Blob Blame History Raw
# Copyright 2003, 2005, 2007 Dave Abrahams
# Copyright 2006, 2007 Rene Rivera
# Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Vladimir Prus
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

# This file is part of Boost Build version 2. You can think of it as forming the
# main() routine. It is invoked by the bootstrapping code in bootstrap.jam.

import build-request ;
import builtin ;
import "class" : new ;
import configure ;
import config-cache ;
import feature ;
import generators ;
import make ;
import modules ;
import os ;
import path ;
import project ;
import property ;
import property-set ;
import regex ;
import sequence ;
import targets ;
import toolset ;
import utility ;
import version ;
import virtual-target ;

# Module global data.

# Shortcut used in this module for accessing used command-line parameters.
.argv = [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ;

# Flag indicating we should display additional debugging information related to
# locating and loading Boost Build configuration files.
.debug-config = [ MATCH ^(--debug-configuration)$ : $(.argv) ] ;

# Virtual targets obtained when building main targets references on the command
# line. When running 'bjam --clean main_target' we want to clean only files
# belonging to that main target so we need to record which targets are produced
# for it.
.results-of-main-targets = ;

# Was an XML dump requested?
.out-xml = [ MATCH ^--out-xml=(.*)$ : $(.argv) ] ;

# Default toolset & version to be used in case no other toolset has been used
# explicitly by either the loaded configuration files, the loaded project build
# scripts or an explicit toolset request on the command line. If not specified,
# an arbitrary default will be used based on the current host OS. This value,
# while not strictly necessary, has been added to allow testing Boost-Build's
# default toolset usage functionality.
.default-toolset = ;
.default-toolset-version = ;

# Public rules.

# Returns the property set with the free features from the currently processed
# build request.
rule command-line-free-features ( )
    return $(.command-line-free-features) ;

# Returns the location of the build system. The primary use case is building
# Boost where it is sometimes needed to get the location of other components
# (e.g. BoostBook files) and it is convenient to use locations relative to the
# Boost Build path.
rule location ( )
    local r = [ modules.binding build-system ] ;
    return $(r:P) ;

# Sets the default toolset & version to be used in case no other toolset has
# been used explicitly by either the loaded configuration files, the loaded
# project build scripts or an explicit toolset request on the command line. For
# more detailed information see the comment related to used global variables.
rule set-default-toolset ( toolset : version ? )
    .default-toolset = $(toolset) ;
    .default-toolset-version = $(version) ;

rule set-pre-build-hook ( function )
    .pre-build-hook = $(function) ;

rule set-post-build-hook ( function )
    .post-build-hook = $(function) ;

# Local rules.

# Returns actual Jam targets to be used for executing a clean request.
local rule actual-clean-targets ( )
    # The cleaning is tricky. Say, if user says 'bjam --clean foo' where 'foo'
    # is a directory, then we want to clean targets which are in 'foo' as well
    # as those in any children Jamfiles under foo but not in any unrelated
    # Jamfiles. To achieve this we first mark all projects explicitly detected
    # as targets for this build system run as needing to be cleaned.
    for local t in $(targets)
        if [ $(t) : project-target ]
            local project = [ $(t).project-module ] ;
            .should-clean-project.$(project) = true ;

    # Construct a list of targets explicitly detected on this build system run
    # as a result of building main targets.
    local targets-to-clean ;
    for local t in $(.results-of-main-targets)
        # Do not include roots or sources.
        targets-to-clean += [ virtual-target.traverse $(t) ] ;
    targets-to-clean = [ sequence.unique $(targets-to-clean) ] ;

    local to-clean ;
    for local t in [ virtual-target.all-targets ]
        # Remove only derived targets and only those asked to be cleaned,
        # whether directly or by belonging to one of the removed projects.
        local p = [ $(t).project ] ;
        if [ $(t).action ] && ( $(t) in $(targets-to-clean) ||
            [ should-clean-project [ $(p).project-module ] ] )
            to-clean += $(t) ;

    local to-clean-actual ;
    for local t in $(to-clean)
        to-clean-actual += [ $(t).actualize ] ;
    return $(to-clean-actual) ;

# Given a target id, try to find and return the corresponding target. This is
# only invoked when there is no Jamfile in ".". This code somewhat duplicates
# code in project-target.find but we can not reuse that code without a
# project-targets instance.
local rule find-target ( target-id )
    local split = [ MATCH (.*)//(.*) : $(target-id) ] ;

    local pm ;
    if $(split)
        pm = [ project.find $(split[1]) : "." ] ;
        pm = [ project.find $(target-id) : "." ] ;

    local result ;
    if $(pm)
        result = [ $(pm) ] ;

    if $(split)
        result = [ $(result).find $(split[2]) ] ;

    return $(result) ;

# Initializes a new configuration module.
local rule initialize-config-module ( module-name : location ? )
    project.initialize $(module-name) : $(location) ;
        USER_MODULE $(module-name) ;

# Helper rule used to load configuration files. Loads the first configuration
# file with the given 'filename' at 'path' into module with name 'module-name'.
# Not finding the requested file may or may not be treated as an error depending
# on the must-find parameter. Returns a normalized path to the loaded
# configuration file or nothing if no file was loaded.
local rule load-config ( module-name : filename : path + : must-find ? )
    if $(.debug-config)
        local path-string = $(path) ;
        if $(path-string) = "" { path-string = . ; }
        ECHO notice: Searching '$(path-string)' for $(module-name)
            configuration file '$(filename)'. ;
    local where = [ GLOB $(path) : $(filename) ] ;
    if $(where)
        where = [ NORMALIZE_PATH $(where[1]) ] ;
        if $(.debug-config)
            local where-string = $(where:D) ;
            if $(where-string) = "" { where-string = . ; }
            where-string = '$(where-string)' ;
            ECHO notice: Loading $(module-name) configuration file '$(filename)'
                from $(where-string:J=" "). ;

        # Set source location so that path-constant in config files with
        # relative paths work. This is of most importance for
        # project-config.jam, but may be used in other config files as well.
        local attributes = [ project.attributes $(module-name) ] ;
        $(attributes).set source-location : $(where:D) : exact ;
        modules.load $(module-name) : $(filename) : $(path) ;
        project.load-used-projects $(module-name) ;
    else if $(must-find) || $(.debug-config)
        local path-string = $(path) ;
        if $(path-string) = "" { path-string = . ; }
        path-string = '$(path-string)' ;
        path-string = $(path-string:J=" ") ;
        if $(must-find)
            import errors ;
            errors.user-error Configuration file '$(filename)' not found "in"
                $(path-string). ;
        ECHO notice: Configuration file '$(filename)' not found "in"
            $(path-string). ;
    return $(where) ;

# Loads all the configuration files used by Boost Build in the following order:
#   -- test-config --
#   Loaded only if specified on the command-line using the --test-config
# command-line parameter. It is ok for this file not to exist even if specified.
# If this configuration file is loaded, regular site and user configuration
# files will not be. If a relative path is specified, file is searched for in
# the current folder.
#   -- site-config --
#   Always named site-config.jam. Will only be found if located on the system
# root path (Windows), /etc (non-Windows), user's home folder or the Boost Build
# path, in that order. Not loaded in case the test-config configuration file is
# loaded or the --ignore-site-config command-line option is specified.
#   -- user-config --
#   Named user-config.jam by default or may be named explicitly using the
# --user-config command-line option or the BOOST_BUILD_USER_CONFIG environment
# variable. If named explicitly the file is looked for from the current working
# directory and if the default one is used then it is searched for in the
# user's home directory and the Boost Build path, in that order. Not loaded in
# case either the test-config configuration file is loaded or an empty file name
# is explicitly specified. If the file name has been given explicitly then the
# file must exist.
#   -- project-config --
#   Always named project-config.jam. Looked up in the current working folder and
# then upwards through its parents up to the root folder.
# Test configurations have been added primarily for use by Boost Build's
# internal unit testing system but may be used freely in other places as well.
local rule load-configuration-files
    # Flag indicating that site configuration should not be loaded.
    local ignore-site-config =
        [ MATCH ^(--ignore-site-config)$ : $(.argv) ] ;

    initialize-config-module test-config ;
    local test-config = [ MATCH ^--test-config=(.*)$ : $(.argv) ] ;
    local uq = [ MATCH \"(.*)\" : $(test-config) ] ;
    if $(uq)
        test-config = $(uq) ;
    if $(test-config)
        local where = [ load-config test-config : $(test-config:BS) :
            $(test-config:D) ] ;
        if $(where)
            if $(.debug-config)
                ECHO "notice: Regular site and user configuration files will" ;
                ECHO "notice: be ignored due to the test configuration being"
                    "loaded." ;
            test-config = ;

    local user-path = [ os.home-directories ] [ os.environ BOOST_BUILD_PATH ] ;
    local site-path = /etc $(user-path) ;
    if [ ] in NT CYGWIN
        site-path = [ modules.peek : SystemRoot ] $(user-path) ;

    if $(.debug-config) && ! $(test-config) && $(ignore-site-config)
        ECHO "notice: Site configuration files will be ignored due to the" ;
        ECHO "notice: --ignore-site-config command-line option." ;

    initialize-config-module site-config ;
    if ! $(test-config) && ! $(ignore-site-config)
        load-config site-config : site-config.jam : $(site-path) ;

    initialize-config-module user-config ;
    if ! $(test-config)
        local user-config = [ MATCH ^--user-config=(.*)$ : $(.argv) ] ;
        user-config = $(user-config[-1]) ;
        user-config ?= [ os.environ BOOST_BUILD_USER_CONFIG ] ;
        # Special handling for the case when the OS does not strip the quotes
        # around the file name, as is the case when using Cygwin bash.
        user-config = [ utility.unquote $(user-config) ] ;
        local explicitly-requested = $(user-config) ;
        user-config ?= user-config.jam ;

        if $(user-config)
            if $(explicitly-requested)
                # Treat explicitly entered user paths as native OS path
                # references and, if non-absolute, root them at the current
                # working directory.
                user-config = [ path.make $(user-config) ] ;
                user-config = [ path.root $(user-config) [ path.pwd ] ] ;
                user-config = [ path.native $(user-config) ] ;

                if $(.debug-config)
                    ECHO notice: Loading explicitly specified user configuration
                        file: ;
                    ECHO "    $(user-config)" ;

                load-config user-config : $(user-config:BS) : $(user-config:D)
                    : must-exist ;
                load-config user-config : $(user-config) : $(user-path) ;
        else if $(.debug-config)
            ECHO notice: User configuration file loading explicitly disabled. ;

    # We look for project-config.jam from "." upward. I am not sure this is 100%
    # right decision, we might as well check for it only alongside the Jamroot
    # file. However:
    # - We need to load project-config.jam before Jamroot
    # - We probably need to load project-config.jam even if there is no Jamroot
    #   - e.g. to implement automake-style out-of-tree builds.
    local file = [ path.glob "." : project-config.jam ] ;
    if ! $(file)
        file = [ path.glob-in-parents "." : project-config.jam ] ;
    if $(file)
        initialize-config-module project-config : $(file:D) ;
        load-config project-config : project-config.jam : $(file:D) ;

    project.end-load ;

# Autoconfigure toolsets based on any instances of --toolset=xx,yy,...zz or
# toolset=xx,yy,...zz in the command line. May return additional properties to
# be processed as if they had been specified by the user.
local rule process-explicit-toolset-requests
    local extra-properties ;

    local option-toolsets  = [ regex.split-list [ MATCH ^--toolset=(.*)$ : $(.argv) ] : "," ] ;
    local feature-toolsets = [ regex.split-list [ MATCH   ^toolset=(.*)$ : $(.argv) ] : "," ] ;

    for local t in $(option-toolsets) $(feature-toolsets)
        # Parse toolset-version/properties.
        local toolset = [ MATCH ([^/]+)/?.* : $(t) ] ;
        local properties = [ feature.expand-subfeatures <toolset>$(toolset) : true ] ;
        local toolset-property = [ <toolset> : $(properties) ] ;
        local known ;
        if $(toolset-property:G=) in [ feature.values <toolset> ]
            known = true ;

        # If the toolset is not known, configure it now.

        # TODO: we should do 'using $(toolset)' in case no version has been
        # specified and there are no versions defined for the given toolset to
        # allow the toolset to configure its default version. For this we need
        # to know how to detect whether a given toolset has any versions
        # defined. An alternative would be to do this whenever version is not
        # specified but that would require that toolsets correctly handle the
        # case when their default version is configured multiple times which
        # should be checked for all existing toolsets first.

        if ! $(known)
            if $(.debug-config)
                ECHO "notice: [cmdline-cfg] toolset $(toolset) not"
                    "previously configured; attempting to auto-configure now" ;
            local t,v = [ MATCH ([^-]+)-?(.+)? : $(toolset) ] ;
            toolset.using $(t,v[1]) : $(t,v[2]) ;

        # Make sure we get an appropriate property into the build request in
        # case toolset has been specified using the "--toolset=..." command-line
        # option form.
        if ! $(t) in $(.argv) $(feature-toolsets)
            if $(.debug-config)
                ECHO notice: [cmdline-cfg] adding toolset=$(t) to the build
                    request. ;
            extra-properties += toolset=$(t) ;

    return $(extra-properties) ;

# Returns whether the given project (identifed by its project module) should be
# cleaned because it or any of its parent projects have already been marked as
# needing to be cleaned in this build. As an optimization, will explicitly mark
# all encountered project needing to be cleaned in case thay have not already
# been marked so.
local rule should-clean-project ( project )
    if ! $(.should-clean-project.$(project))-is-defined
        local r = "" ;
        if ! [ $(project) ]
            local parent = [ project.attribute $(project) parent-module ] ;
            if $(parent)
                r = [ should-clean-project $(parent) ] ;
        .should-clean-project.$(project) = $(r) ;

    return $(.should-clean-project.$(project)) ;

# main()
# ------

    if --version in $(.argv)
        version.print ;
        EXIT ;

    version.verify-engine-version ;

    load-configuration-files ;

    # Load explicitly specified toolset modules.
    local extra-properties = [ process-explicit-toolset-requests ] ;

    # Load the actual project build script modules. We always load the project
    # in the current folder so 'use-project' directives have any chance of being
    # seen. Otherwise, we would not be able to refer to subprojects using target
    # ids.
    local current-project ;
        local current-module = [ project.find "." : "." ] ;
        if $(current-module)
            current-project = [ $(current-module) ] ;

    # Load the default toolset module if no other has already been specified.
    if ! [ feature.values <toolset> ]
        local default-toolset = $(.default-toolset) ;
        local default-toolset-version = ;
        if $(default-toolset)
            default-toolset-version = $(.default-toolset-version) ;
            default-toolset = gcc ;
            if [ ] = NT
                default-toolset = msvc ;
            else if [ ] = VMS
                default-toolset = vmsdecc ;
            else if [ ] = MACOSX
                default-toolset = darwin ;

        ECHO "warning: No toolsets are configured." ;
        ECHO "warning: Configuring default toolset" \"$(default-toolset)\". ;
        ECHO "warning: If the default is wrong, your build may not work correctly." ;
        ECHO "warning: Use the \"toolset=xxxxx\" option to override our guess." ;
        ECHO "warning: For more configuration options, please consult" ;
        ECHO "warning:" ;

        toolset.using $(default-toolset) : $(default-toolset-version) ;

    # Parse command line for targets and properties. Note that this requires
    # that all project files already be loaded.
    # FIXME: This is not entirely true. Additional project files may be loaded
    # only later via the project.find() rule when dereferencing encountered
    # target ids containing explicit project references. See what to do about
    # those as such 'lazy loading' may cause problems that are then extremely
    # difficult to debug.
    local build-request = [ build-request.from-command-line $(.argv)
        $(extra-properties) ] ;
    local target-ids = [ $(build-request).get-at 1 ] ;
    local properties = [ $(build-request).get-at 2 ] ;

    # Check that we actually found something to build.
    if ! $(current-project) && ! $(target-ids)
        import errors ;
        errors.user-error no Jamfile "in" current directory found, and no target
            references specified. ;

    # Flags indicating that this build system run has been started in order to
    # clean existing instead of create new targets. Note that these are not the
    # final flag values as they may get changed later on due to some special
    # targets being specified on the command line.
    local clean    ; if "--clean"     in $(.argv) { clean    = true ; }
    local cleanall ; if "--clean-all" in $(.argv) { cleanall = true ; }

    # List of explicitly requested files to build. Any target references read
    # from the command line parameter not recognized as one of the targets
    # defined in the loaded Jamfiles will be interpreted as an explicitly
    # requested file to build. If any such files are explicitly requested then
    # only those files and the targets they depend on will be built and they
    # will be searched for among targets that would have been built had there
    # been no explicitly requested files.
    local explicitly-requested-files

    # List of Boost Build meta-targets, virtual-targets and actual Jam targets
    # constructed in this build system run.
    local targets ;
    local virtual-targets ;
    local actual-targets ;

    # Process each target specified on the command-line and convert it into
    # internal Boost Build target objects. Detect special clean target. If no
    # main Boost Build targets were explictly requested use the current project
    # as the target.
    for local id in $(target-ids)
        if $(id) = clean
            clean = true ;
            local t ;
            if $(current-project)
                t = [ $(current-project).find $(id) : no-error ] ;
                t = [ find-target $(id) ] ;

            if ! $(t)
                ECHO "notice: could not find main target" $(id) ;
                ECHO "notice: assuming it is a name of file to create." ;
                explicitly-requested-files += $(id) ;
                targets += $(t) ;
    if ! $(targets)
        targets += [ [ project.module-name "." ] ] ;

    if [ option.get dump-generators : : true ]
        generators.dump ;

    # We wish to put config.log in the build directory corresponding to Jamroot,
    # so that the location does not differ depending on the directory we run the
    # build from. The amount of indirection necessary here is scary.
    local first-project = [ $(targets[0]).project ] ;
    local first-project-root-location = [ $(first-project).get project-root ] ;
    local first-project-root-module = [ project.load
        $(first-project-root-location) ] ;
    local first-project-root = [ $(first-project-root-module) ] ;
    local first-build-build-dir = [ $(first-project-root).build-dir ] ;
    configure.set-log-file $(first-build-build-dir)/config.log ;
    config-cache.load $(first-build-build-dir)/project-cache.jam ;

    # Expand properties specified on the command line into multiple property
    # sets consisting of all legal property combinations. Each expanded property
    # set will be used for a single build run. E.g. if multiple toolsets are
    # specified then requested targets will be built with each of them.
    # The expansion is being performed as late as possible so that the feature
    # validation is performed after all necessary modules (including project targets
    # on the command line) have been loaded.
    if $(properties)
        expanded += [ build-request.convert-command-line-elements $(properties) ] ;
        expanded = [ build-request.expand-no-defaults $(expanded) ] ;
        local xexpanded ;
        for local e in $(expanded)
            xexpanded += [ property-set.create [ feature.split $(e) ] ] ;
        expanded = $(xexpanded) ;
        expanded = [ property-set.empty ] ;

    # Now that we have a set of targets to build and a set of property sets to
    # build the targets with, we can start the main build process by using each
    # property set to generate virtual targets from all of our listed targets
    # and any of their dependants.
    for local p in $(expanded)
        .command-line-free-features = [ property-set.create [ $(p).free ] ] ;
        for local t in $(targets)
            local g = [ $(t).generate $(p) ] ;
            if ! [ $(t) : project-target ]
                .results-of-main-targets += $(g[2-]) ;
            virtual-targets += $(g[2-]) ;

    # Convert collected virtual targets into actual raw Jam targets.
    for t in $(virtual-targets)
        actual-targets += [ $(t).actualize ] ;
    } ;

    # If XML data output has been requested prepare additional rules and targets
    # so we can hook into Jam to collect build data while its building and have
    # it trigger the final XML report generation after all the planned targets
    # have been built.
    if $(.out-xml)
        # Get a qualified virtual target name.
        rule full-target-name ( target )
            local name = [ $(target).name ] ;
            local project = [ $(target).project ] ;
            local project-path = [ $(project).get location ] ;
            return $(project-path)//$(name) ;

        # Generate an XML file containing build statistics for each constituent.
        rule out-xml ( xml-file : constituents * )
            # Prepare valid XML header and footer with some basic info.
            local nl = "
" ;
            local os        = [ modules.peek : OS OSPLAT JAMUNAME ] "" ;
            local timestamp = [ modules.peek : JAMDATE ] ;
            local cwd       = [ PWD ] ;
            local command   = $(.argv) ;
            local bb-version = [ version.boost-build ] ;
            .header on $(xml-file) =
                "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
                "$(nl)<build format=\"1.0\" version=\"$(bb-version)\">"
                "$(nl)  <os name=\"$(os[1])\" platform=\"$(os[2])\"><![CDATA[$(os[3-]:J= )]]></os>"
                "$(nl)  <timestamp><![CDATA[$(timestamp)]]></timestamp>"
                "$(nl)  <directory><![CDATA[$(cwd)]]></directory>"
                "$(nl)  <command><![CDATA[\"$(command:J=\" \")\"]]></command>"
            .footer on $(xml-file) =
                "$(nl)</build>" ;

            # Generate the target dependency graph.
            .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                "$(nl)  <targets>" ;
            for local t in [ virtual-target.all-targets ]
                local action = [ $(t).action ] ;
                if $(action)
                    # If a target has no action, it has no dependencies.
                    local name = [ full-target-name $(t) ] ;
                    local sources = [ $(action).sources ] ;
                    local dependencies ;
                    for local s in $(sources)
                        dependencies += [ full-target-name $(s) ] ;

                    local path = [ $(t).path ] ;
                    local jam-target = [ $(t).actual-name ] ;

                    .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                        "$(nl)    <target>"
                        "$(nl)      <name><![CDATA[$(name)]]></name>"
                        "$(nl)      <dependencies>"
                        "$(nl)        <dependency><![CDATA[$(dependencies)]]></dependency>"
                        "$(nl)      </dependencies>"
                        "$(nl)      <path><![CDATA[$(path)]]></path>"
                        "$(nl)      <jam-target><![CDATA[$(jam-target)]]></jam-target>"
                        "$(nl)    </target>"
            .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                "$(nl)  </targets>" ;

            # Build $(xml-file) after $(constituents). Do so even if a
            # constituent action fails and regenerate the xml on every bjam run.
            INCLUDES $(xml-file) : $(constituents) ;
            ALWAYS $(xml-file) ;
            __ACTION_RULE__ on $(xml-file) =
                build-system.out-xml.generate-action ;
            out-xml.generate $(xml-file) ;

        # The actual build actions are here; if we did this work in the actions
        # clause we would have to form a valid command line containing the
        # result of @(...) below (the name of the XML file).
        rule out-xml.generate-action ( args * : xml-file
            : command status start end user system : output ? )
            local contents =
                [ on $(xml-file) return $(.header) $(.contents) $(.footer) ] ;
            local f = @($(xml-file):E=$(contents)) ;

        # Nothing to do here; the *real* actions happen in
        # out-xml.generate-action.
        actions quietly out-xml.generate { }

        # Define the out-xml file target, which depends on all the targets so
        # that it runs the collection after the targets have run.
        out-xml $(.out-xml) : $(actual-targets) ;

        # Set up a global __ACTION_RULE__ that records all the available
        # statistics about each actual target in a variable "on" the --out-xml
        # target.
        rule out-xml.collect ( xml-file : target : command status start end user
            system : output ? )
            local nl = "
" ;
            # Open the action with some basic info.
            .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                "$(nl)  <action status=\"$(status)\" start=\"$(start)\" end=\"$(end)\" user=\"$(user)\" system=\"$(system)\">" ;

            # If we have an action object we can print out more detailed info.
            local action = [ on $(target) return $(.action) ] ;
            if $(action)
                local action-name    = [ $(action).action-name ] ;
                local action-sources = [ $(action).sources     ] ;
                local action-props   = [ $(action).properties  ] ;

                # The qualified name of the action which we created the target.
                .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                    "$(nl)    <name><![CDATA[$(action-name)]]></name>" ;

                # The sources that made up the target.
                .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                    "$(nl)    <sources>" ;
                for local source in $(action-sources)
                    local source-actual = [ $(source).actual-name ] ;
                    .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                        "$(nl)      <source><![CDATA[$(source-actual)]]></source>" ;
                .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                    "$(nl)    </sources>" ;

                # The properties that define the conditions under which the
                # target was built.
                .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                    "$(nl)    <properties>" ;
                for local prop in [ $(action-props).raw ]
                    local prop-name = [ MATCH ^<(.*)>$ : $(prop:G) ] ;
                    .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                        "$(nl)      <property name=\"$(prop-name)\"><![CDATA[$(prop:G=)]]></property>" ;
                .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                    "$(nl)    </properties>" ;

            local locate = [ on $(target) return $(LOCATE) ] ;
            locate ?= "" ;
            .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                "$(nl)    <jam-target><![CDATA[$(target)]]></jam-target>"
                "$(nl)    <path><![CDATA[$(target:G=:R=$(locate))]]></path>"
                "$(nl)    <command><![CDATA[$(command)]]></command>"
                "$(nl)    <output><![CDATA[$(output)]]></output>" ;
            .contents on $(xml-file) +=
                "$(nl)  </action>" ;

        # When no __ACTION_RULE__ is set "on" a target, the search falls back to
        # the global module.
            __ACTION_RULE__ = build-system.out-xml.collect
                [ modules.peek build-system : .out-xml ] ;

            build-system :
            : :

    local j = [ option.get jobs ] ;
    if $(j)
        modules.poke : PARALLELISM : $(j) ;

    local k = [ option.get keep-going : true : true ] ;
    if $(k) in "on" "yes" "true"
        modules.poke : KEEP_GOING : 1 ;
    else if $(k) in "off" "no" "false"
        modules.poke : KEEP_GOING : 0 ;
        EXIT "error: Invalid value for the --keep-going option" ;

    # The 'all' pseudo target is not strictly needed expect in the case when we
    # use it below but people often assume they always have this target
    # available and do not declare it themselves before use which may cause
    # build failures with an error message about not being able to build the
    # 'all' target.
    NOTFILE all ;

    # And now that all the actual raw Jam targets and all the dependencies
    # between them have been prepared all that is left is to tell Jam to update
    # those targets.
    if $(explicitly-requested-files)
        # Note that this case can not be joined with the regular one when only
        # exact Boost Build targets are requested as here we do not build those
        # requested targets but only use them to construct the dependency tree
        # needed to build the explicitly requested files.
        UPDATE $(explicitly-requested-files:G=e) $(.out-xml) ;
    else if $(cleanall)
        UPDATE clean-all ;
    else if $(clean)
        common.Clean clean : [ actual-clean-targets ] ;
        UPDATE clean ;
        configure.print-configure-checks-summary ;

        if $(.pre-build-hook)
            $(.pre-build-hook) ;

        DEPENDS all : $(actual-targets) ;
        if UPDATE_NOW in [ RULENAMES ]
            local ok = [ UPDATE_NOW all ] ;
            # Force sequence updating of regular targets, then the xml
            # log output target. To ensure the output records all built
            # as otherwise if could execute out-of-sequence when
            # doing parallel builds.
            if $(.out-xml)
                UPDATE_NOW $(.out-xml) : : ignore-minus-n ;
            if $(.post-build-hook)
                $(.post-build-hook) $(ok) ;
            # Prevent automatic update of the 'all' target, now that we have
            # explicitly updated what we wanted.
            UPDATE ;
            UPDATE all $(.out-xml) ;