Blob Blame History Raw
# Copyright (C) 2014 Yahoo! Inc.
# Author: Joshua Harlow <>
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.

import time

from cloudinit import log as logging
from import EphemeralDHCPv4, NoDHCPLeaseError
from cloudinit import sources
from cloudinit import url_helper
from cloudinit import util

from cloudinit.sources.helpers import openstack
from cloudinit.sources import DataSourceOracle as oracle

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Various defaults/constants...
DEFAULT_IID = "iid-dsopenstack"
    "instance-id": DEFAULT_IID,

# OpenStack DMI constants
DMI_PRODUCT_NOVA = 'OpenStack Nova'
DMI_PRODUCT_COMPUTE = 'OpenStack Compute'
# See
# -> compute.defaults.vmware.smbios_asset_tag for this value

class DataSourceOpenStack(openstack.SourceMixin, sources.DataSource):

    dsname = "OpenStack"

    _network_config = sources.UNSET  # Used to cache calculated network cfg v1

    # Whether we want to get network configuration from the metadata service.
    perform_dhcp_setup = False

    def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
        super(DataSourceOpenStack, self).__init__(sys_cfg, distro, paths)
        self.metadata_address = None
        self.ssl_details = util.fetch_ssl_details(self.paths)
        self.version = None
        self.files = {}
        self.ec2_metadata = sources.UNSET
        self.network_json = sources.UNSET

    def __str__(self):
        root = sources.DataSource.__str__(self)
        mstr = "%s [%s,ver=%s]" % (root, self.dsmode, self.version)
        return mstr

    def wait_for_metadata_service(self):
        urls = self.ds_cfg.get("metadata_urls", [DEF_MD_URL])
        filtered = [x for x in urls if util.is_resolvable_url(x)]
        if set(filtered) != set(urls):
            LOG.debug("Removed the following from metadata urls: %s",
                      list((set(urls) - set(filtered))))
        if len(filtered):
            urls = filtered
            LOG.warning("Empty metadata url list! using default list")
            urls = [DEF_MD_URL]

        md_urls = []
        url2base = {}
        for url in urls:
            md_url = url_helper.combine_url(url, 'openstack')
            url2base[md_url] = url

        url_params = self.get_url_params()
        start_time = time.time()
        avail_url, _response = url_helper.wait_for_url(
            urls=md_urls, max_wait=url_params.max_wait_seconds,
        if avail_url:
            LOG.debug("Using metadata source: '%s'", url2base[avail_url])
            LOG.debug("Giving up on OpenStack md from %s after %s seconds",
                      md_urls, int(time.time() - start_time))

        self.metadata_address = url2base.get(avail_url)
        return bool(avail_url)

    def check_instance_id(self, sys_cfg):
        # quickly (local check only) if self.instance_id is still valid
        return sources.instance_id_matches_system_uuid(self.get_instance_id())

    def network_config(self):
        """Return a network config dict for rendering ENI or netplan files."""
        if self._network_config != sources.UNSET:
            return self._network_config

        # RELEASE_BLOCKER: SRU to Xenial and Artful SRU should not provide
        # network_config by default unless configured in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg*.
        # Patch Xenial and Artful before release to default to False.
        if util.is_false(self.ds_cfg.get('apply_network_config', True)):
            self._network_config = None
            return self._network_config
        if self.network_json == sources.UNSET:
            # this would happen if get_data hadn't been called. leave as UNSET
                'Unexpected call to network_config when network_json is None.')
            return None

        LOG.debug('network config provided via network_json')
        self._network_config = openstack.convert_net_json(
            self.network_json, known_macs=None)
        return self._network_config

    def _get_data(self):
        """Crawl metadata, parse and persist that data for this instance.

        @return: True when metadata discovered indicates OpenStack datasource.
            False when unable to contact metadata service or when metadata
            format is invalid or disabled.
        oracle_considered = 'Oracle' in self.sys_cfg.get('datasource_list')
        if not detect_openstack(accept_oracle=not oracle_considered):
            return False

        if self.perform_dhcp_setup:  # Setup networking in init-local stage.
                with EphemeralDHCPv4(self.fallback_interface):
                    results = util.log_time(
                        logfunc=LOG.debug, msg='Crawl of metadata service',
            except (NoDHCPLeaseError, sources.InvalidMetaDataException) as e:
                util.logexc(LOG, str(e))
                return False
                results = self._crawl_metadata()
            except sources.InvalidMetaDataException as e:
                util.logexc(LOG, str(e))
                return False

        self.dsmode = self._determine_dsmode([results.get('dsmode')])
        if self.dsmode == sources.DSMODE_DISABLED:
            return False
        md = results.get('metadata', {})
        md = util.mergemanydict([md, DEFAULT_METADATA])
        self.metadata = md
        self.ec2_metadata = results.get('ec2-metadata')
        self.network_json = results.get('networkdata')
        self.userdata_raw = results.get('userdata')
        self.version = results['version']
        self.files.update(results.get('files', {}))

        vd = results.get('vendordata')
        self.vendordata_pure = vd
            self.vendordata_raw = sources.convert_vendordata(vd)
        except ValueError as e:
            LOG.warning("Invalid content in vendor-data: %s", e)
            self.vendordata_raw = None

        return True

    def _crawl_metadata(self):
        """Crawl metadata service when available.

        @returns: Dictionary with all metadata discovered for this datasource.
        @raise: InvalidMetaDataException on unreadable or broken
            if not self.wait_for_metadata_service():
                raise sources.InvalidMetaDataException(
                    'No active metadata service found')
        except IOError as e:
            raise sources.InvalidMetaDataException(
                'IOError contacting metadata service: {error}'.format(

        url_params = self.get_url_params()

            result = util.log_time(
                LOG.debug, 'Crawl of openstack metadata service',
                read_metadata_service, args=[self.metadata_address],
                kwargs={'ssl_details': self.ssl_details,
                        'retries': url_params.num_retries,
                        'timeout': url_params.timeout_seconds})
        except openstack.NonReadable as e:
            raise sources.InvalidMetaDataException(str(e))
        except (openstack.BrokenMetadata, IOError) as e:
            msg = 'Broken metadata address {addr}'.format(
            raise sources.InvalidMetaDataException(msg) from e
        return result

class DataSourceOpenStackLocal(DataSourceOpenStack):
    """Run in init-local using a dhcp discovery prior to metadata crawl.

    In init-local, no network is available. This subclass sets up minimal
    networking with dhclient on a viable nic so that it can talk to the
    metadata service. If the metadata service provides network configuration
    then render the network configuration for that instance based on metadata.

    perform_dhcp_setup = True  # Get metadata network config if present

def read_metadata_service(base_url, ssl_details=None,
                          timeout=5, retries=5):
    reader = openstack.MetadataReader(base_url, ssl_details=ssl_details,
                                      timeout=timeout, retries=retries)
    return reader.read_v2()

def detect_openstack(accept_oracle=False):
    """Return True when a potential OpenStack platform is detected."""
    if not util.is_x86():
        return True  # Non-Intel cpus don't properly report dmi product names
    product_name = util.read_dmi_data('system-product-name')
    if product_name in VALID_DMI_PRODUCT_NAMES:
        return True
    elif util.read_dmi_data('chassis-asset-tag') in VALID_DMI_ASSET_TAGS:
        return True
    elif accept_oracle and oracle._is_platform_viable():
        return True
    elif util.get_proc_env(1).get('product_name') == DMI_PRODUCT_NOVA:
        return True
    return False

# Used to match classes to dependencies
datasources = [
    (DataSourceOpenStackLocal, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM,)),
    (DataSourceOpenStack, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, sources.DEP_NETWORK)),

# Return a list of data sources that match this set of dependencies
def get_datasource_list(depends):
    return sources.list_from_depends(depends, datasources)

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