Blob Blame History Raw
# Copyright (c) 2006 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. This copyrighted material 
# is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, copy, or
# redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General
# Public License v.2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Author: Jan Hutar <>

__testLogFce() {
  # This should help us to test various logging functions
  # which takes <message> and optional <logfile> parameters
  local log=$( mktemp ) # no-reboot
  local myfce=$1
  $myfce "MessageABC" &>/dev/null
  assertTrue "$myfce to OUTPUTFILE" "grep -q 'MessageABC' $OUTPUTFILE"
  rm -f $log   # remove the log, so it have to be created
  $myfce "MessageDEF" $log &>/dev/null
  assertTrue "$myfce to nonexisting log" "grep -q 'MessageDEF' $log"
  touch $log   # create the log if it still do not exists
  $myfce "MessageGHI" $log &>/dev/null
  assertTrue "$myfce to existing log" "grep -q 'MessageGHI' $log"
  $myfce "MessageJKL" $log &>/dev/null
  assertTrue "$myfce only adds to the log (do not overwrite it)" "grep -q 'MessageGHI' $log"
  assertTrue "$myfce adds to the log" "grep -q 'MessageJKL' $log"
  assertTrue "$myfce logs to STDERR" "$myfce $myfce-MNO 2>&1 >&- |grep -q '$myfce-MNO'"
  assertTrue "$myfce creates journal entry" "rlJournalPrint |grep -q '$myfce-MNO'"
  $myfce "-test messages beginning with '-'" $log &>/dev/null
  assertTrue "$myfce test messages beginnig with '-'" "grep -q -- '-test messages beginning with' $log"
  rm -f $log

test_rlHeadLog() {
  __testLogFce rlHeadLog

test_rlLog() {
  __testLogFce rlLog
  local log=$( mktemp ) # no-reboot
  rlLog "test" $log "prio" &>/dev/null
  silentIfNotDebug "cat $log"
  assertTrue "rlLog \"test\" \$log \"prio\"         produces :: [ ([0-9]{2}:){2}[0-9]{2} ] :: [   prio   ] :: test" "grep -qP -- ':: \[ ([0-9]{2}:){2}[0-9]{2} \] :: \[   prio   \] :: test' $log"
  rm -f $log
test_rlLogDebug() {
  #only works when DEBUG is set
  local tmp=$DEBUG
  __testLogFce rlLogDebug
test_rlLogInfo() {
  __testLogFce rlLogInfo
test_rlLogWarning() {
  __testLogFce rlLogWarning
test_rlLogError() {
  __testLogFce rlLogError
test_rlLogFatal() {
  __testLogFce rlLogFatal

	#dunno how to test this - it contains untestable helpers like rlBundleLogs and rlReport
	assertLog "rlDie skipped" "SKIP"

  silentIfNotDebug "rlPhaseStart FAIL"
  #counting passes and failures
  silentIfNotDebug 'rlAssert0 "failed assert #1" 1'
  silentIfNotDebug 'rlAssert0 "successfull assert #1" 0'
  silentIfNotDebug 'rlAssert0 "failed assert #2" 1'
  silentIfNotDebug 'rlAssert0 "successfull assert #2" 0'
  silentIfNotDebug "rlPhaseEnd"
  assertTrue "passed asserts were stored" "rlJournalPrintText |grep '2 good'"
  assertTrue "failed asserts were stored" "rlJournalPrintText |grep '2 bad'"
  #new phase resets score
  silentIfNotDebug "rlPhaseStart FAIL"
  silentIfNotDebug "rlPhaseEnd"
  assertTrue "passed asserts were reseted" "rlJournalPrintText |grep '0 good'"
  assertTrue "failed asserts were reseted" "rlJournalPrintText |grep '0 bad'"
  silentIfNotDebug "rlPhaseEnd"

  # check phase names are properly mangled to Beaker result names
  silentIfNotDebug "rlPhaseStart FAIL 'Phase 2: Electric Boogaloo'"
  export BEAKERLIB_COMMAND_REPORT_RESULT=rhts-report-result # fake function
  local out="$(rlPhaseEnd 2>&1)"
  assertTrue "phase end reported correct Beaker result" "grep -q 'ANCHOR NAME: Phase-2-Electric-Boogaloo' <<<\"$out\""

  assertFalse "creating phase without type doesn't succeed" "rlPhaseEnd ; silentIfNotDebug 'rlPhaseStart'"
  assertFalse "phase without type is not inserted into journal" "rlJournalPrint | grep -q '<phase.*type=\"\"'"
  assertFalse "creating phase with unknown type doesn't succeed" "rlPhaseEnd ; silentIfNotDebug 'rlPhaseStart ZBRDLENI'"
  assertFalse "phase with unknown type is not inserted into journal" "rlJournalPrint | grep -q '<phase.*type=\"ZBRDLENI\"'"

  rlPhaseStartSetup &> /dev/null
  assertTrue "setup phase with WARN type found in journal" "rlJournalPrint |grep -q '<phase.*type=\"WARN\"'"

  rlPhaseStartTest &> /dev/null
  assertTrue "test phase with FAIL type found in journal" "rlJournalPrint |grep -q '<phase.*type=\"FAIL\"'"

  rlPhaseStartCleanup &> /dev/null
  assertTrue "clean-up phase with WARN type found in journal" "rlJournalPrint |grep -q '<phase.*type=\"WARN\"'"

    rlPhaseStartTest &> /dev/null
    assertTrue "rlLogHighMetric is marked as deprecated" \
        "rlLogHighMetric MTR-HIGH-OLD 1 2>&1 >&- |grep -q deprecated"
    assertTrue "rlLogLowMetric is marked as deprecated" \
        "rlLogLowMetric MTR-LOW-OLD 1 2>&1 >&- |grep -q deprecated"
    assertTrue "rlShowPkgVersion is marked as deprecated" \
        "rlShowPkgVersion 2>&1 >&- |grep -q obsoleted"

    rlPhaseStart FAIL &> /dev/null
    assertTrue "low metric inserted to journal" "rlLogMetricLow metrone 123 "
    assertTrue "high metric inserted to journal" "rlLogMetricHigh metrtwo 567"
    silentIfNotDebug "__INTERNAL_JournalXMLCreate"
    assertTrue "low metric found in journal" "cat $__INTERNAL_BEAKERLIB_JOURNAL | xmllint --format - | grep '<metric.*name=\"metrone\"' | grep -q 'type=\"low\"'"
    assertTrue "high metric found in journal" "cat $__INTERNAL_BEAKERLIB_JOURNAL | xmllint --format - | grep '<metric.*name=\"metrtwo\"' | grep -q 'type=\"high\"'"

    #second metric called metrone - must not be inserted to journal
    silentIfNotDebug "rlLogMetricLow metrone 345"
    silentIfNotDebug "__INTERNAL_JournalXMLCreate"
    assertTrue "metric insertion fails when name's not unique inside one phase" \
            "[ $(cat $__INTERNAL_BEAKERLIB_JOURNAL | xmllint --format - | grep -c '<metric.*name=.metrone') -eq 1 ]"
    rm -rf $BEAKERLIB_DIR

    #same name of metric but in different phases - must work
    journalReset ; rlPhaseStartTest phase-1 &> /dev/null
    silentIfNotDebug "rlLogMetricLow metrone 345"
    rlPhaseEnd &> /dev/null ; rlPhaseStartTest phase-2 &> /dev/null
    silentIfNotDebug "rlLogMetricLow metrone 345"
    silentIfNotDebug "__INTERNAL_JournalXMLCreate"
    assertTrue "metric insertion succeeds when name's not unique but phases differ" \
            "[ $(cat $__INTERNAL_BEAKERLIB_JOURNAL | xmllint --format - | grep -c '<metric.*name=.metrone') -eq 2 ]"

	rlPhaseStart FAIL &> /dev/null
	rlShowRunningKernel &> /dev/null
	assertTrue "kernel version is logged" "__INTERNAL_JournalXMLCreate; cat $__INTERNAL_BEAKERLIB_JOURNAL | xmllint --format - |grep -q $(uname -r)"

__checkLoggedPkgInfo() {
  local log=$1
  local msg=$2
  local name=$3
  local version=$4
  local release=$5
  local arch=$6
  assertTrue "rlShowPackageVersion logs name $msg" "grep -q '$name' $log"
  assertTrue "rlShowPackageVersion logs version $msg" "grep -q '$version' $log"
  assertTrue "rlShowPackageVersion logs release $msg" "grep -q '$release' $log"
  assertTrue "rlShowPackageVersion logs arch $msg" "grep -q '$arch' $log"

test_rlShowPackageVersion() {
  local log=$( mktemp ) # no-reboot
  local list=$( mktemp ) # no-reboot

  # Exit value shoud be defined
  assertFalse "rlShowPackageVersion calling without options" "rlShowPackageVersion"

  rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}\n" > $list
  local first=$( tail -n 1 $list )
  local first_n=$( rpm -q $first --qf "%{NAME}\n" | tail -n 1 )
  local first_v=$( rpm -q $first --qf "%{VERSION}\n" | tail -n 1 )
  local first_r=$( rpm -q $first --qf "%{RELEASE}\n" | tail -n 1 )
  local first_a=$( rpm -q $first --qf "%{ARCH}\n" | tail -n 1 )

  # Test with 1 package
  rlShowPackageVersion $first &>/dev/null
  __checkLoggedPkgInfo $OUTPUTFILE "of 1 pkg" $first_n $first_v $first_r $first_a

  # Test with package this_package_do_not_exist
  assertTrue 'rlShowPackageVersion returns 1 when package do not exists' 'rlShowPackageVersion this_package_do_not_exist; [ $? -eq 1 ]'   # please use "'" - we do not want "$?" to be expanded too early
  assertTrue 'rlShowPackageVersion logs warning about this_package_do_not_exist' "grep -q 'this_package_do_not_exist' $OUTPUTFILE"

  # Test with few packages
  local few=$( tail -n 10 $list )
  rlShowPackageVersion $few &>/dev/null
  for one in $few; do
    local one_n=$( rpm -q $one --qf "%{NAME}\n" | tail -n 1 )
    local one_v=$( rpm -q $one --qf "%{VERSION}\n" | tail -n 1 )
    local one_r=$( rpm -q $one --qf "%{RELEASE}\n" | tail -n 1 )
    local one_a=$( rpm -q $one --qf "%{ARCH}\n" | tail -n 1 )
    __checkLoggedPkgInfo $OUTPUTFILE "of few pkgs" $one_n $one_v $one_r $one_a

  # Test with package this_package_do_not_exist
  assertFalse 'rlShowPackageVersion returns 1 when some packages do not exists' "rlShowPackageVersion this_package_do_not_exist $(echo $few) this_package_do_not_exist_too"

  rm -f $list

test_rlGetArch() {
  local out=$(rlGetArch 2>/dev/null)
  assertTrue 'rlGetArch returns 0' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"
  [ "$out" = 'i386' ] && out='i.8.'   # funny reg exp here
  uname -a | grep -q "$out"
  assertTrue 'rlGetArch returns correct arch' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"
  assertTrue 'rlGetArch warns about deprecation' "rlJournalPrintText | grep 'This function is deprecated'"
  assertTrue 'rlGetArch suggests use rlGetPrimaryArch' "rlJournalPrintText | grep 'Update test to use rlGetPrimaryArch/rlGetSecondaryArch'"

test_rlGetDistroRelease() {
  local out=$(rlGetDistroRelease)
  assertTrue 'rlGetDistroRelease returns 0' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"
  if [ -e /etc/redhat-release ]
    grep -q -i "$out" /etc/redhat-release
    assertTrue 'rlGetDistroRelease returns release which is in the /etc/redhat-release' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"

test_rlGetDistroVariant() {
  local out=$(rlGetDistroVariant)
  assertTrue 'rlGetDistroVariant returns 0' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"
  if [ -e /etc/redhat-release ]
    grep -q -i "$out" /etc/redhat-release
    assertTrue 'rlGetDistroRelease returns variant which is in the /etc/redhat-release' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"

test_rlBundleLogs() {
  local prefix=rlBundleLogs-unittest
  rm -rf $prefix* CP-$prefix*.tar.gz
  # Prepare files which will be backed up
  mkdir $prefix
  mkdir $prefix/first
  echo "hello" > $prefix/first/greet
  echo "world" > $prefix/first_greet
  export BEAKERLIB_COMMAND_SUBMIT_LOG=rhts_submit_log
  # Prepare fake rhts_submit_log utility

  cat <<EOF >$prefix/rhts_submit_log
while [ \$# -gt 0 ]; do
  case "\$1" in
    -S|-T) shift; ;;
    -l) shift; cp "\$1" "CP-\$( basename \$1 )";;
  chmod +x $prefix/rhts_submit_log
  export PATH="$( pwd )/$prefix:$PATH"
  # Run the rlBundleLogs function
  rlBundleLogs $prefix $prefix/first/greet $prefix/first_greet &> /dev/null
  assertTrue 'rlBundleLogs <some files> returns 0' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"
  export PATH="$PATH_orig"
  # Check if it did everithing it should
  assertTrue 'rlBundleLogs creates *.tar.gz file' \
        "ls CP-tmp-$prefix*.tar.gz"
  mkdir $prefix-extracted
  tar xzf CP-tmp-$prefix*.tar.gz -C $prefix-extracted
  assertTrue 'rlBundleLogs included first/greet file' \
        "grep -qr 'hello' $prefix-extracted/*"
  assertTrue 'rlBundleLogs included first_greet file' \
        "grep -qr 'world' $prefix-extracted/*"
  # Cleanup
  rm -rf $prefix* CP-tmp-$prefix*.tar.gz

	unset LOG_LEVEL
	unset DEBUG

	assertTrue "rlLogInfo msg in journal dump with default LOG_LEVEL" \
	"rlLogInfo 'lllll' ; rlJournalPrintText |grep 'lllll'"

	assertTrue "rlLogWarning msg in journal dump with default LOG_LEVEL" \
	"rlLogWarning 'wwwwww' ; rlJournalPrintText |grep 'wwwww'"

	assertTrue "rlLogInfo msg in journal dump with default LOG_LEVEL but DEBUG turned on" \
	"rlLogInfo 'lllll' &>/dev/null ; rlJournalPrintText | grep -q 'lllll'"
	unset DEBUG

	assertTrue "rlLogInfo msg in journal dump with LOG_LEVEL=INFO" \
	"rlLogInfo 'lllll' ; rlJournalPrintText |grep 'lllll'"

	assertFalse "rlLogInfo msg not in journal dump with LOG_LEVEL higher than INFO" \
	"rlLogInfo 'lllll' ; rlJournalPrintText |grep 'lllll'"

	unset LOG_LEVEL
	unset DEBUG

test_rlFileSubmit() {
  local main_dir=$(pwd)
  local prefix=rlFileSubmit-unittest
  local upload_to=$prefix/uploaded
  local hlp_files=$prefix/hlp_files
  mkdir -p $upload_to
  mkdir -p $hlp_files
  # Prepare fake rhts_submit_log utility
  cat <<EOF >$prefix/rhts_submit_log
while [ \$# -gt 0 ]; do
  case "\$1" in
    -S|-T) shift; ;;
    -l) shift; cp "\$1" "$main_dir/$upload_to/";;
  export BEAKERLIB_COMMAND_SUBMIT_LOG=rhts_submit_log
  chmod +x $prefix/rhts_submit_log
  ln -s rhts_submit_log $prefix/rhts-submit-log
  export PATH="$( pwd )/$prefix:$PATH"

  # TEST 1: No relative or absolute path specified
  local orig_file="$hlp_files/rlFileSubmit_test1.file"
  local alias="rlFileSubmit_test1.file"
  local expected_file="$upload_to/$alias"

  echo "rlFileSubmit_test1" > $orig_file

  cd $hlp_files
  rlFileSubmit rlFileSubmit_test1.file &> /dev/null

  cd $main_dir
  local sum1=$(md5sum $orig_file | cut -d " " -f 1)
  local sum2=$(md5sum $expected_file | cut -d " " -f 1)

  [ -e $expected_file -a  "$sum1" = "$sum2" ]
  assertTrue 'rlBundleLogs file without relative or absolute path specified' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"

  # TEST 2: Relative path ./
  local orig_file="$hlp_files/rlFileSubmit_test2.file"
  local alias=$(echo "$main_dir/$orig_file" | tr '/' "-" | sed "s/^-*//")
  local expected_file="$upload_to/$alias"

  echo "rlFileSubmit_test2" > $orig_file

  cd $hlp_files
  rlFileSubmit ./rlFileSubmit_test2.file &> /dev/null

  cd $main_dir
  local sum1=$(md5sum $orig_file | cut -d " " -f 1)
  local sum2=$(md5sum $expected_file | cut -d " " -f 1)

  [ -e $expected_file -a  "$sum1" = "$sum2" ]
  assertTrue 'rlBundleLogs relative path ./' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"

  # TEST 3: Relative path ../
  mkdir -p $hlp_files/directory/
  local orig_file="$hlp_files/rlFileSubmit_test3.file"
  local alias=$(echo "$main_dir/$orig_file" | tr '/' "-" | sed "s/^-*//")
  local expected_file="$upload_to/$alias"

  echo "rlFileSubmit_test3" > $orig_file

  cd $hlp_files/directory
  rlFileSubmit ../rlFileSubmit_test3.file &> /dev/null

  cd $main_dir
  local sum1=$(md5sum $orig_file | cut -d " " -f 1)
  local sum2=$(md5sum $expected_file | cut -d " " -f 1)

  [ -e $expected_file -a  "$sum1" = "$sum2" ]
  assertTrue 'rlBundleLogs relative path ../' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"

  # TEST 4: Absolute path
  local orig_file="$hlp_files/rlFileSubmit_test4.file"
  local alias=$(echo "$main_dir/$orig_file" | tr '/' "-" | sed "s/^-*//")
  local expected_file="$upload_to/$alias"

  echo "rlFileSubmit_test4" > $orig_file

  rlFileSubmit $main_dir/$orig_file &> /dev/null

  cd $main_dir
  local sum1=$(md5sum $orig_file | cut -d " " -f 1)
  local sum2=$(md5sum $expected_file | cut -d " " -f 1)

  [ -e $expected_file -a  "$sum1" = "$sum2" ]
  assertTrue 'rlBundleLogs absolute path' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"

  # TEST 5: Custom alias
  local orig_file="$hlp_files/rlFileSubmit_test5file"
  local alias="alias_rlFileSubmit_test5.file"
  local expected_file="$upload_to/$alias"

  echo "rlFileSubmit_test5" > $orig_file

  rlFileSubmit $orig_file $alias &> /dev/null

  cd $main_dir
  local sum1=$(md5sum $orig_file | cut -d " " -f 1)
  local sum2=$(md5sum $expected_file | cut -d " " -f 1)

  [ -e $expected_file -a  "$sum1" = "$sum2" ]
  assertTrue 'rlBundleLogs custom alias' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"

  # TEST 6: Custom separator
  local orig_file="$hlp_files/rlFileSubmit_test6.file"
  local alias=$(echo "$main_dir/$orig_file" | tr '/' "_" | sed "s/^_*//")
  local expected_file="$upload_to/$alias"

  echo "rlFileSubmit_test6" > $orig_file

  rlFileSubmit -s '_' $main_dir/$orig_file &> /dev/null

  cd $main_dir
  local sum1=$(md5sum $orig_file | cut -d " " -f 1)
  local sum2=$(md5sum $expected_file | cut -d " " -f 1)

  [ -e $expected_file -a  "$sum1" = "$sum2" ]
  assertTrue 'rlBundleLogs absolute path' "[ $? -eq 0 ]"

  rm -f /var/tmp/BEAKERLIB_STORED_rlFileSubmit_test1.file # no-reboot
  cd $hlp_files

  if [[ $UID -eq 0 ]]; then
    rlFileSubmit rlFileSubmit_test1.file &> /dev/null
    assertTrue "rlFileSubmit default function RC" "[ $? -eq 0 ]"
    assertTrue "rlFileSubmit default function file submitted" "[ -e /var/tmp/BEAKERLIB_${TESTID}_STORED_rlFileSubmit_test1.file ]" # no-reboot
    assertLog "rlFileSubmit default function RC is not meant to be executed under non-priviledged user" SKIP
  cd $main_dir

  # Cleanup
  export PATH="$PATH_orig"
  rm -rf $prefix*