Blob Blame History Raw
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Zmanda, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Carbonite, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
# Contact information: Carbonite Inc., 756 N Pastoria Ave
# Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA, or:

use Test::More tests => 54;
use strict;
use warnings;

use lib '@amperldir@';
use Amanda::Paths;
use Amanda::Cmdline qw( header_matches_dumpspecs );
use Amanda::Header;
use Installcheck;
use Amanda::Debug;


my @specs;
my $hdr;

# convert a dumpspec_t object to an array, for easy is_deeply() comparisons
sub ds2av {
    my ($ds) = @_;
    return (

# test dumpspec_t objects

is_deeply([ ds2av(Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new("h", "di", "ds", "l", undef)) ],
	  [ "h", "di", "ds", "l", undef ],
	  "dumpspec_t constructor returns a valid dumpspec");

is_deeply([ ds2av(Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new("h", "di", "ds", undef, undef)) ],
	  [ "h", "di", "ds", undef, undef ],
	  "dumpspec_t constructor returns a valid dumpspec with only 3 args");

is_deeply([ ds2av(Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new("h", "di", undef, undef, undef)) ],
	  [ "h", "di", undef, undef, undef ],
	  "dumpspec_t constructor returns a valid dumpspec with only 2 args");

is_deeply([ ds2av(Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new("h", undef, undef, undef, undef)) ],
	  [ "h", undef, undef, undef, undef ],
	  "dumpspec_t constructor returns a valid dumpspec with only 1 arg");

is_deeply([ ds2av(Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, undef, undef, "wt")) ],
	  [ undef, undef, undef, undef, "wt" ],
	  "dumpspec_t constructor returns a valid dumpspec with only write_timestamp arg");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs(["h1", "d1", "h2", "d2"], 0);
is(@specs, 2, "parse of four elements with no flags yields 2 specs");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[0]) ], [ "h1", "d1", undef, undef, undef ], "..first spec is correct");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[1]) ], [ "h2", "d2", undef, undef, undef ], "..second spec is correct");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs(["h1", "d1", "h2", "d2"], $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_EXACT_MATCH);
is(@specs, 2, "parse of four elements with CMDLINE_EXACT_MATCH yields 2 specs");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[0]) ], [ "=h1", "=d1", undef, undef, undef ], "..first spec is correct");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[1]) ], [ "=h2", "=d2", undef, undef, undef ], "..second spec is correct");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs(["h1", "d1", "ds1", "h2", "d2", "ds2" ], $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP);
is(@specs, 2, "parse of six elements with CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP yields 2 specs");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[0]) ], [ "h1", "d1", "ds1", undef, undef ], "..first spec is correct");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[1]) ], [ "h2", "d2", "ds2", undef, undef ], "..second spec is correct");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs(["h1", "d1", "ds1", "h2", "d2", "ds2" ], $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP | $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_EXACT_MATCH);
is(@specs, 2, "parse of six elements with CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP and CMDLINE_EXACT_MATCH yields 2 specs");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[0]) ], [ "=h1", "=d1", "=ds1", undef, undef ], "..first spec is correct");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[1]) ], [ "=h2", "=d2", "=ds2", undef, undef ], "..second spec is correct");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs(["h1", "d1", "ds1", "lv1", "h2", "d2", "ds2", "lv2" ],
		$Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP | $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL);
is(@specs, 2, "parse of eight elements with CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP and CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL yields 2 specs");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[0]) ], [ "h1", "d1", "ds1", "lv1", undef ], "..first spec is correct");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[1]) ], [ "h2", "d2", "ds2", "lv2", undef ], "..second spec is correct");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs(["h1", "d1", "ds1", "lv1", "h2", "d2", "ds2", "lv2" ],
		$Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP | $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL | $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_EXACT_MATCH);
is(@specs, 2, "parse of eight elements with CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP, CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL and CMDLINE_EXACT_MATCH yields 2 specs");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[0]) ], [ "=h1", "=d1", "=ds1", "=lv1", undef ], "..first spec is correct");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[1]) ], [ "=h2", "=d2", "=ds2", "=lv2", undef ], "..second spec is correct");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs(["h1", "d1", "ds1", "lv1" ],
		$Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP | $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL);
is(@specs, 1, "parse of four elements with CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP and CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL yields one spec");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[0]) ], [ "h1", "d1", "ds1", "lv1", undef ], "..which is correct");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs(["h1", "d1", "ds1", "lv1" ],
		$Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP | $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL | $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_EXACT_MATCH);
is(@specs, 1, "parse of four elements with CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP, CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL and CMDLINE_EXACT_MATCH yields one spec");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[0]) ], [ "=h1", "=d1", "=ds1", "=lv1", undef ], "..which is correct");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs(["h1", "d1", "ds1" ],
		$Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP | $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL);
is(@specs, 1, "parse of three elements with CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP and CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL yields one spec");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[0]) ], [ "h1", "d1", "ds1", undef, undef ], "..which is correct");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs(["h1", "d1" ],
		$Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP | $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL);
is(@specs, 1, "parse of two elements with CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP and CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL yields one spec");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[0]) ], [ "h1", "d1", undef, undef, undef ], "..which is correct");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs(["h1" ],
		$Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP | $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL);
is(@specs, 1, "parse of one element with CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP and CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL yields one spec");
is_deeply([ ds2av($specs[0]) ], [ "h1", undef, undef, undef, undef ], "..which is correct");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs([],
		$Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP | $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL);
is(@specs, 0, "parse of no elements with CMDLINE_PARSE_DATESTAMP and CMDLINE_PARSE_LEVEL yields no specs");

@specs = Amanda::Cmdline::parse_dumpspecs([],
		| $Amanda::Cmdline::CMDLINE_EMPTY_TO_WILDCARD);
is(@specs, 1, "parse of no elements with CMDLINE_EMPTY_TO_WILDCARD yields one spec");

# test format_dumpspec_components

is(Amanda::Cmdline::format_dumpspec_components("h", "di", "ds", "l"),
   "h di ds l",
   "format_dumpspec_components works ok");

# test matching
$hdr = Amanda::Header->new();
$hdr->{'name'} = '';
$hdr->{'disk'} = '/foo/bar/baz';
$hdr->{'datestamp'} = '20090102030405';
$hdr->{'dumplevel'} = 31;
$hdr->{'type'} = $Amanda::Header::F_DUMPFILE;

ok(!header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, []), "header doesn't match empty list of dumpspecs");

ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new('', undef, undef, undef, undef)]),
   'header matches exact host dumpspec');
ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new('foo', undef, undef, undef, undef)]),
   'header matches partial host dumpspec');
ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new('?a*', undef, undef, undef, undef)]),
   'header matches host pattern dumpspec');

ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, '/foo/bar/baz', undef, undef, undef)]),
   'header matches exact disk dumpspec');
ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, 'bar', undef, undef, undef)]),
   'header matches partial disk dumpspec');
ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, '*a?', undef, undef, undef)]),
   'header matches disk pattern dumpspec');

ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, '20090102030405', undef, undef)]),
   'header matches exact datestamp dumpspec');
ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, '2009', undef, undef)]),
   'header matches partial datestamp dumpspec');
ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, '20090102030404-20090102030406', undef, undef)]),
   'header matches datestamp range dumpspec');
ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, '2009-2010', undef, undef)]),
   'header matches datestamp year-only range dumpspec');
ok(!header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, '20090102030406-20090102030407', undef, undef)]),
   "header doesn't match datestamp range dumpspec that it's outside of");

ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, undef, '31', undef)]),
   'header matches exact level dumpspec');
ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, undef, '30-32', undef)]),
   'header matches small level range dumpspec');
ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, undef, '4-50', undef)]),
   'header matches large level range dumpspec');
ok(!header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, undef, '32-50', undef)]),
   "header doesn't match level range it's outside of");

ok(header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [
    Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new('', undef, undef, undef, undef),
    Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, '/foo/bar/baz', undef, undef, undef),
  'header matches when two dumpspecs are possible matches');
ok(!header_matches_dumpspecs($hdr, [
    Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, '20090102030406-20090102030407', undef, undef),
    Amanda::Cmdline::dumpspec_t->new(undef, undef, undef, '32-50', undef),
  'header matches when two dumpspecs are given and neither should match');