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# Copyright (C) 2004 Toon Knapen
#  Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
#  License Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or

import toolset : flags ;
import feature ;
import fortran ;

rule init ( version ? : command * : options * )

# Declare flags and action for compilation
flags ifort OPTIONS <fflags> ;

flags ifort OPTIONS <optimization>off : /Od ;
flags ifort OPTIONS <optimization>speed : /O3 ;
flags ifort OPTIONS <optimization>space : /O1 ;

flags ifort OPTIONS <debug-symbols>on : /debug:full ;
flags ifort OPTIONS <profiling>on : /Qprof_gen ;

flags ifort.compile FFLAGS <runtime-debugging>off/<runtime-link>shared : /MD ;
flags ifort.compile FFLAGS <runtime-debugging>on/<runtime-link>shared : /MDd ;
flags ifort.compile FFLAGS <runtime-debugging>off/<runtime-link>static/<threading>single : /ML ;
flags ifort.compile FFLAGS <runtime-debugging>on/<runtime-link>static/<threading>single : /MLd ;
flags ifort.compile FFLAGS <runtime-debugging>off/<runtime-link>static/<threading>multi : /MT ;
flags ifort.compile FFLAGS <runtime-debugging>on/<runtime-link>static/<threading>multi : /MTd ;

flags ifort DEFINES <define> ;
flags ifort INCLUDES <include> ;

rule compile.fortran

actions compile.fortran
  ifort $(FFLAGS) $(OPTIONS) /names:lowercase /D$(DEFINES) /I"$(INCLUDES)" /c /object:"$(<)" "$(>)" 

generators.register-fortran-compiler ifort.compile.fortran : FORTRAN : OBJ ;