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.\" Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2003-2005, 2007, 2014-2016, 2018-2020 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
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.\" License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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.hy 0
.ad l
'\" t
.\"     Title: lwres_getaddrinfo
.\"    Author: 
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.79.1 <>
.\"      Date: 2007-06-18
.\"    Manual: BIND9
.\"    Source: ISC
.\"  Language: English
.TH "LWRES_GETADDRINFO" "3" "2007\-06\-18" "ISC" "BIND9"
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lwres_getaddrinfo, lwres_freeaddrinfo \- socket address structure to host and service name
.ft B
#include <lwres/netdb\&.h>
.HP \w'int\ lwres_getaddrinfo('u
.BI "int lwres_getaddrinfo(const\ char\ *" "hostname" ", const\ char\ *" "servname" ", const\ struct\ addrinfo\ *" "hints" ", struct\ addrinfo\ **" "res" ");"
.HP \w'void\ lwres_freeaddrinfo('u
.BI "void lwres_freeaddrinfo(struct\ addrinfo\ *" "ai" ");"
If the operating system does not provide a
\fBstruct addrinfo\fR, the following structure is used:
struct  addrinfo {
        int             ai_flags;       /* AI_PASSIVE, AI_CANONNAME */
        int             ai_family;      /* PF_xxx */
        int             ai_socktype;    /* SOCK_xxx */
        int             ai_protocol;    /* 0 or IPPROTO_xxx for IPv4 and IPv6 */
        size_t          ai_addrlen;     /* length of ai_addr */
        char            *ai_canonname;  /* canonical name for hostname */
        struct sockaddr *ai_addr;       /* binary address */
        struct addrinfo *ai_next;       /* next structure in linked list */
is used to get a list of IP addresses and port numbers for host
and service
\fIservname\fR\&. The function is the lightweight resolver\*(Aqs implementation of
as defined in RFC2133\&.
are pointers to null\-terminated strings or
is either a host name or a numeric host address string: a dotted decimal IPv4 address or an IPv6 address\&.
is either a decimal port number or a service name as listed in
is an optional pointer to a
\fBstruct addrinfo\fR\&. This structure can be used to provide hints concerning the type of socket that the caller supports or wishes to use\&. The caller can supply the following structure elements in
.RS 4
The protocol family that should be used\&. When
is set to
\fBPF_UNSPEC\fR, it means the caller will accept any protocol family supported by the operating system\&.
.RS 4
denotes the type of socket \(em
\(em that is wanted\&. When
is zero the caller will accept any socket type\&.
.RS 4
indicates which transport protocol is wanted: IPPROTO_UDP or IPPROTO_TCP\&. If
is zero the caller will accept any protocol\&.
.RS 4
Flag bits\&. If the
bit is set, a successful call to
will return a null\-terminated string containing the canonical name of the specified hostname in
of the first
structure returned\&. Setting the
bit indicates that the returned socket address structure is intended for used in a call to
\fBbind\fR(2)\&. In this case, if the hostname argument is a
pointer, then the IP address portion of the socket address structure will be set to
for an IPv4 address or
for an IPv6 address\&.
does not set the
bit, the returned socket address structure will be ready for use in a call to
for a connection\-oriented protocol or
\fBsendto\fR(2), or
if a connectionless protocol was chosen\&. The IP address portion of the socket address structure will be set to the loopback address if
is a
pointer and
is not set in
is set to
it indicates that
should be treated as a numeric string defining an IPv4 or IPv6 address and no name resolution should be attempted\&.
All other elements of the
\fBstruct addrinfo\fR
passed via
must be zero\&.
is treated as if the caller provided a
\fBstruct addrinfo\fR
initialized to zero with
\fBai_family\fRset to
After a successful call to
is a pointer to a linked list of one or more
structures\&. Each
\fBstruct addrinfo\fR
in this list cn be processed by following the
pointer, until a
pointer is encountered\&. The three members
\fBai_socktype\fR, and
in each returned
structure contain the corresponding arguments for a call to
\fBsocket\fR(2)\&. For each
structure in the list, the
member points to a filled\-in socket address structure of length
All of the information returned by
is dynamically allocated: the addrinfo structures, and the socket address structures and canonical host name strings pointed to by the
\fBaddrinfo\fRstructures\&. Memory allocated for the dynamically allocated structures created by a successful call to
is released by
is a pointer to a
\fBstruct addrinfo\fR
created by a call to
returns zero on success or one of the error codes listed in
if an error occurs\&. If both
\fBInternet Systems Consortium, Inc\&.\fR
Copyright \(co 2000, 2001, 2003-2005, 2007, 2014-2016, 2018-2020 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")