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<a name="man.dnssec-dsfromkey"></a><div class="titlepage"></div>
<div class="refnamediv">
<p><span class="application">dnssec-dsfromkey</span> &#8212; DNSSEC DS RR generation tool</p>
<div class="refsynopsisdiv">
<div class="cmdsynopsis"><p><code class="command">dnssec-dsfromkey</code>  [ <code class="option">-1</code>  |   <code class="option">-2</code>  |   <code class="option">-a <em class="replaceable"><code>alg</code></em></code> ] [ <code class="option">-C</code>  |   <code class="option">-l <em class="replaceable"><code>domain</code></em></code> ] [<code class="option">-T <em class="replaceable"><code>TTL</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-v <em class="replaceable"><code>level</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-K <em class="replaceable"><code>directory</code></em></code>] {keyfile}</p></div>
<div class="cmdsynopsis"><p><code class="command">dnssec-dsfromkey</code>  [ <code class="option">-1</code>  |   <code class="option">-2</code>  |   <code class="option">-a <em class="replaceable"><code>alg</code></em></code> ] [ <code class="option">-C</code>  |   <code class="option">-l <em class="replaceable"><code>domain</code></em></code> ] [<code class="option">-T <em class="replaceable"><code>TTL</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-v <em class="replaceable"><code>level</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-c <em class="replaceable"><code>class</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-A</code>] {<code class="option">-f <em class="replaceable"><code>file</code></em></code>} [dnsname]</p></div>
<div class="cmdsynopsis"><p><code class="command">dnssec-dsfromkey</code>  [ <code class="option">-1</code>  |   <code class="option">-2</code>  |   <code class="option">-a <em class="replaceable"><code>alg</code></em></code> ] [ <code class="option">-C</code>  |   <code class="option">-l <em class="replaceable"><code>domain</code></em></code> ] [<code class="option">-T <em class="replaceable"><code>TTL</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-v <em class="replaceable"><code>level</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-c <em class="replaceable"><code>class</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-K <em class="replaceable"><code>directory</code></em></code>] {-s} {dnsname}</p></div>
<div class="cmdsynopsis"><p><code class="command">dnssec-dsfromkey</code>  [ <code class="option">-h</code>  |   <code class="option">-V</code> ]</p></div>
<div class="refsection">
<a name="id-1.7"></a><h2>DESCRIPTION</h2>
      The <span class="command"><strong>dnssec-dsfromkey</strong></span> command outputs DS (Delegation
      Signer) resource records (RRs) and other similarly-constructed RRs:
      with the <code class="option">-l</code> option it outputs DLV (DNSSEC Lookaside
      Validation) RRs; or with the <code class="option">-C</code> it outputs CDS (Child
      DS) RRs.
      The input keys can be specified in a number of ways:
      By default, <span class="command"><strong>dnssec-dsfromkey</strong></span> reads a key file
      named like <code class="filename">Knnnn.+aaa+iiiii.key</code>, as generated
      by <span class="command"><strong>dnssec-keygen</strong></span>.
      With the <code class="option">-f <em class="replaceable"><code>file</code></em></code>
      option, <span class="command"><strong>dnssec-dsfromkey</strong></span> reads keys from a zone file
      or partial zone file (which can contain just the DNSKEY records).
      With the <code class="option">-s</code>
      option, <span class="command"><strong>dnssec-dsfromkey</strong></span> reads
      a <code class="filename">keyset-</code> file, as generated
      by <span class="command"><strong>dnssec-keygen</strong></span> <code class="option">-C</code>.
<div class="refsection">
<a name="id-1.8"></a><h2>OPTIONS</h2>
<div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist">
<dt><span class="term">-1</span></dt>
	    An abbreviation for <code class="option">-a SHA1</code>
<dt><span class="term">-2</span></dt>
	    An abbreviation for <code class="option">-a SHA-256</code>
<dt><span class="term">-a <em class="replaceable"><code>algorithm</code></em></span></dt>
	    Specify a digest algorithm to use when converting DNSKEY
	    records to DS records. This option can be repeated, so
	    that multiple DS records are created for each DNSKEY
	    The <em class="replaceable"><code>algorithm</code></em> must be one of
	    SHA-1, SHA-256, or SHA-384.  These values are case insensitive,
	    and the hyphen may be omitted.  If no algorithm is specified,
	    the default is to use both SHA-1 and SHA-256.
<dt><span class="term">-A</span></dt>
            Include ZSKs when generating DS records. Without this option, only
            keys which have the KSK flag set will be converted to DS records
            and printed. Useful only in <code class="option">-f</code> zone file mode.
<dt><span class="term">-c <em class="replaceable"><code>class</code></em></span></dt>
	    Specifies the DNS class (default is IN). Useful only
	    in <code class="option">-s</code> keyset or <code class="option">-f</code>
	    zone file mode.
<dt><span class="term">-C</span></dt>
	    Generate CDS records rather than DS records. This is mutually
	    exclusive with the <code class="option">-l</code> option for generating DLV
<dt><span class="term">-f <em class="replaceable"><code>file</code></em></span></dt>
	    Zone file mode: <span class="command"><strong>dnssec-dsfromkey</strong></span>'s
	    final <em class="replaceable"><code>dnsname</code></em> argument is
	    the DNS domain name of a zone whose master file can be read
	    from <code class="option">file</code>.  If the zone name is the same as
	    <code class="option">file</code>, then it may be omitted.
	    If <em class="replaceable"><code>file</code></em> is <code class="literal">"-"</code>, then
	    the zone data is read from the standard input.  This makes it
	    possible to use the output of the <span class="command"><strong>dig</strong></span>
	    command as input, as in:
	    <strong class="userinput"><code>dig dnskey | dnssec-dsfromkey -f -</code></strong>
<dt><span class="term">-h</span></dt>
	    Prints usage information.
<dt><span class="term">-K <em class="replaceable"><code>directory</code></em></span></dt>
	    Look for key files or <code class="filename">keyset-</code> files in
	    <code class="option">directory</code>.
<dt><span class="term">-l <em class="replaceable"><code>domain</code></em></span></dt>
	    Generate a DLV set instead of a DS set. The specified
	    <em class="replaceable"><code>domain</code></em> is appended to the name for each
	    record in the set.
	    This is mutually exclusive with the <code class="option">-C</code> option
	    for generating CDS records.
<dt><span class="term">-s</span></dt>
	    Keyset mode: <span class="command"><strong>dnssec-dsfromkey</strong></span>'s
	    final <em class="replaceable"><code>dnsname</code></em> argument is the DNS
	    domain name used to locate a <code class="filename">keyset-</code> file.
<dt><span class="term">-T <em class="replaceable"><code>TTL</code></em></span></dt>
	    Specifies the TTL of the DS records. By default the TTL is omitted.
<dt><span class="term">-v <em class="replaceable"><code>level</code></em></span></dt>
	    Sets the debugging level.
<dt><span class="term">-V</span></dt>
	    Prints version information.
<div class="refsection">
<a name="id-1.9"></a><h2>EXAMPLE</h2>
      To build the SHA-256 DS RR from the
      <strong class="userinput"><code></code></strong>
      keyfile name, you can issue the following command:
<p><strong class="userinput"><code>dnssec-dsfromkey -2</code></strong>
      The command would print something like:
<p><strong class="userinput"><code> IN DS 26160 5 2 3A1EADA7A74B8D0BA86726B0C227AA85AB8BBD2B2004F41A868A54F0C5EA0B94</code></strong>
<div class="refsection">
<a name="id-1.10"></a><h2>FILES</h2>
      The keyfile can be designated by the key identification
      <code class="filename">Knnnn.+aaa+iiiii</code> or the full file name
      <code class="filename">Knnnn.+aaa+iiiii.key</code> as generated by
      <span class="refentrytitle">dnssec-keygen</span>(8).
      The keyset file name is built from the <code class="option">directory</code>,
      the string <code class="filename">keyset-</code> and the
      <code class="option">dnsname</code>.
<div class="refsection">
<a name="id-1.11"></a><h2>CAVEAT</h2>
      A keyfile error can give a "file not found" even if the file exists.
<div class="refsection">
<a name="id-1.12"></a><h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
<p><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">dnssec-keygen</span>(8)</span>,
      <span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">dnssec-signzone</span>(8)</span>,
      <em class="citetitle">BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual</em>,
      <em class="citetitle">RFC 3658</em> (DS RRs),
      <em class="citetitle">RFC 4431</em> (DLV RRs),
      <em class="citetitle">RFC 4509</em> (SHA-256 for DS RRs),
      <em class="citetitle">RFC 6605</em> (SHA-384 for DS RRs),
      <em class="citetitle">RFC 7344</em> (CDS and CDNSKEY RRs).