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.\" Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2003-2005, 2007, 2014-2016, 2018-2020 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
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.hy 0
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'\" t
.\"     Title: lwres_context
.\"    Author: 
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.79.1 <>
.\"      Date: 2007-06-18
.\"    Manual: BIND9
.\"    Source: ISC
.\"  Language: English
.TH "LWRES_CONTEXT" "3" "2007\-06\-18" "ISC" "BIND9"
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lwres_context_create, lwres_context_destroy, lwres_context_nextserial, lwres_context_initserial, lwres_context_freemem, lwres_context_allocmem, lwres_context_sendrecv \- lightweight resolver context management
.ft B
#include <lwres/lwres\&.h>
.HP \w'lwres_result_t\ lwres_context_create('u
.BI "lwres_result_t lwres_context_create(lwres_context_t\ **" "contextp" ", void\ *" "arg" ", lwres_malloc_t\ " "malloc_function" ", lwres_free_t\ " "free_function" ");"
.HP \w'lwres_result_t\ lwres_context_destroy('u
.BI "lwres_result_t lwres_context_destroy(lwres_context_t\ **" "contextp" ");"
.HP \w'void\ lwres_context_initserial('u
.BI "void lwres_context_initserial(lwres_context_t\ *" "ctx" ", uint32_t\ " "serial" ");"
.HP \w'uint32_t\ lwres_context_nextserial('u
.BI "uint32_t lwres_context_nextserial(lwres_context_t\ *" "ctx" ");"
.HP \w'void\ lwres_context_freemem('u
.BI "void lwres_context_freemem(lwres_context_t\ *" "ctx" ", void\ *" "mem" ", size_t\ " "len" ");"
.HP \w'void\ lwres_context_allocmem('u
.BI "void lwres_context_allocmem(lwres_context_t\ *" "ctx" ", size_t\ " "len" ");"
.HP \w'void\ *\ lwres_context_sendrecv('u
.BI "void * lwres_context_sendrecv(lwres_context_t\ *" "ctx" ", void\ *" "sendbase" ", int\ " "sendlen" ", void\ *" "recvbase" ", int\ " "recvlen" ", int\ *" "recvd_len" ");"
creates a
structure for use in lightweight resolver operations\&. It holds a socket and other data needed for communicating with a resolver daemon\&. The new
is returned through
\fIcontextp\fR, a pointer to a
pointer\&. This
pointer must initially be NULL, and is modified to point to the newly created
When the lightweight resolver needs to perform dynamic memory allocation, it will call
to allocate memory and
to free it\&. If
are NULL, memory is allocated using
\fBmalloc\fR(3)\&. and
\fBfree\fR(3)\&. It is not permitted to have a NULL
and a non\-NULL
or vice versa\&.
is passed as the first parameter to the memory allocation functions\&. If
are NULL,
is unused and should be passed as NULL\&.
Once memory for the structure has been allocated, it is initialized using
and returned via
destroys a
\fBlwres_context_t\fR, closing its socket\&.
is a pointer to a pointer to the context that is to be destroyed\&. The pointer will be set to NULL when the context has been destroyed\&.
The context holds a serial number that is used to identify resolver request packets and associate responses with the corresponding requests\&. This serial number is controlled using
sets the serial number for context
increments the serial number and returns the previous value\&.
Memory for a lightweight resolver context is allocated and freed using
\fBlwres_context_freemem()\fR\&. These use whatever allocations were defined when the context was created with
bytes of memory and if successful returns a pointer to the allocated storage\&.
bytes of space starting at location
performs I/O for the context
\fIctx\fR\&. Data are read and written from the context\*(Aqs socket\&. It writes data from
\(em typically a lightweight resolver query packet \(em and waits for a reply which is copied to the receive buffer at
\fIrecvbase\fR\&. The number of bytes that were written to this receive buffer is returned in
if memory for the
\fBstruct lwres_context\fR
could not be allocated,
Successful calls to the memory allocator
return a pointer to the start of the allocated space\&. It returns NULL if memory could not be allocated\&.
is returned when
completes successfully\&.
is returned if an I/O error occurs and
is returned if
times out waiting for a response\&.
\fBInternet Systems Consortium, Inc\&.\fR
Copyright \(co 2000, 2001, 2003-2005, 2007, 2014-2016, 2018-2020 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")