Blob Blame History Raw
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#   Name: - part of the BeakerLib project
#   Description: Asserting functions, watchdog and report
#   Author: Ondrej Hudlicky <>
#   Author: Petr Muller <>
#   Author: Jan Hutar <>
#   Author: Petr Splichal <>
#   Author: Ales Zelinka <>
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#   Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
#   This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
#   to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
#   and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
#   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
#   PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#   License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
#   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
#   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


: <<'=cut'

=head1 NAME

BeakerLib - testing - asserting functions, watchdog and report


This file contains functions related directly to testing. These functions are
various asserts affecting final result of the phase. Watchdog and the report
result function is included as well.



# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#   Internal Stuff
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


__INTERNAL_LogAndJournalPass() {
    rljAddTest "$1 $2" "PASS" "$3"

__INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail() {
    rljAddTest "$1 $2" "FAIL" "$3"

# __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert comment status [failed-comment] [executed command-line]
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

__INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert() {
    if [ "$2" == "0" ]; then
        __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalPass "$1" "$3" "$4"
        return 0
        __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail "$1" "$3" "$4"
        return 1

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlPass
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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=head2 Manual Asserts

=head3 rlPass

Manual assertion, asserts and logs PASS.

    rlPass comment


=item comment

Short test summary.


Returns 0 and asserts PASS.


rlPass() {
    __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalPass "$1"
    return 0

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlFail
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=head3 rlFail

Manual assertion, asserts and logs FAIL.

    rlFail comment


=item comment

Short test summary.


Returns 1 and asserts FAIL.


rlFail() {
    __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail "$1"
    return 1

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssert0
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=head2 Arithmetic Asserts

=head3 rlAssert0

Assertion checking for the equality of parameter to zero.

    rlAssert0 comment value


=item comment

Short test summary, e.g. "Test if compilation ended successfully".

=item value

Integer value (usually return code of a command).


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<value == 0>.


rlAssert0() {
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "$1" "$2" "(Assert: expected 0, got $2)"
    return $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssertEquals
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=head3 rlAssertEquals

Assertion checking for the equality of two parameters.

    rlAssertEquals comment value1 value2


=item comment

Short test summary, e.g. "Test if all 3 packages have been downloaded".

=item value1

First parameter to compare, can be a number or a string

=item value2

Second parameter to compare, can be a number or a string


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<value1 == value2>.


rlAssertEquals() {
    if [ $# -lt 3 ] ; then
        __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail "rlAssertEquals called without all needed parameters" ""
        return 1
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "$1" "$([ "$2" == "$3" ]; echo $?)" "(Assert: '$2' should equal '$3')"
    return $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssertNotEquals
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: <<'=cut'

=head3 rlAssertNotEquals

Assertion checking for the non-equality of two parameters.

    rlAssertNotEquals comment value1 value2


=item comment

Short test summary, e.g. "Test if return code is not 139".

=item value1

First parameter to compare, can be a number or a string

=item value2

Second parameter to compare, can be a number or a string


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<value1 != value2>.


rlAssertNotEquals() {
    if [ $# -lt 3 ] ; then
        __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail "rlAssertNotEquals called without all needed parameters" ""
        return 1
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "$1" "$([ "$2" != "$3" ]; echo $?)" "(Assert: \"$2\" should not equal \"$3\")"
    return $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssertGreater
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: <<'=cut'

=head3 rlAssertGreater

Assertion checking whether first parameter is greater than the second one.

    rlAssertGreater comment value1 value2


=item comment

Short test summary, e.g. "Test whether there are running more instances of program."

=item value1

Integer value.

=item value2

Integer value.


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<value1 E<gt> value2>.


rlAssertGreater() {
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "$1" "$([ "$2" -gt "$3" ]; echo $?)" "(Assert: \"$2\" should be greater than \"$3\")"
    return $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssertGreaterOrEqual
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: <<'=cut'

=head3 rlAssertGreaterOrEqual

Assertion checking whether first parameter is greater or equal to the second one.

    rlAssertGreaterOrEqual comment value1 value2


=item comment

Short test summary (e.g. "There should present at least one...")

=item value1

Integer value.

=item value2

Integer value.


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<value1 E<ge>= value2>.


rlAssertGreaterOrEqual() {
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "$1" "$([ "$2" -ge "$3" ]; echo $?)" "(Assert: \"$2\" should be >= \"$3\")"
    return $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssertLesser
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: <<'=cut'

=head3 rlAssertLesser

Assertion checking whether first parameter is lesser than the second one.

    rlAssertLesser comment value1 value2


=item comment

Short test summary, e.g. "Test whether there are running more instances of program."

=item value1

Integer value.

=item value2

Integer value.


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<value1 E<le> value2>.


rlAssertLesser() {
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "$1" "$([ "$2" -le "$3" ]; echo $?)" "(Assert: \"$2\" should be lesser than \"$3\")"
    return $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssertLesserOrEqual
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: <<'=cut'

=head3 rlAssertLesserOrEqual

Assertion checking whether first parameter is lesser or equal to the second one.

    rlAssertLesserOrEqual comment value1 value2


=item comment

Short test summary (e.g. "There should present at least one...")

=item value1

Integer value.

=item value2

Integer value.


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<value1 E<le>= value2>.


rlAssertLesserOrEqual() {
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "$1" "$([ "$2" -le "$3" ]; echo $?)" "(Assert: \"$2\" should be <= \"$3\")"
    return $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssertExists
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=head2 File Asserts

=head3 rlAssertExists

Assertion checking for the existence of a file or a directory.

    rlAssertExists file|directory


=item file|directory

Path to the file or directory.


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<file> exists.


    if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
        __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail "rlAssertExists called without parameter" ""
        return 1
    local FILE="File"
    if [ -d "$1" ] ; then
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "$FILE $1 should exist" "$([ -e "$1" ]; echo $?)"
    return $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssertNotExists
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

: <<'=cut'

=head3 rlAssertNotExists

Assertion checking for the non-existence of a file or a directory.

    rlAssertNotExists file|directory


=item file|directory

Path to the file or directory.


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<file> does not exist.


    if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
        __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail "rlAssertNotExists called without parameter" ""
        return 1
    local FILE="File"
    if [ -d "$1" ] ; then
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "$FILE $1 should not exist" "$([ ! -e "$1" ]; echo $?)"
    return $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssertGrep
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=head3 rlAssertGrep

Assertion checking if the file contains a pattern.

    rlAssertGrep pattern file [options]


=item pattern

Regular expression to be searched for.

=item file

Path to the file.

=item options

Optional parameters to be passed to grep, default is C<-q>. Can be
used to perform case insensitive matches (-i), or using
extended (-E) or perl (-P) regular expressions.


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<file> exists and contains given


    if [ ! -e "$2" ] ; then
        __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail "rlAssertGrep: failed to find file $2"
        return 2
    local options=${3:--q}
    grep $options -- "$1" "$2"
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "File '$2' should contain '$1'" $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssertNotGrep
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: <<'=cut'

=head3 rlAssertNotGrep

Assertion checking that the file does not contain a pattern.

    rlAssertNotGrep pattern file [options]


=item pattern

Regular expression to be searched for.

=item file

Path to the file.

=item options

Optional parameters to be passed to grep, default is C<-q>. Can be
used to perform case insensitive matches (-i), or using
extended (-E) or perl (-P) regular expressions.


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<file> exists and does not
contain given C<pattern>.

    if [ ! -e "$2" ] ; then
        __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail "rlAssertNotGrep: failed to find file $2"
        return 2
    local options=${3:--q}
    ! grep $options -- "$1" "$2"
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "File '$2' should not contain '$1'" $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssertDiffer
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=head3 rlAssertDiffer

Assertion checking that two files differ (are not identical).

    rlAssertDiffer file1 file2


=item file1

Path to first file1

=item file2

Path to second file


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<file1> and C<file2> differs.


    local file
    for file in "$1" "$2"; do
        if [ ! -e "$file" ]; then
            __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail "rlAssertDiffer: file $file was not found"
            return 2
    ! cmp -s "$1" "$2"
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "Files $1 and $2 should differ" $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlAssertNotDiffer
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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=head3 rlAssertNotDiffer

Assertion checking that two files do not differ (are identical).

    rlAssertNotDiffer file1 file2


=item file1

Path to first file1

=item file2

Path to second file


Returns 0 and asserts PASS when C<file1> and C<file2> do not differ.


rlAssertNotDiffer() {
    local file
    for file in "$1" "$2"; do
        if [ ! -e "$file" ]; then
            __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail "rlAssertNotDiffer: file $file was not found"
            return 2

    cmp -s "$1" "$2"
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "Files $1 and $2 should not differ" $?

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlRun
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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=head2 Run, Watch, Report

=head3 rlRun

Run command with optional comment and make sure its exit code
matches expectations.

    rlRun [-t] [-l] [-c] [-s] command [status[,status...] [comment]]


=item -t

If specified, stdout and stderr of the command output will be tagged
with strigs 'STDOUT: ' and 'STDERR: '.

=item -l

If specified, output of the command (tagged, if -t was specified) is
logged using rlLog function. This is intended for short outputs, and
therefore only last 50 lines are logged this way. Longer outputs should
be analysed separately, or uploaded via rlFileSubmit or rlBundleLogs.

=item -c

Same as C<-l>, but only log the commands output if it failed.

=item -s

Store stdout and stderr to a file (mixed together, as the user would see
it on a terminal) and set $rlRun_LOG variable to name of the file. Caller
is responsible for removing the file. When -t option is used, the content
of the file becomes tagged too.

If the -s option is not used, $rlRun_LOG is not modified and keeps its
content from the last "rlRun -s".

=item command

Command to run.

=item status

Expected exit code(s). Optional, default 0. If you expect more
exit codes, separate them with comma (e.g. "0,1" when both 0 and 1
are OK and expected), or use from-to notation (i.e. "2-5" for "2,3,4,5"),
or combine them (e.g. "2-4,26" for "2,3,4,26").

=item comment

Short summary describing the action (optional, but recommended -
explain what are you doing here).


Returns the exit code of the command run. Asserts PASS when
command\'s exit status is in the list of expected exit codes.




The output of rlRun is buffered when using C<-t>, C<-l> or C<-s>
option (they use unix pipes, which are buffered by nature). If you
need an unbuffered output just make sure that C<expect> package is
installed on your system (its "unbuffer" tool will automatically
be used to produce unbuffered output).


Be aware that there are some variables which can collide with your code executed
within rlRun. You should avoid using __INTERNAL_rlRun_* variables.


B<Warning:> using C<unbuffer> tool is now disabled because of bug 547686.


rlRun() {
    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_GETOPT=$(getopt -q -o lcts -- "$@")
    eval set -- "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_GETOPT"

    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_LOG=false
    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_TAG=false
    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_KEEP=false
    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_CON=false
    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_TAG_OUT=''
    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_TAG_ERR=''
    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_LOG_FILE=''

    while true ; do
        case "$1" in
                __INTERNAL_rlRun_TAG_OUT='STDOUT: '
                __INTERNAL_rlRun_TAG_ERR='STDERR: '

    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_command=$1
    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_expected_orig=${2:-0}
    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_expected=${2:-0}
    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_comment
    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_comment_begin
    if [[ -z "$3" ]]; then
      __INTERNAL_rlRun_comment_begin="Running '$__INTERNAL_rlRun_command'"
      __INTERNAL_rlRun_comment="Command '$__INTERNAL_rlRun_command'"
      __INTERNAL_rlRun_comment_begin="$3 :: actually running '$__INTERNAL_rlRun_command'"

    # here we can do various sanity checks of the $command
    if [[ "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_command" =~ ^[[:space:]]*$ ]] ; then
      rlFail "rlRun: got empty or blank command '$__INTERNAL_rlRun_command'!"
      return 1
    elif false ; then
      # this an example check
      rlFail "rlRun: sanity check of command '$__INTERNAL_rlRun_command' failed!"
      return 1

    # create __INTERNAL_rlRun_LOG_FILE if needed
    if $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_LOG || $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_KEEP
      __INTERNAL_rlRun_LOG_FILE=$( mktemp --tmpdir=$__INTERNAL_PERSISTENT_TMP rlRun_LOG.XXXXXXXX )
      if [ ! -e "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_LOG_FILE" ]
        rlFail "rlRun: Internal file creation failed"
        rlLogError "rlRun: Please report this issue to RH Bugzilla for Beakerlib component"
        rlLogError "rlRun: Turning off any -l, -c or -s options of rlRun"
        rlLogError "rlRun: Unless the test relies on them, rest of the test can be trusted."

    # in case expected exit code is provided as "2-5,26", expand it to "2,3,4,5,26"
    while echo "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_expected" | grep -q '[0-9]-[0-9]'; do
        local __INTERNAL_rlRun_interval=$(echo "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_expected" | sed "s/.*\(\<[0-9]\+-[0-9]\+\>\).*/\1/")
        if [ -z "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval" ]; then
            rlLogWarning "rlRun: Something happened when getting interval, using '0-0'"
        local __INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_a=$(echo "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval" | cut -d '-' -f 1)
        local __INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_b=$(echo "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval" | cut -d '-' -f 2)
        if [ -z "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_a" -o -z "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_b" ]; then
            rlLogWarning "rlRun: Something happened when getting boundaries of interval, using '0' and '0'"
        if [ $__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_a -gt $__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_b ]; then
            rlLogWarning "rlRun: First boundary have to be smaller then second one, using '$__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_b' and '$__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_b'"
        local __INTERNAL_rlRun_replacement="$__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_a"
        let __INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_a=$__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_a+1

        local __INTERNAL_rlRun_i
        for __INTERNAL_rlRun_i in $(seq $__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_a $__INTERNAL_rlRun_interval_b); do

    rlLogDebug "rlRun: Running command: $__INTERNAL_rlRun_command"

    __INTERNAL_PrintText "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_comment_begin" "BEGIN"

    if $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_LOG || $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_TAG || $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_KEEP; then
        eval "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_command" 2> >(sed -u -e "s/^/$__INTERNAL_rlRun_TAG_ERR/g" |
                tee -a $__INTERNAL_rlRun_LOG_FILE) 1> >(sed -u -e "s/^/$__INTERNAL_rlRun_TAG_OUT/g" | tee -a $__INTERNAL_rlRun_LOG_FILE)
        local __INTERNAL_rlRun_exitcode=$?
        eval "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_command"
        local __INTERNAL_rlRun_exitcode=$?
    rlLogDebug "rlRun: command = '$__INTERNAL_rlRun_command'; exitcode = $__INTERNAL_rlRun_exitcode; expected = $__INTERNAL_rlRun_expected"
    if $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_LOG || $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_TAG || $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_KEEP; then

    echo "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_expected" | grep -q "\<$__INTERNAL_rlRun_exitcode\>"   # symbols \< and \> match the empty string at the beginning and end of a word
    local __INTERNAL_rlRun_result=$?

    if $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_LOG && ( ! $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_CON || ( $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_CON && [ $__INTERNAL_rlRun_result -ne 0 ] ) ); then
        rlLog "Output of '$__INTERNAL_rlRun_command':"
        rlLog "--------------- OUTPUT START ---------------"
        local __INTERNAL_rlRun_line
        tail -n 50 "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_LOG_FILE" | while read __INTERNAL_rlRun_line
          rlLog "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_line"
        rlLog "---------------  OUTPUT END  ---------------"
    if $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_KEEP; then
        export rlRun_LOG
    elif $__INTERNAL_rlRun_DO_LOG; then
        rm $__INTERNAL_rlRun_LOG_FILE

    rlLogDebug "rlRun: Command finished with exit code: $__INTERNAL_rlRun_exitcode, expected: $__INTERNAL_rlRun_expected_orig"
    __INTERNAL_ConditionalAssert "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_comment" $__INTERNAL_rlRun_result "(Expected $__INTERNAL_rlRun_expected_orig, got $__INTERNAL_rlRun_exitcode)" "$__INTERNAL_rlRun_command"

    return $__INTERNAL_rlRun_exitcode

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlWatchdog
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: <<'=cut'

=head3 rlWatchdog

Run C<command>. If it does not finish in specified time, then kill
it using C<signal>.

    rlWatchdog command timeout [signal] [callback]


=item command

Command to run.

=item timeout

Timeout to wait, in seconds.

=item signal

Signal to use (optional, default KILL).

=item callback

Callback function to be called before the signal is send (optional, none
by default). The callback function will have one argument available -- PGID
of the process group.


Returns 0 if the command ends normally, without need to be killed.


rlWatchdog() {
    set -m
    local command=$1
    local timeout=$2
    local killer=${3:-"KILL"}
    local callback=${4:-""}
    rlLog "Runnning $command, with $timeout seconds timeout"
    eval "$command; touch __INTERNAL_FINISHED" &
    local pidcmd=$!
    eval "sleep $timeout; touch __INTERNAL_TIMEOUT" &
    local pidsleep=$!

    while true; do
        if [ -e __INTERNAL_FINISHED ]; then
            rlLog "Command ended itself, I am not killing it."
            /bin/kill -- -$pidsleep
            sleep 1
            return 0
        elif [ -e __INTERNAL_TIMEOUT ]; then
            rlLog "Command is still running, I am killing it with $killer"
            if [ -n "$callback" ] \
               && type $callback 2>/dev/null | grep -q "$callback is a function"
                rlLog "Function $callback is present, I am calling it"
                $callback $pidcmd
            /bin/kill -$killer -- -$pidcmd
            sleep 1
            return 1
        sleep 1

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlReport
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=head3 rlReport

Report test result to the test harness. The command to be used for
reporting is set by the respective plugin. You can also use the
C<$BEAKERLIB_COMMAND_REPORT_RESULT> variable to use your custom

    rlReport name result [score] [log]


=item name

Name of the test result.

=item result

Result (one of PASS, WARN, FAIL). If called with something
else, will use WARN.

=item score

Test score (optional).

=item log

Optional log file to be submitted instead of default C<OUTPUTFILE>.



rlReport() {
    # only PASS/WARN/FAIL is allowed
    local testname="$1"
    local result="$(echo "$2" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"
    local score="$3"
    local logfile=${4:-$OUTPUTFILE}
    case "$result" in
          'PASS' | 'PASSED' | 'PASSING') result='PASS'; ;;
          'FAIL' | 'FAILED' | 'FAILING') result='FAIL'; ;;
          'WARN' | 'WARNED' | 'WARNING') result='WARN'; ;;
            rlLogWarning "rlReport: Only PASS/WARN/FAIL results are possible."
    rlLogDebug "rlReport: result: $result, score: $score, log: $logfile"

    # report the result only if TESTID is set
    if [ -n "$TESTID" ] ; then
        $BEAKERLIB_COMMAND_REPORT_RESULT "$testname" "$result" "$logfile" "$score" \
            || rlLogError "rlReport: Failed to report the result"

__INTERNAL_version_cmp() {
  if [[ "$1" == "$2" ]]; then
    return 0
  local i ver1="$1" ver2="$2" type="${3:--}"

  ver1=($(echo "$ver1" | tr "$type" ' ')) ver2=($(echo "$ver2" | tr "$type" ' '))
  # fill empty fields in ver1 with zeros
  for ((i=${#ver1[@]}; i<${#ver2[@]}; i++)); do
  for ((i=0; i<${#ver1[@]}; i++)); do
    if [[ -z "${ver2[i]}" ]]; then
      # fill empty fields in ver2 with zeros
    case $type in
        __INTERNAL_version_cmp "${ver1[i]}" "${ver2[i]}" _ || return $?
        __INTERNAL_version_cmp "${ver1[i]}" "${ver2[i]}" . || return $?
        if ((36#${ver1[i]} > 36#${ver2[i]})); then
          return 1
        if ((36#${ver1[i]} < 36#${ver2[i]})); then
          return 2
  return 0
}; # end of __INTERNAL_version_cmp

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlCmpVersion
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: <<'=cut'

=head3 rlCmpVersion

Compare two given versions composed by numbers and letters divided by dot (.),
underscore (_), or dash (-).

    rlCmpVersion ver1 ver2

If ver1 = ver2, sign '=' is printed to stdout and 0 is returned.
If ver1 > ver2, sign '>' is printed to stdout and 1 is returned.
If ver1 < ver2, sign '<' is printed to stdout and 2 is returned.


rlCmpVersion() {
  __INTERNAL_version_cmp "$1" "$2"
  local res=$?
  case $res in
      echo '='
      echo '>'
      echo '<'
      echo "!"
  return $res
}; # end of rlCmpVersion

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlTestVersion
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: <<'=cut'

=head3 rlTestVersion

Test releation between two given versions based on given operator.

    rlTestVersion ver1 op ver2


=item op

Operator definitng the logical expression.
It can be '=', '==', '!=', '<', '<=', '=<', '>', '>=', or '=>'.


Returns 0 if the expresison ver1 op ver2 is true; 1 if the expression is false
and 2 if something went wrong.


rlTestVersion() {
  [[ " = == != < <= =< > >= => " =~ \ $2\  ]] || return 2
  local res=$(rlCmpVersion $1 $3)
  if [[ "$2" == "!=" ]]; then
    if [[ "$res" == "=" ]]; then
      return 1
      return 0
  elif [[ "$2" =~ $res ]]; then
    return 0
    return 1
}; # end of rlTestVersion

  local distro="$(beakerlib-lsb_release -ds)"
  local whole="$(beakerlib-lsb_release -rs)"
  local major="$(beakerlib-lsb_release -rs | cut -d '.' -f 1)"
  rlLogDebug "distro='$distro'"
  rlLogDebug "major='$major'"
  rlLogDebug "whole='$whole'"

  echo $distro | grep -q "$1" || return 1

  [[ -z "$1" ]] && return 0

  local arg sign res
  for arg in "$@"
    rlLogDebug "arg='$arg'"
    # sanity check - version needs to consist of numbers/dots/<=>
    [[ "$arg" =~ ^([\<\>\!]?=?)([0-9][0-9\.]*)$ ]] || {
      rlLogError "unexpected argument format '$arg'"
      return 1

    rlLogDebug "sign='$sign'"
    rlLogDebug "arg='$arg'"
    if [[ -z "$sign" ]]; then
      # shorten whole version so it matches arg in dots count
      local whole_shorten="$(echo "$whole" | sed -r "s/([^.]+(\.[^.]+){$(echo "$arg" | grep -oF . | wc -w)}).*/\1/")"
      rlLogDebug "whole_shorten='$whole_shorten'"
      if [[ "$whole_shorten" == "$arg" ]]
        return 0
      if [[ "$arg" =~ [.] ]]; then
        rlLogDebug 'evaluation whole version (including minor)'
        rlLogDebug "executing rlTestVersion \"$whole\" \"$sign\" \"$arg\""
        rlTestVersion "$whole" "$sign" "$arg"
        rlLogDebug 'evaluation major version part only'
        rlLogDebug "executing rlTestVersion \"$major\" \"$sign\" \"$arg\""
        rlTestVersion "$major" "$sign" "$arg"
      rlLogDebug "result of rlTestVersion is '$res'"
      return $res
  return 1

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlIsRHEL
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: <<=cut

=head2 Release Info

=head3 rlIsRHEL

Check whether we're running on RHEL.
With given number of version as parameter returns 0 if the particular
RHEL version is running. Multiple arguments can be passed separated
with space as well as any particular release (5.1 5.2 5.3).
Each version can have a prefix consisting of '<', '<=', '=', '>=', '>',
matching whenever the currently installed version is lesser, lesser or equal,
equal, equal or greater, greater than the version specified as argument.
Note that ie. '=5' (unlike just '5') matches exactly 5 (5.0),
not 5.N, where N > 0.


Returns 0 if we are running on RHEL.

    rlIsRHEL 4.8 5

Returns 0 if we are running RHEL 4.8 or any RHEL 5.


  __INTERNAL_rlIsDistro "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" "$@" \
    || __INTERNAL_rlIsDistro "Red Hat Desktop release" "$@"

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlIsFedora
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: <<=cut

=head3 rlIsFedora

Check whether we're running on Fedora.
With given number of version as parameter returns 0 if the particular Fedora
version is running.
Range matching can be used in the form used by rlIsRHEL.


Returns 0 if we are running on Fedora.

    rlIsFedora 9 10

Returns 0 if we are running Fedora 9 or 10.


  __INTERNAL_rlIsDistro "Fedora" "$@"

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# rlIsCentOS
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: <<=cut

=head2 Release Info

=head3 rlIsCentOS

Check whether we're running on CentOS.
With given number of version as parameter returns 0 if the particular
CentOS version is running. Multiple arguments can be passed separated
with space as well as any particular release (5.1 5.2 5.3).
Each version can have a prefix consisting of '<', '<=', '=', '>=', '>',
matching whenever the currently installed version is lesser, lesser or equal,
equal, equal or greater, greater than the version specified as argument.
Note that ie. '=5' (unlike just '5') matches exactly 5 (5.0),
not 5.N, where N > 0.


Returns 0 if we are running on CentOS.

    rlIsCentOS 7.1 6

Returns 0 if we are running CentOS 7.1 or any CentOS 6.


  __INTERNAL_rlIsDistro "CentOS" "$@"

: <<'=cut'

=head1 AUTHORS


=item *

Ondrej Hudlicky <>

=item *

Petr Muller <>

=item *

Jan Hutar <>

=item *

Petr Splichal <>

=item *

Ales Zelinka <>

