Blob Blame History Raw
# Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com)
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

project beast/doc ;

import os ;
import path ;
import boostbook ;
import quickbook ;
import xsltproc ;
import doxygen ;
import modules ;

# Build the list of header files that Doxygen will scan. We need
# this list to inform the build system of the dependencies so the
# docs can be rebuild if any of the header files change.

local sources = [ path.glob-tree ../include/boost/beast : *.hpp *.ipp : detail impl ] ;

# Get the configured paths to doxygen and xsltproc

.doxygen = [ ] ;
.doxygen ?= doxygen ;

#ECHO Using doxygen from "$(.doxygen)" ;

.xsltproc = [ ] ;
.xsltproc ?= xsltproc ;

#ECHO Using xsltproc from "$(.xsltproc)" ;

# Generate transform.xsl. This xsl transfomration takes as input
# the Doxygen-generated XML and produces QuickBook output.
make transform.xsl

# Make a copy of the docca transform. Then, insert our
# customizations into the speciall marked locations using sed.
actions make_transform
    cp $(2[1]) $(1)
    sed -i -e "/<!-- CONFIG_TEMPLATE -->/{r $(2[2])" -e "d}" $(1)
    sed -i -e "/<!-- CLASS_DETAIL_TEMPLATE -->/{r $(2[3])" -e "d}" $(1)
    sed -i -e "/<!-- INCLUDES_TEMPLATE -->/{r $(2[4])" -e "d}" $(1)
    sed -i -e "/<!-- INCLUDES_FOOT_TEMPLATE -->/{r $(2[5])" -e "d}" $(1)

# Invoke Doxygen to process the header files and produce the XML
# containing the description of the C++ declarations and extracted
# Javadoc comments.
make index.xml

rule make_doxygen_xml ( targets * : sources * : properties * )
    LIB_DIR on $(targets) =
        [ path.native [ path.parent [ path.root
        [ on $(sources[1]) return $(SEARCH) ] [ path.pwd ] ] ] ] ;

if [ ] = NT
    actions make_doxygen_xml
        SET LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR)
        SET XML_OUTPUT=$(1:D)
        "$(.doxygen)" $(2)
    actions make_doxygen_xml
        export LIB_DIR=$(LIB_DIR)
        export XML_OUTPUT=$(1:D)
        "$(.doxygen)" $(2)

make combine.xslt : index.xml : @null_action ;

actions null_action
    touch -c $(1) ;

make reference.xml

actions call-xsltproc
    "$(.xsltproc)" $(2) > $(1)

# Produce the reference.qbk file by running
# the reference xml through the transform.
make reference.qbk

# We have to make a copy of reference.qbk and put it
# in a place where the static .qbk files can find it
install qbk : reference.qbk ;

# Produce the Boost.Book XML from the QuickBook

install images

explicit images ;

xml beast_doc

explicit beast_doc ;

# HTML documentation for $(BOOST_ROOT)/doc/html

boostbook beast
        <xsl:param>chunk.section.depth=8                # Depth to which sections should be chunked
        <xsl:param>chunk.first.sections=1               # Chunk the first top-level section?
        <xsl:param>toc.section.depth=8                  # How deep should recursive sections appear in the TOC?
        <xsl:param>toc.max.depth=8                      # How many levels should be created for each TOC?
        <xsl:param>generate.section.toc.level=8         # Control depth of TOC generation in sections
        <xsl:param>generate.toc="chapter toc,title section nop reference nop"

# These are used to inform the build system of the
# means to build the integrated and stand-alone docs.

alias boostdoc ;
explicit boostdoc ;

alias boostrelease : beast ;
explicit boostrelease ;