Blob Blame History Raw
# Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Zmanda, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Carbonite, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
# Contact information: Carbonite Inc., 756 N Pastoria Ave
# Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA, or:

use Test::More tests => 634;
use File::Path qw( mkpath rmtree );
use Sys::Hostname;
use Carp;
use strict;
use warnings;

use lib '@amperldir@';
use Installcheck;
use Installcheck::Mock;
use Installcheck::Config;
use Amanda::Debug;
use Amanda::Device qw( :constants );
use Amanda::Config qw( :getconf :init );
use Amanda::Xfer qw( :constants );
use Amanda::Header qw( :constants );
use Amanda::Paths;
use Amanda::Constants;
use Amanda::Util;
use Amanda::MainLoop;
use IO::Socket;

my $dev;
my $dev_name;
my ($vtape1, $vtape2);
my ($input_filename, $output_filename) =
    ( "$Installcheck::TMP/input.tmp", "$Installcheck::TMP/output.tmp" );
my $taperoot = "$Installcheck::TMP/Amanda_Device_test_tapes";
my $diskflatroot = "$Installcheck::TMP/Amanda_Device_test_diskflat";
my $testconf;

# we'll need some vtapes..
sub mkvtape {
    my ($num) = @_;

    my $mytape = "$taperoot/$num";
    if (-d $mytape) { rmtree($mytape); }
    return $mytape;

# we'll need some diskflat..
sub mkdiskflat {
    my ($num) = @_;

    my $mytape = "$diskflatroot/TESTCONF$num";
    if (-e $mytape) { unlink($mytape); }
    return $mytape;

# make up a fake dumpfile_t to write with
my $dumpfile = Amanda::Header->new();
$dumpfile->{type} = $Amanda::Header::F_DUMPFILE;
$dumpfile->{datestamp} = "20070102030405";
$dumpfile->{dumplevel} = 0;
$dumpfile->{compressed} = 1;
$dumpfile->{name} = "localhost";
$dumpfile->{disk} = "/home";
$dumpfile->{program} = "INSTALLCHECK";

my $write_file_count = 5;
sub write_file {
    my ($seed, $length, $filenum) = @_;

    $dumpfile->{'datestamp'} = "2000010101010$filenum";

	"start file $filenum")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    is($dev->file(), $filenum,
	"Device has correct filenum");

    croak ("selected file size $length is *way* too big")
	unless ($length < 1024*1024*10);
    ok(Amanda::Device::write_random_to_device($seed, $length, $dev),
	"write random data");

	"still in_file")) {
	    or diag($dev->error_or_status());
    } else {
	pass("not in file, so not calling finish_file");

my $verify_file_count = 4;
sub verify_file {
    my ($seed, $length, $filenum) = @_;

    ok(my $read_dumpfile = $dev->seek_file($filenum),
	"seek to file $filenum")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());
    is($dev->file(), $filenum,
	"device is really at file $filenum");
    ok(header_for($read_dumpfile, $filenum),
	"header is correct")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());
    ok(Amanda::Device::verify_random_from_device($seed, $length, $dev),
	"verified file contents");

sub header_for {
    my ($hdr, $filenum) = @_;
    return ($hdr and $hdr->{'datestamp'} eq "2000010101010$filenum");

# properties test

my @common_properties = (

sub properties_include {
    my ($got, $should_include, $msg) = @_;
    my %got = map { $_->{'name'}, 1 } @$got;
    my @missing = grep { !defined($got{$_}) } @$should_include;
    if (@missing) {
	diag(" Expected properties: " . join(", ", @$should_include));
	diag("      Got properties: " . join(", ", @$got));
	diag("  Missing properties: " . join(", ", @missing));
    } else {

## get stuff set up

$testconf = Installcheck::Config->new();
    or die("Could not load configuration");

# put the debug messages somewhere

## Test errors a little bit

$dev = Amanda::Device->new("foobar:");
isnt($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "creation of a bogus 'foobar:' device fails");

$dev = Amanda::Device->new("rait:{{");
isnt($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "creation of a bogus 'rait:{{' device fails");

$dev = Amanda::Device->new("rait:{a,b");
isnt($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "creation of a bogus 'rait:{a,b' device fails");

## first, test out the 'null' device.

$dev_name = "null:";

$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "create null device")
    or diag $dev->error_or_status();
ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "NULL1", "19780615010203"),
    "start null device in write mode")
    or diag $dev->error_or_status();

# try properties
properties_include([ $dev->property_list() ], [ @common_properties ],
    "necessary properties listed on null device");
is($dev->property_get("canonical_name"), "null:",
    "property_get(canonical_name) on null device");
is($dev->property_get("caNONical-name"), "null:",
    "property_get(caNONical-name) on null device (case, dash-insensitivity)");
is_deeply([ $dev->property_get("canonical_name") ],
    "extended property_get returns correct surety/source");
for my $prop ($dev->property_list()) {
    next unless $prop->{'name'} eq 'canonical_name';
	"The most reliable device name to use to refer to this device.",
	"property info for canonical name is correct");
    "property_get(full_deletion) on null device");
is($dev->property_get("comment"), undef,
    "no comment by default");
ok(!$dev->property_set("comment", "well, that was silly"),
    "set comment property");
is($dev->property_get("comment"), "well, that was silly",
    "comment correctly stored");

# and write a file to it
write_file(0xabcde, 1024*256, 1);

# (don't finish the device, testing the finalize method's cleanup)

## Now some full device tests

## VFS device

$vtape1 = mkvtape(1);
$dev_name = "file:$vtape1";

$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

properties_include([ $dev->property_list() ],
    [ @common_properties, 'max_volume_usage' ],
    "necessary properties listed on vfs device");

# play with properties a little bit
is($dev->property_set("comment", 16), undef,
    "set an string property to an integer");

is($dev->property_set("comment", 16.0), undef,
    "set an string property to a float");

is($dev->property_set("comment", "hi mom"), undef,
    "set an string property to a string");

is($dev->property_set("comment", "32768"), undef,
    "set an integer property to a simple string");

is($dev->property_set("comment", "32k"), undef,
    "set an integer property to a string with a unit");

is($dev->property_set("block_size", 32768), undef,
    "set an integer property to an integer");

is($dev->property_set("invalid-property-name", 32768), "No such device-property",
    "set an invalid-property-name");

is($dev->property_set("block-size", "toto"), "The value is no allowed",
    "set an illegal value");

is($dev->property_set("block-size", "128km"), "The value is no allowed",
    "set an illegal value");

is($dev->property_set("streaming", "toto"), "Not allowed to set property",
    "set streaming");

    "initially unlabeled")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF13", undef),
    "start in write mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok(!($dev->status() & $DEVICE_STATUS_VOLUME_UNLABELED),
    "not unlabeled anymore")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

for (my $i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
    write_file(0x2FACE, $dev->block_size()*10+17, $i);

    "finish device after write")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "no error, at all, from read_label")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# append one more copy, to test ACCESS_APPEND

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_APPEND, undef, undef),
    "start in append mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

write_file(0xD0ED0E, $dev->block_size()*4, 4);

    "finish device after append")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# try reading the third file back, creating a new device
# object first, and skipping the read-label step.

$dev = undef;
$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: re-create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef),
    "start in read mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

verify_file(0x2FACE, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 3);

    # try two seek_file's in a row
    my $hdr = $dev->seek_file(3);
    is($hdr? $hdr->{'type'} : -1, $Amanda::Header::F_DUMPFILE, "seek_file the first time");
    $hdr = $dev->seek_file(3);
    is($hdr? $hdr->{'type'} : -1, $Amanda::Header::F_DUMPFILE, "seek_file the second time");

    "finish device after read")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# test erase
   "erase device")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "erase device (again)")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "finish device after erase")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# test monitor_free_space property (testing the monitoring would require a
# dedicated partition for the tests - it's not worth it)

    "monitor_free_space property is set by default");

is($dev->property_set("monitor_free_space", 0), undef,
    "monitor_free_space property can be set to false");

    "monitor_free_space property value 'sticks'");

# test the LEOM functionality

$dev = undef;
$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: re-create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());
is($dev->property_set("MAX_VOLUME_USAGE", "512k"), undef,
    "set MAX_VOLUME_USAGE to test LEOM");
is($dev->property_set("LEOM", 1), undef,
    "set LEOM");
is($dev->property_set("ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE", 0), undef,

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, 'TESTCONF23', undef),
    "start in write mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "start file 1")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok(Amanda::Device::write_random_to_device(0xCAFE, 440*1024, $dev),
    "write random data into the early-warning zone");

    "device does not indicates LEOM after writing when ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE is FALSE");

    "..but a finish_file is allowed to complete")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "finish device after LEOM test")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

$dev = undef;
$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: re-create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());
is($dev->property_set("MAX_VOLUME_USAGE", "512k"), undef,
    "set MAX_VOLUME_USAGE to test LEOM");
is($dev->property_set("LEOM", 1), undef,
    "set LEOM");
is($dev->property_set("ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE", 1), undef,

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, 'TESTCONF23', undef),
    "start in write mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "start file 1")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "device does not indicate LEOM before writing");

ok(Amanda::Device::write_random_to_device(0xCAFE, 440*1024, $dev),
    "write random data into the early-warning zone");

    "device indicates LEOM after writing");

    "..but a finish_file is allowed to complete")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "finish device after LEOM test")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

$dev = undef;
$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: re-create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());
is($dev->property_set("MAX_VOLUME_USAGE", "512k"), undef,
    "set MAX_VOLUME_USAGE to test LEOM");
is($dev->property_set("LEOM", 1), undef,
    "set LEOM");

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, 'TESTCONF23', undef),
    "start in write mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "start file 1")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "device does not indicate LEOM before writing");

ok(Amanda::Device::write_random_to_device(0xCAFE, 440*1024, $dev),
    "write random data into the early-warning zone");

    "device indicates LEOM after writing as default value of ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE is true for vfs device");

    "..but a finish_file is allowed to complete")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "finish device after LEOM test")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

$dev = undef;
$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: re-create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());
is($dev->property_set("MAX_VOLUME_USAGE", "160k"), undef,
    "set MAX_VOLUME_USAGE to test LEOM while writing the first header");
is($dev->property_set("LEOM", 1), undef,
    "set LEOM");

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, 'TESTCONF23', undef),
    "start in write mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "start file 1")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "device indicates LEOM after writing first header");

    "..but a finish_file is allowed to complete")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "finish device after LEOM test")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

## Now some full device tests

## DISKFLAT device

my $diskflat1 = mkdiskflat(13);
$dev_name = "diskflat:$diskflat1";

$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

properties_include([ $dev->property_list() ],
    [ @common_properties, 'max_volume_usage' ],
    "necessary properties listed on diskflat device");

# play with properties a little bit
is($dev->property_set("comment", 16), undef,
    "set an string property to an integer");

is($dev->property_set("comment", 16.0), undef,
    "set an string property to a float");

is($dev->property_set("comment", "hi mom"), undef,
    "set an string property to a string");

is($dev->property_set("comment", "32768"), undef,
    "set an integer property to a simple string");

is($dev->property_set("comment", "32k"), undef,
    "set an integer property to a string with a unit");

is($dev->property_set("block_size", 32768), undef,
    "set an integer property to an integer");

is($dev->property_set("invalid-property-name", 32768), "No such device-property",
    "set an invalid-property-name");

    "initially unlabeled")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF13", undef),
    "start in write mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok(!($dev->status() & $DEVICE_STATUS_VOLUME_UNLABELED),
    "not unlabeled anymore")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

write_file(0x2FACE, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 1);

# try to write a second file

    "start_file of seconf file failed")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok($dev->error_or_status() eq "Can't write more than one file to the diskflat device",
    "error message is correct")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "finish device after write")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "no error, at all, from read_label")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# try reading the first file back, creating a new device
# object first, and skipping the read-label step.

$dev = undef;
$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: re-create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef),
    "start in read mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

verify_file(0x2FACE, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 1);

    "finish device after read")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# test erase
   "erase device")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "erase device (again)")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "finish device after erase")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# test monitor_free_space property (testing the monitoring would require a
# dedicated partition for the tests - it's not worth it)

    "monitor_free_space property is set by default");

is($dev->property_set("monitor_free_space", 0), undef,
    "monitor_free_space property can be set to false");

    "monitor_free_space property value 'sticks'");

# test the LEOM functionality

$dev = undef;
$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: re-create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());
is($dev->property_set("MAX_VOLUME_USAGE", "512k"), undef,
    "set MAX_VOLUME_USAGE to test LEOM");
is($dev->property_set("LEOM", 1), undef,
    "set LEOM");
is($dev->property_set("ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE", 0), undef,

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, 'TESTCONF23', undef),
    "start in write mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "start file 1")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok(Amanda::Device::write_random_to_device(0xCAFE, 440*1024, $dev),
    "write random data into the early-warning zone");

    "device does not indicates LEOM after writing when ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE is FALSE");

    "..but a finish_file is allowed to complete")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "finish device after LEOM test")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

$dev = undef;
$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: re-create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());
is($dev->property_set("MAX_VOLUME_USAGE", "512k"), undef,
    "set MAX_VOLUME_USAGE to test LEOM");
is($dev->property_set("LEOM", 1), undef,
    "set LEOM");
is($dev->property_set("ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE", 1), undef,

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, 'TESTCONF23', undef),
    "start in write mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "start file 1")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "device does not indicate LEOM before writing");

ok(Amanda::Device::write_random_to_device(0xCAFE, 440*1024, $dev),
    "write random data into the early-warning zone");

    "device indicates LEOM after writing");

    "..but a finish_file is allowed to complete")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "finish device after LEOM test")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

$dev = undef;
$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: re-create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());
is($dev->property_set("MAX_VOLUME_USAGE", "512k"), undef,
    "set MAX_VOLUME_USAGE to test LEOM");
is($dev->property_set("LEOM", 1), undef,
    "set LEOM");

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, 'TESTCONF23', undef),
    "start in write mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "start file 1")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "device does not indicate LEOM before writing");

ok(Amanda::Device::write_random_to_device(0xCAFE, 440*1024, $dev),
    "write random data into the early-warning zone");

    "device indicates LEOM after writing as default value of ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE is true for vfs device");

    "..but a finish_file is allowed to complete")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "finish device after LEOM test")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

$dev = undef;
$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: re-create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());
is($dev->property_set("MAX_VOLUME_USAGE", "160k"), undef,
    "set MAX_VOLUME_USAGE to test LEOM while writing the first header");
is($dev->property_set("LEOM", 1), undef,
    "set LEOM");

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, 'TESTCONF23', undef),
    "start in write mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "start file 1")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    "device indicates LEOM after writing first header");

    "..but a finish_file is allowed to complete")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "finish device after LEOM test")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

## dvdrw device

    skip "not built with ndmp and server", 7 unless
	$Amanda::Constants::AMANDA_DEVICES =~ /dvdrw/;

    $vtape1 = mkvtape(1);
    $dev_name = "dvdrw:$vtape1:/dev/scd0";

    $dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
    is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
        "$dev_name: create successful")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    properties_include([ $dev->property_list() ],
        [ @common_properties, 'max_volume_usage' ],
        "necessary properties listed on vfs device");

    # play with properties a little bit
    is($dev->property_set("DVDRW_GROWISOFS_COMMAND", "/path/to/growisofs"), undef,

    is($dev->property_set("dvdrw_mount_command", "/path/to/mount"), undef,
        "set dvdrw_mount_command");

    is($dev->property_set("dvdrw_umount_command", "/path/to/umount"), undef,
        "set dvdrw_umount_command");

    is($dev->property_set("block_size", 32768), undef,
        "set an integer property to an integer");

    is($dev->property_set("invalid-property-name", 32768), 'No such device-property',
        "set an invalid-property-name");

## Test a RAIT device of two vfs devices.

($vtape1, $vtape2) = (mkvtape(1), mkvtape(2));
$dev_name = "rait:file:{$vtape1,$vtape2}";

$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
   "$dev_name: create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok($dev->configure(1), "configure device");

properties_include([ $dev->property_list() ], [ @common_properties ],
    "necessary properties listed on rait device");

is($dev->property_get("block_size"), 32768, # (RAIT default)
    "rait device calculates a default block size correctly");

is($dev->property_set("block_size", 524288), undef,
    "rait device accepts an explicit block size");

is($dev->property_get("block_size"), 32768*16,
    "..and remembers it");

is($dev->property_set("max_volume_usage", 32768*1000), undef,
    "rait device accepts property MAX_VOLUME_USAGE");

is($dev->property_get("max_volume_usage"), 32768*1000,
    "..and remembers it");

   "initially unlabeled")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF13", undef),
   "start in write mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok(!($dev->status() & $DEVICE_STATUS_VOLUME_UNLABELED),
   "not unlabeled anymore")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

for (my $i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
    write_file(0x2FACE, $dev->block_size()*10+17, $i);

   "finish device after write")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

   "no error, at all, from read_label")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# append one more copy, to test ACCESS_APPEND

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_APPEND, undef, undef),
   "start in append mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

write_file(0xD0ED0E, $dev->block_size()*4, 4);

   "finish device after append")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# try reading the third file back, creating a new device
# object first, and skipping the read-label step.

$dev = undef;
$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
    "$dev_name: re-create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef),
   "start in read mode")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

verify_file(0x2FACE, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 3);

   "finish device after read")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef),
   "start in read mode after missing volume")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# corrupt the device somehow and hope it keeps working

verify_file(0x2FACE, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 3);
verify_file(0xD0ED0E, $dev->block_size()*4, 4);
verify_file(0x2FACE, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 2);

   "finish device read after missing volume")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok(!($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF29", undef)),
   "start in write mode fails with missing volume")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

undef $dev;

$dev_name = "rait:{file:$vtape2,MISSING}";
$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);

ok($dev->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef),
   "start in read mode with MISSING")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

verify_file(0x2FACE, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 3);
verify_file(0xD0ED0E, $dev->block_size()*4, 4);
verify_file(0x2FACE, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 2);

   "finish device read with MISSING")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok(!($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF29", undef)),
   "start in write mode fails with MISSING")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

undef $dev;

$dev = Amanda::Device->new_rait_from_children(
    Amanda::Device->new("file:$vtape2"), undef);

ok(!($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF29", undef)),
   "start a RAIT device in write mode fails, when created with 'undef'")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# Make two devices with different labels, should get a
# message accordingly.
($vtape1, $vtape2) = (mkvtape(1), mkvtape(2));

my $n = 13;
for $dev_name ("file:$vtape1", "file:$vtape2") {
    my $dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
    is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
       "$dev_name: Open successful")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());
    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF$n", undef),
	"wrote label 'TESTCONF$n'");
    ok($dev->finish(), "finished device");

$dev = Amanda::Device->new_rait_from_children(
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
   "new_rait_from_children: Open successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok($dev->status() & $DEVICE_STATUS_VOLUME_ERROR,
   "Label mismatch error handled correctly")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# Use some config to set a block size on a child device
($vtape1, $vtape2) = (mkvtape(1), mkvtape(2));
$dev_name = "rait:{file:$vtape1,mytape2}";

$testconf = Installcheck::Config->new();
$testconf->add_device("mytape2", [
    "tapedev" => "\"file:$vtape2\"",
    "device_property" => "\"BLOCK_SIZE\" \"64k\""
    or die("Could not load configuration");

$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
   "$dev_name: create successful")
    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

ok($dev->configure(1), "configure device");

is($dev->property_get("block_size"), 65536,
    "rait device calculates a block size from its children correctly");

# Test an S3 device if the proper environment variables are set

my $run_s3_tests = defined $S3_SECRET_KEY && defined $S3_ACCESS_KEY;
my $run_devpay_tests = defined $DEVPAY_SECRET_KEY &&

my $s3_make_device_count = 7;
sub s3_make_device($$) {
    my ($dev_name, $kind) = @_;
    $dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
    is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
       "$dev_name: create successful")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    my @s3_props = ( 's3_access_key', 's3_secret_key' );
    push @s3_props, 's3_user_token' if ($kind eq "devpay");
    properties_include([ $dev->property_list() ], [ @common_properties, @s3_props ],
	"necessary properties listed on s3 device");

    is($dev->property_set('BLOCK_SIZE', 32768*2), undef,
	"set block size")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # might as well save a few cents while testing this property..
    is($dev->property_set('S3_STORAGE_CLASS', 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'), undef,
	"set storage class")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    if ($kind eq "s3") {
        # use regular S3 credentials
        is($dev->property_set('S3_ACCESS_KEY', $S3_ACCESS_KEY), undef,
           "set S3 access key")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

        is($dev->property_set('S3_SECRET_KEY', $S3_SECRET_KEY), undef,
           "set S3 secret key")
            or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    } elsif ($kind eq "devpay") {
        # use devpay credentials
        is($dev->property_set('S3_ACCESS_KEY', $DEVPAY_ACCESS_KEY), undef,
           "set devpay access key")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

        is($dev->property_set('S3_SECRET_KEY', $DEVPAY_SECRET_KEY), undef,
           "set devpay secret key")
            or diag($dev->error_or_status());

        is($dev->property_set('S3_USER_TOKEN', $DEVPAY_USER_TOKEN), undef,
           "set devpay user token")
            or diag($dev->error_or_status());
    } else {
        croak("didn't recognize the device kind, so no credentials were set");
    return $dev;

my $base_name;

    skip "define \$INSTALLCHECK_S3_{SECRET,ACCESS}_KEY to run S3 tests",
            104 +
            1 * $verify_file_count +
            7 * $write_file_count +
            14 * $s3_make_device_count
	unless $run_s3_tests;

    $dev_name = "s3:";
    $dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
    isnt($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
         "creating $dev_name fails miserably");

    $dev_name = "s3:foo";
    $dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);

       "property_get(full_deletion) on s3 device");

       "property_get(leom) on s3 device");

    # test parsing of boolean values
    # (s3 is the only device driver that has a writable boolean property at the
    # moment)

    my @verbose_vals = (
	{'val' => '1', 'true' => 1},
	{'val' => '0', 'true' => 0},
	{'val' => 't', 'true' => 1},
	{'val' => 'true', 'true' => 1},
	{'val' => 'f', 'true' => 0},
	{'val' => 'false', 'true' => 0},
	{'val' => 'y', 'true' => 1},
	{'val' => 'yes', 'true' => 1},
	{'val' => 'n', 'true' => 0},
	{'val' => 'no', 'true' => 0},
	{'val' => 'on', 'true' => 1},
	{'val' => 'off', 'true' => 0},
	{'val' => 'oFf', 'true' => 0},

    foreach my $v (@verbose_vals) {
	$dev_name = "s3:foo";
	$dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);

	$testconf = Installcheck::Config->new();
	$testconf->add_param("device_property", "\"verbose\" \"$v->{'val'}\"");
	    or die("Could not load configuration");

	   "configured device with verbose set to $v->{'val'}")
	    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

	my $get_val = $dev->property_get('verbose');
	# see if truth-iness matches
	my $expec = $v->{'true'}? "true" : "false";
	is(!!$dev->property_get('verbose'), !!$v->{'true'},
	   "device_property 'VERBOSE' '$v->{'val'}' => property_get(verbose) returning $expec");

    # test unparsable property
    $dev_name = "s3:foo";
    $dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);

    $testconf = Installcheck::Config->new();
    $testconf->add_param("device_property", "\"verbose\" \"foo\"");
	or die("Could not load configuration");

       "failed to configure device with verbose set to foo");

    like($dev->error_or_status(), qr/'verbose'/,
         "error message mentions property name");

    like($dev->error_or_status(), qr/'foo'/,
         "error message mentions property value");

    like($dev->error_or_status(), qr/gboolean/,
         "error message mentions property type");

    my $hostname  = hostname();
    $hostname =~ s/\./-/g;
    $base_name = "$S3_ACCESS_KEY-installcheck-$hostname";
    # strip $base_name too long
    if (length($base_name)> 52) {
	$base_name =~ s/buildbot/bb/g;
    if (length($base_name)> 52) {
	$base_name =~ s/dhcp-//g;
    if (length($base_name)> 52) {
	$base_name =~ s/zmanda-com/zc/g;

    $dev_name = "s3:$base_name-s3-1";
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");
    my $status = $dev->status();
    # this test appears very liberal, but catches the case where setup_handle fails without
    # giving false positives
    ok(($status == $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) || (($status & $DEVICE_STATUS_VOLUME_UNLABELED) != 0),
       "status is either OK or possibly unlabeled")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF13", undef),
       "start in write mode")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    ok(!($dev->status() & $DEVICE_STATUS_VOLUME_UNLABELED),
       "it's labeled now")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    for (my $i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
        write_file(0x2FACE, $dev->block_size()*10, $i);

       "finish device after write")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

       "no error, at all, from read_label")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # append one more copy, to test ACCESS_APPEND

    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_APPEND, undef, undef),
       "start in append mode")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    write_file(0xD0ED0E, $dev->block_size()*10, 4);

       "finish device after append")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # try reading the third file back

    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef),
       "start in read mode")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    verify_file(0x2FACE, $dev->block_size()*10, 3);

    # test EOT indications on reading
    my $hdr = $dev->seek_file(4);
    is($hdr->{'type'}, $Amanda::Header::F_DUMPFILE,
	"file 4 has correct type F_DUMPFILE");

    $hdr = $dev->seek_file(5);
    is($hdr->{'type'}, $Amanda::Header::F_TAPEEND,
	"file 5 has correct type F_TAPEEND");

    $hdr = $dev->seek_file(6);
    is($hdr, undef, "seek_file returns undef for file 6");

       "finish device after read")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());    # (note: we don't use write_max_size here,
					     # as the maximum for S3 is very large)

       "erase device")
       or diag($dev->error_or_status());

       "erase device (again)")
       or diag($dev->error_or_status());

       "finish device after erase")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    $status = $dev->status();
       "status is unlabeled after an erase")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

       "erase device")
      or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    $dev_name = "s3:$base_name-s3-2";
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");

       "erase device right after creation")
       or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    $dev_name = "s3:$base_name-s3-3";
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");

    is($dev->property_set('MAX_VOLUME_USAGE', "512k"), undef,
       "set MAX_VOLUME_USAGE to test LEOM");

    is($dev->property_set("LEOM", 1), undef,
        "set LEOM");

    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF13", undef), 
       "start in write mode")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    write_file(0x2FACE, 440*1024, 1);

        "device does not indicate LEOM after writing as property ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE not set and its default value is false");

       "finish device after LEOM test")
       or diag($dev->error_or_status());
       "erase device")
       or diag($dev->error_or_status());
    $dev_name = "s3:$base_name-s3-4";
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");

    is($dev->property_set('MAX_VOLUME_USAGE', "512k"), undef,
       "set MAX_VOLUME_USAGE to test LEOM");

    is($dev->property_set('ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE', 1 ), undef,

    is($dev->property_set("LEOM", 1), undef,
        "set LEOM");

    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF13", undef), 
       "start in write mode")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    write_file(0x2FACE, 440*1024, 1);

        "device indicates LEOM after writing, when property ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE set to true");

       "finish device after LEOM test")
       or diag($dev->error_or_status());

       "erase device")
       or diag($dev->error_or_status());
    $dev_name = "s3:$base_name-s3-5";
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");

    is($dev->property_set('MAX_VOLUME_USAGE', "512k"), undef,
       "set MAX_VOLUME_USAGE to test LEOM");

    is($dev->property_set('ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE', 0 ), undef,

    is($dev->property_set("LEOM", 1), undef,
        "set LEOM");

    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF13", undef), 
       "start in write mode")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    write_file(0x2FACE, 440*1024, 1);

        "device does not indicate LEOM after writing, when property ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE set to false");

       "finish device after LEOM test")
       or diag($dev->error_or_status());
       "erase device")
       or diag($dev->error_or_status());
    # try with empty user token
    $dev_name = lc("s3:$base_name-s3-6");
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");
    is($dev->property_set('S3_USER_TOKEN', ''), undef,
       "set devpay user token")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    $status = $dev->status();
    ok(($status == $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) || (($status & $DEVICE_STATUS_VOLUME_UNLABELED) != 0),
       "status is either OK or possibly unlabeled")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());


       "erase device")
       or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # try a eu-constrained bucket
    $dev_name = lc("s3:$base_name-s3-eu");
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");
    is($dev->property_set('S3_BUCKET_LOCATION', 'EU'), undef,
       "set S3 bucket location to 'EU'")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF13", undef),
       "start in write mode")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
       "status is OK")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());


       "erase device")
       or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # try a wildcard-constrained bucket
    $dev_name = lc("s3:$base_name-s3-wild");
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");
    is($dev->property_set('S3_BUCKET_LOCATION', '*'), undef,
       "set S3 bucket location to '*'")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF13", undef),
       "start in write mode")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
       "status is OK")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

       "erase device")
      or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # test again with invalid ca_info
    $dev_name = lc("s3:$base_name-s3-ca");
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");
    SKIP: {
	skip "SSL not supported; can't check SSL_CA_INFO", 2
	    unless $dev->property_get('S3_SSL');

	is($dev->property_set('SSL_CA_INFO', '/dev/null'), undef,
	   "set invalid SSL/TLS CA certificate")
	    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

        ok(!$dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF13", undef),
           "start in write mode")
            or diag($dev->error_or_status());

        isnt($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
           "status is OK")
            or diag($dev->error_or_status());


    # test again with our own CA bundle
    $dev_name = lc("s3:$base_name-s3-oca");
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");
    SKIP: {
	skip "SSL not supported; can't check SSL_CA_INFO", 4
	    unless $dev->property_get('S3_SSL');
	is($dev->property_set('SSL_CA_INFO', "$srcdir/data/aws-bundle.crt"), undef,
	   "set our own SSL/TLS CA certificate bundle")
	    or diag($dev->error_or_status());

           "erase device")
            or diag($dev->error_or_status());

        ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF13", undef),
           "start in write mode")
            or diag($dev->error_or_status());

        is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
           "status is OK")
            or diag($dev->error_or_status());


       "erase device")
       or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # bucket names incompatible with location constraint
    $dev_name = "s3:-$base_name-s3-eu-2";
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");

    is($dev->property_set('S3_BUCKET_LOCATION', ''), undef,
       "should be able to set an empty S3 bucket location with an incompatible name")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    $dev_name = "s3:$";
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");

    is($dev->property_set('S3_BUCKET_LOCATION', ''), undef,
       "should be able to set an empty S3 bucket location with an incompatible name")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    $dev_name = "s3:-$base_name-s3-eu";
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");

    is($dev->property_set('S3_BUCKET_LOCATION', 'EU'), "Location constraint given for Amazon S3 bucket, but the bucket name (-$base_name-s3-eu) is not usable as a subdomain.",
       "should not be able to set S3 bucket location with an incompatible name")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    $dev_name = lc("s3:$base_name-s3-eu-4");
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");
    is($dev->property_set('S3_BUCKET_LOCATION', 'XYZ'), undef,
       "should be able to set S3 bucket location with a compatible name")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());
    $status = $dev->status();
    ok(($status == $DEVICE_STATUS_DEVICE_ERROR),
       "status is DEVICE_STATUS_DEVICE_ERROR")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());
    my $error_msg = $dev->error_or_status();
    ok(($dev->error_or_status() == "While creating new S3 bucket: The specified location-constraint is not valid (Unknown) (HTTP 400)"),
       "invalid location-constraint")
       or diag("bad error: " . $dev->error_or_status());

    $dev_name = "s3:TESTCONF-s3_eu_2";
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "s3");

    is($dev->property_set('S3_SUBDOMAIN', 'ON'), 'S3-SUBDOMAIN is set, but the bucket name (TESTCONF-s3_eu_2) is not usable as a subdomain, only [a-zo-9-] characters are allowed.',
	"should be able to set an empty S3_SUBDOMAIN with an incompatible name")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());


    # in this case, most of our code has already been exercised
    # just make sure that authentication works as a basic sanity check
    skip "skipping abbreviated devpay tests", $s3_make_device_count + 1
	unless $run_devpay_tests;
    $dev_name = "s3:$base_name-devpay";
    $dev = s3_make_device($dev_name, "devpay");
    my $status = $dev->status();
    # this test appears very liberal, but catches the case where setup_handle fails without
    # giving false positives
    ok(($status == 0) || (($status & $DEVICE_STATUS_VOLUME_UNLABELED) != 0),
       "status is either OK or possibly unlabeled")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

# Test a tape device if the proper environment variables are set
my $run_tape_tests = defined $TAPE_DEVICE;
    skip "define \$INSTALLCHECK_TAPE_DEVICE to run tape tests",
	    30 +
	    7 * $verify_file_count +
	    5 * $write_file_count
	unless $run_tape_tests;

    $dev_name = "tape:$TAPE_DEVICE";
    $dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
    is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
	"$dev_name: create successful")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    my $status = $dev->read_label();
    ok(($status == $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) || (($status & $DEVICE_STATUS_VOLUME_UNLABELED) != 0),
       "status is either OK or possibly unlabeled")
        or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TESTCONF13", undef),
	"start in write mode")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    ok(!($dev->status() & $DEVICE_STATUS_VOLUME_UNLABELED),
	"not unlabeled anymore")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    for (my $i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
	write_file(0x2FACE+$i, $dev->block_size()*10+17, $i);

	"finish device after write")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

	"no error, at all, from read_label")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    is($dev->volume_label(), "TESTCONF13",
	"read_label reads the correct label")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # append one more copy, to test ACCESS_APPEND

    # if final_filemarks is 1, then the tape device will use F_NOOP,
    # inserting an extra file, and we'll be appending at file number 6.
    my $append_fileno = ($dev->property_get("FINAL_FILEMARKS") == 2)? 5:6;

    SKIP: {
        skip "APPEND not supported", $write_file_count + 2
            unless $dev->property_get("APPENDABLE");

        ok($dev->start($ACCESS_APPEND, undef, undef),
            "start in append mode")
            or diag($dev->error_or_status());

        write_file(0xD0ED0E, $dev->block_size()*4, $append_fileno);

            "finish device after append")
            or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # try reading the second and third files back, creating a new
    # device object first, and skipping the read-label step.

    $dev = undef;
    $dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
    is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
	"$dev_name: re-create successful")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # use a big read_block_size, checking that it's also settable
    # via read_buffer_size
    is($dev->property_set("read_buffer_size", 256*1024), undef,
	"can set read_buffer_size");
    is($dev->property_get("read_block_size"), 256*1024,
	"and its value is reflected in read_block_size");
    is($dev->property_set("read_block_size", 32*1024), undef,
	"can set read_block_size");

    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef),
	"start in read mode")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # now verify those files in a particular order to trigger all of the
    # seeking edge cases

    verify_file(0x2FACE+1, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 1);
    verify_file(0x2FACE+2, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 2);
    verify_file(0x2FACE+4, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 4);
    verify_file(0x2FACE+3, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 3);
    verify_file(0x2FACE+1, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 1);

    # try re-seeking to the same file
    ok(header_for($dev->seek_file(2), 2), "seek to file 2 the first time");
    verify_file(0x2FACE+2, $dev->block_size()*10+17, 2);
    ok(header_for($dev->seek_file(2), 2), "seek to file 2 the third time");

    # and seek through the same pattern *without* reading to EOF
    ok(header_for($dev->seek_file(1), 1), "seek to file 1");
    ok(header_for($dev->seek_file(2), 2), "seek to file 2");
    ok(header_for($dev->seek_file(4), 4), "seek to file 4");
    ok(header_for($dev->seek_file(3), 3), "seek to file 3");
    ok(header_for($dev->seek_file(1), 1), "seek to file 1");

    SKIP: {
        skip "APPEND not supported", $verify_file_count
            unless $dev->property_get("APPENDABLE");
	verify_file(0xD0ED0E, $dev->block_size()*4, $append_fileno);

	"finish device after read")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # tickle a regression in improperly closing fd's
	"finish device again after read")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    ok($dev->read_label() == $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
	"read_label after second finish (used to fail)")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    # finally, run the device with FSF and BSF set to "no", to test the
    # fallback schemes for this condition

    $dev = undef;
    $dev = Amanda::Device->new($dev_name);
    is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
	"$dev_name: re-create successful")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());
    $dev->property_set("fsf", "no");
    $dev->property_set("bsf", "no");

    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_READ, undef, undef),
	"start in read mode")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    ok(header_for($dev->seek_file(1), 1), "seek to file 1");
    ok(header_for($dev->seek_file(4), 4), "seek to file 4");
    ok(header_for($dev->seek_file(2), 2), "seek to file 2");

	"finish device after read")
	or diag($dev->error_or_status());

    skip "not built with ndmp and server", 26 unless
	Amanda::Util::built_with_component("ndmp") and

    my $dev;
    my $testconf = Installcheck::Config->new();

    my $cfg_result = config_init($CONFIG_INIT_EXPLICIT_NAME, 'TESTCONF');
    if ($cfg_result != $CFGERR_OK) {
	my ($level, @errors) = Amanda::Config::config_errors();
	die(join "\n", @errors);

    my $ndmp = Installcheck::Mock::NdmpServer->new();
    my $ndmp_port = $ndmp->{'port'};
    my $drive = $ndmp->{'drive'};
    pass("started ndmjob in daemon mode");

    # set up a header for use below
    my $hdr = Amanda::Header->new();
    $hdr->{type} = $Amanda::Header::F_DUMPFILE;
    $hdr->{datestamp} = "20070102030405";
    $hdr->{dumplevel} = 0;
    $hdr->{compressed} = 1;
    $hdr->{name} = "localhost";
    $hdr->{disk} = "/home";
    $hdr->{program} = "INSTALLCHECK";

    $dev = Amanda::Device->new("ndmp:\@foo");
    isnt($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
	"creation of an ndmp device fails with invalid port");

    $dev = Amanda::Device->new("ndmp:\@foo");
    isnt($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
	"creation of an ndmp device fails with too-large port");

    $dev = Amanda::Device->new("ndmp:$ndmp_port");
    isnt($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
	"creation of an ndmp device fails without ..\@device_name");

    $dev = Amanda::Device->new("ndmp:$ndmp_port\@$drive");
    is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
	"creation of an ndmp device succeeds with correct syntax");

    is($dev->property_set("ndmp_username", "foo"), undef,
	"set ndmp_username property");
    is($dev->property_get("ndmp_username"), "foo",
	"..and get the value back");
    is($dev->property_set("ndmp_password", "bar"), undef,
	"set ndmp_password property");
    is($dev->property_get("ndmp_password"), "bar",
	"..and get the value back");

    is($dev->property_set("verbose", 1), undef,
	"set VERBOSE");

    # set 'em back to the defaults
    $dev->property_set("ndmp_username", "ndmp");
    $dev->property_set("ndmp_password", "ndmp");

    # use a big read_block_size, checking that it's also settable
    # via read_buffer_size
    is($dev->property_set("read_block_size", 256*1024), undef,
    "can set read_block_size");
    is($dev->property_get("read_block_size"), 256*1024,
    "and its value is reflected");
    is($dev->property_set("read_block_size", 64*1024), undef,
    "set read_block_size back to something smaller");

    # ok, let's fire the thing up
    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TEST1", "20090915000000"),
	"start device in write mode")
	or diag $dev->error_or_status();


    {   # write to the file
	my $xfer = Amanda::Xfer->new([
		Amanda::Xfer::Source::Random->new(32768*21, 0xBEEFEE00),
		Amanda::Xfer::Dest::Device->new($dev, 0) ]);
	$xfer->start(make_cb(xmsg_cb => sub {
	    my ($src, $msg, $xfer) = @_;
	    if ($msg->{'type'} == $XMSG_ERROR) {
		die $msg->{'elt'} . " failed: " . $msg->{'message'};
	    } elsif ($msg->{'type'} == $XMSG_DONE) {

	pass("wrote 21 blocks");

	"finish device")
	or diag $dev->error_or_status();

    is($dev->read_label(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
	"read label from (same) device")
	or diag $dev->error_or_status();

    is($dev->volume_label, "TEST1",
	"volume label read back correctly");

    ## label a device and check the label, but open a new device in between

    # Write a label
    $dev = Amanda::Device->new("ndmp:$ndmp_port\@$drive");
    is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
	"creation of an ndmp device succeeds with correct syntax");
    $dev->property_set("ndmp_username", "ndmp");
    $dev->property_set("ndmp_password", "ndmp");
    $dev->property_set("verbose", 1);

    # Write the label
    ok($dev->start($ACCESS_WRITE, "TEST2", "20090915000000"),
	"start device in write mode")
	or diag $dev->error_or_status();
	"finish device")
	or diag $dev->error_or_status();

    # Read the label with a new device.
    $dev = Amanda::Device->new("ndmp:$ndmp_port\@$drive");
    is($dev->status(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
	"creation of an ndmp device succeeds with correct syntax");
    $dev->property_set("ndmp_username", "ndmp");
    $dev->property_set("ndmp_password", "ndmp");
    $dev->property_set("verbose", 1);

    # read the label
    is($dev->read_label(), $DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS,
	"read label from device")
	or diag $dev->error_or_status();
    is($dev->volume_label, "TEST2",
	"volume label read back correctly");
	"finish device")
	or diag $dev->error_or_status();
