Blob Blame History Raw
# tasks file for ipabackup

- name: Check for empty vars
  fail: msg="Variable {{ item }} is empty"
  when: "item in vars and not vars[item]"
  with_items: "{{ ipabackup_empty_var_checks }}"
    - ipabackup_backend
    - ipabackup_gpg_keyring
    - ipabackup_instance
    - ipabackup_log_file
    - ipabackup_password
    - ipabackup_name
    - ipabackup_controller_path
    - ipabackup_name_prefix
    - ipabackup_firewalld_zone

- name: Set ipabackup_data if ipabackup_data is not set but ipabackup_online is
    ipabackup_data: yes
  when: ipabackup_online | bool and not ipabackup_data | bool

- name: Fail if ipabackup_from_controller and ipabackup_to_controller are set
  fail: msg="ipabackup_from_controller and ipabackup_to_controller are set"
  when: ipabackup_from_controller | bool and ipabackup_to_controller | bool

- name: Get ipabackup_dir from IPA installation
  include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/get_ipabackup_dir.yml"

- name: Backup IPA server
  include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/backup.yml"
  when: state|default("present") == "present"

- name: Fail for given ipabackup_name if state is not copied, restored or absent
  fail: msg="ipabackup_name is given and state is not copied, restored or absent"
  when: state is not defined or
        (state != "copied" and state != "restored" and state != "absent") and
        ipabackup_name is defined

- name: Fail on missing ipabackup_name
  fail: msg="ipabackup_name is not set"
  when: (ipabackup_name is not defined or not ipabackup_name) and
        state is defined and
        (state == "copied" or state == "restored" or state == "absent")

- block:
  - name: Get list of all backups on IPA server
      find . -name "ipa-full-*" -o -name "ipa-data-*" | cut -d"/" -f 2
      chdir: "{{ ipabackup_dir }}/"
    register: result_backup_find_backup_files

  - name: Set ipabackup_names using backup list
      ipabackup_names: "{{ result_backup_find_backup_files.stdout_lines }}"

  when: state is defined and
        ((state == "copied" and ipabackup_to_controller) or
         state == "absent") and
        ipabackup_name is defined and ipabackup_name == "all"

- block:
  - name: Fail on ipabackup_name all
    fail: msg="ipabackup_name can not be all in this case"
    when: ipabackup_name is defined and ipabackup_name == "all"

  - name: Set ipabackup_names from ipabackup_name string
      ipabackup_names: ["{{ ipabackup_name }}"]
    when: ipabackup_name | type_debug != "list"

  - name: Set ipabackup_names from ipabackup_name list
      ipabackup_names: "{{ ipabackup_name }}"
    when: ipabackup_name | type_debug == "list"
  when: ipabackup_names is not defined and ipabackup_name is defined

- name: Set empty ipabackup_names if ipabackup_name is not defined
    ipabackup_names: []
  when: ipabackup_names is not defined and ipabackup_name is not defined

- block:
  - name: Copy backup from IPA server
    include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/copy_backup_from_server.yml"
      ipabackup_item: "{{ main_item | basename }}"
    - "{{ ipabackup_names }}"
      loop_var: main_item
    when: state is defined and state == "copied"

  - name: Remove backup from IPA server
    include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/remove_backup_from_server.yml"
      ipabackup_item: "{{ main_item | basename }}"
    - "{{ ipabackup_names }}"
      loop_var: main_item
    when: state is defined and state == "absent"

  when: state is defined and
        ((state == "copied" and ipabackup_to_controller) or state == "absent")

# Fail with more than one entry in ipabackup_names for copy to sever and
# restore.

- name: Fail to copy or restore more than one backup on the server
  fail: msg="Only one backup can be copied to the server or restored"
  when: state is defined and (state == "copied" or state == "restored") and
        ipabackup_from_controller | bool and ipabackup_names | length != 1

# Use only first item in ipabackup_names for copy to server and for restore.

- block:
  - name: Copy backup to server
    include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/copy_backup_to_server.yml"

  - name: Restore IPA server after copy
    include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/restore.yml"
    when: state|default("present") == "restored"

    ipabackup_name: "{{ ipabackup_names[0] }}"
  when: ipabackup_from_controller or
        (state|default("present") == "copied" and not ipabackup_to_controller)

- name: Restore IPA server
  include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/restore.yml"
    ipabackup_item: "{{ ipabackup_names[0] | basename }}"
  when: not ipabackup_from_controller and
        state|default("present") == "restored"