Blob Blame History Raw
#! /bin/sh
#  -*- Mode: Shell-script -*-
# debug.test --- definition reference testing
# Author:            Bruce Korb <>
## This file is part of AutoGen.
## AutoGen Copyright (C) 1992-2016 by Bruce Korb - all rights reserved
## AutoGen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## AutoGen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## See the GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program.  If not, see <>.

. ./defs

# # # # # # # # # # TEMPLATE FILE # # # # # # # # #

cat > ${testname}.tpl <<_EOF_
<= AutoGen5 template test =>
The last of each list:<=
FOR list =><= DEBUG slot 64 =>
  LAST -> <= val[$] =>

  list -> <=
  FOR val ", " =><= DEBUG bucket 128 => val[<=(for-index)=>]=<=val=><=
  ENDFOR =><=

# # # # # # # # # # DEFINITIONS FILE # # # # # # # # #

# Create the files we need in the test environment
cat > ${testname}.def <<_EOF_
AutoGen definitions "${testname}." "tpl";
list =    { val = L0.first, L0.last; };
List[3] = { val = L3.third.all; };

# # # # # # # # # # ANTICIPATED RESULTS # # # # # # # # #

sed '/^$/d' > ${testname}.base1 <<\_EOF_
===AutoGen starts - NNNN:
Guile Library Version X.X.X
eval from file agInit.c line XXX:
(debug-enable 'backtrace)
Definition Load:
list[0] (block) from debug.def/2
  val[0] (text) from debug.def/2
  val[1] (text) from debug.def/2
list[3] (block) from debug.def/3
  val[0] (text) from debug.def/3
marker '<=' loaded
marker '=>' loaded
Starting test template
open_output_file 'debug.test' mode wb+
Text       (15) in debug.tpl at line 2
  The last of each list:
FOR        ( F) in debug.tpl at line 3
FOR list loop in debug.tpl on line 3 begins:
  -  FOR-each list[0] it#0: Nxt 3, first=yes, last=no
DEBUG      ( 5) in debug.tpl at line 3
  slot 64
  --  DEBUG slot 64 -- FOR index 0
Text       (15) in debug.tpl at line 3
Unknown    (16) in debug.tpl at line 4
remapped to 'Expr' (16) in debug.tpl at line 4
	based on val[$]
Text       (15) in debug.tpl at line 4
FOR        ( F) in debug.tpl at line 7
FOR val loop in debug.tpl on line 7 begins:
  -  FOR-each val[0] it#0: Nxt 1, first=yes, last=no
DEBUG      ( 5) in debug.tpl at line 7
  bucket 128
  --  DEBUG bucket 128 -- FOR index 0
Text       (15) in debug.tpl at line 7
EXPR       ( E) in debug.tpl at line 7
eval from file debug.tpl line 7:
Text       (15) in debug.tpl at line 7
Unknown    (16) in debug.tpl at line 7
remapped to 'Expr' (16) in debug.tpl at line 7
	based on val
  -  FOR-each val[1] it#1: Nxt 2, first=no, last=yes
DEBUG      ( 5) in debug.tpl at line 7
  bucket 128
  --  DEBUG bucket 128 -- FOR index 1
Text       (15) in debug.tpl at line 7
EXPR       ( E) in debug.tpl at line 7
eval from file debug.tpl line 7:
Text       (15) in debug.tpl at line 7
EXPR       ( E) in debug.tpl at line 7
FOR val repeated 2 times
	from debug.tpl line 7
  -  FOR-each list[3] it#1: Nxt 4, first=no, last=yes
DEBUG      ( 5) in debug.tpl at line 3
  slot 64
  --  DEBUG slot 64 -- FOR index 3
Text       (15) in debug.tpl at line 3
EXPR       ( E) in debug.tpl at line 4
Text       (15) in debug.tpl at line 4
FOR        ( F) in debug.tpl at line 7
FOR val loop in debug.tpl on line 7 begins:
  -  FOR-each val[0] it#0: Nxt 1, first=yes, last=yes
DEBUG      ( 5) in debug.tpl at line 7
  bucket 128
  --  DEBUG bucket 128 -- FOR index 0
Text       (15) in debug.tpl at line 7
EXPR       ( E) in debug.tpl at line 7
eval from file debug.tpl line 7:
Text       (15) in debug.tpl at line 7
EXPR       ( E) in debug.tpl at line 7
FOR val repeated 1 times
	from debug.tpl line 7
FOR list repeated 2 times
	from debug.tpl line 3
Text       (15) in debug.tpl at line 9
out_close 'debug.test'


then trace_args=''
else trace_args=--trace=everything\ --trace-out=${traceout}

run_ag x1 ${trace_args} ${testname}.def || failure AutoGen failed
${SED} \
    -e 's@from file .*agInit.*@from file agInit.c line XXX:@' \
    -e '/ from debug\.def/s/ at .*//' \
    -e '/Called ag_scm_for_index/d' \
    -e '/^$/d' \
    -e '/^===AutoGen starts/s/ [0-9][0-9]*:.*/ NNNN:/' \
    -e 's/Guile Library Version .*/Guile Library Version X.X.X/' \
    ${traceout} > ${testname}.trace1
pair="${testname}.base1 ${testname}.trace1"
cmp -s $pair || \
  failure "`diff -c $pair`"

${VERBOSE} || {
    unset `set | ${SED} -n '/^AUTOGEN[A-Z_]*=/{;s/=.*//;p;}'`
    run_ag x2 ${trace_args} ${testname}.def || failure AutoGen failed
    test -f ${traceout} -a -s ${traceout} && \
        failure "autogen produced trace output`echo;cat ${traceout}`"


## Local Variables:
## mode: shell-script
## indent-tabs-mode: nil
## sh-indentation: 2
## sh-basic-offset: 2
## End:

# end of debug.test