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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE boostbook PUBLIC "-//Boost//DTD BoostBook XML V1.0//EN"
<boostbook id="boost" xmlns:xi=""
  <title>The Boost C++ Libraries BoostBook Documentation Subset</title>

  <preface id="about">
    <title>What's Included in This Document</title>

    <para>This document represents only a subset of the full Boost
    documentation: that part which is generated from BoostBook or
    QuickBook sources.  Eventually all Boost libraries may use these
    formats, but in the meantime, much of Boost's documentation is not
    available here.  Please
    see <ulink
    for complete documentation.

      Documentation for some of the libraries described in this document is
      available in alternative formats:
           <simpara><link linkend="boost">HTML</link></simpara>
           <simpara><ulink url="">PDF</ulink></simpara>


  <part id="libraries">
    <title>The Boost C++ Libraries (BoostBook Subset)</title>
    <xi:include href="libraries.xinclude" xpointer="xpointer(/*/node())"/>

    <library name="Concept Check" dirname="concept_check" id="concept_check">
        <librarypurpose>Tools for generic programming</librarypurpose>
        <librarycategory name="category:generic"/>
        <librarycategory name="category:testing"/>
      <xi:include href="../../libs/concept_check/doc/reference/concepts.xml"/>

  <part id="tools">
    <title>Boost Tools</title>
        Boost developers, testers, and maintainers have developed various programs to 
        help with the administration of the Boost Libraries. Like everything else about 
        Boost, these tools are available in source form, and are part of the regular 
        Boost distribution.
        Users may find these tools useful when porting Boost libraries to a new platform, 
        or for use with their own applications.
    <xi:include href="tools.xinclude" xpointer="xpointer(/*/node())"/>