)\n"
"-n --no-progress\n"
" Show no test progress (disable default TextTestProgressListener)\n"
"-t --text\n"
" Use TextOutputter\n"
"-o --cout\n"
" Ouputters output to cout instead of the default cerr.\n"
"-w --wait\n"
" Wait for the user to press a return before exit.\n"
" Many filenames can be specified. They are the name of the \n"
" test plug-ins to load. Optional plug-ins parameters can be \n"
" specified after the filename by adding '='.\n"
" Optional. Only one test path can be specified. It must \n"
" be prefixed with ':'. See TestPath constructor for syntax.\n"
"'parameters' (test plug-in or XML filename, test path...) may contains \n"
"spaces if double quoted. Quote may be escaped with \".\n"
"Some examples of command lines:\n"
"DllPlugInTesterd_dll.exe -b -x tests.xml -c simple_plugind.dll CppUnitTestPlugInd.dll\n"
" Will load 2 tests plug-ins (available in lib/), use the brief test\n"
"progress, output the result in XML in file tests.xml and also\n"
"output the result using the compiler outputter.\n"
"DllPlugInTesterd_dll.exe ClockerPlugInd.dll=\"flat\" -n CppUnitTestPlugInd.dll\n"
" Will load the 2 test plug-ins, and pass the parameter string \"flat\"\n"
"to the Clocker plug-in, disable test progress.\n\n";
/*! Main
* Usage:
* DllPlugInTester.exe dll-filename1 [dll-filename2 [dll-filename3 ...]] [:testpath]
* <em>dll-filename</em> must be the name of the DLL. If the DLL use some other DLL, they
* should be in the path or in the same directory as the DLL. The DLL must export
* a function named "GetTestPlugInInterface" with the signature
* GetTestPlugInInterfaceFunction. Both are defined in:
* \code
* #include <msvc6/testrunner/TestPlugInInterface.h>
* \endcode.
* If no test path is specified, they all the test of the suite returned by the DLL
* are run. If a test path is specified, then only the specified test is run. The test
* path must be prefixed by ':'.
* Test paths are resolved using Test::resolveTestPath() on the suite returned by
* TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest();
* If all test succeed and no error happen then the application exit with code 0.
* If any error occurs (failed to load dll, failed to resolve test paths) or a
* test fail, the application exit with code 1. If the application failed to
* parse the command line, it exits with code 2.
main( int argc,
const char *argv[] )
const int successReturnCode = 0;
const int failureReturnCode = 1;
const int badCommadLineReturnCode = 2;
// check command line
std::string applicationName( argv[0] );
if ( argc < 2 )
printUsage( applicationName );
return badCommadLineReturnCode;
CommandLineParser parser( argc, argv );
catch ( CommandLineParserException &e )
CPPUNIT_NS::stdCOut() << "Error while parsing command line: " << e.what()
<< "\n\n";
printShortUsage( applicationName );
return badCommadLineReturnCode;
bool wasSuccessful = false;
wasSuccessful = runTests( parser );
catch ( CPPUNIT_NS::DynamicLibraryManagerException &e )
CPPUNIT_NS::stdCOut() << "Failed to load test plug-in:\n"
<< e.what() << "\n";
#if !defined( CPPUNIT_NO_STREAM )
if ( parser.waitBeforeExit() )
CPPUNIT_NS::stdCOut() << "Please press <RETURN> to exit\n";
return wasSuccessful ? successReturnCode : failureReturnCode;