Blob Blame History Raw
//  boost/endian/arithmetic.hpp  -------------------------------------------------------//

//  (C) Copyright Darin Adler 2000
//  (C) Copyright Beman Dawes 2006, 2009, 2014

//  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
//  See

//  See library home page at


//  Original design developed by Darin Adler based on classes developed by Mark
//  Borgerding. Four original class templates were combined into a single endian
//  class template by Beman Dawes, who also added the unrolled_byte_loops sign
//  partial specialization to correctly extend the sign when cover integer size
//  differs from endian representation size.

// TODO: When a compiler supporting constexpr becomes available, try possible uses.


#if defined(_MSC_VER)  
# pragma warning(push)  
# pragma warning(disable:4365)  // conversion ... signed/unsigned mismatch

# include <iostream>

#if defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined( __CODEGEARC__)
# pragma pack(push, 1)

#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/predef/detail/endian_compat.h>
#include <boost/endian/conversion.hpp>
#include <boost/endian/buffers.hpp>
#include <boost/endian/detail/cover_operators.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_signed.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/core/scoped_enum.hpp>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <climits>

# if CHAR_BIT != 8
#   error Platforms with CHAR_BIT != 8 are not supported
# endif

#   define BOOST_ENDIAN_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT {}          // C++03
# else
#   define BOOST_ENDIAN_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT = default;  // C++0x
# endif

# endif

# else
#   define BOOST_ENDIAN_EXPLICIT_OPT explicit
# endif

//----------------------------------  synopsis  ----------------------------------------//

namespace boost
namespace endian

  template <BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(order) Order, class T, std::size_t n_bits,
    BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(align) A = align::no>
      class endian_arithmetic;

  // big endian signed integer aligned types
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, int8_t, 8, align::yes>        big_int8_at;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, int16_t, 16, align::yes>      big_int16_at;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, int32_t, 32, align::yes>      big_int32_at;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, int64_t, 64, align::yes>      big_int64_at;

  // big endian unsigned integer aligned types
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, uint8_t, 8, align::yes>       big_uint8_at;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, uint16_t, 16, align::yes>     big_uint16_at;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, uint32_t, 32, align::yes>     big_uint32_at;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, uint64_t, 64, align::yes>     big_uint64_at;

  // little endian signed integer aligned types
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, int8_t, 8, align::yes>     little_int8_at;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, int16_t, 16, align::yes>   little_int16_at;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, int32_t, 32, align::yes>   little_int32_at;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, int64_t, 64, align::yes>   little_int64_at;

  // little endian unsigned integer aligned types
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, uint8_t, 8, align::yes>    little_uint8_at;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, uint16_t, 16, align::yes>  little_uint16_at;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, uint32_t, 32, align::yes>  little_uint32_at;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, uint64_t, 64, align::yes>  little_uint64_at;

  // aligned native endian typedefs are not provided because
  // <cstdint> types are superior for this use case

  // big endian signed integer unaligned types
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, int_least8_t, 8>        big_int8_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, int_least16_t, 16>      big_int16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, int_least32_t, 24>      big_int24_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, int_least32_t, 32>      big_int32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, int_least64_t, 40>      big_int40_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, int_least64_t, 48>      big_int48_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, int_least64_t, 56>      big_int56_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, int_least64_t, 64>      big_int64_t;

  // big endian unsigned integer unaligned types
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, uint_least8_t, 8>       big_uint8_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, uint_least16_t, 16>     big_uint16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, uint_least32_t, 24>     big_uint24_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, uint_least32_t, 32>     big_uint32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, uint_least64_t, 40>     big_uint40_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, uint_least64_t, 48>     big_uint48_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, uint_least64_t, 56>     big_uint56_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::big, uint_least64_t, 64>     big_uint64_t;

  // little endian signed integer unaligned types
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, int_least8_t, 8>     little_int8_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, int_least16_t, 16>   little_int16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, int_least32_t, 24>   little_int24_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, int_least32_t, 32>   little_int32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, int_least64_t, 40>   little_int40_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, int_least64_t, 48>   little_int48_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, int_least64_t, 56>   little_int56_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, int_least64_t, 64>   little_int64_t;

  // little endian unsigned integer unaligned types
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, uint_least8_t, 8>    little_uint8_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, uint_least16_t, 16>  little_uint16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, uint_least32_t, 24>  little_uint24_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, uint_least32_t, 32>  little_uint32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, uint_least64_t, 40>  little_uint40_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, uint_least64_t, 48>  little_uint48_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, uint_least64_t, 56>  little_uint56_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic<order::little, uint_least64_t, 64>  little_uint64_t;

  // native endian signed integer unaligned types
  typedef big_int8_t   native_int8_t;
  typedef big_int16_t  native_int16_t;
  typedef big_int24_t  native_int24_t;
  typedef big_int32_t  native_int32_t;
  typedef big_int40_t  native_int40_t;
  typedef big_int48_t  native_int48_t;
  typedef big_int56_t  native_int56_t;
  typedef big_int64_t  native_int64_t;

  // native endian unsigned integer unaligned types
  typedef big_uint8_t   native_uint8_t;
  typedef big_uint16_t  native_uint16_t;
  typedef big_uint24_t  native_uint24_t;
  typedef big_uint32_t  native_uint32_t;
  typedef big_uint40_t  native_uint40_t;
  typedef big_uint48_t  native_uint48_t;
  typedef big_uint56_t  native_uint56_t;
  typedef big_uint64_t  native_uint64_t;
# else
  // native endian signed integer unaligned types
  typedef little_int8_t   native_int8_t;
  typedef little_int16_t  native_int16_t;
  typedef little_int24_t  native_int24_t;
  typedef little_int32_t  native_int32_t;
  typedef little_int40_t  native_int40_t;
  typedef little_int48_t  native_int48_t;
  typedef little_int56_t  native_int56_t;
  typedef little_int64_t  native_int64_t;

  // native endian unsigned integer unaligned types
  typedef little_uint8_t   native_uint8_t;
  typedef little_uint16_t  native_uint16_t;
  typedef little_uint24_t  native_uint24_t;
  typedef little_uint32_t  native_uint32_t;
  typedef little_uint40_t  native_uint40_t;
  typedef little_uint48_t  native_uint48_t;
  typedef little_uint56_t  native_uint56_t;
  typedef little_uint64_t  native_uint64_t;
# endif


  typedef order endianness;
  typedef align alignment;

  template <BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(order) Order, class T, std::size_t n_bits,
    BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(align) Align = align::no>
  using endian = endian_arithmetic<Order, T, n_bits, Align>;
# endif

  // unaligned big endian signed integer types
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, int_least8_t, 8 >           big8_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, int_least16_t, 16 >         big16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, int_least32_t, 24 >         big24_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, int_least32_t, 32 >         big32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, int_least64_t, 40 >         big40_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, int_least64_t, 48 >         big48_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, int_least64_t, 56 >         big56_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, int_least64_t, 64 >         big64_t;

  // unaligned big endian_arithmetic unsigned integer types
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, uint_least8_t, 8 >          ubig8_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, uint_least16_t, 16 >        ubig16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, uint_least32_t, 24 >        ubig24_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, uint_least32_t, 32 >        ubig32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, uint_least64_t, 40 >        ubig40_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, uint_least64_t, 48 >        ubig48_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, uint_least64_t, 56 >        ubig56_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, uint_least64_t, 64 >        ubig64_t;

  // unaligned little endian_arithmetic signed integer types
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, int_least8_t, 8 >        little8_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, int_least16_t, 16 >      little16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, int_least32_t, 24 >      little24_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, int_least32_t, 32 >      little32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, int_least64_t, 40 >      little40_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, int_least64_t, 48 >      little48_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, int_least64_t, 56 >      little56_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, int_least64_t, 64 >      little64_t;

  // unaligned little endian_arithmetic unsigned integer types
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, uint_least8_t, 8 >       ulittle8_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, uint_least16_t, 16 >     ulittle16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, uint_least32_t, 24 >     ulittle24_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, uint_least32_t, 32 >     ulittle32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, uint_least64_t, 40 >     ulittle40_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, uint_least64_t, 48 >     ulittle48_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, uint_least64_t, 56 >     ulittle56_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, uint_least64_t, 64 >     ulittle64_t;

  // unaligned native endian_arithmetic signed integer types
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, int_least8_t, 8 >        native8_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, int_least16_t, 16 >      native16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, int_least32_t, 24 >      native24_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, int_least32_t, 32 >      native32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, int_least64_t, 40 >      native40_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, int_least64_t, 48 >      native48_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, int_least64_t, 56 >      native56_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, int_least64_t, 64 >      native64_t;

  // unaligned native endian_arithmetic unsigned integer types
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, uint_least8_t, 8 >       unative8_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, uint_least16_t, 16 >     unative16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, uint_least32_t, 24 >     unative24_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, uint_least32_t, 32 >     unative32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, uint_least64_t, 40 >     unative40_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, uint_least64_t, 48 >     unative48_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, uint_least64_t, 56 >     unative56_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::native, uint_least64_t, 64 >     unative64_t;

  //     aligned native endian_arithmetic typedefs are not provided because
  //     <cstdint> types are superior for this use case

  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, int16_t, 16, align::yes >      aligned_big16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, uint16_t, 16, align::yes >     aligned_ubig16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, int16_t, 16, align::yes >   aligned_little16_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, uint16_t, 16, align::yes >  aligned_ulittle16_t;

  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, int32_t, 32, align::yes >      aligned_big32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, uint32_t, 32, align::yes >     aligned_ubig32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, int32_t, 32, align::yes >   aligned_little32_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, uint32_t, 32, align::yes >  aligned_ulittle32_t;

  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, int64_t, 64, align::yes >      aligned_big64_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::big, uint64_t, 64, align::yes >     aligned_ubig64_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, int64_t, 64, align::yes >   aligned_little64_t;
  typedef endian_arithmetic< order::little, uint64_t, 64, align::yes >  aligned_ulittle64_t;

# endif

//----------------------------------  end synopsis  ------------------------------------//

//  endian class template specializations  ---------------------------------------------//

    //  Specializations that represent unaligned bytes.
    //  Taking an integer type as a parameter provides a nice way to pass both
    //  the size and signness of the desired integer and get the appropriate
    //  corresponding integer type for the interface.

    //  unaligned integer big endian specialization
    template <typename T, std::size_t n_bits>
    class endian_arithmetic< order::big, T, n_bits, align::no >
      : public endian_buffer< order::big, T, n_bits, align::no >,
        cover_operators<endian_arithmetic<order::big, T, n_bits>, T>
        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (n_bits/8)*8 == n_bits );
        typedef T value_type;
        endian_arithmetic() BOOST_ENDIAN_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT
        BOOST_ENDIAN_EXPLICIT_OPT endian_arithmetic(T val) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
#       ifdef BOOST_ENDIAN_LOG
          if ( endian_log )
            std::cout << "big, unaligned, " << n_bits << "-bits, construct(" << val << ")\n";
#       endif
          detail::store_big_endian<T, n_bits/8>(this->m_value, val);
#     endif
        endian_arithmetic& operator=(T val) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
          { detail::store_big_endian<T, n_bits/8>(this->m_value, val); return *this; }
        operator value_type() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return this->value(); }

    //  unaligned little endian specialization
    template <typename T, std::size_t n_bits>
    class endian_arithmetic< order::little, T, n_bits, align::no >
      : public endian_buffer< order::little, T, n_bits, align::no >,
        cover_operators< endian_arithmetic< order::little, T, n_bits >, T >
        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (n_bits/8)*8 == n_bits );
        typedef T value_type;
        endian_arithmetic() BOOST_ENDIAN_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT
        BOOST_ENDIAN_EXPLICIT_OPT endian_arithmetic(T val) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
#       ifdef BOOST_ENDIAN_LOG
          if ( endian_log )
            std::cout << "little, unaligned, " << n_bits << "-bits, construct(" << val << ")\n";
#       endif
          detail::store_little_endian<T, n_bits/8>(this->m_value, val);
#     endif
        endian_arithmetic& operator=(T val) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
          { detail::store_little_endian<T, n_bits/8>(this->m_value, val); return *this; }
        operator value_type() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return this->value(); }

  //  align::yes specializations; only n_bits == 16/32/64 supported

    //  aligned big endian specialization
    template <typename T, std::size_t n_bits>
    class endian_arithmetic<order::big, T, n_bits, align::yes>
      : public endian_buffer< order::big, T, n_bits, align::yes >,
        cover_operators<endian_arithmetic<order::big, T, n_bits, align::yes>, T>
        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (n_bits/8)*8 == n_bits );
        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(T) == n_bits/8 );
        typedef T value_type;
        endian_arithmetic() BOOST_ENDIAN_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT
        BOOST_ENDIAN_EXPLICIT_OPT endian_arithmetic(T val) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
#       ifdef BOOST_ENDIAN_LOG
          if ( endian_log )
            std::cout << "big, aligned, " << n_bits << "-bits, construct(" << val << ")\n";
#       endif
          this->m_value = ::boost::endian::native_to_big(val);

#     endif  
        endian_arithmetic& operator=(T val) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
          this->m_value = ::boost::endian::native_to_big(val);
          return *this;
        operator value_type() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return this->value(); }

    //  aligned little endian specialization
    template <typename T, std::size_t n_bits>
    class endian_arithmetic<order::little, T, n_bits, align::yes>
      : public endian_buffer< order::little, T, n_bits, align::yes >,
        cover_operators<endian_arithmetic<order::little, T, n_bits, align::yes>, T>
        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (n_bits/8)*8 == n_bits );
        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(T) == n_bits/8 );
        typedef T value_type;
        endian_arithmetic() BOOST_ENDIAN_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT
        BOOST_ENDIAN_EXPLICIT_OPT endian_arithmetic(T val) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
#       ifdef BOOST_ENDIAN_LOG
          if ( endian_log )
            std::cout << "little, aligned, " << n_bits << "-bits, construct(" << val << ")\n";
#       endif
          this->m_value = ::boost::endian::native_to_little(val);
#     endif  
        endian_arithmetic& operator=(T val) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
          this->m_value = ::boost::endian::native_to_little(val);
          return *this;
        operator value_type() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return this->value(); }

} // namespace endian
} // namespace boost

#if defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined( __CODEGEARC__)
# pragma pack(pop)

#if defined(_MSC_VER)  
# pragma warning(pop)  