Blob Blame History Raw
# Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc., Bryn M. Reeves <>
# boom/ - Text reporting
# This file is part of the boom project.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
"""The Boom reporting module contains a set of classes for creating
simple text based tabular reports for a user-defined set of object
types and fields. No restrictions are placed on the types of object
that can be reported: users of the ``BoomReport`` classes may define
additional object types outside the ``boom`` package and include these
types in reports generated by the module.

The fields displayed in a specific report may be selected from the
available set of fields by specifying a simple comma-separated string
list of field names (in display order). In addition, custom multi-column
sorting is possible using a similar string notation.

The ``BoomReport`` module is closely based on the ``device-mapper``
reporting engine and shares many features and behaviours with device
mapper reports.
from __future__ import print_function

from boom import find_minimum_sha_prefix, BOOM_DEBUG_REPORT
import logging
import sys

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_log_debug = _log.debug
_log_debug_report = _log.debug_masked
_log_info =
_log_warn = _log.warning
_log_error = _log.error

_default_columns = 80

REP_NUM = "num"
REP_STR = "str"
REP_SHA = "sha"

_dtypes = [REP_NUM, REP_STR, REP_SHA]

_default_width = 8

ALIGN_LEFT = "left"
ALIGN_RIGHT = "right"

_align_types = [ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_RIGHT]

ASCENDING = "ascending"
DESCENDING = "descending"



# Python2 vs. Python2 string types
    # Py2
    string_types = (str, unicode)
except NameError:
    # Py3
    string_types = (str)

num_types = (int, float)

class BoomReportOpts(object):
        Options controlling the formatting and output of a boom report.
    columns = 0
    headings = True
    buffered = True
    separator = None
    field_name_prefix = None
    unquoted = True
    aligned = True
    columns_as_rows = False
    report_file = None

    def __init__(self, columns=_default_columns, headings=True, buffered=True,
                 separator=" ", field_name_prefix="", unquoted=True,
                 aligned=True, report_file=sys.stdout):
        """Initialise BoomReportOpts object.

            Initialise a ``BoomReportOpts`` object to control output
            of a ``BoomReport``.

            :param columns: the number of columns to use for output.
            :param headings: a boolean indicating whether to output
                             column headings for this report.
            :param buffered: a boolean indicating whether to buffer
                             output from this report.
            :param report_file: a file to which output will be sent.
            :returns: a new ``BoomReportOpts`` object.
            :rtype: ``<class BoomReportOpts>``
        self.columns = columns
        self.headings = headings
        self.buffered = buffered
        self.separator = separator
        self.field_name_prefix = field_name_prefix
        self.unquoted = unquoted
        self.aligned = aligned
        self.report_file = report_file

class BoomReportObjType(object):
        Class representing a type of objecct to be reported on.
        Instances of ``BoomReportObjType`` must specify an identifier,
        a description, and a data function that will return the correct
        type of object from a compound object containing data objects
        of different types. For reports that use only a single object
        type the ``data_fn`` member may be simply ``lambda x: x``.

    objtype = -1
    desc = ""
    prefix = ""
    data_fn = None

    def __init__(self, objtype, desc, prefix, data_fn):
        """Initialise BoomReportObjType.

            Initialise a new ``BoomReportObjType`` object with the
            specified ``objtype``, ``desc``, optional ``prefix`` and
            ``data_fn``. The ``objtype`` must be an integer power of two
            that is unique within a given report. The ``data_fn`` should
            accept an object as its only argument and return an object
            of the requested type.
        if not objtype or objtype < 0:
            raise ValueError("BoomReportObjType objtype cannot be <= 0.")

        if not desc:
            raise ValueError("BoomReportObjType desc cannot be empty.")

        if not data_fn:
            raise ValueError("BoomReportObjType requires data_fn.")

        self.objtype = objtype
        self.desc = desc
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.data_fn = data_fn

class BoomFieldType(object):
        The ``BoomFieldType`` class describes the properties of a field
        available in a ``BoomReport`` instance.
    objtype = -1
    name = None
    head = None
    desc = None
    width = _default_width
    align = None
    dtype = None
    report_fn = None

    def __init__(self, objtype, name, head, desc, width, dtype, report_fn,
        """Initialise new BoomFieldType object.

            Initialise a new ``BoomFieldType`` object with the specified

            :param objtype: The numeric object type ID (power of two)
            :param name: The field name used to select display fields
            :param desc: A human-readable description of the field
            :param width: The default (initial) field width
            :param dtype: The BoomReport data type of the field
            :param report_fn: The field reporting function
            :param align: The field alignment value
            :returns: A new BoomReportFieldType object
            :rtype: BoomReportFieldType
        if not objtype:
            raise ValueError("'objtype' must be non-zero")
        if not name:
            raise ValueError("'name' is required")
        self.objtype = objtype = name
        self.head = head
        self.desc = desc

        if dtype not in _dtypes:
            raise ValueError("Invalid field dtype: %s " % dtype)

        if align and align not in _align_types:
            raise ValueError("Invalid field alignment: %s" % align)

        self.dtype = dtype
        self.report_fn = report_fn

        if not align:
            if dtype == REP_STR or dtype == REP_SHA:
                self.align = ALIGN_LEFT
            if dtype == REP_NUM:
                self.align = ALIGN_RIGHT
            self.align = align

        if width < 0:
            raise ValueError("Field width cannot be < 0")
        self.width = width if width else _default_width

class BoomFieldProperties(object):
    field_num = None
    # sort_posn
    initial_width = 0
    width = 0
    objtype = None
    dtype = None
    align = None
    # Field flags
    hidden = False
    implicit = False
    sort_key = False
    sort_dir = None
    compact_one = False  # used for implicit fields
    compacted = False
    sort_posn = None

class BoomField(object):
        A ``BoomField`` represents an instance of a ``BoomFieldType``
        including its associated data values.
    #: reference to the containing BoomReport
    _report = None
    #: reference to the BoomFieldProperties describing this field
    _props = None
    #: The formatted string to be reported for this field.
    report_string = None
    #: The raw value of this field. Used for sorting.
    sort_value = None

    def __init__(self, report, props):
        """Initialise a new BoomField object.

            Initialise a BoomField object and configure the supplied
            ``report`` and ``props`` attributes.

            :param report: The BoomReport that owns this field
            :param props: The BoomFieldProperties object for this field
        self._report = report
        self._props = props

    def report_str(self, value):
        """Report a string value for this BoomField object.

            Set the value for this field to the supplied ``value``.

            :param value: The string value to set
            :rtype: None
        if not isinstance(value, string_types):
            raise TypeError("Value for report_str() must be a string type.")
        self.set_value(value, sort_value=value)

    def report_sha(self, value):
        """Report a SHA value for this BoomField object.

            Set the value for this field to the supplied ``value``.

            :param value: The SHA value to set
            :rtype: None
        if not isinstance(value, string_types):
            raise TypeError("Value for report_sha() must be a string type.")
        self.set_value(value, sort_value=value)

    def report_num(self, value):
        """Report a numeric value for this BoomField object.

            Set the value for this field to the supplied ``value``.

            :param value: The numeric value to set
            :rtype: None
        if value is not None and not isinstance(value, num_types):
            raise TypeError("Value for report_num() must be a numeric type.")
        report_string = str(value)
        sort_value = value if value is not None else -1
        self.set_value(report_string, sort_value=sort_value)

    def set_value(self, report_string, sort_value=None):
        """Report an arbitrary value for this BoomField object.

            Set the value for this field to the supplied ``value``,
            and set the field's ``sort_value`` to the supplied

            :param report_string: The string value to set
            :param sort_value: The sort value
            :rtype: None
        if report_string is None:
            raise ValueError("No value assigned to field.")
        self.report_string = report_string
        self.sort_value = sort_value if sort_value else report_string

class BoomRow(object):
        A class representing a single data row making up a report.
    #: the report that this BoomRow belongs to
    _report = None
    #: the list of report fields in display order
    _fields = None
    #: fields in sort order
    _sort_fields = None

    def __init__(self, report):
        self._report = report
        self._fields = []

    def add_field(self, field):
        """Add a field to this BoomRow.

            :param field: The field to be added
            :rtype: None

def __none_returning_fn(obj):
    """Dummy data function for special report types.

        :returns: None
    return None

# Implicit report fields and types

BR_SPECIAL = 0x80000000
_implicit_special_report_types = [
        BR_SPECIAL, "Special", "special_", __none_returning_fn

def __no_report_fn(f, d):
    """Dummy report function for special report types.

        :returns: None

_special_field_help_name = "help"

_implicit_special_report_fields = [
        BR_SPECIAL, _special_field_help_name, "Help", "Show help", 8,
        REP_STR, __no_report_fn)

# BoomReport class

class BoomReport(object):
        A class representing a configurable text report with multiple
        caller-defined fields. An optional title may be provided and he
        ``fields`` argument must contain a list of ``BoomField`` objects
        describing the required report.

    report_types = 0

    _fields = None
    _types = None
    _data = None
    _rows = None
    _keys_count = 0
    _field_properties = None
    _header_written = False
    _field_calc_needed = True
    _sort_required = False
    _already_reported = False

    # Implicit field support
    _implicit_types = _implicit_special_report_types
    _implicit_fields = _implicit_special_report_fields

    private = None
    opts = None

    def __help_requested(self):
        """Check for presence of 'help' fields in output selection.

            Check the fields making up this BoomReport and return True
            if any valid 'help' field synonym is present.

            :returns: True if help was requested or False otherwise
        for fp in self._field_properties:
            if fp.implicit:
                name = self._implicit_fields[fp.field_num].name
                if name == _special_field_help_name:
                    return True
        return False

    def __get_longest_field_name_len(self, fields):
        """Find the longest field name length.

            :returns: the length of the longest configured field name
        max_len = 0
        for f in fields:
            cur_len = len(
            max_len = cur_len if cur_len > max_len else max_len
        for t in self._types:
            cur_len = len(t.prefix) + 3
            max_len = cur_len if cur_len > max_len else max_len
        return max_len

    def __display_fields(self, display_field_types):
        """Display report fields help message.

            Display a list of valid fields for this ``BoomReport``.

            :param fields: The list of fields to display
            :param display_field_types: A boolean controling whether
                                        field types (str, SHA, num)
                                        are included in help output
        fields = self._fields
        name_len = self.__get_longest_field_name_len(fields)
        last_desc = ""
        banner = "-" * 79
        for f in fields:
            t = self.__find_type(f.objtype)
            if t:
                desc = t.desc
                desc = ""
            if desc != last_desc:
                if len(last_desc):
                    print(" ")
                desc_len = len(desc) + 7
                print("%s Fields" % desc)
                print("%*.*s" % (desc_len, desc_len, banner))
            print("  %-*s - %s%s%s%s" %
                  (name_len,, f.desc,
                   " [" if display_field_types else "",
                   f.dtype if display_field_types else "",
                   "]" if display_field_types else ""))
            last_desc = desc

    def __find_type(self, report_type):
        """Resolve numeric type to corresponding BoomReportObjType.

            :param report_type: The numeric report type to look up
            :returns: The requested BoomReportObjType.
            :raises: ValueError if no matching type was found.
        for t in self._implicit_types:
            if t.objtype == report_type:
                return t
        for t in self._types:
            if t.objtype == report_type:
                return t

        raise ValueError("Unknown report object type: %d" % report_type)

    def __copy_field(self, field_num, implicit):
        """Copy field definition to BoomFieldProperties

            Copy values from a BoomFieldType to BoomFieldProperties.

            :param field_num: The number of this field (fields order)
            :param implicit: True if this field is implicit, else False
        fp = BoomFieldProperties()
        fp.field_num = field_num
        fp.width = fp.initial_width = self._fields[field_num].width
        fp.implicit = implicit
        fp.objtype = self.__find_type(self._fields[field_num].objtype)
        fp.dtype = self._fields[field_num].dtype
        fp.align = self._fields[field_num].align
        return fp

    def __add_field(self, field_num, implicit):
        """Add a field to this BoomReport.

            Add the specified BoomFieldType to this BoomReport and
            configure BoomFieldProperties for it.

            :param field_num: The number of this field (fields order)
            :param implicit: True if this field is implicit, else False
        fp = self.__copy_field(field_num, implicit)
        if fp.hidden:
            self._field_properties.insert(0, fp)
        return fp

    def __get_field(self, field_name):
        """Look up a field by name.

            Attempt to find the field named in ``field_name`` in this
            BoomReport's tables of implicit and user-defined fields,
            returning the a ``(field, implicit)`` tuple, where field
            contains the requested ``BoomFieldType``, and ``implicit``
            is a boolean indicating whether this field is implicit or

            :param field_num: The number of this field (fields order)
            :param implicit: True if this field is implicit, else False
        # FIXME implicit fields
        for field in self._implicit_fields:
            if == field_name:
                return (self._implicit_fields.index(field), True)
        for field in self._fields:
            if == field_name:
                return (self._fields.index(field), False)
        raise ValueError("No matching field name: %s" % field_name)

    def __field_match(self, field_name, type_only):
        """Attempt to match a field and optionally update report type.

            Look up the named field and, if ``type_only`` is True,
            update this BoomReport's ``report_types`` mask to include
            the field's type identifier. If ``type_only`` is False the
            field is also added to this BoomReport's field list.

            :param field_name: A string identifying the field
            :param type_only: True if this call should only update types
            (f, implicit) = self.__get_field(field_name)
            if (type_only):
                if implicit:
                    self.report_types |= self._implicit_fields[f].objtype
                    self.report_types |= self._fields[f].objtype
            return self.__add_field(f, implicit)
        except ValueError as e:
            # FIXME handle '$PREFIX_all'
            # re-raise 'e' if it fails.
            raise e

    def __parse_fields(self, field_format, type_only):
        """Parse report field list.

            Parse ``field_format`` and attempt to match the names of
            field names found to registered BoomFieldType fields.

            If ``type_only`` is True only the ``report_types`` field
            is updated: otherwise the parsed fields are added to the
            BoomReport's field list.

            :param field_format: The list of fields to parse
            :param type_only: True if this call should only update types
        for word in field_format.split(','):
            # Allow consecutive commas
            if not word:
                self.__field_match(word, type_only)
            except ValueError as e:
                print("Unrecognised field: %s" % word)
                raise e

    def __add_sort_key(self, field_num, sort, implicit, type_only):
        """Add a new sort key to this BoomReport

            Add the sort key identified by ``field_num`` to this list
            of sort keys for this BoomReport.

            :param field_num: The field number of the key to add
            :param sort: The sort direction for this key
            :param implicit: True if field_num is implicit, else False
            :param type_only: True if this call should only update types
        fields = self._implicit_fields if implicit else self._fields
        found = None

        for fp in self._field_properties:
            if fp.implicit == implicit and fp.field_num == field_num:
                found = fp

        if not found:
            if type_only:
                self.report_types |= fields[field_num].objtype
                found = self.__add_field(field_num, implicit)

        if found.sort_key:
            _log_info("Ignoring duplicate sort field: %s" %
        found.sort_key = True
        found.sort_dir = sort
        found.sort_posn = self._keys_count
        self._keys_count += 1

    def __key_match(self, key_name, type_only):
        """Attempt to match a sort key and update report type.

            Look up the named sort key and, if ``type_only`` is True,
            update this BoomReport's ``report_types`` mask to include
            the field's type identifier. If ``type_only`` is False the
            field is also added to this BoomReport's field list.

            :param field_name: A string identifying the sort key
            :param type_only: True if this call should only update types
        sort_dir = None

        if not key_name:
            raise ValueError("Sort key name cannot be empty")

        if key_name.startswith('+'):
            sort_dir = ASCENDING
            key_name = key_name[1:]
        elif key_name.startswith('-'):
            sort_dir = DESCENDING
            key_name = key_name[1:]
            sort_dir = ASCENDING

        for field in self._implicit_fields:
            fields = self._implicit_fields
            if == key_name:
                return self.__add_sort_key(fields.index(field), sort_dir,
                                           True, type_only)
        for field in self._fields:
            fields = self._fields
            if == key_name:
                return self.__add_sort_key(fields.index(field), sort_dir,
                                           False, type_only)

        raise ValueError("Unknown sort key name: %s" % key_name)

    def __parse_keys(self, keys, type_only):
        """Parse report sort key list.

            Parse ``keys`` and attempt to match the names of
            sort keys found to registered BoomFieldType fields.

            If ``type_only`` is True only the ``report_types`` field
            is updated: otherwise the parsed fields are added to the
            BoomReport's sort key list.

            :param field_format: The list of fields to parse
            :param type_only: True if this call should only update types
        if not keys:
        for word in keys.split(','):
            # Allow consecutive commas
            if not word:
                self.__key_match(word, type_only)
            except ValueError as e:
                print("Unrecognised field: %s" % word)
                raise e

    def __init__(self, types, fields, output_fields, opts,
                 sort_keys, private):
        """Initialise BoomReport.

            Initialise a new ``BoomReport`` object with the specified fields
            and output control options.

            :param types: List of BoomReportObjType used in this report.
            :param fields: A list of ``BoomField`` field descriptions.
            :param output_fields: An optional list of output fields to
                                  be rendered by this report.
            :param opts: An instance of ``BoomReportOpts`` or None.
            :returns: A new report object.
            :rtype: ``BoomReport``.

        self._fields = fields
        self._types = types
        self._private = private

        if opts.buffered:
            self._sort_required = True

        self.opts = opts if opts else BoomReportOpts()

        self._rows = []
        self._field_properties = []

        # set field_prefix from type

        # canonicalize_field_ids()

        if not output_fields:
            output_fields = ",".join([ for field in fields])

        # First pass: set up types
        self.__parse_fields(output_fields, 1)
        self.__parse_keys(sort_keys, 1)

        # Second pass: initialise fields
        self.__parse_fields(output_fields, 0)
        self.__parse_keys(sort_keys, 0)

        if self.__help_requested():
            self._already_reported = True

    def __recalculate_sha_width(self):
        """Recalculate minimum SHA field widths.

            For each REP_SHA field present, recalculate the minimum
            field width required to ensure uniqueness of the displayed

            :rtype: None
        shas = {}
        props_map = {}
        for row in self._rows:
            for field in row._fields:
                if self._fields[field._props.field_num].dtype == REP_SHA:
                    # Use field_num as index to apply check across rows
                    num = field._props.field_num
                    if num not in shas:
                        shas[num] = set()
                        props_map[num] = field._props
        for num in shas.keys():
            min_prefix = max(MIN_SHA_WIDTH, props_map[num].width)
            props_map[num].width = find_minimum_sha_prefix(shas[num],

    def __recalculate_fields(self):
        """Recalculate field widths.

            For each field, recalculate the minimum field width by
            finding the longest ``report_string`` value for that field
            and updating the dynamic width stored in the corresponding
            ``BoomFieldProperties`` object.

            :rtype: None
        for row in self._rows:
            for field in row._fields:
                if self._sort_required and field._props.sort_key:
                    row._sort_fields[field._props.sort_posn] = field
                if self._fields[field._props.field_num].dtype == REP_SHA:
                field_len = len(field.report_string)
                if field_len > field._props.width:
                    field._props.width = field_len

    def __report_headings(self):
        """Output report headings.

            Output the column headings for this BoomReport.

            :rtype: None
        self._header_written = True
        if not self.opts.headings:

        line = ""
        props = self._field_properties
        for fp in props:
            if fp.hidden:
            fields = self._fields
            heading = fields[fp.field_num].head
            headertuple = (fp.width, fp.width, heading)
            if self.opts.aligned:
                heading = "%-*.*s" % headertuple
            line += heading
            if props.index(fp) != (len(props) - 1):
                line += self.opts.separator
        self.opts.report_file.write(line + "\n")

    def __row_key_fn(self):
        """Return a Python key function to compare report rows.

            The ``cmp`` argument of sorting functions has been removed
            in Python 3.x: to maintain similarity with the device-mapper
            report library we keep a traditional "cmp"-style function
            (that is structured identically to the version in the device
            mapper library), and dynamically wrap it in a ``__RowKey``
            object to conform to the Python sort key model.

            :returns: A __RowKey object wrapping _row_cmp()
            :rtype: __RowKey
        def _row_cmp(row_a, row_b):
            """Compare two report rows for sorting.

                Compare the report rows ``row_a`` and ``row_b`` and
                return a "cmp"-style comparison value:

                    1 if row_a > row_b
                    0 if row_a == row_b
                   -1 if row_b < row_a

                Note that the actual comparison direction depends on the
                field definitions of the fields being compared, since
                each sort key defines its own sort order.

                :param row_a: The first row to compare
                :param row_b: The seconf row to compare
            for cnt in range(0, row_a._report._keys_count):
                sfa = row_a._sort_fields[cnt]
                sfb = row_b._sort_fields[cnt]
                if sfa._props.dtype == REP_NUM:
                    num_a = sfa.sort_value
                    num_b = sfb.sort_value
                    if num_a == num_b:
                    if sfa._props.sort_dir == ASCENDING:
                        return 1 if num_a > num_b else -1
                        return 1 if num_a < num_b else -1
                    stra = sfa.sort_value
                    strb = sfb.sort_value
                    if stra == strb:
                    if sfa._props.sort_dir == ASCENDING:
                        return 1 if stra > strb else -1
                        return 1 if stra < strb else -1
            return 0

        class __RowKey(object):
            """__RowKey sort wrapper.
            def __init__(self, obj, *args):
                """Initialise a new __RowKey object.

                    :param obj: The object to be compared
                    :returns: None
                self.obj = obj

            def __lt__(self, other):
                """Test if less than.

                    :param other: The other object to be compared
                return _row_cmp(self.obj, other.obj) < 0

            def __gt__(self, other):
                """Test if greater than.

                    :param other: The other object to be compared
                return _row_cmp(self.obj, other.obj) > 0

            def __eq__(self, other):
                """Test if equal to.

                    :param other: The other object to be compared
                return _row_cmp(self.obj, other.obj) == 0

            def __le__(self, other):
                """Test if less than or equal to.

                    :param other: The other object to be compared
                return _row_cmp(self.obj, other.obj) <= 0

            def __ge__(self, other):
                """Test if greater than or equal to.

                    :param other: The other object to be compared
                return _row_cmp(self.obj, other.obj) >= 0

            def __ne__(self, other):
                """Test if not equal to.

                    :param other: The other object to be compared
                return _row_cmp(self.obj, other.obj) != 0

        return __RowKey

    def _sort_rows(self):
        """Sort the rows of this BoomReport.

            Sort this report's rows, according to the configured sort

            :returns: None

    def report_object(self, obj):
        """Report data for object.

            Add a row of data to this ``BoomReport``. The ``data``
            argument should be an object of the type understood by this
            report's fields. It will be passed in turn to each field to
            obtain data for the current row.

            :param obj: the object to report on for this row.
        if obj is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot report NoneType object.")

        if self._already_reported:

        row = BoomRow(self)
        fields = self._fields
        if self._sort_required:
            row._sort_fields = [-1] * self._keys_count
        for fp in self._field_properties:
            field = BoomField(self, fp)
            data = fp.objtype.data_fn(obj)

            if data is None:
                raise ValueError("No data assigned to field %s" %

                fields[fp.field_num].report_fn(field, data)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError("No value assigned to field %s" %

        if not self.opts.buffered:
            return self.report_output()

    def _output_field(self, field):
        """Output field data.

            Generate string data for one field in a report row.

            :field: The field to be output
            :returns: The output report string for this field
            :rtype: str
        fields = self._fields
        prefix = self.opts.field_name_prefix
        quote = "" if self.opts.unquoted else STANDARD_QUOTE

        if prefix:
            field_name = fields[field._props.field_num].name
            prefix += "%s%s%s" % (field_name.upper(), STANDARD_PAIR,

        repstr = field.report_string
        width = field._props.width
        if self.opts.aligned:
            align = field._props.align
            if not align:
                if field._props.dtype == REP_NUM:
                    align = ALIGN_RIGHT
                    align = ALIGN_LEFT
            reptuple = (width, width, repstr)
            if align == ALIGN_LEFT:
                repstr = "%-*.*s" % reptuple
                repstr = "%*.*s" % reptuple

        suffix = quote
        return prefix + repstr + suffix

    def _output_as_rows(self):
        """Output this report in column format.

            Output the data contained in this ``BoomReport`` in column
            format, one row per line. If column headings have not been
            printed already they will be automatically displayed by this

            :returns: None
        for fp in self._field_properties:
            if fp.hidden:
                for row in self._rows:
                    row._fields = row._fields[1:]

            fields = self._implicit_fields if fp.implicit else self._fields
            line = ""

            if self.opts.headings:
                line += fields[fp.field_num].head + self.opts.separator

            for row in self._rows:
                field = row._fields[0]
                line += self._output_field(field)
                line += self.opts.separator
                row._fields = row._fields[1:]

            self.opts.report_file.write(line + "\n")

    def _output_as_columns(self):
        """Output this report in column format.

            Output the data contained in this ``BoomReport`` in column
            format, one row per line. If column headings have not been
            printed already they will be automatically displayed by this

            :returns: None
        if not self._header_written:
        for row in self._rows:
            do_field_delim = False
            line = ""
            for field in row._fields:
                if field._props.hidden:
                if do_field_delim:
                    line += self.opts.separator
                    do_field_delim = True
                line += self._output_field(field)
            self.opts.report_file.write(line + "\n")

    def report_output(self):
        """Output report data.

            Output this report's data to the configured report file,
            using the configured output controls and fields.

            On success the number of rows output is returned. On
            error an exception is raised.

            :returns: the number of rows of output written.
            :rtype: ``int``
        if self._already_reported:
        if self._field_calc_needed:
        if self._sort_required:
        if self.opts.columns_as_rows:
            return self._output_as_rows()
            return self._output_as_columns()

__all__ = [
    # Module constants

    'REP_NUM', 'REP_STR', 'REP_SHA',

    # Report objects
    'BoomReportOpts', 'BoomReportObjType', 'BoomField', 'BoomFieldType',
    'BoomFieldProperties', 'BoomReport'

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