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    <title>Bogotune FAQ</title>
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    <h1>Bogotune FAQ</h1>

    <p>Official Versions: In
    <a href="">bogotune-faq</a><br>
    Maintainer: David Relson &lt;;</p>

    <p>This document is intended to answer frequently asked questions
    about bogotune.</p>

    <li><a href="#origin"> Where did bogotune come from?</a></li>
    <li><a href="#message-count"> What's the message count format?</a></li>
    <li><a href="#work"> How does bogotune work?</a></li>

    <li><a href="#ensure-count"> How does bogotune ensure the messages it
    works with are numerous enough, and well enough classified, to
    deliver useful recommendations?</a></li>

    <li><a href="#force"> Can I tell bogotune to do its work even
    though it doesn't like the data?</a></li>

    <h2 id="origin">Where did bogotune come from?</h2>

    <p>Greg Louis wrote the original Robinson geometric-mean and
    Robinson-Fisher algorithm code for bogofilter.  To determine the
    optimal parameters for the Robinson-Fisher algorithm he wrote
    bogotune.  The initial implementation was written in the R
    programming language.  This was followed by the Perl
    implementation.  Both of these implementations were slow because
    bogofilter had to be run for each message being scored.  David
    Relson translated bogotune from Perl to C to provide more

    <h2 id="message-count">What's the message count format?</h2>

    <p>The parsing of a message by bogofilter takes some time.  After
    parsing, finding the spam and non-spam counts for each token takes
    additional time.  Having to repeate these steps every time
    bogotune needed a score was slow.  It was realized that parsing
    and look-up could be done once with the results being saved in a
    special format.  Initially this was called the bogolex format
    because the work was done by piping bogolexer output to bogoutil
    and formatting the result.  Since each processed message begins
    with the .MSG_COUNT token the format became knowns as the message
    count format.  The convention is to use a .mc extension for these

    <h2 id="work">How does bogotune work?</h2>

    <p>First it reads all the files into memory, i.e. the wordlist and
    the ham messages and the spam messages.  From the wordlist tokens,
    it computes an initial robx value which is used in the initial
    scan of the messages to ensure they're usable.</p>

    <p>Given the total number of messages in the test set, a target
    number of false positives is selected for use in determining spam
    cutoff values in the individual scans.</p>

    <p>Then comes the coarse scan.  Using 225 combinations of values
    chosen to span the potentially useful ranges for robs, robx, and
    min_dev, all the ham messages are scored and the target value is
    used to find a spam_cutoff score.  Then the spam messages are
    scored and the false negatives are counted.  The scan finishes
    with a listing of the ten best sets of parameters and their scores
    (false negative and false positive counts and percent).</p>

    <p>From the results, the best non-outlying result is picked and
    these parameters become the starting point for the fine scan.</p>

    <p>The fine scan, as the name suggests, scans the region (range of
    values of robs, robx and min_dev) surrounding the optimum found in
    the coarse scan, with smaller intervals so as to determine the
    optimum values more precisely. </p>


    <h2 id="ensure-count">How does bogotune ensure the messages it works with
    are numerous enough, and well enough classified, to deliver useful

    <p>It has certain minimum requirements that it checks for as it
    starts up.  It will complain (and halt) if there are fewer than
    2,000 ham or 2,000 spam in the wordlist, or if there are fewer
    than 500 ham or 500 spam in the set of test messages.  It will
    warn, but not halt, if there's too little scoring variation in the
    ham messages or the spam messages or if too many of the ham
    messages score as spam (or vice versa) on the initial pass.  There
    are additional checks, but I'm sure you get the idea from these
    examples.  For details, use the source :)</p>

    <h2 id="force">Can I tell bogotune to do its work even though it
    doesn't like the data?</h2>

    <p>No.  At one time we had a -F option to force bogotune to run
    with unsuitable message data, but it was realized that this could
    be misleading and had little chance of being helpful.  Bogotune
    will warn the operator if its conclusions are untrustworthy due to
    marginal input, and will not run if its input data are detectably
