Blob Blame History Raw
 *  Embedded Linux library
 *  Copyright (C) 2011-2014  Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#ifndef __ELL_UTIL_H
#define __ELL_UTIL_H

#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <endian.h>
#include <byteswap.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define l_container_of(ptr, type, member) ({				\
		const __typeof__(((type *) 0)->member) *__mptr = (ptr);	\
		(type *)((char *) __mptr - offsetof(type, member));	\

#define likely(x)   __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)

#define L_STRINGIFY_ARG(contents) #contents

#define L_WARN_ON(condition) __extension__ ({				\
		bool r = !!(condition);					\
		if (unlikely(r))					\
			l_warn("WARNING: %s:%s() condition %s failed",	\
				__FILE__, __func__,			\
				#condition);				\
		unlikely(r);						\

#define L_PTR_TO_UINT(p) ((unsigned int) ((uintptr_t) (p)))
#define L_UINT_TO_PTR(u) ((void *) ((uintptr_t) (u)))

#define L_PTR_TO_INT(p) ((int) ((intptr_t) (p)))
#define L_INT_TO_PTR(u) ((void *) ((intptr_t) (u)))

#define L_GET_UNALIGNED(ptr) __extension__	\
({						\
	struct __attribute__((packed)) {	\
            __typeof__(*(ptr)) __v;		\
	} *__p = (__typeof__(__p)) (ptr);	\
	__p->__v;				\

#define L_PUT_UNALIGNED(val, ptr)		\
do {						\
	struct __attribute__((packed)) {	\
		__typeof__(*(ptr)) __v;		\
	} *__p = (__typeof__(__p)) (ptr);	\
	__p->__v = (val);			\
} while(0)

#define L_LE16_TO_CPU(val) (val)
#define L_LE32_TO_CPU(val) (val)
#define L_LE64_TO_CPU(val) (val)
#define L_CPU_TO_LE16(val) (val)
#define L_CPU_TO_LE32(val) (val)
#define L_CPU_TO_LE64(val) (val)
#define L_BE16_TO_CPU(val) bswap_16(val)
#define L_BE32_TO_CPU(val) bswap_32(val)
#define L_BE64_TO_CPU(val) bswap_64(val)
#define L_CPU_TO_BE16(val) bswap_16(val)
#define L_CPU_TO_BE32(val) bswap_32(val)
#define L_CPU_TO_BE64(val) bswap_64(val)
#define L_LE16_TO_CPU(val) bswap_16(val)
#define L_LE32_TO_CPU(val) bswap_32(val)
#define L_LE64_TO_CPU(val) bswap_64(val)
#define L_CPU_TO_LE16(val) bswap_16(val)
#define L_CPU_TO_LE32(val) bswap_32(val)
#define L_CPU_TO_LE64(val) bswap_64(val)
#define L_BE16_TO_CPU(val) (val)
#define L_BE32_TO_CPU(val) (val)
#define L_BE64_TO_CPU(val) (val)
#define L_CPU_TO_BE16(val) (val)
#define L_CPU_TO_BE32(val) (val)
#define L_CPU_TO_BE64(val) (val)
#error "Unknown byte order"

#if __STDC_VERSION__ <= 199409L
#define inline __inline__

static inline uint8_t l_get_u8(const void *ptr)
	return *((const uint8_t *) ptr);

static inline void l_put_u8(uint8_t val, void *ptr)
	*((uint8_t *) ptr) = val;

static inline uint16_t l_get_u16(const void *ptr)
	return L_GET_UNALIGNED((const uint16_t *) ptr);

static inline void l_put_u16(uint16_t val, void *ptr)
	L_PUT_UNALIGNED(val, (uint16_t *) ptr);

static inline uint32_t l_get_u32(const void *ptr)
	return L_GET_UNALIGNED((const uint32_t *) ptr);

static inline void l_put_u32(uint32_t val, void *ptr)
	L_PUT_UNALIGNED(val, (uint32_t *) ptr);

static inline uint64_t l_get_u64(const void *ptr)
	return L_GET_UNALIGNED((const uint64_t *) ptr);

static inline void l_put_u64(uint64_t val, void *ptr)
	L_PUT_UNALIGNED(val, (uint64_t *) ptr);

static inline int16_t l_get_s16(const void *ptr)
	return L_GET_UNALIGNED((const int16_t *) ptr);

static inline int32_t l_get_s32(const void *ptr)
	return L_GET_UNALIGNED((const int32_t *) ptr);

static inline int64_t l_get_s64(const void *ptr)
	return L_GET_UNALIGNED((const int64_t *) ptr);

static inline uint16_t l_get_le16(const void *ptr)
	return L_LE16_TO_CPU(L_GET_UNALIGNED((const uint16_t *) ptr));

static inline uint16_t l_get_be16(const void *ptr)
	return L_BE16_TO_CPU(L_GET_UNALIGNED((const uint16_t *) ptr));

static inline uint32_t l_get_le32(const void *ptr)
	return L_LE32_TO_CPU(L_GET_UNALIGNED((const uint32_t *) ptr));

static inline uint32_t l_get_be32(const void *ptr)
	return L_BE32_TO_CPU(L_GET_UNALIGNED((const uint32_t *) ptr));

static inline uint64_t l_get_le64(const void *ptr)
	return L_LE64_TO_CPU(L_GET_UNALIGNED((const uint64_t *) ptr));

static inline uint64_t l_get_be64(const void *ptr)
	return L_BE64_TO_CPU(L_GET_UNALIGNED((const uint64_t *) ptr));

static inline void l_put_le16(uint16_t val, void *ptr)
	L_PUT_UNALIGNED(L_CPU_TO_LE16(val), (uint16_t *) ptr);

static inline void l_put_be16(uint16_t val, const void *ptr)
	L_PUT_UNALIGNED(L_CPU_TO_BE16(val), (uint16_t *) ptr);

static inline void l_put_le32(uint32_t val, void *ptr)
	L_PUT_UNALIGNED(L_CPU_TO_LE32(val), (uint32_t *) ptr);

static inline void l_put_be32(uint32_t val, void *ptr)
	L_PUT_UNALIGNED(L_CPU_TO_BE32(val), (uint32_t *) ptr);

static inline void l_put_le64(uint64_t val, void *ptr)
	L_PUT_UNALIGNED(L_CPU_TO_LE64(val), (uint64_t *) ptr);

static inline void l_put_be64(uint64_t val, void *ptr)
	L_PUT_UNALIGNED(L_CPU_TO_BE64(val), (uint64_t *) ptr);

#define L_AUTO_CLEANUP_VAR(vartype,varname,destroy) \
	vartype varname __attribute__((cleanup(destroy)))

#define L_AUTO_FREE_VAR(vartype,varname) \
	vartype varname __attribute__((cleanup(auto_free)))

#define L_ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))

void *l_malloc(size_t size) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result, malloc));
void *l_memdup(const void *mem, size_t size)
			__attribute__ ((warn_unused_result, malloc));
void l_free(void *ptr);

void *l_realloc(void *mem, size_t size)
			__attribute__ ((warn_unused_result, malloc));

static inline void auto_free(void *a)
	void **p = (void **)a;

static inline size_t minsize(size_t a, size_t b)
	if (a <= b)
		return a;

	return b;

 * l_new:
 * @type: type of structure
 * @count: amount of structures
 * Returns: pointer to allocated memory
#define l_new(type, count)			\
	(type *) (__extension__ ({		\
		size_t __n = (size_t) (count);	\
		size_t __s = sizeof(type);	\
		void *__p;			\
		__p = l_malloc(__n * __s);	\
		memset(__p, 0, __n * __s);	\
		__p;				\

char *l_strdup(const char *str);
char *l_strndup(const char *str, size_t max);
char *l_strdup_printf(const char *format, ...)
			__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));
char *l_strdup_vprintf(const char *format, va_list args);

size_t l_strlcpy(char* dst, const char *src, size_t len);

bool l_str_has_prefix(const char *str, const char *prefix);
bool l_str_has_suffix(const char *str, const char *suffix);

char *l_util_hexstring(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len);
char *l_util_hexstring_upper(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len);
unsigned char *l_util_from_hexstring(const char *str, size_t *out_len);

typedef void (*l_util_hexdump_func_t) (const char *str, void *user_data);

void l_util_hexdump(bool in, const void *buf, size_t len,
			l_util_hexdump_func_t function, void *user_data);
void l_util_hexdump_two(bool in, const void *buf1, size_t len1,
			const void *buf2, size_t len2,
			l_util_hexdump_func_t function, void *user_data);
void l_util_hexdumpv(bool in, const struct iovec *iov, size_t n_iov,
					l_util_hexdump_func_t function,
					void *user_data);
void l_util_debug(l_util_hexdump_func_t function, void *user_data,
						const char *format, ...)
			__attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4)));

const char *l_util_get_debugfs_path(void);

#define L_TFR(expression)                          \
  (__extension__                                   \
    ({ long int __result;                          \
       do __result = (long int) (expression);      \
       while (__result == -1L && errno == EINTR);  \
       __result; }))

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __ELL_UTIL_H */