Blob Blame History Raw
#! @PERL@
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Zmanda, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Carbonite, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
# Contact information: Carbonite Inc., 756 N Pastoria Ave
# Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA, or:

use lib '@amperldir@';
use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use IPC::Open3;
use Symbol;

use Amanda::Device qw( :constants );
use Amanda::Debug qw( :logging );
use Amanda::Config qw( :init :getconf config_dir_relative );
use Amanda::Tapelist;
use Amanda::Logfile;
use Amanda::Util qw( :constants );
use Amanda::Storage;
use Amanda::Changer;
use Amanda::Recovery::Clerk;
use Amanda::Recovery::Scan;
use Amanda::Recovery::Planner;
use Amanda::Constants;
use Amanda::DB::Catalog;
use Amanda::Cmdline;
use Amanda::MainLoop;
use Amanda::Xfer qw( :constants );
use XML::Simple;
use MIME::Base64 ();

sub usage {
    print <<EOF;
USAGE:	amreindex [ --timestamp|-t timestamp ] [-o configoption]* <conf>
USAGE:	amreindex [-o configoption]* [--exact-match] <conf> [hostname [diskname [datestamp [hostname [diskname [datestamp ... ]]]]]]
    amreindex re-index Amanda dump images by reading them from storage volume(s)
	config       - The Amanda configuration name to use.
	-t timestamp - The run of amdump or amflush to check. By default, check
			the most recent dump; if this parameter is specified,
			check the most recent dump matching the given
			date or timestamp.
	--exact_match   - host, disk and datestamp must match exactly.
	-o configoption	- see the CONFIGURATION OVERRIDE section of amanda(8)

## Application initialization

Amanda::Util::setup_application("amreindex", "server", $CONTEXT_CMDLINE, "amanda", "amanda");

my $exit_code = 0;

my $opt_timestamp;
my $opt_verbose = 0;
my $opt_exact_match = 0;
my @opt_dumpspecs;
my $config_overrides = new_config_overrides($#ARGV+1);

debug("Arguments: " . join(' ', @ARGV));
    'version' => \&Amanda::Util::version_opt,
    'timestamp|t=s' => \$opt_timestamp,
    'verbose|v'     => \$opt_verbose,
    'help|usage|?'  => \&usage,
    'exact-match'   => \$opt_exact_match,
    'o=s' => sub { add_config_override_opt($config_overrides, $_[1]); },
) or usage();

usage() if (@ARGV < 1);

my $config_name = shift @ARGV;

if ($opt_timestamp and @ARGV) {
    print STDERR "Can't specify both a timestamp and a host\n";

#my $cmd_flags = $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP |
#                $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL;
my $cmd_flags = $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP;
$cmd_flags |= $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_EXACT_MATCH if $opt_exact_match;
@opt_dumpspecs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs([@ARGV], $cmd_flags);

my $timestamp = $opt_timestamp;

config_init_with_global($CONFIG_INIT_EXPLICIT_NAME, $config_name);
my ($cfgerr_level, @cfgerr_errors) = config_errors();
if ($cfgerr_level >= $CFGERR_WARNINGS) {
    if ($cfgerr_level >= $CFGERR_ERRORS) {
	die("errors processing config file");


# Interactivity package
package Amanda::Interactivity::amreindex;
use POSIX qw( :errno_h );
use Amanda::MainLoop qw( :GIOCondition );
use vars qw( @ISA );
@ISA = qw( Amanda::Interactivity );

sub new {
    my $class = shift;

    my $self = {
	input_src => undef};
    return bless ($self, $class);

sub abort() {
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->{'input_src'}) {
	$self->{'input_src'} = undef;

sub user_request {
    my $self = shift;
    my %params = @_;
    my $buffer = "";

    my $message  = $params{'message'};
    my $label    = $params{'label'};
    my $err      = $params{'err'};
    my $chg_name = $params{'chg_name'};

    my $data_in = sub {
	my $b;
	my $n_read = POSIX::read(0, $b, 1);
	if (!defined $n_read) {
	    return if ($! == EINTR);
	    return $params{'request_cb'}->(
			message => "Fail to read from stdin"));
	} elsif ($n_read == 0) {
	    return $params{'request_cb'}->(
			message => "Aborted by user"));
	} else {
	    $buffer .= $b;
	    if ($b eq "\n") {
		my $line = $buffer;
		chomp $line;
		$buffer = "";
		return $params{'request_cb'}->(undef, $line);

    print STDERR "$err\n";
    print STDERR "Insert volume labeled '$label' in $chg_name\n";
    print STDERR "and press enter, or ^D to abort.\n";

    $self->{'input_src'} = Amanda::MainLoop::fd_source(0, $G_IO_IN|$G_IO_HUP|$G_IO_ERR);

package main::Feedback;

use Amanda::Recovery::Clerk;
use parent -norequire, 'Amanda::Recovery::Clerk::Feedback';
use Amanda::MainLoop;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my ($chg, $dev_name) = @_;

    return bless {
	chg => $chg,
	dev_name => $dev_name,
    }, $class;

sub clerk_notif_part {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($label, $filenum, $header) = @_;

    print STDERR "Reading volume $label file $filenum\n";

sub clerk_notif_holding {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($filename, $header) = @_;

    print STDERR "Reading '$filename'\n";

package main;

use Amanda::MainLoop qw( :GIOCondition );

# Given a dumpfile_t, figure out the command line to reindex, specified
# as an argv array
sub find_index_command {
    my ($header) = @_;

    my @result = ();

    # We base the actual archiver on our own table
    my $program = uc(basename($header->{program}));

    my $validation_program;

    if ($program ne "APPLICATION") {
	debug("Can't reindex '$program'");
	return undef;

    } else {
	if (!defined $header->{application}) {
	    warning("Application not set");
	    return undef;
	my $program_path = $Amanda::Paths::APPLICATION_DIR . "/" .
	if (!-x $program_path) {
	    debug("Application '" . $header->{application}.
			 "($program_path)' not available on the server");
	    return undef;
	} else {
	    my $dle_str = $header->{'dle_str'};
	    my $p1 = XML::Simple->new();
	    my $dle;
	    if (defined $dle_str) {
		eval {$dle = $p1->XMLin($dle_str); };
		if ($@) {
		    print "ERROR: XML error\n";
		    debug("XML Error: $@\n$dle_str");
		if (defined $dle->{'diskdevice'} and UNIVERSAL::isa( $dle->{'diskdevice'}, "HASH" )) {
		    $dle->{'diskdevice'} = MIME::Base64::decode($dle->{'diskdevice'}->{'raw'});

	    my @argv;

	    push @argv, $program_path, "index",
			"--config", get_config_name(),
			"--host" , $header->{'name'},
			"--disk" , $header->{'disk'},
			"--level", $header->{'dumplevel'};
	    if ($dle) {
		push @argv, "--device", $dle->{'diskdevice'} if defined $dle->{'diskdevice'};
	    return [ @argv ];

sub main {
    my ($finished_cb) = @_;

    my $tapelist;
    my $interactivity;
    my %scan;
    my $clerk;
    my %clerk;
    my %storage;
    my $plan;
    my $timestamp;
    my $all_success = 1;
    my @xfer_errs;
    my %all_filter;
    my $current_dump;
    my $recovery_done;
    my %recovery_params;
    my $xfer_src;
    my $xfer_dest;
    my $xfer_dest_native;
    my $hdr;
    my $source_crc;
    my $dest_crc;
    my $dest_native_crc;

    my $steps = define_steps
	cb_ref => \$finished_cb,
	finalize => sub { foreach my $name (keys %storage) {

    step start => sub {
	# set up the tapelist
	my $tapelist_file = config_dir_relative(getconf($CNF_TAPELIST));
	($tapelist, my $message) = Amanda::Tapelist->new($tapelist_file);
	return $steps->{'quit'}->($message) if defined $message;

	# get the timestamp
	$timestamp = $opt_timestamp;
	$timestamp = Amanda::DB::Catalog::get_latest_write_timestamp()
	    if !defined $opt_timestamp and @opt_dumpspecs == 0;

	# make an interactivity plugin
	$interactivity = Amanda::Interactivity::amreindex->new();

	# make a changer
	my ($storage) = Amanda::Storage->new(tapelist => $tapelist);
	return  $steps->{'quit'}->($storage) if $storage->isa("Amanda::Message");
	$storage{$storage->{"storage_name"}} = $storage;
	my $chg = $storage->{'chg'};
	return $steps->{'quit'}->($chg) if $chg->isa("Amanda::Message");

	# make a scan
	my $scan = Amanda::Recovery::Scan->new(
			    chg => $chg,
			    interactivity => $interactivity);
	return $steps->{'quit'}->($scan)
	    if $scan->isa("Amanda::Changer::Error");
	$scan{$storage->{"storage_name"}} = $scan;

	# make a clerk
	my $clerk = Amanda::Recovery::Clerk->new(
	    feedback => main::Feedback->new($chg),
	    scan     => $scan{$storage->{"storage_name"}});
	$clerk{$storage->{"storage_name"}} = $clerk;

	# make a plan
	my @spec;
	if ($timestamp) {
	    @spec = [ Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, undef, undef, $timestamp) ];
	} else {
	    @spec = [ @opt_dumpspecs ];
	my $storage_list;
	my $only_in_storage = 0;
	if (getconf_linenum($CNF_STORAGE) == -2) {
	    $storage_list = getconf($CNF_STORAGE);
	    $only_in_storage = 1;
            dumpspecs => @spec,
	    storage_list => $storage_list,
	    only_in_storage => $only_in_storage,
            changer => $chg,
	    all_copy => 1,
	    status => 'OK',
            plan_cb => $steps->{'plan_cb'});

    step plan_cb => sub {
	(my $err, $plan) = @_;
	$steps->{'quit'}->($err) if $err;

	my @tapes = $plan->get_volume_list();
	my @holding = $plan->get_holding_file_list();
	if (!@tapes && !@holding) {
	    print "Could not find any matching dumps.\n";
	    return $steps->{'quit'}->();

	if (@tapes) {
	    printf("You will need the following volume%s: %s\n", (@tapes > 1) ? "s" : "",
		   join(", ", map { $_->{'label'} } @tapes));
	if (@holding) {
	    printf("You will need the following holding file%s: %s\n", (@tapes > 1) ? "s" : "",
		   join(", ", @holding));

	# nothing else is going on right now, so a blocking "Press enter.." is OK
	print "Press enter when ready\n";

	my $dump = shift @{$plan->{'dumps'}};
	if (!$dump) {
	    return $steps->{'quit'}->("No backup written on timestamp $timestamp.");


    step check_dumpfile => sub {
	my ($dump) = @_;
	$current_dump = $dump;

	$recovery_done = 0;
	%recovery_params = ();

	print "Re-indexing image " . $dump->{hostname} . ":" .
	    $dump->{diskname} . " dumped " . $dump->{dump_timestamp} . " level ".
	if ($dump->{'nparts'} > 1) {
	    print " ($dump->{nparts} parts)";
	print "\n";

	my $storage_name = $dump->{'storage'};
	if (!$storage{$storage_name}) {
	    my ($storage) = Amanda::Storage->new(storage_name => $storage_name,
						 tapelist     => $tapelist);
            #return  $steps->{'quit'}->($storage) if $storage->isa("Amanda::Changer::Error");
	    $storage{$storage_name} = $storage;

	my $chg = $storage{$storage_name}->{'chg'};
	if (!$scan{$storage_name}) {
	    my $scan = Amanda::Recovery::Scan->new(
				    chg => $chg,
				    interactivity => $interactivity);
	    #return $steps->{'quit'}->($scan)
	    #    if $scan{$storage->{"storage_name"}}->isa("Amanda::Changer::Error");
	    $scan{$storage_name} = $scan;
	if (!$clerk{$storage_name}) {
	    my $clerk = Amanda::Recovery::Clerk->new(
		feedback => main::Feedback->new($chg),
		scan     => $scan{$storage_name});
	    $clerk{$storage_name} = $clerk;
	$clerk = $clerk{$storage_name};
	@xfer_errs = ();
	    dump => $dump,
	    xfer_src_cb => $steps->{'xfer_src_cb'});

    step xfer_src_cb => sub {
	(my $errs, $hdr, $xfer_src, my $directtcp_supported) = @_;
	return $steps->{'quit'}->(join("; ", @$errs)) if $errs;

	# Write the header in the index directory
	my $header_fname = Amanda::Logfile::getheaderfname(
		$current_dump->{hostname}, $current_dump->{diskname},
		$current_dump->{dump_timestamp}, $current_dump->{level});
	my $header_file;
	open($header_file, ">", $header_fname);
	print {$header_file} $hdr->to_string(32, 65536);

	# set up any filters that need to be applied; decryption first
	my @filters;
	if ($hdr->{'encrypted'}) {
	    if ($hdr->{'srv_encrypt'}) {
		push @filters,
			[ $hdr->{'srv_encrypt'}, $hdr->{'srv_decrypt_opt'} ], 0, 0, 0, 0);
	    } elsif ($hdr->{'clnt_encrypt'}) {
		push @filters,
			[ $hdr->{'clnt_encrypt'}, $hdr->{'clnt_decrypt_opt'} ], 0, 0, 0, 0);
	    } else {
		return $steps->quit("could not decrypt encrypted dump: no program specified");

	    $hdr->{'encrypted'} = 0;
	    $hdr->{'srv_encrypt'} = '';
	    $hdr->{'srv_decrypt_opt'} = '';
	    $hdr->{'clnt_encrypt'} = '';
	    $hdr->{'clnt_decrypt_opt'} = '';
	    $hdr->{'encrypt_suffix'} = 'N';

	if ($hdr->{'compressed'}) {
	    # need to uncompress this file

	    if ($hdr->{'srvcompprog'}) {
		# TODO: this assumes that srvcompprog takes "-d" to decrypt
		push @filters,
			[ $hdr->{'srvcompprog'}, "-d" ], 0, 0, 0, 0);
	    } elsif ($hdr->{'clntcompprog'}) {
		# TODO: this assumes that clntcompprog takes "-d" to decrypt
		push @filters,
			[ $hdr->{'clntcompprog'}, "-d" ], 0, 0, 0, 0);
	    } else {
		push @filters,
			[ $Amanda::Constants::UNCOMPRESS_PATH,
			  $Amanda::Constants::UNCOMPRESS_OPT ], 0, 0, 0, 0);

	    # adjust the header
	    $hdr->{'compressed'} = 0;
	    $hdr->{'uncompress_cmd'} = '';

	# set up a CRC filter to compute the native CRC
	$xfer_dest_native = Amanda::Xfer::Filter::Crc->new();
	push @filters, $xfer_dest_native;

	# and set up the validation command as a filter element,
	# its stdout is the index stream.
	my $argv = find_index_command($hdr);
	if (defined $argv) {
	    push @filters, Amanda::Xfer::Filter::Process->new($argv, 0, 1, 0, 1);

	# unlink all possible index files for this dump.
	my $index_filename_gz = Amanda::Logfile::getindex_unsorted_gz_fname(
		$current_dump->{hostname}, $current_dump->{diskname},
		$current_dump->{dump_timestamp}, $current_dump->{level});
	unlink $index_filename_gz;
	my $index_filename = Amanda::Logfile::getindex_unsorted_fname(
		$current_dump->{hostname}, $current_dump->{diskname},
		$current_dump->{dump_timestamp}, $current_dump->{level});
	unlink $index_filename;
	unlink Amanda::Logfile::getindex_sorted_gz_fname(
		$current_dump->{hostname}, $current_dump->{diskname},
		$current_dump->{dump_timestamp}, $current_dump->{level});
	unlink Amanda::Logfile::getindex_sorted_fname(
		$current_dump->{hostname}, $current_dump->{diskname},
		$current_dump->{dump_timestamp}, $current_dump->{level});

	# send stdout to the index file
	if (getconf($CNF_COMPRESS_INDEX)) {
	    my $index_file;
	    open($index_file, ">", $index_filename_gz);
	    push @filters,
			[ $Amanda::Constants::COMPRESS_PATH,
			  $Amanda::Constants::COMPRESS_BEST_OPT ], 0, 0, 0, 0);

	    $xfer_dest = Amanda::Xfer::Dest::Fd->new(fileno($index_file));
	} else {
	    my $index_file;
	    open($index_file, ">", $index_filename);
	    $xfer_dest = Amanda::Xfer::Dest::Fd->new(fileno($index_file));

	# start reading all filter stderr
	foreach my $filter (@filters) {
	    next if !$filter->can("get_stderr_fd");
	    my $fd = $filter->get_stderr_fd();
	    $fd = int($fd);
	    my $src = Amanda::MainLoop::fd_source($fd,
	    my $buffer = "";
	    $all_filter{$src} = 1;
	    $src->set_callback( sub {
		my $b;
		my $n_read = POSIX::read($fd, $b, 1);
		if (!defined $n_read) {
		} elsif ($n_read == 0) {
		    delete $all_filter{$src};
		    if (!%all_filter and $recovery_done) {
		} else {
		    $buffer .= $b;
		    if ($b eq "\n") {
			my $line = $buffer;
			print STDERR "filter stderr: $line";
			chomp $line;
			debug("filter stderr: $line");
			$buffer = "";

	my $xfer = Amanda::Xfer->new([ $xfer_src, @filters, $xfer_dest ]);
	$xfer->start($steps->{'handle_xmsg'}, 0, $current_dump->{'bytes'});
	    xfer => $xfer,
	    recovery_cb => $steps->{'recovery_cb'});

    step handle_xmsg => sub {
	my ($src, $msg, $xfer) = @_;

	if ($msg->{'type'} == $XMSG_CRC) {
	    if ($msg->{'elt'} == $xfer_src) {
		$source_crc = $msg->{'crc'}.":".$msg->{'size'};
		debug("source_crc: $source_crc");
	    } elsif ($msg->{'elt'} == $xfer_dest_native) {
		$dest_native_crc = $msg->{'crc'}.":".$msg->{'size'};
		debug("dest_native_crc: $dest_native_crc");
	    } elsif ($msg->{'elt'} == $xfer_dest) {
		$dest_crc = $msg->{'crc'}.":".$msg->{'size'};
		debug("dest_crc: $dest_crc");
	    } else {
		debug("unhandled XMSG_CRC $msg->{'elt'} $msg->{'crc'}:$msg->{'size'}")
	} else {
	    $clerk->handle_xmsg($src, $msg, $xfer);
	    if ($msg->{'type'} == $XMSG_INFO) {
	    } elsif ($msg->{'type'} == $XMSG_ERROR) {
		push @xfer_errs, $msg->{'message'};

    step recovery_cb => sub {
	%recovery_params = @_;
	$recovery_done = 1;

	$steps->{'filter_done'}->() if !%all_filter;

    step filter_done => sub {
	# distinguish device errors from validation errors
	if (@{$recovery_params{'errors'}}) {
	    print STDERR "While reading from volumes:\n";
	    print STDERR "$_\n" for @{$recovery_params{'errors'}};
	    return $steps->{'quit'}->("validation aborted");

	if (@xfer_errs) {
	    print STDERR "Validation errors:\n";
	    print STDERR "$_\n" for @xfer_errs;
	    $all_success = 0;

        my $msg;
        if (defined $hdr->{'native_crc'} and $hdr->{'native_crc'} !~ /^00000000:/ and
            defined $current_dump->{'native_crc'} and $current_dump->{'native_crc'} !~ /^00000000:/ and
            $hdr->{'native_crc'} ne $current_dump->{'native_crc'}) {
            $msg = "recovery failed: native-crc in header ($hdr->{'native_crc'}) and native-crc in log ($current_dump->{'native_crc'}) differ";
            print STDERR "$msg\n";
        if (defined $hdr->{'client_crc'} and $hdr->{'client_crc'} !~ /^00000000:/ and
            defined $current_dump->{'client_crc'} and $current_dump->{'client_crc'} !~ /^00000000:/ and
            $hdr->{'client_crc'} ne $current_dump->{'client_crc'}) {
            $msg = "recovery failed: client-crc in header ($hdr->{'client_crc'}) and client-crc in log ($current_dump->{'client_crc'}) differ";
            print STDERR "$msg\n";

        my $hdr_server_crc_size;
        my $current_dump_server_crc_size;
        my $source_crc_size;

        if (defined $hdr->{'server_crc'}) {
            $hdr->{'server_crc'} =~ /[^:]*:(.*)/;
            $hdr_server_crc_size = $1;
        if (defined $current_dump->{'server_crc'}) {
            $current_dump->{'server_crc'} =~ /[^:]*:(.*)/;
            $current_dump_server_crc_size = $1;
        if (defined $source_crc) {
            $source_crc =~ /[^:]*:(.*)/;
            $source_crc_size = $1;

        if (defined $hdr->{'server_crc'} and $hdr->{'server_crc'} !~ /^00000000:/ and
            defined $current_dump->{'server_crc'} and $current_dump->{'server_crc'} !~ /^00000000:/ and
            $hdr_server_crc_size == $current_dump_server_crc_size and
            $hdr->{'server_crc'} ne $current_dump->{'server_crc'}) {
            $msg = "recovery failed: server-crc in header ($hdr->{'server_crc'}) and server-crc in log ($current_dump->{'server_crc'}) differ";
            print STDERR "$msg\n";

        if (defined $current_dump->{'server_crc'} and $current_dump->{'server_crc'} !~ /^00000000:/ and
            $current_dump_server_crc_size == $source_crc_size and
            $current_dump->{'server_crc'} ne $source_crc) {
            $msg = "recovery failed: server-crc ($current_dump->{'server_crc'}) and source_crc ($source_crc) differ",
            print STDERR "$msg\n";

        if (defined $current_dump->{'native_crc'} and $current_dump->{'native_crc'} !~ /^00000000:/ and
            defined $dest_native_crc and $current_dump->{'native_crc'} ne $dest_native_crc) {
            $msg = "recovery failed: native-crc ($current_dump->{'native_crc'}) and dest-native-crc ($dest_native_crc) differ";
            print STDERR "$msg\n";

	my $dump = shift @{$plan->{'dumps'}};
	if (!$dump) {
	    return $steps->{'quit'}->();


    step quit => sub {
	my ($err) = @_;

	if ($err) {
	    $exit_code = 1;
	    print STDERR $err, "\n";
	} elsif ($all_success) {
	    print "All images successfully reindexed\n";
	} else {
	    print "Some images failed to be correctly reindexed.\n";
	    $exit_code = 1;

	return $steps->{'quit2'}->();

    step quit2 => sub {
	my ($storage_name) = keys %clerk;
	if ($storage_name) {
	    my $clerk = $clerk{$storage_name};
	    delete $clerk{$storage_name};
	    return $clerk->quit(finished_cb => $steps->{'quit2'});
	return $finished_cb->();


main(sub { Amanda::MainLoop::quit(); });