Blob Blame History Raw
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.

"""Main init."""

import importlib
import inspect
import unittest

from cloudinit.util import read_conf

from tests.cloud_tests import config
from tests.cloud_tests.testcases.base import CloudTestCase as base_test

def discover_test(test_name):
    """Discover tests in test file for 'testname'.

    @return_value: list of test classes
    testmod_name = 'tests.cloud_tests.testcases.{}'.format(
        testmod = importlib.import_module(testmod_name)
    except NameError as e:
        raise ValueError(
            'no test verifier found at: {}'.format(testmod_name)
        ) from e

    found = [mod for name, mod in inspect.getmembers(testmod)
             if (inspect.isclass(mod)
                 and base_test in inspect.getmro(mod)
                 and getattr(mod, '__test__', True))]
    if len(found) != 1:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Unexpected situation, multiple tests for %s: %s" % (
                test_name, found))

    return found

def get_test_class(test_name, test_data, test_conf):
    test_class = discover_test(test_name)[0]

    class DynamicTestSubclass(test_class):

        _realclass = test_class
        data = test_data
        conf = test_conf
        release_conf = read_conf(config.RELEASES_CONF)['releases']

        def __str__(self):
            return "%s (%s)" % (self._testMethodName,

        def setUpClass(cls):

    return DynamicTestSubclass

def get_suite(test_name, data, conf):
    """Get test suite with all tests for 'testname'.

    @return_value: a test suite
    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
            get_test_class(test_name, data, conf)))
    return suite

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