Blob Blame History Raw
These instructions have been tested with FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE, but
should work on any 6.x release.  If you're having trouble (with any
release, not just 6.x), please let us know.


You need to have cmake installed.  It is available in the ports
collection or from  You also need GNU make. It is also in the
ports collection, and can be alternatively obtained from

Most users have libiconv installed under /usr/local.  If you wish to add
support for it (used by genisoimage, and recommended), build with

	gmake CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib

instead of just plain


Short note on using wodim

If you want to use wodim with ATAPI drives, make sure you load the
atapicam module before using wodim.  Not even "wodim -scanbus" works
usually if this is not done.  The command for loading the atapicam
module is (for root)

	/sbin/kldload atapicam

 -- Lorenz Minder -- Mon Nov 27 23:23:01 CET 2006