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# Copyright Jonathan Hartley 2013. BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.

# Demonstrate the difference between colorama intialized with wrapping on and off.
# The point of the demonstration is to show how the ANSI wrapping on Windows can be disabled.
# The unwrapped cases will be interpreted with ANSI on Unix, but not on Windows.

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import fixpath
from colorama import AnsiToWin32, init, Fore

print('%sWrapped yellow going to stdout, via the default print function.' % Fore.YELLOW)

print('%sUnwrapped CYAN going to stdout, via the default print function.' % Fore.CYAN)
print('%sUnwrapped CYAN, using the file parameter to write via colorama the AnsiToWin32 function.' % Fore.CYAN, file=AnsiToWin32(sys.stdout))
print('%sUnwrapped RED going to stdout, via the default print function.' % Fore.RED)

print('%sWrapped RED going to stdout, via the default print function.' % Fore.RED)