Blob Blame History Raw
# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Zmanda, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Carbonite, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
# Contact information: Carbonite Inc., 756 N Pastoria Ave
# Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA, or:

use Test::More tests => 153;

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path;
use Data::Dumper;
use Carp;
use POSIX;

use lib '@amperldir@';
use Installcheck;
use Installcheck::Run qw( $diskname $holdingdir );
use Installcheck::Dumpcache;
use Installcheck::ClientService qw( :constants );
use Amanda::Debug;
use Amanda::MainLoop;
use Amanda::Header;
use Amanda::Feature;
use Amanda::Paths;
use Amanda::Util qw( slurp burp );

my $debug = !exists $ENV{'HARNESS_ACTIVE'};

# parameters:
#   emulate        - inetd or amandad (default)
#   datapath       -
#	none: do not send fe_amidxtaped_datapath
#	amanda: send fe_amidxtaped_datapath and do datapath negotiation, but send AMANDA
#	directtcp: send fe_amidxtaped_datapath and do datapath negotiation and send both
#		(expects an answer of AMANDA, too)
#   header         - send HEADER and expect a header
#   splits         - send fe_recover_splits (value is 0, 'basic' (one part; default), or 'parts' (multiple))
#   digit_end      - end command with digits instead of 'END'
#   dumpspec       - include DISK=, HOST=, (but not DATESTAMP=) that match the dump (default 1)
#   feedme         - send a bad device initially, and expect FEEDME response
#   holding        - filename of holding file to recover from
#   state          - connect to the STATE stream
#   dar            - use dar
#   bad_auth       - send incorrect auth in OPTIONS (amandad only)
#   holding_err    - 'could not open' error from bogus holding file
#   holding_no_colon_zero - do not append a :0 to the holding filename in DEVICE=
#   no_tapespec    - do not send a tapespec in LABEL=, and send the first partnum in FSF=
#   no_fsf         - or don't send the first partnum in FSF= and leave amidxtaped to guess
#   ndmp           - using NDMP device (so expect directtcp connection)
#   bad_cmd        - send a bogus command line and expect an error
#   bad_quoting    - send a bogus DISK= without fe_amrecover_correct_disk_quoting
#   recovery_limit - set a non-matching recovery-limit config
#   no_peer_name   - do not set AMANDA_AUTHENTICATED_PEER
sub run_amidxtaped {
    my %params = @_;
    my $service;
    my $datasize = -1; # -1 means EOF never arrived
    my $hdr;
    my $state;
    my $expect_error;
    my $chg_name;
    my $testmsg;
    my ($data_stream, $cmd_stream, $state_stream);
    my @events;
    my $old_disklist;
    my $disklist_file = "$CONFIG_DIR/TESTCONF/disklist";
    my $sendfeat = Amanda::Feature::Set->mine();
    my $datapath;
    my $header_size;

    my $event = sub {
	my ($evt) = @_;
	diag($evt) if $debug;
	push @events, $evt;

    my $steps = define_steps
	cb_ref => \$params{'finished_cb'};

    # walk the service through its paces, using the Expect functionality from
    # ClientService. This has lots of $params conditionals, so it can be a bit
    # difficult to read!

    step setup => sub {
	# sort out the parameters
	$params{'emulate'} ||= 'amandad';
	$params{'datapath'} ||= 'none';
	$params{'splits'} = 'basic' unless exists $params{'splits'};
	$params{'dumpspec'} = 1 unless exists $params{'dumpspec'};

	# ignore some incompatible combinations
	return $params{'finished_cb'}->()
	    if ($params{'emulate'} eq 'inetd' and $params{'datapath'} ne 'none');
	return $params{'finished_cb'}->()
	    if ($params{'emulate'} eq 'inetd' and $params{'state'});
	return $params{'finished_cb'}->()
	    if ($params{'emulate'} eq 'inetd' and $params{'dar'});
	return $params{'finished_cb'}->()
	    if ($params{'dar'} and not $params{'state'});
	return $params{'finished_cb'}->()
	    if ($params{'datapath'} ne 'none' and not $params{'splits'});
	return $params{'finished_cb'}->()
	    if ($params{'bad_auth'} and $params{'emulate'} ne 'amandad');
	return $params{'finished_cb'}->()
	    if ($params{'feedme'} and not $params{'splits'});
	return $params{'finished_cb'}->()
	    if ($params{'feedme'} and $params{'holding'});
	return $params{'finished_cb'}->()
	    if ($params{'holding_err'} and not $params{'holding'});
	return $params{'finished_cb'}->()
	    if ($params{'emulate'} eq 'amandad' and not $params{'splits'});
	return $params{'finished_cb'}->()
	    if ($params{'holding_no_colon_zero'} and not $params{'holding'});

	$expect_error = ($params{'bad_auth'}
			 or $params{'holding_err'}
			 or $params{'bad_cmd'});

	if ($params{'ndmp'}) {
	    $chg_name = "ndmp_server"; # changer name from ndmp dumpcache
	} else {
	    $chg_name = "chg-disk:" . Installcheck::Run::vtape_dir();

	local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
	    diag "TIMEOUT";

	$testmsg = $params{'emulate'} . " ";
	$testmsg .= $params{'header'}? "header " : "no-header ";
	$testmsg .= "datapath($params{'datapath'}) ";
	$testmsg .= $params{'splits'}? "fe-splits($params{splits}) " : "!fe-splits ";
	$testmsg .= $params{'feedme'}? "feedme " : "!feedme ";
	$testmsg .= $params{'state'}? "state " : "!state ";
	$testmsg .= $params{'dar'}? "dar " : "!dar ";
	$testmsg .= $params{'holding'}? "holding " : "media ";
	$testmsg .= $params{'dumpspec'}? "dumpspec " : "";
	$testmsg .= $params{'digit_end'}? "digits " : "";
	$testmsg .= $params{'bad_auth'}? "bad_auth " : "";
	$testmsg .= $params{'holding_err'}? "holding_err " : "";
	$testmsg .= $params{'ndmp'}? "ndmp " : "";
	$testmsg .= $params{'holding_no_colon_zero'}? "holding-no-:0 " : "";
	$testmsg .= $params{'no_tapespec'}? "no-tapespec " : "";
	$testmsg .= $params{'no_fsf'}? "no-fsf " : "";
	$testmsg .= $params{'bad_cmd'}? "bad_cmd " : "";
	$testmsg .= $params{'bad_quoting'}? "bad_quoting " : "";
	$testmsg .= $params{'recovery_limit'}? "recovery_limit " : "";
	$testmsg .= $params{'no_peer_name'}? "no_peer_name " : "";

	# "hack" the disklist to check recovery_limit
	if ($params{'recovery_limit'}) {
	    $old_disklist = slurp($disklist_file);
	    my $new_disklist = "localhost $diskname {\n installcheck-test\n".
		    "recovery-limit \"some-other-host\"\n}\n";
	    burp($disklist_file, $new_disklist);

	diag("starting $testmsg") if $debug;

	$service = Installcheck::ClientService->new(
		emulate => $params{'emulate'},
		service => 'amidxtaped',
		auth_peer =>
		    ($params{'emulate'} eq 'amandad' && !$params{'no_peer_name'})?
			"localhost" : undef,
		process_done => $steps->{'process_done'});


    step start => sub {
	$cmd_stream = 'main';
	if ($params{'emulate'} eq 'inetd') {
	    # send security line
	    $service->send('main', "SECURITY USER installcheck\r\n");
	} else {
	    # send REQ packet
	    my $features = Amanda::Feature::Set->mine();
	    if (!$params{'state'}) {
	    if (!$params{'dar'}) {
	    my $featstr = $features->as_string();
	    my $auth = $params{'bad_auth'}? 'bogus' : 'bsdtcp';
	    $service->send('main', "OPTIONS features=$featstr;auth=$auth;");
	    $service->close('main', 'w');

    step expect_rep => sub {
	my $ctl_hdl = DATA_FD_OFFSET;
	my $data_hdl = DATA_FD_OFFSET+1;
	my $state_hdl = DATA_FD_OFFSET+2;
	diag("expect_rep") if $debug;
	if ($params{'state'}) {
	        [ re => qr/^CONNECT CTL $ctl_hdl DATA $data_hdl STATE $state_hdl\n\n/, $steps->{'got_rep'} ],
	        [ re => qr/^ERROR .*\n/, $steps->{'got_rep_err'} ]);
	} else {
	        [ re => qr/^CONNECT CTL $ctl_hdl DATA $data_hdl\n\n/, $steps->{'got_rep'} ],
	        [ re => qr/^ERROR .*\n/, $steps->{'got_rep_err'} ]);
	diag("expect_rep done") if $debug;

    step got_rep => sub {
	diag("got_rep") if $debug;
	$cmd_stream = 'stream1';
	    [ eof => $steps->{'send_cmd1'} ]);

    step got_rep_err => sub {
	diag("got_rep_err") if $debug;
	die "$_[0]" unless $expect_error;

    step send_cmd1 => sub {
	diag("send_cmd1") if $debug;
	# note that the earlier features are ignored..
	if (!$params{'header'} || $params{'emulate'} eq 'inetd') {
	if ($params{'datapath'} eq 'none') {
	if ($params{'bad_quoting'}) {
	if (!$params{'state'} || $params{'emulate'} eq 'inetd') {
	if ($params{'emulate'} eq 'inetd') {
	if (!$params{'dar'}) {
	unless ($params{'splits'}) {
	if (!$params{'holding'}) {
	    if ($params{'splits'} eq 'parts') {
		# nine-part dump
		if ($params{'no_tapespec'}) {
		    $service->send($cmd_stream, "LABEL=TESTCONF:TESTCONF01\r\n");
		} else {
		    $service->send($cmd_stream, "LABEL=TESTCONF:TESTCONF01:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\r\n");
	    } else {
		# single-part dump
		$service->send($cmd_stream, "LABEL=TESTCONF:TESTCONF01:1\r\n");
	if (!$params{'no_fsf'}) {
	    if ($params{'no_tapespec'}) {
		$service->send($cmd_stream, "FSF=1\r\n");
	    } else {
		$service->send($cmd_stream, "FSF=0\r\n");
	if ($params{'bad_cmd'}) {
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "AWESOMENESS=11\r\n");
	    return $steps->{'expect_err_message'}->();
	$service->send($cmd_stream, "HEADER\r\n") if $params{'header'};
	$service->send($cmd_stream, "FEATURES=" . $sendfeat->as_string() . "\r\n");

	# the feature line looks different depending on what we're emulating
	if ($params{'emulate'} eq 'inetd') {
	    # note that this has no trailing newline.  Rather than rely on the
	    # TCP connection to feed us all the bytes and no more, we just look
	    # for the exact feature sequence we expect.
	    my $mine = Amanda::Feature::Set->mine()->as_string();
		[ re => qr/^$mine/, $steps->{'got_feat'} ]);
	} else {
		[ re => qr/^FEATURES=[0-9a-f]+\r\n/, $steps->{'got_feat'} ]);

    step got_feat => sub {
	diag("got_feat") if $debug;

	# continue sending the command
	if ($params{'holding'}) {
	    my $safe = $params{'holding'};
	    $safe =~ s/([\\:;,])/\\$1/g;
	    $safe .= ':0' unless $params{'holding_no_colon_zero'};
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "DEVICE=$safe\r\n");
	} elsif ($params{'feedme'}) {
	    # bogus device name
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "DEVICE=file:/does/not/exist\r\n");
	} else {
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "DEVICE=$chg_name\r\n");
	if ($params{'dumpspec'}) {
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "HOST=^localhost\$\r\n");
	    if ($params{'bad_quoting'}) {
		$service->send($cmd_stream, "DISK=^/foo/bar\$\r\n");
	    } else {
		$service->send($cmd_stream, "DISK=^$Installcheck::Run::diskname\$\r\n");
	    if ($params{'holding'}) {
		$service->send($cmd_stream, "DATESTAMP=^20111111090909\$\r\n");
	    } else {
		my $timestamp = $Installcheck::Dumpcache::timestamps[0];
		$service->send($cmd_stream, "DATESTAMP=^$timestamp\$\r\n");
	$service->send($cmd_stream, "CONFIG=TESTCONF\r\n");
	if ($params{'digit_end'}) {
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "999\r\n"); # dunno why this works..
	} else {
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "END\r\n");


    step expect_connect => sub {
	diag("expect_connect") if $debug;
	if ($params{'splits'}) {
	    if ($params{'emulate'} eq 'inetd') {
		    [ re => qr/^CONNECT \d+\n/, $steps->{'got_connect'} ]);
	    } else {
		$data_stream = 'stream2';
		$state_stream = 'stream3';
	} else {
	    # with no split parts, data comes on the command stream
	    $data_stream = $cmd_stream;

    step got_connect => sub {
	diag("got_connect") if $debug;
	my ($port) = ($_[0] =~ /CONNECT (\d+)/);

	$service->connect('data', $port);
	$data_stream = 'data';
	$service->send($data_stream, "SECURITY USER installcheck\r\n");


    step expect_feedme => sub  {
	diag("expect_feedme") if $debug;
	if ($params{'feedme'}) {
		[ re => qr/^FEEDME TESTCONF01\r\n/, $steps->{'got_feedme'} ],
		[ re => qr/^MESSAGE [^\r]*\r\n/, $steps->{'got_message'} ]);
	} elsif ($params{'holding_err'} || $params{'recovery_limit'}) {
	} else {

    step got_message => sub {
	diag("got_message") if $debug;
	# this is usually an error message
	# loop back to expect a feedme..

    step got_feedme => sub {
	diag("got_feedme") if $debug;
	my $dev_name = "file:" . Installcheck::Run::vtape_dir();
	$service->send($cmd_stream, "TAPE $dev_name\r\n");

    step expect_header_send_size => sub {
	$header_size = 32768;
	if (!$params{'header'}) {
	    return $steps->{'expect_state_send'}->();
	if (!$sendfeat->has($Amanda::Feature::fe_amrecover_header_send_size)) {
	    return $steps->{'send_header_ready'}->();
	diag("expect_header_send_size") if $debug;
	$service->expect($cmd_stream, [ re => qr/^HEADER-SEND-SIZE (\d*)\r\n/, $steps->{'got_header_send_size'} ]);

    step got_header_send_size => sub {
	my $line = shift;
	$line =~ /^HEADER-SEND-SIZE (\d*)\r\n/;
	$header_size = $1;
        diag("got_header_send_size $header_size") if $debug;

    step send_header_ready => sub {
	if ($sendfeat->has($Amanda::Feature::fe_amrecover_header_ready)) {
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "HEADER-READY\r\n");

    step expect_header => sub {
	diag("expect_header") if $debug;
		[ bytes => $header_size, $steps->{'got_header'} ]);

    step got_header => sub {
	diag("got_header") if $debug;
	my ($buf) = @_;
	if ($sendfeat->has($Amanda::Feature::fe_amrecover_header_done)) {
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "HEADER-DONE\r\n");
	$hdr = Amanda::Header->from_string($buf);

    step expect_state_send => sub {
	if (!$params{'state'}) {
	    return $steps->{'expect_dar'}->();
	if (!$sendfeat->has($Amanda::Feature::fe_amrecover_state_send)) {
	    return $steps->{'send_state_ready'}->();
	diag("expect_state_send") if $debug;
		[ re => qr/^STATE-SEND\r\n/, $steps->{'got_state_send'} ]);

    step got_state_send => sub {
	diag("got_state_send") if $debug;

    step send_state_ready => sub {
	if ($sendfeat->has($Amanda::Feature::fe_amrecover_state_ready)) {
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "STATE-READY\r\n");

    step expect_state => sub {
        diag("expect_state") if $debug;
                [ bytes_to_eof => $steps->{'got_state'} ]);

    step got_state => sub {
	diag("got_state") if $debug;
	my ($buf) = @_;
	$state = $buf;

    step send_state_done => sub {
	if ($sendfeat->has($Amanda::Feature::fe_amrecover_state_done)) {
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "STATE-DONE\r\n");

    step expect_dar => sub {
	diag("expect_dar") if $debug;
	if ($params{'dar'}) {
		[ re => qr/^USE-DAR .*\r\n/, $steps->{'got_dar'} ]);
	} else{

    step got_dar => sub {
	my ($dar, $addrs) = ($_[0] =~ /USE-DAR (\S+)(.*)\r\n/);
	$service->send($cmd_stream, "USE-DAR NO\r\n");

    step got_early_bytes => sub {
	diag("got_early_bytes") if $debug;

    step expect_datapath => sub {
	if ($params{'datapath'} ne 'none' and $params{'emulate'} ne 'inetd') {
	    my $dp = ($params{'datapath'} eq 'amanda')? 'AMANDA' : 'AMANDA DIRECT-TCP';
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "AVAIL-DATAPATH $dp\r\n");

		[ re => qr/^USE-DATAPATH .*\r\n/, $steps->{'got_dp'} ]);
	} else {

    step got_dp => sub {
	my ($dp, $addrs) = ($_[0] =~ /USE-DATAPATH (\S+)(.*)\r\n/);
	$datapath = $dp;

	# if this is a direct-tcp connection, then we need to connect to
	# it and expect the data across it
	if ($dp eq 'DIRECT-TCP') {
	    my ($port) = ($addrs =~ /\d+).*/);
	    die "invalid DIRECT-TCP reply $addrs" unless ($port);
	    #remove got_early_bytes on $data_stream
	        [ eof => $steps->{'do_nothing'} ]);

	    $service->connect('directtcp', $port);
	    $data_stream = 'directtcp';

    step expect_data_send => sub {
	    [ bytes_to_eof => $steps->{'got_data'} ]);
	# note that we ignore EOF on the control connection,
	# as its timing is not very predictable

	if ($params{'datapath'} ne 'none') {
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "DATAPATH-OK\r\n");

	if (!$sendfeat->has($Amanda::Feature::fe_amrecover_data_send)) {
	    return $steps->{'send_data_ready'}->();
		[ re => qr/^DATA-SEND\r\n/, $steps->{'got_data_send'} ]);

    step got_data_send => sub {
	diag("got_data_send") if $debug;

    step send_data_ready => sub {
	if ($sendfeat->has($Amanda::Feature::fe_amrecover_data_ready) ||
	    $params{'datapath'} eq 'directtcp') {
	    $service->send($cmd_stream, "DATA-READY\r\n");

    step do_nothing => sub {

    step expect_data => sub {

    step got_data => sub {
	my ($bytes) = @_;

	$datasize = $bytes;
	#if ($sendfeat->has($Amanda::Feature::fe_amrecover_data_done)) {
	#    $service->send($cmd_stream, "DATA-DONE\r\n");

    # expected errors jump right to this
    step expect_err_message => sub {
	$expect_error = 1;
	    [ re => qr/^MESSAGE.*\r\n/, $steps->{'got_err_message'} ])

    step got_err_message => sub {
	my ($line) = @_;
	if ($line =~ /^MESSAGE invalid command.*/) {
	} elsif ($line =~ /^MESSAGE could not open.*/) {
	} elsif ($line =~ /^MESSAGE No matching dumps found.*/) {
	} else {

	# process should exit now

    step process_done => sub {
	my ($w) = @_;
	my $exitstatus = POSIX::WIFEXITED($w)? POSIX::WEXITSTATUS($w) : -1;

    step verify => sub {
	# reset the alarm - the risk of deadlock has passed

	# reset the disklist, if necessary
	if ($old_disklist) {
	    burp($disklist_file, $old_disklist);

	# do a little bit of gymnastics to only treat this as one test

	my $ok = 1;

	if ($ok and !$expect_error and $params{'header'}) {
	    if ($hdr->{'name'} ne 'localhost' or $hdr->{'disk'} ne $diskname) {
		$ok = 0;
		is_deeply([ $hdr->{'name'}, $hdr->{'disk'} ],
			  [ 'localhost',    $diskname ],
		    "$testmsg (header mismatch; header logged to debug log)")
		    or $hdr->debug_dump();

	if ($ok and !$expect_error) {
	    if ($params{'holding'}) {
		$ok = 0 if ($datasize != 131072);
		diag("got $datasize bytes of data but expected exactly 128k from holding file")
		    unless $ok;
	    } else {
		# get the original size from the header and calculate the size we
		# read, rounded up to the next kilobyte
		my $orig_size = $hdr? $hdr->{'orig_size'} : 0;
		my $got_kb = int($datasize / 1024);

		if ($orig_size) {
		    my $diff = abs($got_kb - $orig_size);

		    # allow 32k of "slop" here, for rounding, etc.
		    $ok = 0 if $diff > 32;
		    diag("got $got_kb kb; expected about $orig_size kb based on header")
			unless $ok;
		} else {
		    $ok = 0 if $got_kb < 64;
		    diag("got $got_kb; expected at least 64k")
			unless $ok;

	    if (!$ok) {

	my @exp_events;
	    my $inetd = $params{'emulate'} eq 'inetd';

	    my @sec_evts = $inetd? ('MAIN-SECURITY') : ('SENT-REQ', 'GOT-REP'),
	    my @datapath_evts;
	    if ($params{'datapath'} eq 'amanda') {
		@datapath_evts = ('SENT-DATAPATH', 'GOT-DP-AMANDA', 'SENT-DATAPATH-OK');
	    } elsif ($params{'datapath'} eq 'directtcp' and not $params{'ndmp'}) {
		@datapath_evts = ('SENT-DATAPATH', 'GOT-DP-AMANDA', 'SENT-DATAPATH-OK');
	    } elsif ($params{'datapath'} eq 'directtcp' and $params{'ndmp'}) {

	    @exp_events = (
			($inetd and $params{'splits'})? ('GOT-CONNECT', 'DATA-SECURITY') : (),
			$params{'feedme'}? ('GOT-MESSAGE', 'GOT-FEEDME') : (),
			$params{'header'}&$sendfeat->has($Amanda::Feature::fe_amrecover_header_send_size)? ('GOT-HEADER-SEND-SIZE') : (),
			$params{'header'}? ('GOT-HEADER') : (),
			$params{'state'}&$sendfeat->has($Amanda::Feature::fe_amrecover_state_send)? ('GOT-STATE-SEND') : (),
			$params{'state'}? ('GOT-STATE') : (),
			$params{'dar'} ? ('GOT-DAR-YES', 'SENT-USE-DAR-NO') : (),
			$sendfeat->has($Amanda::Feature::fe_amrecover_data_send)? ('GOT-DATA-SEND') : (),
			'DATA-TO-EOF', 'EXIT-0', );
	    # handle a few error conditions differently
	    if ($params{'bad_cmd'}) {
		@exp_events = ( @sec_evts, 'ERR-INVAL-CMD', 'EXIT-0' );
	    if ($params{'bad_auth'}) {
		@exp_events = ( 'SENT-REQ', 'GOT-REP-ERR', 'EXIT-1' );
	    if ($params{'holding_err'}) {
		@exp_events = (
			($inetd and $params{'splits'})? ('GOT-CONNECT', 'DATA-SECURITY') : (),
	    if ($params{'recovery_limit'}) {
		@exp_events = (
			'GOT-NOMATCH', 'EXIT-0' );
	    $ok = is_deeply([@events], [@exp_events],

	diag(Dumper([@events])) if not $ok;
	diag(Dumper([@exp_events])) if not $ok;


sub test {
    my %params = @_;
    $params{'finished_cb'} = \&Amanda::MainLoop::quit;

sub make_holding_file {

    my $hdir = "$holdingdir/20111111090909";
    my $safe_diskname = Amanda::Util::sanitise_filename($diskname);
    my $filename = "$hdir/localhost.$safe_diskname.3";

    mkpath($hdir) or die("Could not create $hdir");
    open(my $fh, ">", $filename) or die "opening '$filename': $!";

    # header plus 128k

    my $hdr = Amanda::Header->new();
    $hdr->{'type'} = $Amanda::Header::F_DUMPFILE;
    $hdr->{'datestamp'} = '20111111090909';
    $hdr->{'dumplevel'} = 3;
    $hdr->{'compressed'} = 0;
    $hdr->{'comp_suffix'} = ".foo";
    $hdr->{'name'} = 'localhost';
    $hdr->{'disk'} = "$diskname";
    $hdr->{'program'} = "INSTALLCHECK";
    $fh->syswrite($hdr->to_string(32768,32768), 32768);

    my $bytes_to_write = 131072;
    my $bufbase = substr((('='x127)."\n".('-'x127)."\n") x 4, 8, -3) . "1K\n";
    die length($bufbase) unless length($bufbase) == 1024-8;
    my $k = 0;
    while ($bytes_to_write > 0) {
	my $buf = sprintf("%08x", $k++).$bufbase;
	my $written = $fh->syswrite($buf, $bytes_to_write);
	if (!defined($written)) {
	    die "writing holding file: $!";
	$bytes_to_write -= $written;

    return $filename;

## normal operation

my $loaded_dumpcache = 'basic';
my $holdingfile;
my $emulate;

for my $splits (0, 'basic', 'parts') { # two flavors of 'true'
    if ($splits and $splits ne $loaded_dumpcache) {
	$loaded_dumpcache = $splits;
    for $emulate ('inetd', 'amandad') {
	# note that 'directtcp' here expects amidxtaped to reply with AMANDA
	for my $datapath ('none', 'amanda', 'directtcp') {
	    for my $header (0, 1) {
		for my $feedme (0, 1) {
		  for my $state (0, 1) {
		   for my $dar (0, 1) {
		    for my $holding (0, 1) {
			if ($holding and (!$holdingfile or ! -e $holdingfile)) {
			    $holdingfile = make_holding_file();
			    emulate => $emulate,
			    datapath => $datapath,
			    header => $header,
			    splits => $splits,
			    feedme => $feedme,
			    state  => $state,
			    dar    => $dar,
			    $holding? (holding => $holdingfile):(),

	# dumps from media can omit the tapespec in the label (amrecover-2.4.5 does
	# this).  We try it with multiple
	test(emulate => $emulate, splits => $splits, no_tapespec => 1);

	# and may even omit the FSF! (not sure what does this, but it's testable)
	test(emulate => $emulate, splits => $splits, no_tapespec => 1, no_fsf => 1);

$holdingfile = make_holding_file();
$loaded_dumpcache = 'basic';

## miscellaneous edge cases

for $emulate ('inetd', 'amandad') {
    # can send something beginning with a digit instead of "END\r\n"
    test(emulate => $emulate, digit_end => 1);

    # missing dumpspec doesn't cause an error
    test(emulate => $emulate, dumpspec => 0);

    # missing holding generates error message
    test(emulate => $emulate,
	 holding => "$Installcheck::TMP/no-such-file", holding_err => 1);

    # holding can omit the :0 suffix (amrecover-2.4.5 does this)
    test(emulate => $emulate, holding => $holdingfile,
	 holding_no_colon_zero => 1);

# missing peer name is not normally a problem
test(emulate => 'amandad', no_peer_name => 1);

# if the recovery_limit is given and not matching, we get an error..
test(emulate => 'amandad', recovery_limit => 1);

# bad authentication triggers an error message
test(emulate => 'amandad', bad_auth => 1);

# bad quoting should work just fine, with the proper feature missing
test(emulate => 'amandad', bad_quoting => 1);

# and a bad command triggers an error
test(emulate => 'amandad', bad_cmd => 1);

## check decompression


test(dumpspec => 0, emulate => 'amandad',
     datapath => 'none', header => 1,
     splits => 'basic', feedme => 0, holding => 0);

## directtcp device (NDMP)

    skip "not built with ndmp and server", 5 unless
	Amanda::Util::built_with_component("ndmp") and

    my $ndmp = Installcheck::Mock::NdmpServer->new();

    # test a real directtcp transfer both with and without a header
    test(emulate => 'amandad', splits => 'basic',
	datapath => 'directtcp', header => 1, ndmp => $ndmp);
    test(emulate => 'amandad', splits => 'basic',
	datapath => 'directtcp', header => 0, ndmp => $ndmp);

    # and likewise an amanda transfer with a directtcp device
    test(emulate => 'amandad', splits => 'basic',
	datapath => 'amanda', header => 1, ndmp => $ndmp);
    test(emulate => 'amandad', splits => 'basic',
	datapath => 'amanda', header => 0, ndmp => $ndmp);

    # and finally a datapath-free transfer with such a device
    test(emulate => 'amandad', splits => 'basic',
	datapath => 'none', header => 1, ndmp => $ndmp);

## cleanup
