Blob Blame History Raw
# required permissions
on boot
    chown bluetooth bluetooth /data/misc/bluetooth
    chown bluetooth bluetooth /dev/uhid
    chown system    bluetooth /dev/uinput

# services
on property:bluetooth.start=daemon
    setprop bluetooth.start none
    start bluetoothd

on property:bluetooth.stop=daemon
    setprop bluetooth.stop none
    stop bluetoothd

on property:bluetooth.start=snoop
    setprop bluetooth.start none
    start bluetoothd-snoop

on property:bluetooth.stop=snoop
    setprop bluetooth.stop none
    stop bluetoothd-snoop

service bluetoothd /system/bin/bluetoothd
    class main
    # init does not yet support setting capabilities so run as root,
    # bluetoothd drop uid to bluetooth with the right linux capabilities
    group bluetooth

service bluetoothd-snoop /system/bin/bluetoothd-snoop
    class main
    # init does not yet support setting capabilities so run as root,
    # bluetoothd-snoop drops unneeded linux capabilities
    group nobody