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# tasks to uninstall IPA server

# - name: Uninstall - Include Python2/3 import test
#   import: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/python_2_3_test.yml"

- name: Uninstall - Uninstall IPA server
  command: >
    {{ '--ignore-topology-disconnect' if ipaserver_ignore_topology_disconnect
       | bool else '' }}
    {{ '--ignore-last-of-role' if ipaserver_ignore_last_of_role | bool else ''}}
  register: uninstall
  # 1 means that uninstall failed because IPA server was not configured
  failed_when: uninstall.rc != 0 and uninstall.rc != 1
  changed_when: uninstall.rc == 0

#- name: Remove IPA server packages
#  package:
#    name: "{{ ipaserver_packages }}"
#    state: absent