Blob Blame History Raw

datastore_db.c -- implements the datastore, using Berkeley DB

Gyepi Sam <>   2002 - 2003
Matthias Andree <> 2003 - 2005


/* To avoid header file conflicts the order is:
**	1. System header files
**	2. Header files for external packages
**	3. Bogofilter's header files

/* TODO:
 * - implement proper retry when our transaction is aborted after a
 *   deadlock
 * - document code changes
 * - conduct massive tests

 * NOTE: this code is an "#if" nightmare due to the many different APIs
 * in the many different BerkeleyDB versions.

#include "common.h"

#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <db.h>

#include "datastore.h"
#include "datastore_db.h"
#include "datastore_dbcommon.h"
#ifdef	DB_VERSION_MAJOR	/* if Berkeley DB */
#include "datastore_db_private.h"

#include "error.h"
#include "rand_sleep.h"
#include "xmalloc.h"
#include "xstrdup.h"

extern dsm_t dsm_traditional;		/* in datastore_db_trad.c */
extern dsm_t dsm_transactional;		/* in datastore_db_trans.c */

dsm_t *dsm = &dsm_traditional;
dsm_t *dsm = &dsm_transactional;

/** Default flags for DB_ENV->open() */

bool	  db_log_autoremove = true;	/* DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE */

bool	  db_txn_durable = true;	/* not DB_TXN_NOT_DURABLE */

static const DBTYPE dbtype = DB_BTREE;

/** translate BerkeleyDB \a flags bitfield for DB->open method back to symbols */
static const char *resolveopenflags(u_int32_t flags) {
    static char buf[160];
    char b2[80];
    strlcpy(buf, "", sizeof(buf));
    if (flags & DB_CREATE) flags &= ~DB_CREATE, strlcat(buf, "DB_CREATE ", sizeof(buf));
    if (flags & DB_EXCL)   flags &= ~DB_EXCL,   strlcat(buf, "DB_EXCL ",   sizeof(buf));
    if (flags & DB_NOMMAP) flags &= ~DB_NOMMAP, strlcat(buf, "DB_NOMMAP ", sizeof(buf));
    if (flags & DB_RDONLY) flags &= ~DB_RDONLY, strlcat(buf, "DB_RDONLY ", sizeof(buf));
#if DB_AT_LEAST(4,1)
    if (flags & DB_AUTO_COMMIT) flags &= ~DB_AUTO_COMMIT, strlcat(buf, "DB_AUTO_COMMIT ", sizeof(buf));
    snprintf(b2, sizeof(b2), "%#lx", (unsigned long)flags);
    if (flags) strlcat(buf, b2, sizeof(buf));
    return buf;

static void set_txn_mode(void)
    if (eTransaction == T_DEFAULT_OFF)
	eTransaction =  T_DISABLED;
    if (eTransaction == T_DEFAULT_ON)
	eTransaction =  T_ENABLED;

static const char *txn2str(e_txn txn)
    const char *v = "unknown";
    switch (txn) {
    case T_ERROR: 	v = "T_ERROR";		break;
    case T_DISABLED: 	v = "T_DISABLED";	break;
    case T_ENABLED: 	v = "T_ENABLED";	break;
    case T_DEFAULT_OFF:	v = "T_DEFAULT_OFF";	break;
    case T_DEFAULT_ON: 	v = "T_DEFAULT_ON";	break;
    case T_DONT_KNOW:	v = "T_DONT_KNOW";	break;
    return v;

static e_txn get_txn_state(bfpath *bfp)
    e_txn txn = eTransaction;

    /* check for overrides (for test suite, etc.) */
	txn = T_DISABLED;
    if (getenv("BF_FORCE_TRANSACTIONAL"))
	txn = T_ENABLED;

    if (txn != T_DISABLED && txn != T_ENABLED) {
	/* if not set, probe for database environment */
	e_txn probe;

	    fprintf(dbgout, "probing \"%s\" and \"%s\" for environment...",
		    bfp->dirname, bfp->filename);

	probe = probe_txn(bfp);

	if (probe == T_DISABLED || probe == T_ENABLED)
	    txn = probe;

	    fprintf(dbgout, "%s\n", txn2str(probe));
    } /* else just use the default */

    return txn;

static void check_env_pagesize(DB *db)
    const char *ps = getenv("BF_PAGESIZE");
    if (ps != NULL) {
	u_int32_t s = atoi(ps);
	if (((s - 1) ^ s) != (s * 2 - 1)) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "BF_PAGESIZE must be a power of 2, ignoring\n");
	} else if (s < 512 || s > 65536) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "BF_PAGESIZE must be 512 ... 65536, ignoring\n");
	} else {
	    int r = db->set_pagesize(db, s);
	    if (r != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "setting pagesize to %d failed: %s\n",
			s, db_strerror(r));

/** wrapper for Berkeley DB's DB->open() method which has changed API and
 * semantics -- this should deal with 3.2, 3.3, 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2. */
static int DB_OPEN(DB *db, bfpath *bfp, const char *database, DBTYPE type, u_int32_t flags, int mode)
    int ret;
    const char *file;


#if DB_AT_LEAST(4,1)
    if (dsm->dsm_auto_commit_flags != NULL)
	flags |= dsm->dsm_auto_commit_flags();

    if (eTransaction == T_DISABLED)
	file = bfp->filepath;
	file = bfp->filename;

    ret = db->open(db,
#if DB_AT_LEAST(4,1)
		   0,	/* TXN handle - we use autocommit instead */
		   file, database, type, flags, mode

    if (DEBUG_DATABASE(1) || getenv("BF_DEBUG_DB_OPEN"))
	fprintf(dbgout, "[pid %lu] DB->open(db=%p, file=%s, database=%s, "
		"type=%x, flags=%#lx=%s, mode=%#o) -> %d %s\n",
		(unsigned long)getpid(), (void *)db,
		file, database ? database : "NIL",
		type, (unsigned long)flags,
		resolveopenflags(flags), mode, ret, db_strerror(ret));

    return ret;

#if DB_AT_LEAST(4,1)
/** translate BerkeleyDB \a flags bitfield for DB->set_flags method back to symbols */
static const char *resolvesetflags(u_int32_t flags) {
    static char buf[160];
    char b2[80];
    strlcpy(buf, "", sizeof(buf));
#if DB_EQUAL(4,1)
    if (flags & DB_CHKSUM_SHA1) flags &= ~DB_CHKSUM_SHA1, strlcat(buf, "DB_CHKSUM_SHA1 ", sizeof(buf));
#if DB_AT_LEAST(4,2)
    if (flags & DB_CHKSUM) flags &= ~DB_CHKSUM, strlcat(buf, "DB_CHKSUM ", sizeof(buf));
    snprintf(b2, sizeof(b2), "%#lx", (unsigned long)flags);
    if (flags) strlcat(buf, b2, sizeof(buf));
    return buf;

/** Set flags and print debugging info */
static int DB_SET_FLAGS(DB *db, u_int32_t flags)
    int ret = db->set_flags(db, flags);

    if (DEBUG_DATABASE(1))
	fprintf(dbgout, "[pid %lu] DB->set_flags(db=%p, flags=%#lx=%s) -> %d %s\n",
		(unsigned long)getpid(), (void *)db, (unsigned long)flags,
		resolvesetflags(flags), ret, db_strerror(ret));

    return ret;

void *db_get_env(void *vhandle)
    dbh_t *handle = (dbh_t *)vhandle;

    assert(handle->magic == MAGIC_DBH);

    return handle->dbenv;

/* implements locking. */
int subr_db_lock(int fd, int cmd, short int type)
    struct flock lock;

    lock.l_type = type;
    lock.l_start = 0;
    lock.l_whence = (short int)SEEK_SET;
    lock.l_len = 0;
    return (fcntl(fd, cmd, &lock));

int db_lock(void *vhandle, int open_mode)
    int e = 0;
    dbh_t *handle = (dbh_t *)vhandle;

    /* try fcntl lock */
    handle->locked = false;
    if (subr_db_lock(handle->fd, F_SETLK,
		(short int)(open_mode == DS_READ ? F_RDLCK : F_WRLCK)))
	e = errno;
	errno = e;
	if (errno == EACCES)
	    e = errno = EAGAIN;
    } else {
	/* have lock */
	if (handle->fd >= 0)
	    handle->locked = true;
    return e;

void dsm_init(bfpath *bfp)
    /* Note: we assume that the default dsm initializers above handle
     * this properly, dsm_init is empty if transactions are disabled or
     * forced. */

    eTransaction = get_txn_state(bfp);


    if (eTransaction == T_DISABLED)
	dsm = &dsm_traditional;
	dsm = &dsm_transactional;


/** "constructor" - allocate our handle and initialize its contents */
static dbh_t *dbh_init(bfpath *bfp)
    dbh_t *handle;

    handle = (dbh_t *)xmalloc(sizeof(dbh_t));
    memset(handle, 0, sizeof(dbh_t));	/* valgrind */

    handle->dsm = dsm;
    handle->txn = NULL;

    handle->magic= MAGIC_DBH;		/* poor man's type checking */
    handle->fd   = -1;			/* for lock */

    handle->name = xstrdup(bfp->filepath);

    handle->locked     = false;
    handle->is_swapped = false;
    handle->created    = false;

    return handle;

/** free \a handle and associated data.
 * NB: does not close transactions, data bases or the environment! */
static void handle_free(/*@only@*/ dbh_t *handle)
    if (handle != NULL) {
	xfree((char *)handle->name);

static bool xstat(const char *path, struct stat *st)
    int e = stat(path, st);
    if (e) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Cannot stat \"%s\": %s\n",
		path, strerror(errno));
    return e;

/** Ensure that only a single database environment is specified,
 * \return true for success */
static bool check_path(bfpath *bfp)
    struct stat stdn, stbh;

    /* Only bogofilter (with transactions) has to worry about multiple environments */
    if (!fBogofilter || eTransaction == T_DISABLED)
	return true;

    /* If bogohome not yet set, skip check */
    if (bfp->dirname == NULL || bogohome == NULL)
	return true;

    /* XXX FIXME: If we cannot stat, skip check for now.
     * We should probably handle this condition but then again when
     * bootstrapping a setup a missing environment is probably OK */
    if (xstat(bfp->dirname, &stdn)) return true;
    if (xstat(bogohome, &stbh)) return true;

    if (stdn.st_dev == stbh.st_dev
	    && stdn.st_ino == stbh.st_ino)
	return true;
    else {
		"ERROR: only one database _environment_ (directory) can be used at a time.\n"
		"You CAN use multiple wordlists that are in the same directory.\n\n");
		"If you need multiple wordlists in different directories,\n"
		"you cannot use the transactional interface, but you must configure\n"
		"the non-transactional interface, i. e. ./configure --disable-transactions\n"
		"then type make clean, after that rebuild and install as usual.\n"
		"Note that the data base will no longer be crash-proof in that case.\n"
		"Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.\n");
		"\nAborting program\n");
	return false;

/** Initialize data base, configure some lock table sizes
 * (which can be overridden in the DB_CONFIG file)
 * and lock the file to tell other parts we're initialized and
 * do not want recovery to stomp over us.
void *dbe_init(bfpath *bfp)
    dbe_t *env;

    if (!check_path(bfp))

    if (bfp->isdir)
	return NULL;

    env = dsm->dsm_env_init(bfp);

    return env;

/* Returns is_swapped flag */
bool db_is_swapped(void *vhandle)
    dbh_t *handle = (dbh_t *)vhandle;

    assert(handle->magic == MAGIC_DBH);

    return handle->is_swapped;

/* Returns created flag */
bool db_created(void *vhandle)
    dbh_t *handle = (dbh_t *)vhandle;

    assert(handle->magic == MAGIC_DBH);

    return handle->created;

/* If header and library version do not match,
 * print an error message on stderr and exit with EX_ERROR. */
static void check_db_version(void)
    int maj, min;
    static bool version_ok = false;

#if DB_AT_MOST(3,0)
#error "Berkeley DB 3.0 is not supported"

    if (!version_ok) {
	version_ok = true;
	(void)db_version(&maj, &min, NULL);

	    fprintf(dbgout, "db_version: Header version %d.%d, library version %d.%d\n",

	if (!(maj == DB_VERSION_MAJOR && min == DB_VERSION_MINOR)) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "The DB versions do not match.\n"
		    "This program was compiled for DB version %d.%d,\n"
		    "but it is linked against DB version %d.%d.\nAborting.\n",

/** check limit of open file (given through descriptor \a fd) against
 * current resource limit and warn if file size is "close" (2 MB) to the
 * limit. errors from the system are ignored, no warning then.
static bool check_fsize_limit(int fd, uint32_t pagesize) {

    bool ok = true;
    static bool fPrinted = false;

#ifndef __EMX__
    struct stat st;
    struct rlimit rl;

    /* Only print this message once per run */
    if (fPrinted)
	return ok;

    if (fstat(fd, &st)) return ok; /* ignore error */
    if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_FSIZE, &rl)) return ok; /* ignore error */
    if (rl.rlim_cur != (rlim_t)RLIM_INFINITY) {
	/* WARNING: Be extremely careful that in these comparisons there
	 * is no unsigned term, it will spoil everything as C will
	 * coerce into unsigned types, which would then make "file size
	 * larger than resource limit" undetectable. BUG: this doesn't
	 * work when pagesize doesn't fit into signed long. ("requires"
	 * 2**31 for file size and 32-bit integers to fail) */
	if ((off_t)(rl.rlim_cur/pagesize) - st.st_size/(long)pagesize < 16) {
	    print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "error: the data base file size is within 16 pages");
	    print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "       of the resource limit. Cowardly refusing");
	    print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "       to write to avoid data base corruption.");
	    ok = false;
	if ((off_t)(rl.rlim_cur >> 20) - (st.st_size >> 20) < 2) {
	    fPrinted = true;
	    print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "warning: data base file size approaches resource limit.");
	    print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "         write errors (bumping into the limit) can cause");
	    print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "         data base corruption.");
    return ok;

/* The old, pre-3.3 API will not fill in the page size with
 * DB_CACHED_COUNTS, and without DB_CACHED_COUNTS, BerlekeyDB will read
 * the whole data base, incurring a severe performance penalty. We'll
 * guess a page size.  As this is a safety margin for the file size,
 * we'll return 0 and let the caller guess some size instead. */
/* return page size, of 0xffffffff for trouble */
static uint32_t get_psize(DB *dbp, /**< Berkeley DB pointer */
	bool wanted /** if set, try harder to get the page size, even if
		     * it requires to read the whole database */)
    uint32_t ret, pagesize;
    DB_BTREE_STAT *dbstat = NULL;

#if DB_AT_LEAST(3,3)
    ret = BF_DB_STAT(dbp, NULL, &dbstat, DB_FAST_STAT);
    ret = dbp->stat(dbp, &dbstat, malloc, wanted ? 0 : DB_CACHED_COUNTS);
    if (ret) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "DB->stat");
	return 0xffffffff;
    pagesize = dbstat->bt_pagesize;

    if (DEBUG_DATABASE(1))
	fprintf(dbgout, "DB->stat success, pagesize: %lu\n", (unsigned long)pagesize);

    return pagesize;

const char *db_version_str(void)
    static char v[80];

    strcpy(v, DB_VERSION_STRING);
    snprintf(v, sizeof(v), "BerkeleyDB (%d.%d.%d)",

    strcat(v, " AUTO-XA");
    if (eTransaction == T_ENABLED)
	strcat(v, " TRANSACTIONAL");
	strcat(v, " NON-TRANSACTIONAL");

    return v;

/** Initialize database. Expects open environment.
 * \return pointer to database handle on success, NULL otherwise.
void *db_open(void *vhandle,
	      bfpath *bfp,
	      dbmode_t open_mode)
    int ret;
    int is_swapped;
    int retries = 2; /* how often do we retry to open after ENOENT+EEXIST
			races? 2 is sufficient unless the kernel or
			BerkeleyDB are buggy. */
    dbe_t *env = (dbe_t *)vhandle;

    dbh_t *handle = NULL;
    uint32_t opt_flags = (open_mode == DS_READ) ? DB_RDONLY : 0;

    size_t idx;
    uint32_t retryflags[] = { 0, DB_NOMMAP };

     * If locking fails with EAGAIN, then try without MMAP, fcntl()
     * locking may be forbidden on mmapped files, or mmap may not be
     * available for NFS. Thanks to Piotr Kucharski and Casper Dik,
     * see news:comp.protocols.nfs and the bogofilter mailing list,
     * message #1520, Message-ID: <>
     * Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 18:20:16 +0100


    /* retry when locking failed */
    for (idx = 0; idx < COUNTOF(retryflags); idx += 1)
	int e;
	DB *dbp;
	DB_ENV *dbe;
	bool err = false;
	const char *db_file;
	uint32_t pagesize;
	uint32_t retryflag = retryflags[idx];

	handle = dbh_init(bfp);

	if (handle == NULL)
	    return NULL;

	/* create DB handle */
	dbe = dsm->dsm_get_env_dbe(env);
	if ((ret = db_create (&dbp, dbe, 0)) != 0) {
	    print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "(db) db_create, err: %d, %s",
			ret, db_strerror(ret));
	    goto open_err;

	handle->dbp = dbp;
	handle->dbenv = env;

	handle->open_mode = open_mode;
	db_file = dsm->dsm_database_name(handle->name);

	if (eTransaction == T_DISABLED)
	    dbp->set_alloc(dbp, md_malloc, md_realloc, md_free);
	    dbe->set_alloc(dbe, md_malloc, md_realloc, md_free);

	handle->created = false;

	ret = DB_OPEN(dbp, bfp, NULL, dbtype, opt_flags | retryflag, DS_MODE);

	/* Begin complex change ... */
	if (ret != 0) {
	    err = (ret != ENOENT) || (opt_flags == DB_RDONLY);
	    if (!err) {
                ret = 0;
#if DB_EQUAL(4,1)
		ret = ((DB_SET_FLAGS(dbp, DB_CHKSUM_SHA1)) != 0);
#elif DB_AT_LEAST(4,2)
		ret = ((DB_SET_FLAGS(dbp, DB_CHKSUM)) != 0);
                if (!ret) {
                    dbp->close(dbp, 0);
                    if ((ret = db_create (&dbp, dbe, 0)) != 0) {
                        print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "(db) db_create, err: %d, %s",
                                    ret, db_strerror(ret));
                        goto open_err;
	            handle->dbp = dbp;
                    if (eTransaction == T_DISABLED)
                        dbp->set_alloc(dbp, md_malloc, md_realloc, md_free);
                        dbe->set_alloc(dbe, md_malloc, md_realloc, md_free);
		if (ret ||
		 (ret = DB_OPEN(dbp, bfp, NULL, dbtype, opt_flags | DB_CREATE | DB_EXCL | retryflag, DS_MODE)))
		    err = true;
		if (!err)
		    handle->created = true;

	if (ret != 0) {
	    if (ret == ENOENT && opt_flags != DB_RDONLY)
		return NULL;
		err = true;
	/* End complex change ... */

	if (err)
	    if (open_mode != DB_RDONLY && ret == EEXIST && --retries) {
		/* sleep for 4 to 100 ms - this is just to give up the CPU
		 * to another process and let it create the data base
		 * file in peace */
		rand_sleep(4 * 1000, 100 * 1000);
		goto retry_db_open;

	    /* close again and bail out without further tries */
	    if (DEBUG_DATABASE(0))
		print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "DB->open(%s) - actually %s, directory %s, err %s",
			    handle->name, db_file, env->directory, db_strerror(ret));

	    dbp->close(dbp, 0);
	    goto open_err;

	/* see if the database byte order differs from that of the cpu's */
#if DB_AT_LEAST(3,3)
	ret = dbp->get_byteswapped (dbp, &is_swapped);
	ret = 0;
	is_swapped = dbp->get_byteswapped (dbp);
	handle->is_swapped = is_swapped ? true : false;

	if (ret != 0) {
	    print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "DB->get_byteswapped: %s",
	    return NULL;		/* handle already freed, ok to return */

	    fprintf(dbgout, "DB->get_byteswapped: %s\n", is_swapped ? "true" : "false");

	ret = dbp->fd(dbp, &handle->fd);
	if (ret != 0) {
	    print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "DB->fd: %s",
	    return NULL;		/* handle already freed, ok to return */

	    fprintf(dbgout, "DB->fd: %d\n", handle->fd);

	/* query page size */
	pagesize = get_psize(dbp, false);
	if (pagesize == 0xffffffff) {
	    dbp->close(dbp, 0);
	    goto open_err;

	if (!pagesize)
	    pagesize = 16384;

	/* check file size limit */
	if (open_mode != DS_READ) {
	    if (!check_fsize_limit(handle->fd, pagesize)) {
		open_mode = DS_READ;

	/* Begin complex change ... */
	e = dsm->dsm_lock(handle, open_mode);
	if (e == 0)
	if (e != EAGAIN)
	    return NULL;
	handle = NULL;
	/* End complex change ... */

    } /* for idx over retryflags */

    return handle;


    if (ret >= 0)
	errno = ret;
	errno = EINVAL;
    return NULL;

int db_delete(void *vhandle, const dbv_t *token)
    int ret = 0;
    dbh_t *handle = (dbh_t *)vhandle;
    DB *dbp = handle->dbp;

    DBT db_key;

    assert(handle->magic == MAGIC_DBH);
    assert((eTransaction == T_DISABLED) == (handle->txn == NULL)); = token->data;
    db_key.size = token->leng;

    ret = dbp->del(dbp, handle->txn, &db_key, 0);

    if (ret != 0 && ret != DB_NOTFOUND) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "DB->del('%.*s'), err: %d, %s",
		    (const char *),
    		    ret, db_strerror(ret));

    if (DEBUG_DATABASE(3))
	fprintf(dbgout, "DB->del(%.*s)\n", CLAMP_INT_MAX(db_key.size), (const char *);

    return ret;		/* 0 if ok */

int db_get_dbvalue(void *vhandle, const dbv_t *token, /*@out@*/ dbv_t *val)
    int ret = 0;
    int rmw_flag;
    DBT db_key;
    DBT db_data;

    dbh_t *handle = (dbh_t *)vhandle;
    DB *dbp = handle->dbp;

    assert(handle->magic == MAGIC_DBH);
    assert((eTransaction == T_DISABLED) == (handle->txn == NULL));

    DBT_init(db_data); = token->data;
    db_key.size = token->leng; = val->data;
    db_data.size = val->leng;		/* cur used */
    db_data.ulen = val->leng;		/* max size */
    db_data.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM;	/* saves the memcpy */

    /* DB_RMW can avoid deadlocks */
    rmw_flag = dsm->dsm_get_rmw_flag(handle->open_mode);
    ret = dbp->get(dbp, handle->txn, &db_key, &db_data, rmw_flag );

    if (DEBUG_DATABASE(3))
	fprintf(dbgout, "DB->get(%.*s): %s\n",
		CLAMP_INT_MAX(token->leng), (char *) token->data, db_strerror(ret));

    val->leng = db_data.size;		/* read count */

    switch (ret) {
    case 0:
    case DB_NOTFOUND:
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "(db) DB->get(TXN=%lu,  '%.*s' ), err: %d, %s",
		    (unsigned long)handle->txn, CLAMP_INT_MAX(token->leng),
		    (char *) token->data, ret, db_strerror(ret));

    return ret;

int db_set_dbvalue(void *vhandle, const dbv_t *token, const dbv_t *val)
    int ret;

    DBT db_key;
    DBT db_data;

    dbh_t *handle = (dbh_t *)vhandle;
    DB *dbp = handle->dbp;

    assert(handle->magic == MAGIC_DBH);
    assert((eTransaction == T_DISABLED) == (handle->txn == NULL));

    DBT_init(db_data); = token->data;
    db_key.size = token->leng; = val->data;
    db_data.size = val->leng;		/* write count */

    ret = dbp->put(dbp, handle->txn, &db_key, &db_data, 0);

    if (ret == DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) {

    if (ret != 0) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "db_set_dbvalue( '%.*s' ), err: %d, %s",
		    CLAMP_INT_MAX(token->leng), (char *)token->data, ret, db_strerror(ret));

    if (DEBUG_DATABASE(3))
	fprintf(dbgout, "DB->put(%.*s): %s\n",
		CLAMP_INT_MAX(token->leng), (char *) token->data, db_strerror(ret));

    return 0;

#if DB_AT_LEAST(4,2)
/* get_flags is new in 4.2 */
static uint32_t db_get_flags(DB *dbp, uint32_t test)
    int ret;
    uint32_t flags;
    uint32_t mask = DB_NOSYNC;

    ret = dbp->get_flags(dbp, &flags);
    if (ret) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "DB->get_flags returned error: %s",
	mask = 0;
    } else {
	if (flags & test)
	    mask &= ~DB_NOSYNC;
    return mask;

/* Close files and clean up. */
void db_close(void *vhandle)
    int ret;
    dbh_t *handle = (dbh_t *)vhandle;
    DB *dbp = handle->dbp;
    uint32_t flag = 0;

    assert(handle->magic == MAGIC_DBH);

    /* DB_TXN_NOT_DURABLE is new in 4.2 */
    flag &= db_get_flags(dbp, DB_TXN_NOT_DURABLE);

    /* DB_LOG_INMEMORY is new in 4.3 */
    flag &= db_get_flags(dbp, DB_LOG_INMEMORY);

    if (DEBUG_DATABASE(1))
	fprintf(dbgout, "DB->close(%s, %s)\n",
		handle->name, flag & DB_NOSYNC ? "DB_NOSYNC" : "0");

    if (handle->txn) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "db_close called with transaction still open, program fault!");

    ret = dbp->close(dbp, flag);
#if DB_AT_LEAST(3,2) && DB_AT_MOST(4,0)
    /* ignore dirty pages in buffer pool */
    if (ret == DB_INCOMPLETE)
	ret = 0;

    if (dsm->dsm_sync != NULL)
	ret = dsm->dsm_sync(handle->dbenv->dbe, ret);

    if (ret)
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "DB->close error: %s",

    handle->dbp = NULL;

 flush any data in memory to disk
void db_flush(void *vhandle)
    int ret;
    dbh_t *handle = (dbh_t *)vhandle;
    DB *dbp = handle->dbp;

    assert(handle->magic == MAGIC_DBH);

    if (DEBUG_DATABASE(1))
	fprintf(dbgout, "db_flush(%s)\n", handle->name);

    ret = dbp->sync(dbp, 0);
#if DB_AT_LEAST(3,2) && DB_AT_MOST(4,0)
    /* ignore dirty pages in buffer pool */
    if (ret == DB_INCOMPLETE)
	ret = 0;

    ret = dsm->dsm_sync(handle->dbenv->dbe, ret);

    if (DEBUG_DATABASE(1))
	fprintf(dbgout, "DB->sync(%p): %s\n", (void *)dbp, db_strerror(ret));

    if (ret)
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "db_sync: err: %d, %s", ret, db_strerror(ret));


ex_t db_foreach(void *vhandle, db_foreach_t hook, void *userdata)
    dbh_t *handle = (dbh_t *)vhandle;
    DB *dbp = handle->dbp;

    ex_t ret = EX_OK;
    int rv;
    bool eflag = false;

    DBC dbc;
    DBC *dbcp = &dbc;
    DBT key, data;

    dbv_t dbv_key;
    dbv_const_t dbv_data;

    assert(handle->magic == MAGIC_DBH);
    assert((eTransaction == T_DISABLED) == (handle->txn == NULL));

    memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
    memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));

    if (dbp->cursor(dbp, handle->txn, &dbcp, 0)) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "(cursor): %s", handle->path);
	return EX_ERROR;

#if DB_AT_LEAST(4,6)
    for (rv =  dbcp->get(dbcp, &key, &data, DB_FIRST);
	 rv == 0;
	 rv =  dbcp->get(dbcp, &key, &data, DB_NEXT))
    for (rv =  dbcp->c_get(dbcp, &key, &data, DB_FIRST);
	 rv == 0;
	 rv =  dbcp->c_get(dbcp, &key, &data, DB_NEXT))
	int rc;

	/* Question: Is there a way to avoid using malloc/free? */

	/* switch to "dbv_t *" variables */
	dbv_key.leng = key.size; = xmalloc(dbv_key.leng+1);
	memcpy(,, dbv_key.leng);
	((char *)[dbv_key.leng] = '\0'; =;
	dbv_data.leng = data.size;

	/* call user function */
	rc = hook(&dbv_key, &dbv_data, userdata);

	/* returns 0 if ok, 1 if not */
	if (rc != 0)

    switch (rv) {
    case 0:
    case DB_NOTFOUND:
	/* OK */
	ret = EX_OK;
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "(c_get): %s", db_strerror(ret));
	eflag = true;

#if DB_AT_LEAST(4,6)
    if ((rv = dbcp->close(dbcp)))
    if ((rv = dbcp->c_close(dbcp)))
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "(c_close): %s", db_strerror(ret));
	eflag = true;

    return eflag ? EX_ERROR : ret;

const char *db_str_err(int e) {
    return db_strerror(e);

bool is_file_or_missing(const char* path) /*@globals errno,stderr@*/
    int rc;
    struct stat sb;

    if (path == NULL || *path == '\0')
	return false;

    rc = stat(path, &sb);

    if (rc == 0) {
	return S_ISREG(sb.st_mode);

    if (errno == ENOENT)
	return true;

    return false;

static u_int32_t db_do_getpsize(DB *db) {
    return get_psize(db, true);

static u_int32_t db_dofile(bfpath *bfp, u_int32_t (*func)(DB *))
    DB_ENV *dbe = NULL;
    DB *db;
    int e;
    u_int32_t s;

    if (!is_file_or_missing(bfp->filename)) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "\"%s\" is not a file.", bfp->filename);
	return 0xffffffff;

    dbe = dsm->dsm_recover_open(bfp);

    e = db_create(&db, dbe, 0);

    if (e != 0) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "error creating DB handle: %s",

    e = DB_OPEN(db, bfp, NULL, dbtype, DB_RDONLY | DB_NOMMAP, DS_MODE);
    if (e != 0) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "cannot open database %s: %s",
		bfp->filename, db_strerror(e));
    s = func(db);

    e = db->close(db, 0);
    if (e != 0) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "cannot close database %s: %s",
		bfp->filename, db_strerror(e));

    if (dsm->dsm_common_close)
	e = dsm->dsm_common_close(dbe, bfp);
    if (e != 0) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "cannot close environment %s: %s",
		    bfp->dirname, db_strerror(e));

    return s;

u_int32_t db_pagesize(bfpath *bfp) {
    return db_dofile(bfp, db_do_getpsize);

static u_int32_t db_do_leafpages(DB *dbp) {
    int ret;
    u_int32_t c;
    DB_BTREE_STAT *dbstat = NULL;

    ret = BF_DB_STAT(dbp, NULL, &dbstat, 0);
    if (ret) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "DB->stat");
	return 0xffffffff;
    c = dbstat->bt_leaf_pg;
    return c;

u_int32_t db_leafpages(bfpath *bfp) {
    return db_dofile(bfp, db_do_leafpages);

ex_t db_verify(bfpath *bfp)
    DB_ENV *dbe = NULL;
    DB *db;
    int e;

    assert(bfp->isfile == is_file_or_missing(bfp->filepath));

    if (!bfp->isfile) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "\"%s\" is not a file.", bfp->filename);
	return EX_ERROR;

    dbe = dsm->dsm_recover_open(bfp);

    e = db_create(&db, NULL, 0); /* need not use environment here,
				    DB->verify() does not lock anyways,
				    we must hold the global lock instead */

    if (e != 0) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "error creating DB handle: %s",

    e = db->verify(db, bfp->filepath, NULL, NULL, 0);
    if (e) {
	print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "database %s does not verify: %s",
		bfp->filename, db_strerror(e));

    if (dsm->dsm_common_close)
	e = dsm->dsm_common_close(dbe, bfp);

    if (e == 0 && verbose)
	printf("%s OK.\n", bfp->filename);

    return e ? EX_ERROR : EX_OK;