Blob Blame History Raw
    Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Joachim Faulhaber

    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

[/ //= Insertion ===================================================================]
[section Insertion]

[section Synopsis][/ Insertion]

[[['*Insertion*]][__ch_itv_sets__][__ch_itv_maps__][__ch_ele_sets__][__ch_ele_maps__]  ]

[[`V T::insert(const P&)`]                         [__ei]    [__bp]   [__e]    [__b]  ]
[[`V insert(T&, const P&)`]                        [__ei]    [__bp]   [__e]    [__b]  ]
[[`J T::insert(J pos, const P&)`]                  [__i]     [__p]    [__e]    [__b]  ]
[[`J insert(T&, J pos, const P&)`]                 [__i]     [__p]    [__e]    [__b]  ]
[[`T& insert(T&, const P&)`]                      [__eiS]   [__bpM]   [__es]   [__bm] ]
[[`T& T::set(const P&)`]                             [ ]     [__bp]   [ ]      [1]    ]
[[`T& set_at(T&, const P&)`]                         [ ]     [__bp]   [ ]      [1]    ] 


[h5 Insertion]

The effects of ['*insertion*] implemented by `insert` and ['*addition*]
implemented by `add` and `operator +=` are identical for all Set-types of
the *icl*.

For Map-types, `insert` provides the *stl* semantics of insertion in
contrast to `add` and `operator +=`, that implement a generalized addition,
that performs aggregations if key values collide or key intervals overlap.
`insert` on Maps does not alter a maps content at the points, where
the keys of the object to inserted overlap or collide with keys that
are already in the map. 

[h5 Setting values]

Overwriting values using `operator[]` like in
my_map[key] = new_value;
is not provided for __itv_maps__ because an `operator[]` is not 
implemented for them. As a substitute a function
`T& T::set(const P&)` can be used to achieve the same effect:
my_map.set(make_pair(overwrite_this, new_value));

[endsect][/ Synopsis Insertion]

[section Insertion]

// overload table for functions      T\P| e i b p  
V T::insert(const P&)                ---+--------
V insert(T&, const P&)                s | s
                                      m |     m
                                      S |   S      
                                      M |       M  

[table Time Complexity for member function insert on icl containers
[[`T& T::insert(const P&)`]    [__ch_dom_t__][__ch_itv_t__][__ch_dom_mp_t__][__ch_itv_mp_t__]]
[[__icl_set__]                 [__Olgn__] []          []        []          ]
[[__icl_map__]                 []         []          [__Olgn__][]          ]
[[__itv_set__\n__sep_itv_set__][__Olgn__] [__a_Olgn__][]        []          ]
[[__spl_itv_set__]             [__Olgn__] [__On__]    []        []          ]
[[__itv_map__\n__spl_itv_map__][]         []          [__Olgn__][__On__]    ]

// overload tables for function      element containers:     interval containers:  
T& insert(T&, const P&)              T\P| e b s m            T\P| e i b p S M 
                                     ---+--------            ---+------------ 
                                      s | s   s               S | S S     S   
                                      m |   m   m             M |     M M   M    

[table Time Complexity for inplace insertion on element containers
[[`T& insert(T& y, const P& x)`][__ch_dom_t__][__ch_dom_mp_t__][__ch_itv_sets__][__ch_itv_maps__]]
[[__icl_set__]                  [__Olgn__]    []               [__Om__]         []               ]
[[__icl_map__]                  []            [__Olgn__]       []               [__Om__]         ]

Time complexity characteristics of inplace insertion for interval containers
is given by this table.

[table Time Complexity for inplace insertion on interval containers
[[`T& insert(T& y, const P& x)`][][__ch_dom_t__][__ch_itv_t__][__ch_dom_mp_t__][__ch_itv_mp_t__][__ch_itv_sets__][__ch_itv_maps__]]
[[interval_sets][__itv_set__\n__sep_itv_set__][__Olgn__] [__a_Olgn__][]        []        [__Omlgnpm__]    []               ]
[[]             [__spl_itv_set__]             [__Olgn__] [__On__]    []        []        [__Omlgnpm__]    []               ]
[[interval_maps][]                            []         []          [__Olgn__][__On__]  []               [__Omlgnpm__]    ]

[h4 Hinted insertion]

Function `J T::insert(J prior, const P& addend)` allows
for an insertion in ['*constant time*], if `addend` can be inserted
right after iterator `prior` without collision. If this is not possible
the complexity characteristics are as stated for the non hinted insertion
above. Hinted insertion is available for these combinations of types:
// overload table for insertion with hint        T\P| e i b p  
J T::insert(J pos, const P&)                     ---+--------
J insert(T&, J pos, const P&)                     s | s
                                                  m |     m
                                                  S |   S     
                                                  M |       M 

[endsect][/ Insertion]

[section Setting values]

// overload table for member function         T\P| b p 
T& T::set(const P&)                           ---+---- 
T& set_at(T&, const P&)                        m | m   
                                               M |   M 

[table Time Complexity for member function `set`
[[`T& set(T&, const P&)`] [domain_mapping_type] [interval_mapping_type] ]
[[icl::map]               [__Olgn__]            [ ]                     ]
[[interval_maps]          []                    [__a_Olgn__]            ]

[endsect][/ Set]

['*See also . . .*]
[[[link boost_icl.function_reference.addition ['*Erasure*]]          ]]
[[[link boost_icl.function_reference.addition ['*Addition*]]         ]]

['*Back to section . . .*]
[[[link function_synopsis_table ['*Function Synopsis*]]]]
[[[link boost_icl.interface ['*Interface*]]                          ]]

[endsect][/ Insertion]