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LaTeX Filter

:blogpost-status: published
:blogpost-doctype: article
:blogpost-posttype: page
:blogpost-categories: AsciiDoc,LaTeX,python

The AsciiDoc distribution includes a LaTeX filter that translates LaTeX source
to an image which is automatically inserted into the AsciiDoc output document.
Although it can accept any LaTeX source, the primary use is to render
mathematical formulae (see the examples below).  The filter implements the
'latex' Listing block and Paragraph styles.

Two image formats are supported; PNG and SVG. PNG is the default since that
was the first format that this filter supported. However, SVG is a better
format since it's scalable. Using SVG make formulas look good in both PDFs
and on web pages. SVG will also scale well when zooming in on a web page for
example. It is recommended to always use the SVG format. This can be done by
setting the 'imgfmt' parameter to 'svg', as is done below. An even better way
is to set the global attribute 'latex-imgfmt' to 'svg'. Then SVG will be used
for all formulas.

This LaTeX paragraph:

["latex", imgfmt="svg"]
y = \int_0^\infty \gamma^2 \cos(x) dx


["latex", imgfmt="svg"]
y = \int_0^\infty \gamma^2 \cos(x) dx

Compare the formula above, which is rendered as an SVG image, to the formula
below which has been rendered as a PNG image. The difference will be most
notable if zooming in on a web page, printing the web page or when rendering
the document as a PDF.

["latex", "latex2.png", 140, imgfmt="png"]
y = \int_0^\infty \gamma^2 \cos(x) dx


["latex", "latex2.png", 140, imgfmt="png"]
y = \int_0^\infty \gamma^2 \cos(x) dx

This LaTeX block:

\displaystyle{ V_i = C_0 - C_3
\frac{C_1\cos(\theta_i+C_3)}{C_4+C_1\cos(\theta_i+C_2)} }


\displaystyle{ V_i = C_0 - C_3
\frac{C_1\cos(\theta_i+C_3)}{C_4+C_1\cos(\theta_i+C_2)} }

This LaTeX block:

.LaTeX filter example
\Re{z} =\frac{n\pi \dfrac{\theta +\psi}{2}}{
\left(\dfrac{\theta +\psi}{2}\right)^2 + \left( \dfrac{1}{2}
\log \left\lvert\dfrac{B}{A}\right\rvert\right)^2}.

\boxed{\eta \leq C(\delta(\eta) +\Lambda_M(0,\delta))}




.LaTeX filter example
\Re{z} =\frac{n\pi \dfrac{\theta +\psi}{2}}{
\left(\dfrac{\theta +\psi}{2}\right)^2 + \left( \dfrac{1}{2}
\log \left\lvert\dfrac{B}{A}\right\rvert\right)^2}.

\boxed{\eta \leq C(\delta(\eta) +\Lambda_M(0,\delta))}



This LaTeX paragraph:

.A LaTeX table
\begin{tabular}{c r @{.} l}
Pi expression &
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Value} \\
$\pi$ & 3&1416 \\
$\pi^{\pi}$ & 36&46 \\
$(\pi^{\pi})^{\pi}$ & 80662&7 \\


.A LaTeX table
\begin{tabular}{c r @{.} l}
Pi expression &
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Value} \\
$\pi$ & 3&1416 \\
$\pi^{\pi}$ & 36&46 \\
$(\pi^{\pi})^{\pi}$ & 80662&7 \\

Using the Filter
- The LaTeX filter is invoked by setting the Listing block or
  Paragraph style (the first positional block attribute) to 'latex'.
- The second positional attribute (named 'target' is optional, it sets
  the name of the generated image file. If this is not supplied a
  file name like `{docname}__{target-number}.{imgfmt}` is synthesised
  (where `{docname}` is the document file name, `{target-number}`
  is an integer number and `{imgfmt}` is the image format (png or svg).
- The third positional attribute, named 'dpi', is also optional; it is
  an integer number that sets the output resolution in dots per inch
  for a PNG image. It is ignored for an SVG image.
- The image format to use can be selected by setting the 'imgfmt'
  parameter or by globally setting the 'latex-imgfmt' attribute.
  Setting it to 'svg' will render SVG images and setting it to 'png'
  will render PNG images. The default is 'png'.

Because the LaTeX images are rendered using the image block templates
you can also use the optional named image block attributes (see
link:userguide.html#X55[Image macro attributes] in the AsciiDoc User

You can also change the image size using the following LaTeX commands:


For example:

  \Large $y = \int_0^\infty \gamma^2 \cos(x) dx$

The `\Large` command is outside the `$` math delimiters.


The filter (`./filters/latex/`) can be used outside
AsciiDoc to convert LaTeX source to images.

Execute the following command to see how to use it:

  $ ./filters/latex/ --help

- The `asciidoc(1)` input and output files cannot both be `-` (stdin
  and stdout), either the input or output files (or both) must be a
  named file.

In addition to AsciiDoc you will need to have `latex(1)`,
`dvipng(1)` (for PNG) and/or `dvisvgm(1)` (for SVG) installed.