Blob Blame History Raw
# Copyright (C) 2016 Matt Dainty
# Copyright (C) 2020 Dermot Bradley
# Author: Matt Dainty <>
# Author: Dermot Bradley <>
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.

from cloudinit import distros
from cloudinit import helpers
from cloudinit import log as logging
from cloudinit import subp
from cloudinit import util

from cloudinit.distros.parsers.hostname import HostnameConf

from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# This file is generated from information provided by the datasource. Changes
# to it will not persist across an instance reboot. To disable cloud-init's
# network configuration capabilities, write a file
# /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following:
# network: {config: disabled}


class Distro(distros.Distro):
    init_cmd = ['rc-service']  # init scripts
    locale_conf_fn = "/etc/profile.d/"
    network_conf_fn = "/etc/network/interfaces"
    renderer_configs = {
        "eni": {"eni_path": network_conf_fn,
                "eni_header": NETWORK_FILE_HEADER}

    def __init__(self, name, cfg, paths):
        distros.Distro.__init__(self, name, cfg, paths)
        # This will be used to restrict certain
        # calls from repeatly happening (when they
        # should only happen say once per instance...)
        self._runner = helpers.Runners(paths)
        self.default_locale = 'C.UTF-8'
        self.osfamily = 'alpine'
        cfg['ssh_svcname'] = 'sshd'

    def get_locale(self):
        """The default locale for Alpine Linux is different than
           cloud-init's DataSource default.
        return self.default_locale

    def apply_locale(self, locale, out_fn=None):
        # Alpine has limited locale support due to musl library limitations

        if not locale:
            locale = self.default_locale
        if not out_fn:
            out_fn = self.locale_conf_fn

        lines = [
            "# This file is created by cloud-init once per new instance boot",
            "export CHARSET=UTF-8",
            "export LANG=%s" % locale,
            "export LC_COLLATE=C",
        util.write_file(out_fn, "\n".join(lines), 0o644)

    def install_packages(self, pkglist):
        self.package_command('add', pkgs=pkglist)

    def _write_network_config(self, netconfig):
        return self._supported_write_network_config(netconfig)

    def _bring_up_interfaces(self, device_names):
        use_all = False
        for d in device_names:
            if d == 'all':
                use_all = True
        if use_all:
            return distros.Distro._bring_up_interface(self, '-a')
            return distros.Distro._bring_up_interfaces(self, device_names)

    def _write_hostname(self, your_hostname, out_fn):
        conf = None
            # Try to update the previous one
            # so lets see if we can read it first.
            conf = self._read_hostname_conf(out_fn)
        except IOError:
        if not conf:
            conf = HostnameConf('')
        util.write_file(out_fn, str(conf), 0o644)

    def _read_system_hostname(self):
        sys_hostname = self._read_hostname(self.hostname_conf_fn)
        return (self.hostname_conf_fn, sys_hostname)

    def _read_hostname_conf(self, filename):
        conf = HostnameConf(util.load_file(filename))
        return conf

    def _read_hostname(self, filename, default=None):
        hostname = None
            conf = self._read_hostname_conf(filename)
            hostname = conf.hostname
        except IOError:
        if not hostname:
            return default
        return hostname

    def _get_localhost_ip(self):
        return ""

    def set_timezone(self, tz):
        distros.set_etc_timezone(tz=tz, tz_file=self._find_tz_file(tz))

    def package_command(self, command, args=None, pkgs=None):
        if pkgs is None:
            pkgs = []

        cmd = ['apk']
        # Redirect output

        if args and isinstance(args, str):
        elif args and isinstance(args, list):

        if command:

        pkglist = util.expand_package_list('%s-%s', pkgs)

        # Allow the output of this to flow outwards (ie not be captured)
        subp.subp(cmd, capture=False)

    def update_package_sources(self):"update-sources", self.package_command,
                         ["update"], freq=PER_INSTANCE)

    def preferred_ntp_clients(self):
        """Allow distro to determine the preferred ntp client list"""
        if not self._preferred_ntp_clients:
            self._preferred_ntp_clients = ['chrony', 'ntp']

        return self._preferred_ntp_clients

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