Blob Blame History Raw
GATT PIXIT for the PTS tool.

PTS version: 6.1

* - different than PTS defaults
& - should be set to IUT Bluetooth address

		Required PIXIT settings
Parameter Name						Value
TSPX_bd_addr_iut					112233445566 (*&)
TSPX_security_enabled					FALSE
TSPX_delete_link_key					TRUE
TSPX_time_guard						180000
TSPX_selected_handle					0012
TSPX_use_implicit_send					TRUE
TSPX_secure_simple_pairing_pass_key_confirmation	FALSE
TSPX_iut_use_dynamic_bd_addr				FALSE
TSPX_iut_setup_att_over_br_edr				FALSE
TSPX_tester_database_file				[Path to GATT Test
TSPX_iut_is_client_periphral				FALSE
TSPX_iut_is_server_central				FALSE
TSPX_mtu_size						23
TSPX_pin_code						0000
TSPX_use_dynamic_pin					FALSE
TSPX_delete_ltk						FALSE
TSPX_characteristic_readable				FALSE
TSPX_tester_appearance					0000
TSPX_iut_use_resolvable_random_access			FALSE