Blob Blame History Raw
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Authors:
#   Rafael Guterres Jeffman <>
# Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

    "metadata_version": "1.0",
    "supported_by": "community",
    "status": ["preview"],

module: ipasudorule
short description: Manage FreeIPA sudo rules
description: Manage FreeIPA sudo rules
    description: The admin principal
    default: admin
    description: The admin password
    required: false
    description: The sudorule name
    required: true
    aliases: ["cn"]
    description: The sudorule description
    required: false
    description: List of users assigned to the sudo rule.
    required: false
    description: User category the sudo rule applies to
    required: false
    choices: ["all", ""]
    aliases: ["usercat"]
    description: List of user groups assigned to the sudo rule.
    required: false
    description: RunAs Group category applied to the sudo rule.
    required: false
    choices: ["all", ""]
    aliases: ["runasgroupcat"]
    description: RunAs User category applied to the sudorule.
    required: false
    choices: ["all", ""]
    aliases: ["runasusercat"]
    description: Suppress processing of membership attributes
    required: false
    type: bool
    description: List of host names assigned to this sudorule.
    required: false
    type: list
    description: List of host groups assigned to this sudorule.
    required: false
    type: list
    description: Host category the sudo rule applies to.
    required: false
    choices: ["all", ""]
    aliases: ["hostcat"]
    description: List of allowed sudocmds assigned to this sudorule.
    required: false
    type: list
    description: List of allowed sudocmd groups assigned to this sudorule.
    required: false
    type: list
    description: List of denied sudocmds assigned to this sudorule.
    required: false
    type: list
    description: List of denied sudocmd groups assigned to this sudorule.
    required: false
    type: list
    description: Command category the sudo rule applies to
    required: false
    choices: ["all", ""]
    aliases: ["cmdcat"]
    description: Order to apply this rule.
    required: false
    type: int
    description: List of sudo options.
    required: false
    type: list
    aliases: ["options"]
    description: List of users for Sudo to execute as.
    required: false
    type: list
    description: List of groups for Sudo to execute as.
    required: false
    type: list
    description: Work on sudorule or member level
    default: sudorule
    choices: ["member", "sudorule"]
    description: State to ensure
    default: present
    choices: ["present", "absent", "enabled", "disabled"]
    - Rafael Jeffman

# Ensure Sudo Rule tesrule1 is present
- ipasudorule:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: testrule1

# Ensure sudocmd is present in Sudo Rule
- ipasudorule:
    ipaadmin_password: pass1234
    name: testrule1
      - /sbin/ifconfig
      - /usr/bin/vim
    action: member
    state: absent

# Ensure host server is present in Sudo Rule
- ipasudorule:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: testrule1
    host: server
    action: member

# Ensure hostgroup cluster is present in Sudo Rule
- ipasudorule:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: testrule1
    hostgroup: cluster
    action: member

# Ensure sudo rule for usercategory "all"
- ipasudorule:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: allusers
    usercategory: all
    action: enabled

# Ensure sudo rule for hostcategory "all"
- ipasudorule:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: allhosts
    hostcategory: all
    action: enabled

# Ensure Sudo Rule tesrule1 is absent
- ipasudorule:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: testrule1
    state: absent

RETURN = """

from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils.ansible_freeipa_module import temp_kinit, \
    temp_kdestroy, valid_creds, api_connect, api_command, compare_args_ipa, \
    module_params_get, gen_add_del_lists

def find_sudorule(module, name):
    _args = {
        "all": True,
        "cn": name,

    _result = api_command(module, "sudorule_find", name, _args)

    if len(_result["result"]) > 1:
            msg="There is more than one sudorule '%s'" % (name))
    elif len(_result["result"]) == 1:
        return _result["result"][0]
        return None

def gen_args(description, usercat, hostcat, cmdcat, runasusercat,
             runasgroupcat, order, nomembers):
    _args = {}

    if description is not None:
        _args['description'] = description
    if usercat is not None:
        _args['usercategory'] = usercat
    if hostcat is not None:
        _args['hostcategory'] = hostcat
    if cmdcat is not None:
        _args['cmdcategory'] = cmdcat
    if runasusercat is not None:
        _args['ipasudorunasusercategory'] = runasusercat
    if runasgroupcat is not None:
        _args['ipasudorunasgroupcategory'] = runasgroupcat
    if order is not None:
        _args['sudoorder'] = order
    if nomembers is not None:
        _args['nomembers'] = nomembers

    return _args

def main():
    ansible_module = AnsibleModule(
            # general
            ipaadmin_principal=dict(type="str", default="admin"),
            ipaadmin_password=dict(type="str", required=False, no_log=True),

            name=dict(type="list", aliases=["cn"], default=None,
            # present
            description=dict(required=False, type="str", default=None),
            usercategory=dict(required=False, type="str", default=None,
                              choices=["all", ""], aliases=['usercat']),
            hostcategory=dict(required=False, type="str", default=None,
                              choices=["all", ""], aliases=['hostcat']),
            nomembers=dict(required=False, type='bool', default=None),
            host=dict(required=False, type='list', default=None),
            hostgroup=dict(required=False, type='list', default=None),
            user=dict(required=False, type='list', default=None),
            group=dict(required=False, type='list', default=None),
            allow_sudocmd=dict(required=False, type="list", default=None),
            deny_sudocmd=dict(required=False, type="list", default=None),
            allow_sudocmdgroup=dict(required=False, type="list", default=None),
            deny_sudocmdgroup=dict(required=False, type="list", default=None),
            cmdcategory=dict(required=False, type="str", default=None,
                             choices=["all", ""], aliases=['cmdcat']),
            runasusercategory=dict(required=False, type="str", default=None,
                                   choices=["all", ""],
            runasgroupcategory=dict(required=False, type="str", default=None,
                                    choices=["all", ""],
            runasuser=dict(required=False, type="list", default=None),
            runasgroup=dict(required=False, type="list", default=None),
            order=dict(type="int", required=False, aliases=['sudoorder']),
            sudooption=dict(required=False, type='list', default=None,
            action=dict(type="str", default="sudorule",
                        choices=["member", "sudorule"]),
            # state
            state=dict(type="str", default="present",
                       choices=["present", "absent",
                                "enabled", "disabled"]),

    ansible_module._ansible_debug = True

    # Get parameters

    # general
    ipaadmin_principal = module_params_get(ansible_module,
    ipaadmin_password = module_params_get(ansible_module, "ipaadmin_password")
    names = module_params_get(ansible_module, "name")

    # present
    # The 'noqa' variables are not used here, but required for vars().
    # The use of 'noqa' ensures flake8 does not complain about them.
    description = module_params_get(ansible_module, "description")  # noqa
    cmdcategory = module_params_get(ansible_module, 'cmdcategory')  # noqa
    usercategory = module_params_get(ansible_module, "usercategory")  # noqa
    hostcategory = module_params_get(ansible_module, "hostcategory")  # noqa
    runasusercategory = module_params_get(ansible_module,           # noqa
    runasgroupcategory = module_params_get(ansible_module,          # noqa
    hostcategory = module_params_get(ansible_module, "hostcategory")  # noqa
    nomembers = module_params_get(ansible_module, "nomembers")  # noqa
    host = module_params_get(ansible_module, "host")
    hostgroup = module_params_get(ansible_module, "hostgroup")
    user = module_params_get(ansible_module, "user")
    group = module_params_get(ansible_module, "group")
    allow_sudocmd = module_params_get(ansible_module, 'allow_sudocmd')
    allow_sudocmdgroup = module_params_get(ansible_module,
    deny_sudocmd = module_params_get(ansible_module, 'deny_sudocmd')
    deny_sudocmdgroup = module_params_get(ansible_module,
    sudooption = module_params_get(ansible_module, "sudooption")
    order = module_params_get(ansible_module, "order")
    runasuser = module_params_get(ansible_module, "runasuser")
    runasgroup = module_params_get(ansible_module, "runasgroup")
    action = module_params_get(ansible_module, "action")

    # state
    state = module_params_get(ansible_module, "state")

    # Check parameters

    if state == "present":
        if len(names) != 1:
                msg="Only one sudorule can be added at a time.")
        if action == "member":
            invalid = ["description", "usercategory", "hostcategory",
                       "cmdcategory", "runasusercategory",
                       "runasgroupcategory", "order", "nomembers"]

            for arg in invalid:
                if arg in vars() and vars()[arg] is not None:
                        msg="Argument '%s' can not be used with action "
                        "'%s'" % (arg, action))
            if hostcategory == 'all' and any([host, hostgroup]):
                    msg="Hosts cannot be added when host category='all'")
            if usercategory == 'all' and any([user, group]):
                    msg="Users cannot be added when user category='all'")
            if cmdcategory == 'all' \
               and any([allow_sudocmd, allow_sudocmdgroup]):
                    msg="Commands cannot be added when command category='all'")

    elif state == "absent":
        if len(names) < 1:
            ansible_module.fail_json(msg="No name given.")
        invalid = ["description", "usercategory", "hostcategory",
                   "cmdcategory", "runasusercategory",
                   "runasgroupcategory", "nomembers", "order"]
        if action == "sudorule":
            invalid.extend(["host", "hostgroup", "user", "group",
                            "runasuser", "runasgroup", "allow_sudocmd",
                            "allow_sudocmdgroup", "deny_sudocmd",
                            "deny_sudocmdgroup", "sudooption"])
        for arg in invalid:
            if vars()[arg] is not None:
                    msg="Argument '%s' can not be used with state '%s'" %
                    (arg, state))

    elif state in ["enabled", "disabled"]:
        if len(names) < 1:
            ansible_module.fail_json(msg="No name given.")
        if action == "member":
                msg="Action member can not be used with states enabled and "
        invalid = ["description", "usercategory", "hostcategory",
                   "cmdcategory", "runasusercategory", "runasgroupcategory",
                   "nomembers", "nomembers", "host", "hostgroup",
                   "user", "group", "allow_sudocmd", "allow_sudocmdgroup",
                   "deny_sudocmd", "deny_sudocmdgroup", "runasuser",
                   "runasgroup", "order", "sudooption"]
        for arg in invalid:
            if vars()[arg] is not None:
                    msg="Argument '%s' can not be used with state '%s'" %
                    (arg, state))
        ansible_module.fail_json(msg="Invalid state '%s'" % state)

    # Init

    changed = False
    exit_args = {}
    ccache_dir = None
    ccache_name = None
        if not valid_creds(ansible_module, ipaadmin_principal):
            ccache_dir, ccache_name = temp_kinit(ipaadmin_principal,

        commands = []

        for name in names:
            # Make sure sudorule exists
            res_find = find_sudorule(ansible_module, name)

            # Create command
            if state == "present":
                # Generate args
                args = gen_args(description, usercategory, hostcategory,
                                cmdcategory, runasusercategory,
                                runasgroupcategory, order, nomembers)
                if action == "sudorule":
                    # Found the sudorule
                    if res_find is not None:
                        # For all settings is args, check if there are
                        # different settings in the find result.
                        # If yes: modify
                        if not compare_args_ipa(ansible_module, args,
                            commands.append([name, "sudorule_mod", args])
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add", args])
                        # Set res_find to empty dict for next step
                        res_find = {}

                    # Generate addition and removal lists
                    host_add, host_del = gen_add_del_lists(
                        host, res_find.get('member_host', []))

                    hostgroup_add, hostgroup_del = gen_add_del_lists(
                        hostgroup, res_find.get('member_hostgroup', []))

                    user_add, user_del = gen_add_del_lists(
                        user, res_find.get('member_user', []))

                    group_add, group_del = gen_add_del_lists(
                        group, res_find.get('member_group', []))

                    allow_cmd_add, allow_cmd_del = gen_add_del_lists(
                        res_find.get('memberallowcmd_sudocmd', []))

                    allow_cmdgroup_add, allow_cmdgroup_del = gen_add_del_lists(
                        res_find.get('memberallowcmd_sudocmdgroup', []))

                    deny_cmd_add, deny_cmd_del = gen_add_del_lists(
                        res_find.get('memberdenycmd_sudocmd', []))

                    deny_cmdgroup_add, deny_cmdgroup_del = gen_add_del_lists(
                        res_find.get('memberdenycmd_sudocmdgroup', []))

                    sudooption_add, sudooption_del = gen_add_del_lists(
                        sudooption, res_find.get('ipasudoopt', []))

                    runasuser_add, runasuser_del = gen_add_del_lists(
                        runasuser, res_find.get('ipasudorunas_user', []))

                    runasgroup_add, runasgroup_del = gen_add_del_lists(
                        runasgroup, res_find.get('ipasudorunas_group', []))

                    # Add hosts and hostgroups
                    if len(host_add) > 0 or len(hostgroup_add) > 0:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_host",
                                             "host": host_add,
                                             "hostgroup": hostgroup_add,
                    # Remove hosts and hostgroups
                    if len(host_del) > 0 or len(hostgroup_del) > 0:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_host",
                                             "host": host_del,
                                             "hostgroup": hostgroup_del,

                    # Add users and groups
                    if len(user_add) > 0 or len(group_add) > 0:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_user",
                                             "user": user_add,
                                             "group": group_add,
                    # Remove users and groups
                    if len(user_del) > 0 or len(group_del) > 0:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_user",
                                             "user": user_del,
                                             "group": group_del,

                    # Add commands allowed
                    if len(allow_cmd_add) > 0 or len(allow_cmdgroup_add) > 0:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_allow_command",
                                         {"sudocmd": allow_cmd_add,
                                          "sudocmdgroup": allow_cmdgroup_add,

                    if len(allow_cmd_del) > 0 or len(allow_cmdgroup_del) > 0:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_allow_command",
                                         {"sudocmd": allow_cmd_del,
                                          "sudocmdgroup": allow_cmdgroup_del

                    # Add commands denied
                    if len(deny_cmd_add) > 0 or len(deny_cmdgroup_add) > 0:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_deny_command",
                                         {"sudocmd": deny_cmd_add,
                                          "sudocmdgroup": deny_cmdgroup_add,

                    if len(deny_cmd_del) > 0 or len(deny_cmdgroup_del) > 0:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_deny_command",
                                         {"sudocmd": deny_cmd_del,
                                          "sudocmdgroup": deny_cmdgroup_del

                    # Add RunAS Users
                    if len(runasuser_add) > 0:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_runasuser",
                                         {"user": runasuser_add}])
                    # Remove RunAS Users
                    if len(runasuser_del) > 0:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_runasuser",
                                         {"user": runasuser_del}])

                    # Add RunAS Groups
                    if len(runasgroup_add) > 0:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_runasgroup",
                                         {"group": runasgroup_add}])
                    # Remove RunAS Groups
                    if len(runasgroup_del) > 0:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_runasgroup",
                                         {"group": runasgroup_del}])

                    # Add sudo options
                    for sudoopt in sudooption_add:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_option",
                                         {"ipasudoopt": sudoopt}])

                    # Remove sudo options
                    for sudoopt in sudooption_del:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_option",
                                         {"ipasudoopt": sudoopt}])

                elif action == "member":
                    if res_find is None:
                        ansible_module.fail_json(msg="No sudorule '%s'" % name)

                    # Add hosts and hostgroups
                    if host is not None or hostgroup is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_host",
                                             "host": host,
                                             "hostgroup": hostgroup,

                    # Add users and groups
                    if user is not None or group is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_user",
                                             "user": user,
                                             "group": group,

                    # Add commands
                    if allow_sudocmd is not None \
                       or allow_sudocmdgroup is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_allow_command",
                                         {"sudocmd": allow_sudocmd,
                                          "sudocmdgroup": allow_sudocmdgroup,

                    # Add commands
                    if deny_sudocmd is not None \
                       or deny_sudocmdgroup is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_deny_command",
                                         {"sudocmd": deny_sudocmd,
                                          "sudocmdgroup": deny_sudocmdgroup,

                    # Add RunAS Users
                    if runasuser is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_runasuser",
                                         {"user": runasuser}])

                    # Add RunAS Groups
                    if runasgroup is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_runasgroup",
                                         {"group": runasgroup}])

                    # Add options
                    if sudooption is not None:
                        existing_opts = res_find.get('ipasudoopt', [])
                        for sudoopt in sudooption:
                            if sudoopt not in existing_opts:
                                commands.append([name, "sudorule_add_option",
                                                 {"ipasudoopt": sudoopt}])

            elif state == "absent":
                if action == "sudorule":
                    if res_find is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_del", {}])

                elif action == "member":
                    if res_find is None:
                        ansible_module.fail_json(msg="No sudorule '%s'" % name)

                    # Remove hosts and hostgroups
                    if host is not None or hostgroup is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_host",
                                             "host": host,
                                             "hostgroup": hostgroup,

                    # Remove users and groups
                    if user is not None or group is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_user",
                                             "user": user,
                                             "group": group,

                    # Remove allow commands
                    if allow_sudocmd is not None \
                       or allow_sudocmdgroup is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_allow_command",
                                         {"sudocmd": allow_sudocmd,
                                          "sudocmdgroup": allow_sudocmdgroup

                    # Remove deny commands
                    if deny_sudocmd is not None \
                       or deny_sudocmdgroup is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_deny_command",
                                         {"sudocmd": deny_sudocmd,
                                          "sudocmdgroup": deny_sudocmdgroup

                    # Remove RunAS Users
                    if runasuser is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_runasuser",
                                         {"user": runasuser}])

                    # Remove RunAS Groups
                    if runasgroup is not None:
                        commands.append([name, "sudorule_remove_runasgroup",
                                         {"group": runasgroup}])

                    # Remove options
                    if sudooption is not None:
                        existing_opts = res_find.get('ipasudoopt', [])
                        for sudoopt in sudooption:
                            if sudoopt in existing_opts:
                                                 {"ipasudoopt": sudoopt}])

            elif state == "enabled":
                if res_find is None:
                    ansible_module.fail_json(msg="No sudorule '%s'" % name)
                # sudorule_enable is not failing on an enabled sudorule
                # Therefore it is needed to have a look at the ipaenabledflag
                # in res_find.
                if "ipaenabledflag" not in res_find or \
                   res_find["ipaenabledflag"][0] != "TRUE":
                    commands.append([name, "sudorule_enable", {}])

            elif state == "disabled":
                if res_find is None:
                    ansible_module.fail_json(msg="No sudorule '%s'" % name)
                # sudorule_disable is not failing on an disabled sudorule
                # Therefore it is needed to have a look at the ipaenabledflag
                # in res_find.
                if "ipaenabledflag" not in res_find or \
                   res_find["ipaenabledflag"][0] != "FALSE":
                    commands.append([name, "sudorule_disable", {}])

                ansible_module.fail_json(msg="Unkown state '%s'" % state)

        # Execute commands

        errors = []
        for name, command, args in commands:
                result = api_command(ansible_module, command, name,

                if "completed" in result:
                    if result["completed"] > 0:
                        changed = True
                    changed = True
            except Exception as ex:
                ansible_module.fail_json(msg="%s: %s: %s" % (command, name,
            # Get all errors
            # All "already a member" and "not a member" failures in the
            # result are ignored. All others are reported.
            if "failed" in result and len(result["failed"]) > 0:
                for item in result["failed"]:
                    failed_item = result["failed"][item]
                    for member_type in failed_item:
                        for member, failure in failed_item[member_type]:
                            if "already a member" in failure \
                               or "not a member" in failure:
                            errors.append("%s: %s %s: %s" % (
                                command, member_type, member, failure))
        if len(errors) > 0:
            ansible_module.fail_json(msg=", ".join(errors))

    except Exception as ex:

        temp_kdestroy(ccache_dir, ccache_name)

    # Done

    ansible_module.exit_json(changed=changed, **exit_args)

if __name__ == "__main__":