Blob Blame History Raw
%%%                                                                   %%%
%%%        BCP's latex tricks for typesetting inference rules         %%%
%%%                                                                   %%%
%%%                         Version 1.4                               %%%
%%%                                                                   %%%

%%% This package supports two styles of rules: named and unnamed.
%%% Unnamed rules are centered on the page.  Named rules are set so
%%% that a series of them will have the rules centered in a vertical
%%% column taking most of the page and the labels right-justified.
%%% When a label would overlap its rule, the label is moved down.
%%% The width of the column of labels can be varied using a command of the
%%% form
%%%   \typicallabel{T-Arrow-I}
%%% The default setting is:
%%%   \typicallabel{}
%%% In other words, the column of rules takes up the whole width of
%%% the page: rules are centered on the centerline of the text, and no
%%% extra space is left for the labels.
%%% The minimum distance between a rule and its label can be altered by a
%%% command of the form
%%%   \setlength{\labelminsep}{0.5em}
%%% (This is the default value.)
%%% Examples:
%%% An axiom with a label in the right-hand column:
%%%   \infax[The name]{x - x = 0}
%%% An inference rule with a name:
%%%   \infrule[Another name]
%%%     {\mbox{false}}
%%%     {x - x = 1}
%%% A rule with multiple premises on the same line:
%%%   \infrule[Wide premises]
%%%     {x > 0  \andalso y > 0  \andalso z > 0}
%%%     {x + y + z > 0}
%%% A rule with several lines of premises:
%%%   \infrule[Long premises]
%%%     {x > 0  \\ y > 0  \\ z > 0}
%%%     {x + y + z > 0}
%%% A rule without a name, but centered on the same vertical line as rules
%%% and axioms with names:
%%%   \infrule[]
%%%     {x - y = 5}
%%%     {y - x = -5}
%%% A rule without a name, centered on the page:
%%%   \infrule
%%%     {x = 5}
%%%     {x - 1 > 0}
%%% Setting the flag \indexrulestrue causes an index entry to be
%%% generated for each named rule.
%%% Setting the flag \suppressrulenamestrue causes the names of all rules
%%% to be left blank

%%% A switch controlling the sizes of rule names
\newif\ifsmallrulenames  \smallrulenamesfalse

%%% The font for setting inference rule names
      {\mbox{\choosernsize{\small}{}\sc #1}}
      {\mbox{\choosernsize{\small}{}\sc #1}}
      {\mbox{\choosernsize{\tiny}{\small}\sc #1}}
    \hbox{\choosernsize{\small}{}\sc #1}%




%%% How to display a rule's name to the right of the rule

%%% Amount of extra space to add before and after a rule

%%% Minimum distance between a rule and its label

%%% The ``typical'' width of the column of labels: labels are allowed
%%% to project further to the left if necessary; the rules will be
%%% centered in a column of width \linewidth - \labelcolwidth

%%% Set the label column width by providing a ``typical'' label --
%%% i.e. a label of average length
  \setbox \@tempboxa \hbox{\inflabel{#1}}
  \labelcolwidth \wd\@tempboxa

%%% A flag controlling generation of index entries
\newif  \ifindexrules   \indexrulesfalse

%%% Allocate some temporary registers

%%% Put a rule and its label on the same line if this can be done
%%% without overlapping them; otherwise, put the label on the next
%%% line.  Put a small amount of vertical space above and below.
  {\unvbox\voidb@x  % to make sure we're in vmode

   \setbox \rulebox \hbox{$\displaystyle #2$}

   \setbox \@labelbox \hbox{#1}
   \ruledim \wd \rulebox
   \labeldim \wd \@labelbox

   %%% Will it all fit comfortably on one line?
   \@tempdima \linewidth
   \advance \@tempdima -\labelcolwidth
   \ifdim \@tempdima < \ruledim
     \@tempdima \ruledim
     \advance \@tempdima by \ruledim
     \divide \@tempdima by 2
   \advance \@tempdima by \labelminsep
   \advance \@tempdima by \labeldim
   \ifdim \@tempdima < \linewidth
     % Yes, everything fits on a line
     \@tempdima \linewidth
     \advance \@tempdima -\labelcolwidth
     \hbox to \linewidth{%
       \hbox to \@tempdima{%
       \hbox to 0pt{\hss\box\@labelbox}%
   % Will it all fit _UN_comfortably on one line?
   \@tempdima 0pt
   \advance \@tempdima by \ruledim
   \advance \@tempdima by \labelminsep
   \advance \@tempdima by \labeldim
   \ifdim \@tempdima < \linewidth
     % Yes, everything fits, but not centered
     \hbox to \linewidth{%
         \hskip \labelminsep
   % Better put the label on the next line
     \@tempdima \linewidth
     \advance \@tempdima -\labelcolwidth
     \hbox to \linewidth{%
       \hbox to \@tempdima{%
     \hbox to \linewidth{%

   \@doendpe  % use LaTeX's trick of inhibiting paragraph indent for
              % text immediately following a rule

% Simplified form for when there is no label
  {\unvbox\voidb@x  % to make sure we're in vmode

   \setbox \rulebox \hbox{$\displaystyle #1$}

   \@tempdima \linewidth
   \advance \@tempdima -\labelcolwidth
   \hbox to \@tempdima{%

   \@doendpe  % use LaTeX's trick of inhibiting paragraph indent for
              % text immediately following a rule

% Alternate form, for when we need to save space
%  {\noindent
%   \parbox[b]{0.5\linewidth}{\layoutruleverbose{#1}{#2}}}

  {\setbox \rulebox \hbox{$\displaystyle #2$}
    {\vspace*{0.4em} \hfill\box\rulebox\hfill~}

%%% Select low-level layout driver based on \bcprulessavespace flag

%%% Highlighting for new versions of rules
\newif\ifnewrule   \newrulefalse

%%% Commands for setting axioms and rules

%%% Indexing

%%% Setting axioms, with or without names
  \ifbcprulessavespace $\typesetax{#1}$%
  \else \layoutrulenolabel{\typesetax{#1}}%

%%% Setting rules, with or without names
  \ifbcprulessavespace $\typesetrule{#1}{#2}$%
  \else \layoutrulenolabel{\typesetrule{#1}{#2}}%

%%% Miscellaneous helpful definitions

% Abbreviations
\newcommand{\infabbrev}[2]{\infax{#1 \quad\eqdef\quad #2}}