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.\" Copyright (C) 2000-2005, 2007-2012, 2014-2020 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
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.hy 0
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.\"     Title: dnssec-keygen
.\"    Author: 
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.79.1 <>
.\"      Date: August 21, 2015
.\"    Manual: BIND9
.\"    Source: ISC
.\"  Language: English
.TH "DNSSEC\-KEYGEN" "8" "August 21, 2015" "ISC" "BIND9"
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dnssec-keygen \- DNSSEC key generation tool
.HP \w'\fBdnssec\-keygen\fR\ 'u
\fBdnssec\-keygen\fR [\fB\-3\fR] [\fB\-A\ \fR\fB\fIdate/offset\fR\fR] [\fB\-a\ \fR\fB\fIalgorithm\fR\fR] [\fB\-b\ \fR\fB\fIkeysize\fR\fR] [\fB\-C\fR] [\fB\-c\ \fR\fB\fIclass\fR\fR] [\fB\-D\ \fR\fB\fIdate/offset\fR\fR] [\fB\-D\ sync\ \fR\fB\fIdate/offset\fR\fR] [\fB\-E\ \fR\fB\fIengine\fR\fR] [\fB\-f\ \fR\fB\fIflag\fR\fR] [\fB\-G\fR] [\fB\-g\ \fR\fB\fIgenerator\fR\fR] [\fB\-h\fR] [\fB\-I\ \fR\fB\fIdate/offset\fR\fR] [\fB\-i\ \fR\fB\fIinterval\fR\fR] [\fB\-K\ \fR\fB\fIdirectory\fR\fR] [\fB\-k\fR] [\fB\-L\ \fR\fB\fIttl\fR\fR] [\fB\-n\ \fR\fB\fInametype\fR\fR] [\fB\-P\ \fR\fB\fIdate/offset\fR\fR] [\fB\-P\ sync\ \fR\fB\fIdate/offset\fR\fR] [\fB\-p\ \fR\fB\fIprotocol\fR\fR] [\fB\-q\fR] [\fB\-R\ \fR\fB\fIdate/offset\fR\fR] [\fB\-r\ \fR\fB\fIrandomdev\fR\fR] [\fB\-S\ \fR\fB\fIkey\fR\fR] [\fB\-s\ \fR\fB\fIstrength\fR\fR] [\fB\-t\ \fR\fB\fItype\fR\fR] [\fB\-V\fR] [\fB\-v\ \fR\fB\fIlevel\fR\fR] {name}
generates keys for DNSSEC (Secure DNS), as defined in RFC 2535 and RFC 4034\&. It can also generate keys for use with TSIG (Transaction Signatures) as defined in RFC 2845, or TKEY (Transaction Key) as defined in RFC 2930\&.
of the key is specified on the command line\&. For DNSSEC keys, this must match the name of the zone for which the key is being generated\&.
.RS 4
Use an NSEC3\-capable algorithm to generate a DNSSEC key\&. If this option is used with an algorithm that has both NSEC and NSEC3 versions, then the NSEC3 version will be used; for example,
\fBdnssec\-keygen \-3a RSASHA1\fR
specifies the NSEC3RSASHA1 algorithm\&.
\-a \fIalgorithm\fR
.RS 4
Selects the cryptographic algorithm\&. For DNSSEC keys, the value of
must be one of RSAMD5, RSASHA1, DSA, NSEC3RSASHA1, NSEC3DSA, RSASHA256, RSASHA512, ECCGOST, ECDSAP256SHA256, ECDSAP384SHA384, ED25519 or ED448\&. For TSIG/TKEY, the value must be DH (Diffie Hellman), HMAC\-MD5, HMAC\-SHA1, HMAC\-SHA224, HMAC\-SHA256, HMAC\-SHA384, or HMAC\-SHA512\&. These values are case insensitive\&.
If no algorithm is specified, then RSASHA1 will be used by default, unless the
option is specified, in which case NSEC3RSASHA1 will be used instead\&. (If
is used and an algorithm is specified, that algorithm will be checked for compatibility with NSEC3\&.)
Note 1: that for DNSSEC, RSASHA1 is a mandatory to implement algorithm, and DSA is recommended\&. For TSIG, HMAC\-MD5 is mandatory\&.
Note 2: DH, HMAC\-MD5, and HMAC\-SHA1 through HMAC\-SHA512 automatically set the \-T KEY option\&.
\-b \fIkeysize\fR
.RS 4
Specifies the number of bits in the key\&. The choice of key size depends on the algorithm used\&. RSA keys must be between 512 and 2048 bits\&. Diffie Hellman keys must be between 128 and 4096 bits\&. DSA keys must be between 512 and 1024 bits and an exact multiple of 64\&. HMAC keys must be between 1 and 512 bits\&. Elliptic curve algorithms don\*(Aqt need this parameter\&.
The key size does not need to be specified if using a default algorithm\&. The default key size is 1024 bits for zone signing keys (ZSKs) and 2048 bits for key signing keys (KSKs, generated with
\fB\-f KSK\fR)\&. However, if an algorithm is explicitly specified with the
\fB\-a\fR, then there is no default key size, and the
must be used\&.
.RS 4
Compatibility mode: generates an old\-style key, without any timing metadata\&. By default,
will include the key\*(Aqs creation date in the metadata stored with the private key, and other dates may be set there as well (publication date, activation date, etc)\&. Keys that include this data may be incompatible with older versions of BIND; the
option suppresses them\&.
\-c \fIclass\fR
.RS 4
Indicates that the DNS record containing the key should have the specified class\&. If not specified, class IN is used\&.
\-E \fIengine\fR
.RS 4
Specifies the cryptographic hardware to use, when applicable\&.
When BIND is built with OpenSSL PKCS#11 support, this defaults to the string "pkcs11", which identifies an OpenSSL engine that can drive a cryptographic accelerator or hardware service module\&. When BIND is built with native PKCS#11 cryptography (\-\-enable\-native\-pkcs11), it defaults to the path of the PKCS#11 provider library specified via "\-\-with\-pkcs11"\&.
\-f \fIflag\fR
.RS 4
Set the specified flag in the flag field of the KEY/DNSKEY record\&. The only recognized flags are KSK (Key Signing Key) and REVOKE\&.
.RS 4
Generate a key, but do not publish it or sign with it\&. This option is incompatible with \-P and \-A\&.
\-g \fIgenerator\fR
.RS 4
If generating a Diffie Hellman key, use this generator\&. Allowed values are 2 and 5\&. If no generator is specified, a known prime from RFC 2539 will be used if possible; otherwise the default is 2\&.
.RS 4
Prints a short summary of the options and arguments to
\-K \fIdirectory\fR
.RS 4
Sets the directory in which the key files are to be written\&.
.RS 4
Deprecated in favor of \-T KEY\&.
\-L \fIttl\fR
.RS 4
Sets the default TTL to use for this key when it is converted into a DNSKEY RR\&. If the key is imported into a zone, this is the TTL that will be used for it, unless there was already a DNSKEY RRset in place, in which case the existing TTL would take precedence\&. If this value is not set and there is no existing DNSKEY RRset, the TTL will default to the SOA TTL\&. Setting the default TTL to
is the same as leaving it unset\&.
\-n \fInametype\fR
.RS 4
Specifies the owner type of the key\&. The value of
must either be ZONE (for a DNSSEC zone key (KEY/DNSKEY)), HOST or ENTITY (for a key associated with a host (KEY)), USER (for a key associated with a user(KEY)) or OTHER (DNSKEY)\&. These values are case insensitive\&. Defaults to ZONE for DNSKEY generation\&.
\-p \fIprotocol\fR
.RS 4
Sets the protocol value for the generated key, for use with
\fB\-T KEY\fR\&. The protocol is a number between 0 and 255\&. The default is 3 (DNSSEC)\&. Other possible values for this argument are listed in RFC 2535 and its successors\&.
.RS 4
Quiet mode: Suppresses unnecessary output, including progress indication\&. Without this option, when
is run interactively to generate an RSA or DSA key pair, it will print a string of symbols to
indicating the progress of the key generation\&. A \*(Aq\&.\*(Aq indicates that a random number has been found which passed an initial sieve test; \*(Aq+\*(Aq means a number has passed a single round of the Miller\-Rabin primality test; a space means that the number has passed all the tests and is a satisfactory key\&.
\-r \fIrandomdev\fR
.RS 4
Specifies the source of randomness\&. If the operating system does not provide a
or equivalent device, the default source of randomness is keyboard input\&.
specifies the name of a character device or file containing random data to be used instead of the default\&. The special value
indicates that keyboard input should be used\&.
\-S \fIkey\fR
.RS 4
Create a new key which is an explicit successor to an existing key\&. The name, algorithm, size, and type of the key will be set to match the existing key\&. The activation date of the new key will be set to the inactivation date of the existing one\&. The publication date will be set to the activation date minus the prepublication interval, which defaults to 30 days\&.
\-s \fIstrength\fR
.RS 4
Specifies the strength value of the key\&. The strength is a number between 0 and 15, and currently has no defined purpose in DNSSEC\&.
\-T \fIrrtype\fR
.RS 4
Specifies the resource record type to use for the key\&.
must be either DNSKEY or KEY\&. The default is DNSKEY when using a DNSSEC algorithm, but it can be overridden to KEY for use with SIG(0)\&.
Using any TSIG algorithm (HMAC\-* or DH) forces this option to KEY\&.
\-t \fItype\fR
.RS 4
Indicates the use of the key, for use with
\fB\-T KEY\fR\&.
must be one of AUTHCONF, NOAUTHCONF, NOAUTH, or NOCONF\&. The default is AUTHCONF\&. AUTH refers to the ability to authenticate data, and CONF the ability to encrypt data\&.
.RS 4
Prints version information\&.
\-v \fIlevel\fR
.RS 4
Sets the debugging level\&.
Dates can be expressed in the format YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\&. If the argument begins with a \*(Aq+\*(Aq or \*(Aq\-\*(Aq, it is interpreted as an offset from the present time\&. For convenience, if such an offset is followed by one of the suffixes \*(Aqy\*(Aq, \*(Aqmo\*(Aq, \*(Aqw\*(Aq, \*(Aqd\*(Aq, \*(Aqh\*(Aq, or \*(Aqmi\*(Aq, then the offset is computed in years (defined as 365 24\-hour days, ignoring leap years), months (defined as 30 24\-hour days), weeks, days, hours, or minutes, respectively\&. Without a suffix, the offset is computed in seconds\&. To explicitly prevent a date from being set, use \*(Aqnone\*(Aq or \*(Aqnever\*(Aq\&.
\-P \fIdate/offset\fR
.RS 4
Sets the date on which a key is to be published to the zone\&. After that date, the key will be included in the zone but will not be used to sign it\&. If not set, and if the \-G option has not been used, the default is "now"\&.
\-P sync \fIdate/offset\fR
.RS 4
Sets the date on which CDS and CDNSKEY records that match this key are to be published to the zone\&.
\-A \fIdate/offset\fR
.RS 4
Sets the date on which the key is to be activated\&. After that date, the key will be included in the zone and used to sign it\&. If not set, and if the \-G option has not been used, the default is "now"\&. If set, if and \-P is not set, then the publication date will be set to the activation date minus the prepublication interval\&.
\-R \fIdate/offset\fR
.RS 4
Sets the date on which the key is to be revoked\&. After that date, the key will be flagged as revoked\&. It will be included in the zone and will be used to sign it\&.
\-I \fIdate/offset\fR
.RS 4
Sets the date on which the key is to be retired\&. After that date, the key will still be included in the zone, but it will not be used to sign it\&.
\-D \fIdate/offset\fR
.RS 4
Sets the date on which the key is to be deleted\&. After that date, the key will no longer be included in the zone\&. (It may remain in the key repository, however\&.)
\-D sync \fIdate/offset\fR
.RS 4
Sets the date on which the CDS and CDNSKEY records that match this key are to be deleted\&.
\-i \fIinterval\fR
.RS 4
Sets the prepublication interval for a key\&. If set, then the publication and activation dates must be separated by at least this much time\&. If the activation date is specified but the publication date isn\*(Aqt, then the publication date will default to this much time before the activation date; conversely, if the publication date is specified but activation date isn\*(Aqt, then activation will be set to this much time after publication\&.
If the key is being created as an explicit successor to another key, then the default prepublication interval is 30 days; otherwise it is zero\&.
As with date offsets, if the argument is followed by one of the suffixes \*(Aqy\*(Aq, \*(Aqmo\*(Aq, \*(Aqw\*(Aq, \*(Aqd\*(Aq, \*(Aqh\*(Aq, or \*(Aqmi\*(Aq, then the interval is measured in years, months, weeks, days, hours, or minutes, respectively\&. Without a suffix, the interval is measured in seconds\&.
completes successfully, it prints a string of the form
to the standard output\&. This is an identification string for the key it has generated\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
is the key name\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
is the numeric representation of the algorithm\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
is the key identifier (or footprint)\&.
creates two files, with names based on the printed string\&.
contains the public key, and
contains the private key\&.
file contains a DNS KEY record that can be inserted into a zone file (directly or with a $INCLUDE statement)\&.
file contains algorithm\-specific fields\&. For obvious security reasons, this file does not have general read permission\&.
files are generated for symmetric cryptography algorithms such as HMAC\-MD5, even though the public and private key are equivalent\&.
To generate a 768\-bit DSA key for the domain
\fBexample\&.com\fR, the following command would be issued:
\fBdnssec\-keygen \-a DSA \-b 768 \-n ZONE example\&.com\fR
The command would print a string of the form:
In this example,
creates the files
To generate a matching key\-signing key, issue the command:
\fBdnssec\-keygen \-a DSA \-b 768 \-n ZONE \-f KSK example\&.com\fR
BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual,
RFC 2539,
RFC 2845,
RFC 4034\&.
\fBInternet Systems Consortium, Inc\&.\fR
Copyright \(co 2000-2005, 2007-2012, 2014-2020 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")