Blob Blame History Raw
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#Copyright 2001 Giuseppe Corbelli -
# This package is inherited by Mediahandler and provides mp3 info access
# and decoding. See the attached UML diagram for access methods.
# Everything should be done using methods.

package mp3handler;
require BaseInfo;
@ISA = qw(BaseInfo);
use MP3::Info; 
#use Data::Dumper; 
use strict; 
use File::Basename;
use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);

# 2 Args
# 1: self name
# 2: scalar containing filename
sub new {
	my ($proto) = shift; 
	my ($class) = ref($proto)||$proto;

	#Inherit from BaseInfo
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new();	
	#Checks on input file
	if (! $self->Filename)	{
		$self->Error("No input file defined.");
		return -1;
	if (! -r $self->Filename)	{
		$self->Error("Input file is not readable");
		return -1;
	if (-z $self->Filename)	{
		$self->Error("Input file has 0 size");
		return -1;
	#Identify available mp3 decoder
	foreach my $dir (split (/\:/, $ENV{'PATH'}))	{
		if ( (-x "$dir/lame") && (-s "$dir/lame") )	{
		if ( (-x "$dir/mpg321") && (-s "$dir/mpg321") )	{
		if ( (-x "$dir/mpg123") && (-s "$dir/mpg123") )	{
	if ( !$self->decoder )	{
		$self->Error("Cannot find any of the supported mp3 decoders in \$PATH.");
		return -1;
	my $ID3tagref = MP3::Info::get_mp3tag ($self->Filename);
	my $MP3info = MP3::Info::get_mp3info ($self->Filename);
	#First try the lowercase version, then the first char uppercase, last the all-uppercase
	foreach my $n (qw(artist album title bitrate year comment genre mm ss secs frequency))	{
		if ($ID3tagref->{$n})	{
			$self->$n ($ID3tagref->{"$n"});
		}	elsif	($ID3tagref->{"\u$n"})	{
			$self->$n ($ID3tagref->{"\u$n"});
		}	elsif	($ID3tagref->{"\U$n"})	{
			$self->$n ($ID3tagref->{"\U$n"});
		}	else	{
			$self->$n ('');
	$MP3info->{"STEREO"} ? $self->channels(2) : $self->channels(1);
	bless ($self, $class);
	return $self;

sub type	{
	return "mp3";

#Decodes the file in mp3handler instance to the file specified as Outputfile in same instance
#Use system() and external decoder to do the work. Return value is external tool's one.
sub to_wav	{
	my ($self) = shift;
	my (@temp, $cmdline);
	if (! -w dirname($self->Filename) )	{
		$self->Error("Output directory is not writable");
		return -1;
	printf ("\nDecoding file %s", $self->Filename) if ($self->debug);
	if (!$self->Outfile)	{
		$_ = $self->Filename; s/\.mp3/\.wav/i;
		$self->Outfile ($_);
		print ("\n\tNo outputfile defined. Used ".$self->Outfile."\n") if ($self->debug);
	} else	{
		printf (" to file %s\n", $self->Outfile) if ($self->debug);
	if ( (-e $self->Outfile) && (-s $self->Outfile) && ($self->debug) )	{
		print $self->Outfile." exists, skipping mp3 decode\n" if ($self->debug);
		return 0;
	if ($self->decoder_type =~ /lame/i)	{
		$cmdline = $self->decoder." --decode --mp3input -S ".quotemeta ($self->Filename)." ".quotemeta ($self->Outfile);
	}	elsif ($self->decoder_type =~ /mpg321/i)	{
		$cmdline = $self->decoder." -q -w ".quotemeta ($self->Outfile)." ".quotemeta ($self->Filename);
	}	else	{
		$cmdline = $self->decoder." -q -s ".quotemeta ($self->Filename)." \> ".quotemeta ($self->Outfile);
	system ("".$cmdline);
	return $? >> 8;

#No args
#Returns 0
sub print_file_info	{
	my ($self) = @_;
	printf ("\nFilename : %s, type %s\n", $self->Filename, $self->type);
	printf ("\tArtist name: %s\t", $self->artist);
	printf ("Album name: %s\t", $self->album);
	printf ("Song title: %s\n", $self->title);
	printf ("\tYear: %s\t", $self->year);
	printf ("Song comment: %s\t", $self->comment);
	printf ("Genre: %s\n", $self->genre);
	printf ("\tDuration: %d min and %d sec\t", $self->durationMM, $self->durationSS);
	printf ("Average Bitrate: %d kb/s\n", $self->Avgbr);
	printf ("\t%d channel(s), %d HZ", $self->channels, ($self->frequency) * 1000);
	return 0;

#       $trackno: Track number
# Optional: $filename: filename of .inf file
sub write_inf   {
	my ($self) = shift;
	my ($trackno) = shift;
	my ($inffilename);
	if (@_)	{
		$inffilename = shift;
	}	else	{
	    $inffilename = $self->Filename;
		$inffilename =~ s/mp3/inf/i;
    my ($inffilehandle);
    open ($inffilehandle, ">$inffilename");
    if (!$inffilehandle)        {last};
    my (@tl) = localtime (time ());
    $_ = sprintf ("#Created by on %02d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", 
        $tl[3], $tl[4]+1, $tl[5]+1900, $tl[2], $tl[1], $tl[0]);
    print $inffilehandle $_;
    print $inffilehandle "#Source file is ".$self->Filename."\n";
    print $inffilehandle "#Report bugs to Giuseppe \"Cowo\" Corbelli <cowo\>\n\n";
    print $inffilehandle "Performer=\t'".$self->Artist."'\n";
    print $inffilehandle "Tracktitle=\t'".$self->Title."'\n";
    print $inffilehandle "Albumtitle=\t'".$self->Album."'\n";
    print $inffilehandle "Tracknumber=\t".($trackno)."\n";
    close ($inffilehandle);
